"IFIED ADVERTISING-- tra p. Tol nmueRrvant tenacatch. bîm11ple rosbitine or01 ili ier test fu'. .0 sal, Wite fer ctw ge umrn ;Trcp Gman-Vort Sceka tcbeýa n.,-&i- BUIES IIRUNTE woul aprecatevIeeable cau'niug taýC- tr.Foc paOucuarapplo- egretaro Gadote, eed tTrl, o (,a rd ele.-i OCýPERA'TE prof fibiçimail odorbuines SUSSEX X HAMPS 170R SIJCCESS 3YCMu pvmMATdliQo- oo lurod' c a t * hofelwie res Usxe Cike 13e1; PuFllets $22 00: C,' 9: LeeoRRme Dow, aIýlnceOu deivero. 'BONNIE'S CHICK HATCHERY Rex 276%iir.Ot GON'MRN ..T.A.POE Cicis are ellknon trough 2 o-or 'oft' asums -c c isbeat rie, whthe aise that o-ou li oredU fo, cc stan wth thekind i hikoo-u>fn ou 7thedate oou na t he. Iehavsth Rock, N amshne1,1e Isrn 0 1-11 c k o rA u r l or e J r e y l it ia t and alec12 profAble'Acoss reed. Ai tub Twcdle hic ila -euil hioce Dodmns nsa s o l(ltors do, Inus t oCerou r ,&A=ahubMOfrsPatalue. milcrl mite. ) j D. PeRg. Onianin" BEST CHICKS s "I 25 YEARS TesMtai e hataiplinhoPGick ChchsAi rdreas 100)0 per cent fres '.. ý cm ohhstorît . Oner ou cichbi net ü.ollets 824.00 Ram Mxc 12,00r 100 0cr100. Allet 821lis Rcwn yLea foo oixd 14,,0p1, 0. ofltets 0210 Leehoro-RoHilch M Isd *12.00 per 100. CFol- .10 l ets 2.00 Secil r es on chi-y Laerets l'yan en 0 sc c'Tent Mire d ll te youPPiaten.f$.015 ota, cs Eatanes 62..D.raIriLob iHaces lt h rrý a O- BREEDER HATCHERY 0 brees ll o ne t tee aris't ate -o Lahiev0Iewspe rd hchstenoe tan TDPULtle.ByocrcIhs fm2ma-ce Chchs tatO stentshfo, ieg s coits. Set t0 ,,risbte uite iec o su e'edaih htc-ay Speal, On te. , nt ST rEDP LETS"". 2 -1 100 EEIKS FE litece-do"ivmon. Ashle on ibe%*aca- eg me11hi1-tr, AI îse tl"d" ecicesn j) vntacte.fit l, fi, o te1-- , Rcnon piccîs. . "G Ad Ofca --rc hhis o-ou , n ador ,ils M]cierl É.poiai , isoc.Rry Mth su- 10' onN.Riilc.O t - ) MI HVE smechie- t P-' tce teeh nidstaced cichi in urs -1esd GOOD CHICKS PAY BEST Mer ht i. Hoadhurst o Sllete Qu. asaboult our chüfiekF: April t0, 14- Te20,13 le sreceived Mu splen- di odiin lt on dad and oniy enù ddsnc.Thley are the rotvgro unhof 1ciîkst verieeyf .Ihv beenhaniin chclieir oVer 4) yeors." Oer uR dgeýt the bcet. Hr are our prces RaredRock Mixed. $12 00; lilxed $100:Pulets $200iHyidewý RockRed ixod$12,0; Fllet, 01'.00; Hoq-rO egor oc1Mx.$100vFi free flooe. banded puliorumteted have iiilted ouantto- or Mrcb ndlý -A1E OManyhln nedsyedgio re giad- toLa1swer, your9nj selien B. lle Cl, one t1t.Trot,11aro immoiat Shpmen Cur-edRume, Eg-! lito & Rahuet o, Ilti. plantslieT WI 1 GEA 1Gn, 6-3 Vot leoel e genie.Wrc- !-o yo,,e Wil 100 e 000 al. ne ~toyo Teent - innpog- 4Van- couver. ixrs 1 Aol - SlFOR SALEa aO. AL-tspovd (lai-l mtocd. Blyhe Fsiie, SaekCn. iognn, irnr- andlieus,4 scon Itencu Ao-radri. Alxand DePrue 420 Sunnysde. Ottawa FOR SALE ATTENIONiFR WE , NEWPOreAT.,TP4E.QULONt. I Dedwll Rrodwolh, lirineOnt RLIx 0v,,LAuror, sal cea. ettnof acth., ,000ie. TARPAULIN~S G-eswilih tie rpe l il eiot-W t fer nuotations a tdlsimles. J¶leedti 77 Welingteno St. W._ Toronto. pay ts& Riueî.RegiaSsk itd Inuniber oi' 7mPItrsfi iSi TOILETS togeianicaps.Cao ,ho eitber wih or wtbulirunnins.g- tc Guol axita- t ien Lýtd. 1i iyBeo MmTrçn TURRES, ~ouee\Wl1te 1slndt. sili 1btcbeelne-Im L iLtome fi, lfle'e. '$l'2 GQ Goaranted A 1 cndition.,krtio iochfor ipgMa iba. te 20.Mot iosefoIj l,0 eoc to-a, sprs oeand famtily 5e. Thees-opie Bex 45,Monre. QuE,1,p ' thnd. nrmtionon coeirgr~o classes. J fr výlo-obeie'sHides n iAcae- mo-. 117 Avene Road, Torone.A-,Tr haisfor iowr. od home on"1ih- way earCil. Aply 58 ap Ave.. 'l'or- emîn-mntto la mg. ppo-satIng, culiirtin - d sciaro,-1e- peted Ao ooire . M rartSnon IRe. 1 Su..I ATHAMl"I IlTA IWol h ace tin ap lîcntIfr e o , NuinglrfortoSrnGls.Roce mt e, Juir ariua ien orils.e..i. ' J'A pe Ni fiden, tNuss WOMa emoi Tuit Ldg e trnm,,is Mi. ieil R ptst , O lIjtane. l-ýLI pAinyment, ne milkin, nar chl. 075.00t monhrosfiose iode, e, gn hoeNOhcpAniy AOLueIE. lb XCLLET POSITON toccSALV Ene' w h on qalfiatons.'l", iby 010e- anielen, noreii -1N wai Go h o a v a n d o , l ve o u e , p î at a h M S' EM CAL DONT WATi, t.Eerorn'utterr et hem- atie Faine orour e hul.r leev e o-u1 te'F lteumlim, cianc, ho- mail. 055e potpad 0.00 GATOOl sioitirtmchpwlr ,lur orer. DedcjI îzleftnfomtionces I1qstaoxe Thiere oie 5iv cd aà.hncls aipeople staninig in thc snlow mot doînig i muclîof ay thing., aeIImed rathe$ to puzzle thec gentlemjan fiomn. the outi,. Wc cxplained to M that thebe were mnen and mIornn who- hr)îvd ail sor-ts ocf uwatber . for hcours inor der to catch a- fleetinig glimpse of ft un1fortuiiatçiMIma. -le nmîs- ed over this iniformnatior. for a mo3lB t ,so. ",Alid yet, you Ca- 1~ei~sso vetcr. Itlei bcaust we atedspoetaces Stib-. as bll- * 'le co think OP -anye siiapy couteack rihtat otatmomen.Or ai any m-omlent sin1ce, fr' that mater. So the Senor ivent on to deed an- other pasme ighl ppular in Tropical rgosbut Bnot lookcd mitdfavor, thiat i-inthee mre highy-cviliedw'e eliveareas. Hsargmenýïts vere ")y !Io meanrS nebuIt ie oudnt lp bcinig in- terested inthe va R rcene themi. -'ýYou people of Caîîda and the Unjîecd Sae' h ad pay great sulmsof 1moneto see your boxinIg conîsts.Thes boxrs-mru ikc Joe Loulis adGain-othe-y realy love to fight? Po they go ont aCd ick quarrels just forHe BA HAIRDRESSER JOIE CANADA' hLEADINO ECHOOL Oreet Opmnoorun Lemn of a ,si Othler butee aîccsof OurS are bred and born tA fgbt. eatinig, mkn lvorathlng dIo Bot find' fight forihmtc ivili gosekiîg tem il b u. e selves el e enr hil th"e mreresoialeto xvt birds thbat ightfor "th[e'puirejoy.o)f it anid Ithat I c icine slong as thecy can-,draw breat,Dor toa plaud your boxes adwctes Mlih go throucýlgb their promne oly as a nîe'l uans of mlaking moue?. Again we luad teconifeos ta thle vstr rmte ot ather baid 1sstppd;tht-as agai ns t cock-fighiting, iit -'va, lîrd to dc- fend-n ciher oral 0or aestheýtic grounds-the spectale of a couple of pnchi-drunk fihtrstoteing aoîda rhsg, or o'f a xretfler po dulcinig from is trunko aà length of rope and attem]ptil, o ,rprtnn, to srn l is ponn. ht thie trouble ofÀ etiinto ads cusin ith these beighted!iL fo- cînr.Thiey i,iut doni't ralie tat we North Americaniis are a super people, nd(1sbou11(illdî'ecaedo to justify an]y ofJouraction-lÀ. ii. Uuo ijiilie ELTJAR1 Gemgme RlesCh it7' donfu-Ll botfre.Meiddo 'Misia LEARN IO'MAGIC1 1athoe nnt iai ifieds.ompetointon,înatien and h -us fce. Mc 1ts la"'o. s:B. nl iveidOti, COMET PHOTO SERVIý eO epa Muned 5ecBx 6, p-sO 2ENLARGEMENTS 2; 4 x 6 XON 1'01LAElt MOU VNT REPINT SeEACUI SARo-Se Roil>H- 6 or- 5 5H0 2 'archi s OTTAWA' 782 Gladot MIANTED-Ail 1 To onces- te Limited. Pc h o As' ., Tcmontoo -- n BEAUTT SIIOF ton nos o-car s' te Box 24. Oleno RLACK SARI) I or 05'0n, net i apecox. 1110 iba to-pc. Gi-vo icoîl 53, Poîhos. Ont. beesci rneetmfst, ---Peed loy a Prof, r elic isai-chisg ---- f and sorspeesý A adsinsisbto l le lU ibe lIoer eweh IY( goal bleodoo M'UTT AND JEFF-Just To Be F ,;j :0iozN A7 OAO AR IiDdU LM-AIGIýc o NTR4 N~ BELLflOS PACEROO WVI4OU I -ýAE I India, I Canada, populati One of world h person>1s EVRREADY PORTABLE DAIRY SUI au, as