Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 13 Mar 1947, p. 7

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view cd the Fr te of the blitz. of bawr ýrledto The g routsk s inW, in mrany Yorkcminster 'Catl heat lu gaînu we saur so7 wionderf ai jarchftechure inu eve been 1 hdalsstailled are 'said Vo be un rii Eng- ;,hie Edinh:ureh tra cp Nor-1 du e te the cod aan! r ide by, tthe Scottish capita ayed us, We went te Ihed in aight to Railway hotel withi grcntur- Next moing w n Bryaný B. ManaOn of th rk. Agriîculture for sec agricufl- 11s a par't Of theci ' n~ntrlmatch between)Se( test f They ýake their Id designu here for despite t1iE bad ras Ieatter ;r teir l'he mIes are ai Tbiu tei froni'Caiîa diau ru] W. ~ te gameInteresti: Qàe -b ea d- dfae 2V trips da atT r a s and he old town That i; ThSWesam! mOst nae !n'NText mrnfig,w ~es burgh. Some cOf nn 'noter letýO go oSt. Gi(e sigu.kAJoh-!-n Kux 1nised t be ,ts s VwýI5 closed for a %v inachine Ir, VIne afternooru beets iîn- for a dive thlrougfl ýslvg <a ter f iarming section tor&i t60 mlesto Prrt 'awierc e w ,thM the juidg;iig of t"he Aberdeen ~, Angus at the annual show and sale. jAfter lunich we visited thle farm-n ofi ~ IPA.J i N mrT'homneýs Oark 0-F vuiio here w-Ne sa-w some eecllert Clydesdlalis, work one f.ibeing AMuirtol, McareGraud thle Instîtute the Ohaýinipion Sa-onadwinnier of the groundwsfrnnOwdrCpat Glasgow M J-945, the ide demoinnstraIonls ie on r; sonle initeretigf Next we -went to tlie dairy farni iow,,ng.- f the Lor'd Prov*ost of Perth, Ure1 we lookedi arouind Print-ose. We Yvere enitertaiined at oldet Cities in tea il.unhe lcovely home aind in the is surroufided by evening we were gues uf the Bro- wall. We vjsited vost and city inagistrats tacie hedral and he re dinner in thýe Stationiîu~tel. Later Me of tme finest we attended a "brains' trus-t" in the tAe ord. Th e city hall conducted by the voung r bhý mo r1 d. fafrmersI cl.ugb 'iin wbicylour iman ager, ,i g as s windlows George Waldie, to.ok part. excelled anywiîherce. A Farm TIn Fifeshire in was hours late, nrigwdov upt d w cid otreacbFife.shire to se'e one of the larger l until' niidight. arnsin Scotland, th! .t ofM. ithe Northl British Gog Cak ehrPtiehe h ou upe. farm coitained ab ou t 1,000 acr-es, e were met by T. 600 -b'eîng sown Vosprg crop an- ieDpaten fnualil.'Mr. Clark is -not a dlairy Otlanid who siiowe 1d fariner bult feeds abojut '200 tO 800. tyan atr lunch steers' yearîy. These are ýpurcPoàsed iteratPd al ugb in Ireland ati between 12 to 1 cents foobal seioni'per pounda. IHe does ntot conisàder fao'bliseriusy there is very imuchi projfît in feedinig e cold ehr and cattie at prset rices but finds Idanice was 5000. t necessary in order to util!ize the itoetne dffren sra t nake rmanuire. Mat cf 45mte esý but 'we found c attle are finisîhed iîn the stable and n.Scotlamd Was arketed; tiue 1balance are put onr ' )ut in spite of the grass. They wlýould weigh, fromr 13 àbig timie in the Vl wt ah ight 'for ,al th e0.CII.e a. poue bu 2 the Stts p- acres of potatoes eacya'r as well te.as ,a lco f Iturnlps and about 20 ýe at-tenàded sefirVice acres cof sugar [beets wvili farmlers; c'hurch in 'Ediin,-in some siosare eonpieed to lhad been anxiu grw Tepoaos airesldm ty w'bere tmre Re-ýr. or seed and are quite a profitable opreach bIut it Crôp aerâin as much as 12 tons, ahle eare. W were surprh s ed to -we were taken flnd t-hat moisit cf he ptta r i seme cf t1ie bet- picked by !hand, ffts r e (uir Ing a is 'and we haila lot of extra lao-or ea reason-, Perth Angus Sale After lunchi we retnrned to Perthl anrd attended the isatIe rf the Angus cattie. Between, four arcf jlve hn dred paissed têhroughi the ring, aver-1 aging abou't 0one-a.inuiicte. Thei Grand Chamipion Bull sold for .5,800 ~guieas ($24,476) f or-e-xport to South Amreiica. The reserve bull ,vas purehased by -Mr. F. W. Hiard- ing of the U. S. for 4,600) guineas ($1,412).WiVh t'he exception c'f a few of the tops, prices; were lowý,er than' weexct. [Wge di-ove hem ? erth to Gilasgo-w this morn ng through bheavy silow and over very slippery r-oads. AtI luneý'h we were the guests of the Scottishb Co-operiative Wbholesale As- socatticn, oeeof The lêgetce- operatives la the .,orid. Tt was or- geanized about 100 y'ears' ago L'y a few farmers. They 'handie or inanu- facture almnost every c'olim1dity that'sý on ühe market. lu the past the cemnpauy wais noted for Îts flne hoses acf whfle inany hiave been re- placedt by Vruckstuhey still bha ve about 100 left.' 'This alternoouj we are to take- the train lor içailisle and tha ei "e Vo g-o toXWorkington-w;here the plowing mnatch i is to be held weýathfer permnit-. t ing. After Vhat, t 4 wibe 6ove-r t.e Ireland forsoe new adivenitux-es. SKIM MIU< Potiud frý poum, skîmm milk coun- bains as mucli proteiin, ýa ittie morxel carbohdrte, and as mueh calctium, phosphorus, ron', tlie E VI ta mi r",, anýd Vitamin C, as whole i, Nu tritVlomn authoýrities attO1tawu sng.- gest, . herefore, imaýtwenTebdt iwon't sitretch VFo o le nilir foithel who.le faifly, skdiind4ik povde l~ part, Ses, In 1946 your Commission added mnore Rural consumers thani in any previous year of liydro's history. 6,636 Farm customiers were connected-an average of over 500 Fanxm services each montb. At the end of 1946 a total of approximlately 75,219 Farms -were being served -with electricity. mse Ontario to newc rural extei and the urge 0 ines. Wh5ie lige commission coantes to Press -strenuotisly for material and equipment, it can comnplete thiis year only a smail paît of the fullItproýgra.-r planined. Unfortunatelyv, mrlany appications alread3y approved will, o"f necessity, remfain uincompleted this year. -Pr-esent P. whiich itàis first bOring e- 'These faci m.ay makey staniding of i the control( ,mpson HANDS AT WORK 6,0 LEARNING TIO BUILI) ýONTARIf O es progress and p)roFperity are directly dependent on heýr a bility to produce goods in suffiient volume to rmeet domiestic needs and tlne demands of -wodl markets. JNever before bas the demand for the produeta; o' Ontlario's great induatrial plants, ber farms, mines and forests been 8<1 great, Production mat be increased.. and that requires skilled bandg ..skilled hands for plant expansion . .. skilled banda for .ndristrial operations ... skilled hands to provide homes for Ontario -wOrketrs. Â-nd higber wages, job security, better working conditions are witbin easqer eaàch of those wbô bave mastered a skillecd occupation. To)day, tblrougb the plan sponsored by the Departmient of Veterana' Affaira and othier agencies, bnndreds cf young wqorkers are being trained to mneet tbe buildinig needs cf this province.Gadaecftserhbltio cou)i-rses are now ready le take their places ini Otario's indu,,stry. Available touoare veterans, well startei on the road top skilled buildigtrdsnc ae-bËik(klaying, plastering, plnmbing, steamn-fittipg and lca(rpentry. Seek 1~m out Ywith confidence. Tbey are -youLr fuiture craftsmen. .e .f.............,.ee CAMPENTIRV The Carpentry Course gîves the tudettac basic kno-wledlge in both practice and tîheory.. Bis training ranges front bench work aud the cýaçe of tools b thbe haaging of dcr& sud the laying of flooring. Available ai, ail schools, this course is the equivalent cjf third year Vocional training Courses eae offredet raiingcentres locatqd iii the folloinïg cities and towni s in Otcrio: Toroutoý, Loýndon), Hamilton, IKitchener, Wýîindsor, Ft. Wý Illiamr, Br)ck-ville, Prescoit, Kingýsion, -Nordi Bay. Ottawý-a, GIIelphI,KeptilHaeyry PuNblihed by THIE BREWýilNG INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) e e e, ee..eeee~ e k of Canin $214.00

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