ADVERTISING tou.i')ry FarltlIl (j1eCCreeki ilOnl 1bie KPered Rock, Ligb Pua Ble Auilstralorp, New amp Sbir $4,5. ssore p eisa 114.7 jw'i Teelis -i d vadd I$600,l tibre 1s Large c jgg1 Q1aiy ad $.1, Spe .Whe. Thais wa ertisemeni muaio .C, Obela hyera are qtyljjg whon thev r priLU cnat l'e Wi 9.e, sud at ie wiII net affct youc11 ron. f1L> 1 1 1priesdt p yo Arm ulon1 stetd bede1e it.AL ae 1Approil l and expiri]y ls Ancna. Ir su Labr, i Barred Roicks,"'W-biie Pocks, ewHamp- sbires, 1,bode Islud oda, Whi t s Wyanotte, Lîbî Ssexi P lce Austalons, Jersey1Whte Gisais Aise112icres, $reeda: 9Pend j forl lfres catalgue. iseltocdaul tbes ýtveek ol sate h uieka forkmmd$at del!ivery.(1weddlerCicle Hatechenie Liel eguia, yutarie. i Jt i 100 CHICKS FOEE Wiîb evenycrIer et 111 pa ll1 chika e ive100frs cicls our cheie). BrJd' Rck ulle a Wte eonrn Pulilnilest$2,9 1nwn 4IghlnPules 2295 Ri%- Rockilytoida i$2,95.leghorn(I.s bacf hi, lgbpeireedck Gunsîed eiey Il aîct-1 2fera roitbl oolt ýry snl trehe ine eorer A rlonn assuresyen thandyo1 wtll bae bon citiek r,,!en e wu4( be theekindyen waui. . . su ai the lowe '-'pri(1. Wehe rie a-aor tilbfoe eiver, wegi %ou orerfoiesvanag etut (ov ., tico. il Tep Notc(lhù: I ieka proel.frnt Pollorm testd stoc abilty. il pu tar breedf-ilas, soe fie cossbrda, aexed ora Atrigbt o Xtejiponslet 3& 4 WEEK OLD CAPONS pt pas toraiseapos.The price igher l an e n il%âýrce of, cockiercSl. 1riesof heay brd 2 week old 'te afri Ma ldih 20e. rmpt dliv- ery IrOder from ibý,ý is a. or send for' flptcl ars. Lak v Peut- try 1'arm WeinBros, Exter, O- aexd ad plle cicks.Top NotchL STARTED PULLETS. 2 -4 Fehr4rydeliery Cas leon the for Wel peilLv. atve Poutry armExeerOntario'. BABY AHICES- NEWRAMP Rocks and oL-e Hbrda ing Smith.SaTs, Ont.F erl y Now ampireL,.x . corp. Ba!Y . tctoîj , 130 John N.,0 HarniltnilOnt th e t.qud we bat1eIthem P Blr-d C)reil, WhitS 1 iana mixed. Ne Hatcherleereus, Ort for ciksfr 97e ae aasred chicka v loirys.want tem. Bo ed fyi5000 bon , p le bred an a popula hybrda. Strt yorcicS, earl. Cbcks tarld ton 1sow- 1,:lre ilsrd ctlog-- u spd OrelsEaNd over0aNc'A batch-Vd1ay Spo)cîSAI adNA MPotTe Qese Oit Broodr Steve- els. DyolrItrtd ieima iry Ermv, Win roswIý. ExlerOn- trie. 'Co - l. v. for informain. te 5?O lsd t" 4;linwryu usin.Dprmn ELCTICE A EQUiPME tngne9A 4710. MActlcLihiiS Plants, $8250.Immedatehipeut.i Curetume, Elinion& lal M-rsi,, Torontoev Farm, feucd, god sollid ings, lier, Sak.x 24an 400ACE-AR"t$h. lARGEÏ0 FOR SALE PUREBRE» tý11DMALE pDAC1aS11179E for slee 9 menthe, l vlype,Rea- IInaIeprice. iyly, KnnesE- Write for prýice liat. Pi-rce Tireý SMALL METALSTMPNG md toreprolmpt doliverý. Capitali Metalmd Lt., 12St, lPatrick S. tWrIite stattiu!g pie to 46l Su Kemptvile'-Ont AoieC, I acilS weig1)pbI. CWrite for ue 77 W elrlg Ion t. -W.,d Tlornie. - TYPWRIER, SA1DA N Tî ic1pvyrelEll k,1 inniog, Han 71T IESx. 60x 1, $51M.010O l en FrmTrctr irs.B-C, le, É- T- , O tro EQI lI'DLiED TIREDMASHOP' he r e'., l!i ,lWil, 4,0 ORf! F 1R, Mef, 1SCRl Ol 11i, S M Caeus ticSaiain s Ltdrf ý. _\ 1Ri ioy BoulevaStr, 3Toronto j v,: WODPOTHERS TFMA RU!ER Comany, 71bi &to Hal fax, _gina S s, , Liid nubr nif cornpick-a ers fo-,r 1947i j , F it come frds ilrv bi, cornpic esrpaira l' Robrton etod.informatIn n requesli 1 regoa re laseobrt 88eod hom, ý re w earLCgty- TAli, 1 PapeAAe., T (ronto Ont. 6u girlffoorrdA e rKthe, rihthour'1 duiiy ad ilday.7 eek. aleinor r phne iticia. Jm .1162.i godt il(-adeaaer rgua heurisn$i moll orrrun o tepr the l ri m -. Apiy te Poatl -matisrI Eel,> CIA1, Fer box. JUIES: The pr -inil n11-' Inteunaticna i, NuitsMno Dirug Stoe., M23 Ealg, 1o ttawa. I otpIdSU $100.,1 i4o ID Ci-tA 'I BRot<E $'URT IT Wt~EN- VOtJRFOOT, STRAN~ER? 2 ~ , '2 GAST] dige-,stion ,gas If ynau titis Dlept . WP. sella. eehanis BE -A HAîRPDRfESS E R Great Oppenýtlity Learre ie.Iiustrat edcaloufe. Wr ,' ite or Cî AR1-1V EL HA 1EDRPlESS l11G 358 Bloon ',St. W., Toronto Branchies 44 Ring St, amiltonI - 4 RdeuSt tla,%ewe C.stIvention Sd uttInG r mation sent Ires. The ftaýmsay c)., RegtsteredPaetAtry, 7 CFETfHVRSI-ONAUC 'lé C1,MI e'AN Y 14 King, West, Tre1e ooki]etet' ifratoïnleuei PERS1111s LOOR! $10 EWARD OR AN watc wecannt npai; he11,rlN mansbp; witfenguarnier.Atla Watc Ropir C.. ox 9. Sttto "G" Motreat "EoLIJ - OIIN O Chrit.' ondefulheokfreS: Me gido ieto, TOitstn.ilNY. LEARN AGIU T ROME q'aN. terfi yor riena.Bolot n 'Hits or ocliaa. 1Maua Tio d, O lox 3, San Fren;-,ci. ce 1, alifprý. , n d e it- m ns msy oInyouoaîeda. Fes ilifo- Ono'Day Mail(Srice l e.,goa- 2 ENLAREMENTOCS25 , fxeek-serice , p riesc FoIlly Guarantý Senal te OTTAWA WTI 782 Gladatone, Ottý Classification Ch,. "A farier." "Auid youiri "A peasaut' SA'a I ~~E V L(CEI 1OO OASEW~ t f. wartme ciefof theSotet Asi'a co,man, hsbe ae Viýer,3y of I n d i a,ý succe2di-ng Viscount Wasetles Prove Phony e rtrlml intcnid fi-cclcopc-Boton oreje t was dveioed e Braa cubord been upplid by hesIne"erie- Joh Stachy fins todares cpàoference L o? potht'es is year fr ,ihe) isl n hd "ien, 2 Special e ede by th Ma c f hMetccaOnm McsPlile Rsedy oNe. i ta fer Pretriidiw, '0or initerniïgappl tonles ý75e. Mec Pie Rem'!edy No,. LI fri xer, Icîn 1ls 81 nl Jar, sud is fer externsl muse onty. rseS bre y num e rourDugi i cute 1ges ettle ltpests o n." foria- ii ;ndad t" The dicovery i ýe tise il o io MUTT AND JEFF-W'anted an Autcý3- 9 v éli