Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 6 Mar 1947, p. 4

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y iiine uon pays iold have bieen at honie riing froin the flue, but 1 they piÈayed. Tbe Port being a t fr11 stirngth .uch ýfor the Orono boys d tliem quite easily byv HOPE 4 eomlfort iii oldi shoes, we fain wiould chooise. q4 ,'he-,r nmyriadi ways, ,d quaIity repays. Ail stili, in tbe last year'S th a -WiLL My friend, I'k, keep in -your head eak. Good looks cani fri'enda Sarý e hst, old' qthinga-F of yeatýeryea7r, .,s3tep insdide old shoües rd period tihe Qio rt Hlope by two' Wvest tied the sec uo maken a bea tugit tic uppecr c îc goleaet ja e ran into fis ir gaine for roughing, JMark of port H011 fter these players ice, Piper, tic Ororl ho had] been playir, ;ýame ail evending, ult fo0barin 1 ie playe s and whi Isle seord on a 4 ta put Orono one cass sa te ocreE ree pealie ere1 ort orer wo to, üÎinqg to Sm-Iith for and the otser Vo B, RIundfle for Oroni ~oithpenalýty 01 aghig aport be 17 minute miark, 8 goals oni e s4 ie net for Orono, !ic 4tre oive Vift ijes of aoiga hie was cek îe' teedover thli NeedA goal pp Porh Htope ie i e ORONO 5; SUTTON 0. The Orono Bantani team s Stijliin the rurn ig when they defeated theý sutton Bantam teain bY a 5 to .0 score on Saturday afternoon a t Su'tttoii. O-rono scored two goals li tihe first ,period, one by Chas-. Armiistrorg on, a' pass froi Bob,.ait and the sec- ond one by Norland unnssisted. In die second period Orono scored two more goals, one liy Kei LhilWest and the second by Gl ier the hard checldng dfne of Orono. Iin the third period only one goal wassvoedtihat by Venner for Orono, miakl-inlg it 15 o 0 for Oroiio ili tihe first gaine of thlis pliyoff ser- After the gaie was over, tr -tndi iMis. Lew. Buckley, former- resi-j dents of Orono and no 1 ofSutton, invited the :Orono teï,m' and maunage- ment to their bomne for supper, before Iretulrinlg to tiheir hnomes by cIr. Ninieteen sat down at tables; pre- pared by the host and hiostess wih, was ceýrtainl.y appreciated by t'he Or,,ono players and management. This asa very nlice gesture on the part of -Mr. anmd Mrs. Buckley, sihowin tihat 'the-y stil, haveý a mm place in! théir hearts for aning Orono, To, ýMr, ai-d Mrs. B3uekley we say thank peun.i [Ewen if a 'book can not lie judg11ed by is <covcr, bea1t'h experts at headi- quartera ýin Otta-wa S.ugg1est that ap- pearance is a guide to one's phiysicai condition. They suggest, too, that a careful study b l'amd e of thje ~hama "tb of contents", ith the advrce od a imied1i ca1. 'practitî(ioer trya1in ed V o "read between the rfhb". SuchI a reviewýý, they point mut, wili l'ive peopfle an, insighit into their iown _body1is story and a câue Vo m-în sures; wýiih nay be necessary tu en- sure completewelbng Notice to CreditorsI ln the Estate of Cecil Lorne Powve»s, Late of the Village of Oron, lui theè County of DUrham, Carpeuter, ussst- AIlpersons havhig dams against Port tihe E-tat e of the said Coc; Lornle Lewis i oweme, who died on or-i about the let fro.niday 01 January, 1947, are hereliy Hope, nt Ü0ed 's' end to theudesgd were Administrratrix Or her SoiiOn or hefore the 8tJ ayv of Mfardi, h oys 1194" t1heir riines anid adidresses and goaS ful particulars of their claîms and1 re atThenaureofthle scriis(if any) i eld by thern, duly veeified by stat- 4tory dc1LCara'tioa.1 rnrinmniiedately after ùhe said 8tli Il e day of 'a-h 19-17, the assets o'fte ý"sid d Ieceaised wi1l ine distri"buted later, 3ý o amirig the penesons etite hereto, e orlavin.g regard only to the 4d-amrs 'ol meehcih Ve Adminidstratrix or the un- iod-derslgned' oilo 'ltbe-n haqve noýtice. = Mow of haýy, 4Orley Chlall!pian id tiriiothy. r ,Oro'o. Ercay has dioka iedijate deliv- ery. YOU'll rieed EMarch chicks for late summner, fail, W, nter markets, 1 p n eg. Dayold, satd corokerels, puilets, unsexedf. If youi've hespace, stock lup withrh Bray Cik.Agent JaLk -iudson, Ooo FOR SALE Five new Re.nfrew HIand Was'hers now avail ialble for inimediate deliv ery. Buy now and be ready foDr spring; also fheam Seoarndors and C4,o'kcriLe i agson lhand. Apply tW T. S. Mfountjoy, Pfho-ne 'C503, R. R. No. 6, WANTED ,jWithin tlhree weeks, a plaee to board in t<own. If you hýave a ro toý rentf please tel! me or pla-cn 2ý1-2.ý Harry Grady WE HAVE ON HIAND A li,,ited Q.antity of Mlasss Wýe are also b)uIclJnfg up our supply offrtlsr Place your order early to ensure your needs for, the spring LOCKWOOD BRzOS. Oronoa, Ontario MAN WANTED Mani wtho enjoys outdoGr work, to learn Be, and Fur Farniçing Yeaoe round .empioymyient. Permanerît posi- t t, toterght party. Don't let thýe boessare you; we have survived, C. R. KNOX Bcx , ,Orio~ GIBSON'S BAIRRED ROCKS 1Buy youýar 3arred Rock Chîcks from a reIhi ln-estabiîshed O. B. S. Breedter H-atclhery of over 1000 bod tested bi)rds. For bredIi-n ii vab-ility, early sud cnnuo LS productiano of, large eg-sý, do>n't, ove-Mook our strain. Tcake your chiks ,a' montIi eariier if possible. latches wel.Write for c*ricuar and prieIÎst- A!, inquirles ansmrwered promptly, Donald E. Gib- son Eomanîll, ntario; Phore FOR SALE T'WCoBatter'y Brooders, 600 eg aact. Priced $8I5,00f each. Alvin Cleen, Pon 243,Bowmv-ianivile. Dealer Wanted For the World's Finest Milking Machîies Pipeline and Portable Dated at Orono this 12th day of 1 Full time job, Large ineome.2 Must ebruary, 1947. have transportation anid smaill capital orOrono, Ontarlo R.R OIDEL PvO-RT HOPE WED. and THRS. "REBECCA" Friday and Saturday "4THE VERDICT" 1 W'th Sydney Greenlstreet and Peter Lorre (Eve. onfly) "BRINGING UP FATIIER"ý Sat.-Specia M1atiiee N.and TUES. Matinee Mlonday, 2.15g lleLife aud AMusk ot Dar AppIy La writing iti aiy Equipoient Company 1900A Bay Street Toronto - - Ontarie James E. O'Boyle Phonle 7-16 - Orono Bu UosLcense No. 1204979, War.. iMePriefflanxd Trade Boa-&rd BUILDEING, CARI'EN'rERING, AI.- TERATIONS, REPAIRINGe, PAiNT- Good work at fair Prfcea, by the heur or the jo>b ESTMÂESFREE 1Radio Service! The combinhation o ep4ieccm- plt data ou ail makes, alid modlemi test equipment wi ensure PROPTREAONALEAND EXPERýT REPAIRS Cali R. L. MYLES Phono 79 r 4 ORONO Professional Directory MEIIICAL A. F. MVcKENZIE, M.D. pHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours: 2100 to 4.00 P.mr.; 6.30 to 8.00 P.n, Sundays and Wednesdays by app#o-intment only PHONE 47rl ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWM ANVILLE, ONT. pholnes:- Office 688 lome 553 W. F. WulAR D BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones:ý Office 825 Rcelence 4c9 'VETERINAIRY DR. W. W. SHERWIN VETERINARY STJRGEON office Main St, orono Phone 63 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMEY INSU NC Fire, Casualty, Atmbl and iabillty ORONO - ONTARIO MANUFACTURERS LIFE 'REPRESENTATIVE will gladly assist in lanning' financial -ýecurity foryourself and your famiîly, DANE FOUND Phone 8rl ORONG monuments The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phoe051 - P.O. Box 6S2 Port H ope, Ontario Monuments, Gravemark-ers, Engraving, CGoldleafinàg AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctiojneer and Valuator CodcaAuction Sales o i and at raoal ae Comimunicate with hIm at Portç Perry, Ontario. or set, his Clerk-, B. Morton, at Oronoe, fo-r datje. JACK.RE 1ID Î' Licenased Auctioneer and V aluator Spec-ialize in F am andl Furniture Sales-- COnsuit me for termrs and dates Phene 1620 - Clarke DYou Know Thiat, for a man age twenty-four, The Imperiat Life Assuruan-ce Comn- pay wilI guarantee his family 5â,000.0G in event of his death prior te age sixty, for betweeni 2% -,'n 3 if tat antounit yearly. Anid if he lives te age.- sixty, tîhe Comipany will pay himi the $5,000.e0. WVhy not consult your, loc-al represertative FRED LYCETT RADIO REPAIR Ïte see wîat a Plan such as this wil ro ci nRke, , do for youe? Ptadios. Ae-rialsIstlltede. Work Gaate YORK'S TAXI Reasojaiabe Rates 1 4hu evc Hi,. DUVALL 11avig had cr car- repajired w. amn phIane 54lS i - - - - -. prices are the lbest I The second gaine of the playoff rieS Vwith Port Hope vvas played at ono, Ai-na on 9'rday evening, ebuary 28th, with nearly 200 spec- ttors present to witness the lbattie. îe Oron.o hovs .ph'yed a differenh' urne tflin hey dîd at Port H.ope a w, nig-hts previeuS, hndngout k1ychka it great abandocn to e c satisfaction 'of those presý- EAfter sixt minutes of play~ e- score ended 411 a tie, four ail. Rigit fointhe drop of the puck the firs-t *period teinpers startedi toi ire on both si de S. rTough many iff bodly ctecks irere hand.eed out,, ongjý wi;thgh play, only one penÀ- ty was handed out, that to Bso Po¶rt Siopte for 'iboaPi în g. Port ope scored the first g'oal of the per- LI whnFoote pickçed ulp a rebouind 'Omi ooper'b >sstop and cregi- ýg bthe Orono goa{ie no chance on1 'e seood ho.AtTh 1.0 mark ronot tied the score on a goal b)y Iet. This was oie ihectie period~ id -it was a -wonder that sonie Play- on ltherteiireV,-s not hurt.Dr îg the latei.niissîon the referený irnd IhePayers to C, ut out thle )ugh stmif, thus -pp n ite iu iy firacas In,-ter on in the gaine. AItc -,etari of tfhe Secondpeo, ndIe for Oronio was 2given a), board- ug penialty, arîwhen retuirned Vo e ce ôn- a ie eat rr tnipuig. Wheni Corniafli ir-as off toucý!h wi] alny days bas been ine ii ofmc y- $1 1

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