garbage at thie Tannery- so that the s-now reinoval istreet had post $128,87, e Deparxtm-ent o-f High- pay haif of this cost. vg buils were ordeired Onono Hydro -------.----...... 7., Orono Goal and Lumber .~1870 Clinton Farrow..............-----96.50 Ernes;t 411in. ......-.........-22.37 R. E. Lcgan.....------............-- 5.95 Geo. Butters .-.---.----..---.---..36.20 Dr. MIcKenzie's Prayer Lord' now that 1 bave n&ched this lake, Gr-n'Lni e these ifew nequests 1 mîake: Let my cast he bothb tue and far Witb no baeck-lash iy nerves to jar; And niay the-re be no gusty brýeeze To uhl pnWy Ne up lantne trees, Or cateh me et an awkward end And snag the book just wbeve 1. bend. Let just a gentie ripple ply The xater wbhene iy fly will 'lie. Then-let a, good-sized trouit arisýe Righlt weemy tait w cth bis 'eyes: And wben he's hookwed just ket himi be And leaýve -what bappens thn o Me. JJ.Parker. WORLD DAY 0F PRAYER OBSERVED AýT UNITED CHJTRCHý The Woslds Day of Frayer Me obs,ýerved in Park Street Sundmay Scolro0m onW FncidJay, Febnuary 21s9Pvinh a large attendance ol the ladies of the e-ommuni)ty. The pnint- ed programmie wasollo-wed throu4gh- ,out wivàh several taki-ng special parts. The World Day of Prayer sriewas vritten by a aene wmnof inidia, Mis. Isabel Clb -- - 0 - - Loose living Farats the maîriage knot slipîng. ve -one up lfl Price. Cases, Linen Towels; rint and Orgaridy ------M --2L. O. Ona~ 29c. 59C. .....- 1-2 lb. pkg. VTDERS, C",ustard, Vanilla, ramrel, Butterscotch fia- .~each choîee qulality. - Ige tEn iuce front Enýglandi.. btle ~BAGS....60 bags cge, 'MWhite....,41lb. LES-...6 qt, basket MOES.-........ 2 lbs ES, White IHeads ,. each FeekAen .lb. 40c. 17C. 10e 33C. 29c, 70C. 27C. 25e. 39C. 29C. 29c. 25c. 2le. ROASTING 37c ~Loca[ New If. you hlave any visitors r thn news, phone, it in to 9ý r 1, Orono. Mrs. Perey ýMorgan spent last week Swt rpdii oooMiss Edra Best, of Toronto, spent thie week-end wý,ibh ber mother, Mrs. H. J. B~t ,M. lo Patterson, of Oshaa is spenlding a-' few days visiting with her sister, Mrs. H1. J Best. Mr. Vernon Saunders, of Toronto,1 spent M,\oiday night with bis parents, Mr. ai Mrs. Arthur Sa-unders. rs D. IF. Drumimond, of Virgn«a town, is -vis;iti'ng ii h ler parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Paterson, M4r. C. B. Tyrrell is having the im-, terior oýf bis up-to-date drug storeý redecorat' ed. -Alrs. Jack Robertson, of Obtawa, is visiting with ber parents, !Mv, an(]d MUrs. J. E. $HEawke. -Messrs. J. E, and W. E. Armstzrong madle a bu.siness trip to Toronto oM Tuesd'ay lest. Mr. -Jm Gilfillan spent a few days tihis week with bis motiher, 'Mrs. Wîord was reee{ived in town that Mrsý. Dean Carsecadden passed away etKindersIey, Sask, on Moniday, Febnýuary 24thi. Mr. and. Mns. Howard Mvasters, of BoWimaville, werewe-edvi'sitors at the home of IMr. and Mrs. Floyd Nic OlS on, Brian O'Boyle, whoý bas obtained ai position with the Steel Cosn-pani-y o1 Canlada, Swansea' spent the wveek- end at Ms home here. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hnm of Peter- haoro, spent a week-end(îrecen-tly rith the fornier's parents, Mn. a nd MmJr. E. J. Hcami. Carke Twshpcouncu! wil meet in thbe Council habe, rono, jon Tuesday, Maroh 4t'h, for their gener- al uies Mr.- and Mrs. J. Morris, Mram Mns. F. ýilalli, rd Mr. andMr.R Stew,ýart were recenit viýsitors et thle home of Mr, a.nd IMrs. Riehard me- Rowýmanvi1le "Youtih For Chýrist plan anothier rally and briglit pro- graxunbe to be hëld in the Town Hall, onlo, On 'the eveinig of saturday, M'arch th, Anin .-terest1ig and inf'ormraiîve description of Mr- Chas., Kniox>s mikl and fo)x ranc'hes was given last Mon- day by Monica iMuganr, veE ke radio connentator, tRev. Victor âand tMmrs.Buchiiaan wihtheir son and daugb'her, o! Soufh Mounltaýin, v-isited l ast week witb 'Mr. MSl MiS. James Steve-ison,Sut Mix IMrs. W. E. ArImstryngý leaves to-day for a jothstrip, firet to Vancouver, then to Seatte to visit bi-s sister Ruth, later goîng to LOS Anelseoiing home by ani eastern, Rev. Mr. Rogers, of Bwavle conduj.cted tbe of Park St. Cliu-rh an-d ir-by Ciurch last Su- day. -ve ork on e Pastoral Change of Bobeaygeon was taken bhy Re-v. S. Littlewo(od. Kfenry Leaý,men vas hýo-me fromi Toronto on, Saturdaýy; going baci< On Suu,!iday with mrsaother and fa,,ther. The-y alI, spent Sunday witb, Gordn and 11Hazel, bringing Frack Pau" with them fiar a week's ho(liday.P TJ.he Orono Hydro Commission anid- the Manager, 3Mi. Ernîie Dent, willfie1 in Toronto net Tuesday n Wed-l nesday attending the O (M.A Cn-1 vention at ùheý Royal York Hotel,I Apiece of real estate changed hfand last week -when Mr. Fran-k Hiall sold bis 5-acre farm just norbb ofO rono to ;Mr. W:;ilimMartin, who bas Lbýeen living on theplace for t1he past thlree or Slour yers rM. Mar- tin talçes possession on liMancb 1lst, He av been asked whetlher there ia going tco ho an old-timne skaing partý-y tiia year or nyt, as in former ye, s.Tup tthe b P _rktime xe have not ieaa'd of any, hut if thLreý is !1+FshouLd ha held -inte nerfu- ture as the season is gletting rather late. 'On Thursday, Febiuary 2oith, mem- bers of the Canadiarn Le'-ion (Bo-w- manilj!le Bnanch 2met in t-he Sons of Engl-'and Hall1, Orono, and enjoyed e social evening togetVber.Cibag and carpet hall were the two imain features, and thee drst rrund c f the cribbhnge tournament betwepen Orono and Bowmianville romnrades ended i a dIIaw. A atylunch waa aerved cy the Orono cConiradea, wbo 'hope ýto see many vmore Felows Cat Vniain ext gatheing. There, will be a general eein ofL the Orono Amaï<teur Athleti, Asso- ciaton n te Arounes t 8.00pm. on, Tuesday, 'March llVh, týo organizel basehaîl) a, IfýncI football for 1947. A fl attdaceis reoueste -a ts muet- Coleman Bawmanville - p Thurs., Fn., - F( 3 Comnedy1 on one prog GEORGE F0. In hie Greatest La "VOTE FOR CF, alsa STAN 'TOWED IN A THE 3 STO "IF A BODY 1Ll A BOIY For you Mon., Tui March ANwStar is JACKIE "'BUTCHJ" J. BOS'RA] winning Drama EXTRA'SAGE BOYS' RA.? PIE EATII Oro) PiSti e .,.~ 4 SU 1~.0O a. Sanies lier' fresh, FLOW Small l'ink SAUSAGE FORTERIIOUSE STEAKS