Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 20 Feb 1947, p. 4

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irmes office. Publisher: ~, and tbb e protecive 'or and faîl 1 by generati Plers were nel inoney ande i Pr t asser- f ta- nt te the ýnd sir the wa RR 3put awu--y their 'C" hockey and -wut fer ne lFebruary around aguin. To loi-o juniors doue bys ouP haudily by throughout the- luck te o n ext ins in the first period after goals with each - two apiece. Ia the e scored two and kept off the score shoot, while period Orono slumrneud in the visitors one. the s,;ix iniinut4e mark, Cox for Urono, scored the first goal frein close in, which Pargeter had ne chance to stop. At seven and a haif minutes Cornlsh scored for Orono te muake it two te iiothiing for Orono. P tersen was given ýa penmalty and whiie he -was off Port Perry seored their two goals of the period, one by Mdarks on a pass frein F$sposito ut the fif- teen minuite mcark, thon W1hitrnore scored nitd thirty seconds luter. At the seveniteeý-,nimin ut e ma.rk Cox shot ju-t insido the blue- inoe for t-he Port Perry net, tbetx pucýk ,hitting the goulie just below the oe( aud knocked hum eout. Ife was car- ried off theL ice aiid ltrken 4te Dr. Mc- Kenzie's office for miedical attentioni. The niianiagers of both tourn and thr, referee. decied te c iii thfie eud cf th flrst period with areound three ninxlvtes left te ply. Ia the second peried Scott took over the oqea tending for Port Perry nnid id fuirly well in this perîe stepping many shets flred ut hhum. At the ton minute mark Rundie sceored for- Oroii() wheu he picked up a lose pujck in, front of the visitera net and flred ithoo.1urayPaterson who wrs laying a good gaine on the de- fonce, scorod the second ge.ai of the period froin a biar.,d shot frein the blue lune. Three penalties were given eut this perîod, oeeYt Orono, Paterson for sl1ashing, and two te Port Perry, :Christie for, holding and Leader for tippinig an Orono player closing. in on bi-is net. Thie score at thie eud of the' secondV period wvas -1 te 2 for Orono. Iru the thi-rd perioçl Orono certain- ly went te townl and scored four of th-ieir five gonis into and a baîf mninutesý. At tho five minute mark. praterson scored bis, second goal of the gance frei the PMrt' blue liýno, and dPlicaed the saine -mat ut six mnutes,. Jr. West scoreci is4t &n goal -f the gaine at -seveun mnutes, -while Rund1ie scored bis second goal of - aiyie thirty seconds later. Burnettfor IPort Ferry scoredet the twlominute mark, uud PRundie bout sentt fer bis thrd goal ut 19.30 front a pï1iss frnt Jr. West1, making thne scor'e 9 te 3 for Orono. The -Orono tleain played' heads-up hockýey ail the wa y, every player turniug lu a great performnance. Hlooper in goal, played his usnjal cool stond1y ganie, stppn inny danger- eus sihets, frein cosil. The Orono deec of putersýon, Flintoif and Piper, st:opped py after play while the forwarq(-ds wer-e -in there flghting aIl the timne, hottling th-e port Ferry players in their end of the rink tîime and again, and thnis wvas wben Fat- terson scored bhis three goals, waiting for !ose pucks te Corne te the blue ne) -- Goal, Eùoper; dfne ,soun and Filto7f; contre, Rn WAigs, Coruishand West; aI-1 bec,' Cox, Embly and Jeul, Piper. ,t Ferry - Fargeter; defence, isou anrd Burnett; (centre, D. ; igs Taylor and Leader; ates, CrsiEsposito, Whît- Scott and G. -Mark. AJAX 3; ORONO 1. Oroi-lo midget "C' tearn wias ated on Thuriisday evening, ury 1ltih, by A-ýjax Mlidgets lu Pionrd garce of t'his pluyoff ser- u the previeus gaine ut Whitby Jax Miiesdfae Ooohy Às te 2, and hin te secondJ gaine ono %e, Ajax Pegan won by a 1 score, taiugc the rouind b)y 1. teo 3, geis te ceunit ou t hef- ne eanin -as sadiy handi.eappedl ep ioss o"f thoir steliarplyr West, wbosrfee a brokepn boule lu' a garce lu PortHoe hether this wo-Lld a -.Lve baanrcedC aies or net we Pre net lu a vos- t0 sny, but etill ilu 1il, itecor- weap1keuod thec Orono tein iCoui- ily. r te tiisserfies with Orone tfhe t'il( rdg ex~ uuid hud bhýein dlo-n -handTiciy .-in two ht ges. li gaines plyodith A-jaýx were tiîonuai n1d provided pilnty 0f for thre fan, -veh turned ent. cf, ùhc 'hihihsof the scor- is the work Mu the Ajax goal m)1p mie lhuh uvfiftpeen Cif ugma lyiglke a rot- Ou nu'n1erona ocasins ih ir1(defeuttthý' io hxiînds ofte suiopers. He \aq -riual n loseiii-lu eots a hd ipec- of both tou berii i hlm, yequipnunt~ 7iter to 1'011 we saly, Wll good hockey ard better ORONO 10; UXBRIDGE 3. The Orono Junior hock-ey teain scampered home ith a tenl to3 vic- tory over Uxbridge, at the latter place on Tuesduy evening, Febrnary l8th. The Orono teainwere travel- ling on hig-h gear, rapping' in two goals in the first period, b y Wes't ut 2.15 and Cornish froaux Rund-ie ut 11.25, wile Uxbridge were unable tuo socure a single goal, ilu the secondi Oron camue back l.eoking for goabs uu ad coliected four, thie first by Rundie ut -.01, the sec- Qnd hy Rundle -freni a pus by West ut 5.'20, theip Uxbridge scored twe fas't goals, )ee by Kydd aDt 9.0.5, and the second by Painter frein Brad- bnry ut 10.f'.Orone soon retaiiated wvhen R'unidie sco'red ut 12.25 on a pnss foein West, then Wcst scored at 13mnue on a pass frenCr- ish1, Uikrgi six te two forOoo 11n the third periord Orono teamr kept Up their scoring ways, putting9 the puck behind theUxrîde oalie four tiines wvith U-xbidg(esecoring one goal at 1.3ýthiat by Brad.(bur-y %i thb PFaterson servinig a penalty for. oain.The Orono goals were scored hy E.mhly from f(ox at 7.50l, Pundle fron West at 11.25, West fromi Cornish at 17.50, and West un- assis tedi at 18 minutes on al break- nwa-y when his teainwas playing a man sot The first IÎne of Rundle, Cornishi Wn Wes t pluyed greut hocke' throu-ghoutt the gaine, their passing plays cjicked mIany turnes resuitinMI in goals. Hooper in the net als played a g-reat garce. On 'sxo seven ocain Uxbridge players were r ight a t the goal inuth but were üutguessed by the Oronlo net miiin(îder. Notice to Creditorsi lu the Estate of Cecil Lerne Powers, Late of the Village of Orene, in the County of Dunhami,, Carpenter, Deceased: AIl persons havilig i lx againet the Estate of the suid Ceeul Lorne Powerîs, who died on or about the lat diay of January, 1947, are he'relby inotidl9ed te send to the uinder-sigil( Adinstatixor lier Sictron or before the 8th driay of March, 1947, their naines and addire-sses and fuil partIculars of their elaims and thne nature &f the secnrities (ifanuy) held " btem, duly vrlldby atat- utory dcuain lInnediately after the said 8th day ea March, 1947, the assets 3f the said dJecea-Àsed wil ho distributed amo4ng the persons entitled thoereto, having regardol oteeaiso wMh heVh Adinistratrix or the un- dersxigned Sol.-icitor sihal then 'have notice. Dated at Orono thiý- t 2th day of February, 1947, EVELY-N m. POWERS, Orono, Oiul Adci nistrtri R. R. WADDELL. Orono, Ontario Soliitor for the c The Beautfui PORT HOPE WED. and TIIURS' "Neyer Say Goodbye" "SUSIE SLAGLE'S" Friday and Saturday "RAINBOW ISLAND"e With Dorothy Lamour and Eddie Bracken (Cozlor) Aise "W'ILD BEAUTY" IMON. and TUES. "The Timep The Place And The Girl" WihDennis IMorgan, Jack Carson anid Janius Paig-e WE.and ITRS. With Spencer Tracy and 1 Mickey R-ooniey (8.00) 1 1The Oronio Girl Guides are ixolc- ing a Oarnival in ýthie local .rink on Saturday, Mardh 1st. Further par- WE HAVE ON HAND A linxîted quantity of Molasses. Wýe are àalfio buildinýg up our supplY of fertilîze-r. ýPlaee your oirder early to ensure your needs for thý sprinigl LOCKWOOD BROS. Orono, Ontario FOR SALE Solid brick house, with furnace, soft water and lights, with, cenent block garagýe, and seven acres of land on Mi Street, North Ward, Oro'io. àipply tn Vance Allen. C-5-p. MAN WANTED Man who enjoys outdoor work, to [learn Bea- and Fur 'Farrnîng. Yeair -in eployment. Permranent posi- tieDn t.o the righit party. Don'it let the bees scare you; we have survived. C. IR. KNOX GIBSON'S BARRED ROCKS Buy your Barred Rock 'Chirks froin1 a, reliable long-est-ablislied 0,BS. Breeder Hatdhery of over 1000 bod [ttsted Ihirds. Foe bred-in iiîvability, early and rontinous production iof larg-,e eggs, don't overllook ou-r straIn.I Take pour chicks a,month ourlier if posbl.ilatches wieely. Wri-ite for circular and price list. AUl *nquiries ansrwered p-rornpiltly. Donald E. Gib- sown, Eowrinanville, Ontario; Phone iýClaxke 3811.tf LOST Ronson Lighiter, silver, in ,bie celoth bag, on Maýlini Street. Finder7 pieuse leave ut the Times office, orono. a5p FOR SALE Two Battecry Brooders, 600 egg cnpacty. Priced $3¶5,.00 eaeh. Alvin, CIemens, Phone 24:13, Bowmanv'il1e. Bray Ilatcher-y report that w-iile they're pretty well sold out for, Feb- ruary-M~arch there in1ay be sone odd lots availluble. New lHan-ip sbires, L.S. x N.H. and Black Australorps. Inquire from us. They have dayo.ld and started cockerels, and liim4tedl supply sturted ochiclks, and pullets. Order now~ for later delivery aiso. Agent, Jack Hufdson, Orono. THIE FAMOUS ReadnUCa - stove size- Now Available, Any Quauîtity Orono Coal & Lumber James E. O'Boyle Phione 7-16 - Orono Busmif- in e nffl.No. 1304970; War tiaiPrie.. and Trade Board BUILDII0G CRPNTRIGAL: TERATIONS, REPAIRING, PAINT ING. Goed w.rk l fair price., by the heur or the job USTIMATES FREE Radi'o Service! T'M. comabinaion of experience, com- plote data om ail makes, and modern test equipuient w111 onsure PROMPT, REASONABLE AND E XPERT REPAIRS CaLI' R. L. MYLES Phone 79 r î - ORONO3 RADIO "'REPI To ai iakes of Homne and Car Radios. Aerials Instailed. Work Guaranteed Reasonable Rates LE. M.D. PHON]g 47rl1 S6.30 to 8.00 p.M.. N'ednlesdays by Lent eniy - ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor $0 WMAN VILLE, ONT, Phones : Office 688 Hlome 553 -W. F. W A RD RARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones : Office 825 Residence 109 *BOWMAN VILLE, ONT. VETERIN.ARY DR.-W. W. SHE1IN VETERINA-ýRY SURGEON Office Maini St. Orono Phone 63 r 7, Orono J. C. GAMEY INSUÛRANCE Fire, Casualty, Automobi' and Liabillty ORONO - ONTARIG YOUR MANUFACTIJRERS LIFE R E P RES ENIATI V F wifl giadiy assist in planning financial secuirity for youtrself and your f aluiy. DANE FOTJND jPheae8r ORONO Monuments The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Phione 501 -- P.O.' Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario MIVonumîents, Gravelmarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing AIJOTIONEERS TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales of ail sizos and ut rea-sonabie rates Communicate with Èlm ut Pori P'erry, ontarie, or see bis Cierk, A. E. Morton, at Orona, for date. JACK REID Liéensed Aucfi.oneer and Valuator Specialize in Farmn and i F'urniture Sales Consuit me for terms and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke Do You Know That, for ama age twenty-four, The Imperiai Life Assuruance Ceom- pany will g-uarantee his fumiiy $5,0M0.00 in event of his death prior te age sixty, for betwýeen 2% amd 3 of that ameunit yeariy. And if he lives to age sixty, the Company wil puy humi the $5,000.0ê. Why net consuit your local represenitative FRED LYCETT te seec whut a plan such as tis will de0 for you ? YORK'S TAXI 24-hour Service llaving- had our car repairod we a roady for taxi bujsiness aga!*. Plhone 73 r 16, ORONO I 2 * i n Il.-,- - j- -- ,m-

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