eader epart t Hwe4kewho h the party epa for the past fLew m-i assaoiated with 1ý 'ublic - relations wc in as edfitor of Pub~ Chaxters is, probal st known newspap( da. He is certair, ,ry weekliy ntsPp; country b,)ecause un ast yeaýr lie was iii rI of the Canadi .'eiýAo;qûnn4Ofnn twol years of tiçnecluné > 0- annually, andI ~A w friends for S~peakerA ed the Prestige Aconierýenice was il I)as l l, i ono op 'Deý,l opi n Hising CGo. L )rated i 19t faither dlied til r'etirèed fromn rte tanke a nil ownvi buisiness. EChrters ý lias vative, and a LuYty'S tXO i[tt a rio 0 j -ca I il it lins ti a latel post Mr. Chiaters wi !y agetnwp g bakgo-dbut ile and knowledgec orrat secreta necxt week wi nýig-11t', a t eof iMr. .-11( d Ceffee ]os se r mr faci whicli hais y, at this is the ,fact Ceylon Go d thait the: aea eontrols Lth-at ffanit liv( tliat a ýice(l b le a Litera- and ex- ntheir fewver )re peo- mia r ilocr>eaýe pbi opinion in sup- ort cof any preject was essential1 to This was very ieiterestinïg talk on1 miiost timelyv subject and it was- Lecatly en1joyed by the more tbani [u'!rf'y People preýeeet. A goodly re- resnt tonfrom the Kenld'a Wo- ea's Institute wsnoted. Three Important Meetings There are tliree anual meietiings at should be weill atende xt' eek-. The frst meetiing is that of rie iOrono GChamlbelr of Commerce a -.Monda, I7januiary 1'tli. This or-1 ýaiztion wasý formed for the bet- rieemt of our comimunity ini anyýi vay posbeîiid( at tle samie be on i-e aiert for new in1dusýties thelt are c,!nno. Pcv, nl, o sfa cl. T u ' Mr. Lle mas h ne2ss foir rnany year, les me tonte olek tion he held untI turaud the post over 11e was a ncmfeb Lodge, CF. & AM andII held Veery iyff lie was treasurer fc sin Lyle mas a nme of Edlucaýtion and 1 wecetary. He s Fun for tow counci for a Mmr-e Y te! daughteusAux. and Frank. Vancou Michedi, BelteviHe; WLtToronto, and BownianHle. CECIL L 1 of the old ship, pais of Jlý-f. lis beein lu yýeali S.. The son orsl Îpower filn+o. o t r'he furcral ited Churci le SPerviceaâ te,- and cof- nl band, ený- ontract, 9arec eigh-lt to tell olffliciais de-