eunl D)Otlbtfuilly and ïunwiVllilngly she agreed to this. Dcî ick adebe comfiortable, and then ýstarted u-p the copanion te, see how mucLi Ymer the sup~ care~d in the hold. Ten hminutes later wchen lie re- tiirned she was sleeping, -With onec brown arm hrow acrss ler b)rea2st, the otber !in-'plY cr-Iooked4 abo1ve her bead, The bair, cisar- rax.ed by the stomfeU hi n0nl serans over her shoulders and neck. UEUninfu of the sbrik of wind By Anne Ashley Q.What. usýe can be made of e A, Makeripknsfrim the good pieces of th clothAI. Cuit il] squlares and hiem or hrm-stËitcfi. They caýn be u1sed by the falmily an1d will save wcvvar onItle neernapkinis. Q. 1How can îi make aàgod er- fume for the dresser daes A. Ceýt some pumice stone and clut into pee;the(n pour a few drops of perifunne on each lump11)of the puice wnoe. Q. Hiow can I1 remov\e tains- from nlifillished floors"? A. Turpeine will remove ai- most anlykUd of spo_-t from n fini- ished fluor.s wthout mnaking the wood dàrkýer. Q. Wbat can be, done if the toes of sboesb1"d? A. Wring' a clo)th ont of liot Mater anid Iay it folded acruss the toes %wIil(ý the shoe2s are on tflirýet. The eathwilMOIepand and confurm to the shape of the foot. Q. Huw eau 'tclnt citron nito thin slices for fruit cks A. Put the citron in -the oven and heat tboroulyp. It can then lie eut as thin as desired, and àt 011 vent hiose from ýiuppo ter is A. Sew, a iece of an oUi stockinig on1 thle nndersýide of the good tock- inlg whVlere the 1h9Se suppor1ter is cauglit American Dollar Worth 69 Cents WasingtonI reports, ting 191 as ayadtc for the dollar ait 100 cents, that tbie valuie of the Ameni- cani dollar baýs shrunmk to a cuirrent 69 cents. ThI's is artrived at f rom-1 thie cost of livin'g idesayS the( St. rtage hligli CIîtic S, omiry The have met vyL 6. ]s it nce 1. The hlost at the footo nlates thie plac you sýitfberc Wilson, yvou B3rowýn, peýas nexi to Mr. liread and but tend in or.dilal 1o" saIl thlat this is nlot req whIat appears t( pr-oval, flot w"itl, He -would winl t tion of biis andi thenli tore nt "Tc, an uukn<i some1tbîng very ing in this p)h-aý to-dlay whio are [s uf criticism., \or and atteni- before callinig Uliito ,, paul Athenis Wr h nth fromi d revled nan stanl- .But de-. 1ragemnt ie Gospel ahi fouuld and singuiiarly 'Canlada ab-ouit the unl bu olone as a wb leu hefore it tie i. -no crignit to drag lier into the isciouis of net that ertagled bim. The wrcc C thie steamier ha,-d temnporarily afaeres jfeed hini, bt fP.ttigrev wouild rked you taee uP the searcli andMn hini t u tfii. devwnr. oth bec-r lIe cofld niot elude tbeica for log; it had bouded Inperis- anm in su'. te'nty for 1 vo years, dning lini ýoice that fromn pillar to post, and, wenlie icm if ber liad ltthe safestfoud Wbu trîed is earsý in asiall, obscuire corner uf board for Souith Anï'eca, living mndler ani as-. sumiied lanme and started Iiiii b)ackI fwas o the cainl fted off inito lie drinik as s, sippinig it stiimllatinlg ack linto lier Ood beùside lier, Nwatcbing reedy- eyes. The nearvness bad sAkon bfoy as bier and lie bad diclty, g back, the emlotion tblat 1to overwbelm liii. eri tu lbe in commiand saod smiling fainty wbenl d lier to take another s«p lie laughied. "It's the sof mutiuly aboard the ds recalled the other tune authoity had been ig- i the crew dceser-tedl.She nd closecd ber ryrs agairn. an ;ImpriSOsinmlter,"lie to 'answecr f or tbie crimec liec iiad no(Ver commiiiittedl. He cold never feel safe again! Aninl scosg-unescçapedf frum Ibis lip)s, fllowed by- bitter langli, the su~ of it fillillg Ct narrow eàhin anild aw"akenliug thec slumheirer. Hler eyes openied and sýtared -at im iin be-idiermenit. Thelci, wthreturning intelligence, shec smiled (, and vwith an1 impulsive litle gesture 0trst Ibotb bauds ot tu hmii. Tliegsture, ile anmini- nocen, Ie th ununsciourfemlin- i!ue ivtiopoflove, and IDick, kilowing s1he !ad betr-ayed lier feel- ing's, groneiuwardladod ini mdciij, truglinijg with imself. "Yusave-d )iy,,1fr, Dk'shle -ad ivl. -,st1here manyt!inig you wanit of mel" Tbe ca fii osýpiere of thelc rabin7' grew bot and( stiflï-ing to liiii, SOc- t]iat lie bre-atbied aiy a giddy sensa'-tion setover Iliii; bis blands trembileýd vitb p1)assionl, nd lie ovdsw'iftly toward îber [tuseize w 1 m t lcried îtr iuhl. 1Buit lie Canladian ostt is more tavor able on the wblole for the averag,? conisumelr, This ik oly possible bly retention of certain controls and als by the system of subidie;, whiich is stïî in force for a cos-. siderable nuiber of comlmoditice, iuicling lhotulehold coal, -as onc exanle,. prov-ed worthy of ýýbernaeak if traditon be true thet the oiginal Bettywa a s;taun1cli littie craft whlo b)rokýe heaýrts galore alid ivcd to see moiLst. or ber lovs arried or btiried at a good old age - anld ýhen viorung dwned, ihbek inig cý1luds and a warm sun, she ivas stili idn on an neen11-1el. witb nne oàber imbers snia y ed or weakened. Foward Ithe seaanchor hed, bobbing Iup and clo on th waves àik asodden m]1aýssof ditod Illth oue s s1lenig :and jerkinig ryhicyas tle shoe balcked anlubd in its tugl t brek se f rom tbemul. eierDick inor Roe hd ilepi thirouigbout thle nig'hi:t; te adIo kecep con'stanltly om wakb. 'To; Be Contliiued ISSUE 47-1946 apart by their bair styýles! Both cuti aind cudIdly and ine inchies ta!L. They ha(ýý eÀ lots ofchs, toùl Paten 80 bs transfeýr of doîl: patrsfor des,2 sitblonise, Scnid 'TW\'ýN T Y CEFýN T S coins (stampscanno111t be acce'pted>) fo)r tis pttroto theNedcr Decpt., R,(ouni 421,. 73 AdLaLide St feî oronto Pint piainlyý PAT- TERN, i ,NvmBrr.your NAM P' Fhiv n t tb),el s b1e, at a si o filiin timan un11the plaforml, and on11 a remak: If nt f tosecity guys priceo f ml ol aeat1iru 1at cronIt,1 tbey oud oon top Prurit ms-Ienehhg )in aud ban db abýout so manly girls overseas viiù'. nuing Cait-adian hsiusbands. That jCa]- ousy sbotild fnot, bccarried into a distortion of the facts, Onie-tblirdl of alI the people in Auistralia live in Sydiley and Mel' boumrle. I v lat per- ,ed 1h lives Chiurch ries sage fellot'. -equiired rfection Osopherý of the danger- (3 EACE