OR&lNO, ONT.. THUflSDAY, C( 'amblyn's Hoistein Il Take Action Against Dam age To- Property In Village The Orono Police lr#istees met ci, a A1u Fr ofieOrono, ia its regular monthly Hmipoeet meeting.m mroeet After the minutes had heen read There is nuhn oeimportant and approved the following business te a nation thian the çstate of its was trans.acted : home. No one -would contend tha-t a Il 'was decided to proceed with the nation can be truly great if its, peo-1 filling of the hole on the west side iIe live amid the risk and discoi-1 -Yf Tanniery Bridge as seon as pos- orsoinaeatad'narciv aible houing.The homes are sîiý-fican On ac(ourît of the niany coniplaints ai1, cue hyaeanidcto fdAmae'dnfV riae n vi of what is 'happening o the peopie lage property dur-ing the pastfe snifatr soalnd cnmc 'weeks, it -%as decided to issue a enirnet very quic-kiy resuIts in waring i te oca ppe, satngconifortabIe, well-equilpped homes that action wflille aken against andi the reserve is also true.1 ,ariyonei caug-ht danaging property. Look at the state mf the bernes and The seecetary was instructed te you have an accur-ate gauge of the viýst Mr. Flynn, asking hlm to re- poiio fth'epl ndterJ tt eyrje bis trailer from itspresent site' oifo, fthmeolmadd.,r tt one sitaiile o the Trustees. There are certain conditions which The condition of the, rotd irn theý must obtaïi befere people atre like- *orhof -hie village Ieadîng,, over te iyte establish, or imOprove tei Aîr. U, illsoi's, iýt mas decided Vo( homne s. They must feel reasonably miake furth£r inquiriesý to sece what speue-able to look forward Vto an1 ean be done.assured income jn, the saniepae .1V t a also decided to hold tlbe 'Phey m-usýt haye credfit available atj momination mieetixig for Police Trus- reasonable cost--Aa good home mayi ,;tees on Friday evening, Novemrber represent the SaIvings of awhe 22nd, and on) ectin day a vote be lifetime.,1Builders and materials ie.lâd as te the possibiity of esta'b- miust be available and within thieiri .ishing a village garbaige colectioni. masntnnh uebidn A Acheque froni theOrono Hydre omeifyou r nyrgon at w &f $5396. -waîs handed te the treas- arit.r-on t 'urr e b pt e Vs reit f he These principfles apply o tow-n P'olice Trustees. This was a refund andL country alike thoughthia- ,in street 1164tt5. plicatin may ,,a ry vwitb var-ying The next. ntular ,mieeting willl Ine conditions. City housing is se la- tieljd on Mdnay, November 25Vh. 1 adequate thant the city problein gets the spotlight but it is encouragingI flvanifinniAMPPrft WII t. note that t'here is increasing ini- 'Ulwise To Wait In the'closng das of iat ekk offiels of an Iindaependenýt orýganiza.- lion, hchm esaseiat of ac- curatmely mauig ulcopinlion, becamie curniousý about therepto whic'h Ganaýdians are gvn to the imew CatmndaSaings Bn.They set their large aid wide spread staff to work iii _il pro(vinces te finid out, a on ther tiss wat perenttage of the thýree million buyvers of Vic- tony Loan Bonds and War Savings [ÇertificAtes had bough,,t the inew bonds to date; how mauny of the re- mainder intended to buy. Onie of the more initeresting- facts which this survey uncovered w as thait an estîimated 21%/',of formeýr Victory Lcan buyers in urban areas hadnot yet bought hecause they wvere waiting for a salesman to CaL>I; and in the rural areas an' estimated 11l% were aise waiting- for -a sales- miain. This proved of particullarin terest to those -who9 planned and arei giving, direction to the sale of Can- ada ýSavings ýBonids, nÎ view of the fact that such wide pu'blicity h as been given on this very point. While there are a mnmbe-r of salesmten froni inivestmi-ent lhouses ini the fiel, they cannot beg-in to niake theetesv canvass of individuald prtiulra in, rural areas, which ýwas made by the sales force emiployed in Victory Leans, The odds are overwh.ehwt- ing that if this 21% ýini cities and 11%ý in rural districts cont'inue Vo wat .for salesmieni, they will neyer buy a new bond, MO RT 0N_ - MORT 0îNll Achrigdsrc»w dig o inees oPLterbor-ou gh fr;inds took paeSula,1y iin St. Jh' C1111rc1-, Ia l Reiv. C.Maen Officited aut terarigeservie ef ,Be trice Winniifred Mo)rton anfi Chanles *enbrtMorton of Bethaniy. Thle bride is thje daugliter of -Mr,. aï-rd Mrs. 1saac 71orton of Cavani, and the biere is the son of Mr. nn11'd UrS. PRdbe-rt -Morton 11of Bethany. -Miss Jean' Lough pl-t-ed! th-e wedding music, M i ss Isaibel Jac ks 9n1 was maid-f-honrad the ,grooiistinan wvas Mr. Rolbert Morton o f Oroneo, cousin of the g-room. The bride was~ lovely i a gown of white sheer on princess uniiesvith, lace inserts in the full s'irt, Thie fitted bodice was faýýhiQ~nkd with at sweetheart neckl"ine and the long sileeves formed graceeul points at thé ýding rv e Was She alrt, Twvo other features of thie sur'uvey show V'at 27% of those in hs rural Later in areas wbo have te buy are going to teok their send lu their application by mal, trip, th'e 1) and that 28%i of those lucon rysmbeof aras wholo bugbt Victory Bonds i~ lc have net yet deided to securs a new turii theyv bond and are ciassified under he 1fan near 1 Subscription $ 1.25 per Year p.,hased 1BY Canadtians Lillian Cole And Harry Lynch Win Silver Medals In Public Speaking Contesi $3,100 Hizhest Bid shrsr 31 1 Autu A larg-e numiber of spectators and there was a considerabI g-oodly numbher of buyers, me1stly, tendance thai, usual, wl anadians attended the Holstein saleý show an inicreasing inter( he herd blnigte ivr. Miltolil Mr. McGinnis, prindri amblyn on Tuesday afterinooni, C-,oninuation Scboei, oc teber 29th, The weather turned chair and mnade a fewi t milserable, being -wet and cloudy, fore calling on hes contc 1uring the first part of the sale contestants were: gir te biddin-g ge away teo a goed tart, Rainey, Lillian Cole, M~ t laVer on iecame soinewhat Kathleew ?ower, Edna C ,aggy, resulting in lower prices. nor Green, Caroline Joi The opening ýbid was aken on Cornish and Margaret' dar Dale Pietje Clara Belle, a 7 Harry Lynch, Keith VN onths' oid heifer, whicb sold for llooey', Grant Werry, ,840, tuo 'Mr. ýS. T. Stephenis, of Clarke Werr-y and Steý selawnt Dairy, Richimond Hlill. Mr, The judg-es wvere.. Rev. W. .C.~ Ramisay, of Wanstad, Ontario, son, -Miss iFerguson and rchased Cedar Dals Ether' Pietie humn, ail!of Newcastle, r Vhs suni of $lýCî00, who is a sis- Theý judges report wa ýr of Gedar Dale MLan-O-War Carol, Rev. Patter1son rvho cc l4ýCanadianand Reserve Ail-Amiýer- the chilcren on their Spi( aïu 3-yýenr-eold. ýMr. O. 'C^ PRamýsay sekig and at hie sarît se, purciLse(l Cedar Pale Rag- Ap- theni somte helpful hints e Patricia, a 5 iiitnths' o'd caîf for contests. The resuit<of ,0'ý7,5. This caîf is a daugbhter ofiÎîng was, the girls, silver edar Dale Pietie Princess that sold 'Lillian Col, of flethes r $900.boy's nmeda<l to Harry I 'The senior berd sire, Montvic1 Littlewood presented the leike Pistje Posch XX ma sold' Rv. Patterson presentei ,E. G. Meagher, of Oakville, foria Il the contestants. te Sulu Of $3,100. W. J. M, ur1Ph y ok, seven head for a toltal f 4, The programime was )q, includino' the topn mi, a ithmisical Selections, I addition 1 ,UU ew tarin Sare requiredi. Conditions ,o province teo province. The eïnes in~ Nova Scotia and Edward Islnnd are said te be r condition generally tLhan in for instance. Prairie hlomes particularly bad Condition. s whviceh are in imany in.stan- ýstantial are too often in;con- and ill-equippedl. Electri-1 basic to g-,Ood livling, and99 Vt of cýity bouses have it but per cent of farm bhousýes. On- ent have bathtu'bs wýith lirun i- ater, 12% furnre heatinig, ,frigeration as compared lt h 2%and 70 par ïcent ofecity havilig- bathing faqcl ities, heat-inganrd refigeration). net a very imnpressi;ve record. be hoped thaýt the situation lprove vt imprevemient in. come weu materials and enV are more readiuy avail- U Re'd took up crayon work, 1Yian~y Pere is another angle to this wrinterested in this and ,i-rked prohlei. iven the inclination and on'_t patterns during the eveninig. the time to do It im-any-, people could, Tbe Clas unatrlittie or no expense, improve their 'R wig Cls udr r.homne environnments g-reatly. A bit Boube arried on with cutting out of paint and- soniie landseaping- would materals~often work wonders. Perhamps if De- There are patterns and mgznsPaïrtments of Agreulture, Agricuil- for exchangec, so 1bl'ig along any turai Colleges a ndIlscbh-oos would _you may bv.previdemore instructions an*d ad- Trhe draw for hast week was for a vice as wlias suita-;I)e seeds and pound( of butter anid it was woni by shpuibs, ruLral homi )e 1improvemeont Mïrs. Betty Major. ýceuld( be speeded up. More Cases 0fPoi yets 'Reported By Health Uniti ears früni Bewý,-1 ýed te Riverdiae n 27Ith October brings hs total numabsr ofl ifpoliomyelitis in the North ýnd-Durham, HealVh Unit area ,ar te 11,.Ji. addition there îis s suspect case mientionedl :ed e hopit al p er basý besù dis- laIy. lin c A..ase o eeiyu Y' a. nAAturnA it into c-ash at 100) cents on the dlol- lar, plus intsrest, at auy time'". Canadian Butter Remains Ila Canada Erv-ery once in a -wvhite somne Citizen akes bis pen in biand, writes te the papers, elleging thaýt large quantities1 of Canadian butter have beau sbip- ped overseas. Recently, a correspon-i dent of one paper imadcPhie astound- ing assertion that 1,500),C00 pounds of butter had been siplpedl te Latin and Soutb Am-erica and ev,,en Alasiha. -How far lie was wide of the mnarkç, la shown by an official statement of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board that only 100 pounds, or two boxes,. of butter Lad been exported te AI- aska, and that was to meet the needs of a small coi-muiinity whbich couud be convenieutly reached only from the Canadia'n' ide. As regards Latin Amnerica, experjts amlounited Vo 300 pounds, o- five boxes, and tItis weuÈtot Colouibia for the use of n group of Canadian nationaîs la that counDtry. iThe only other places te wich Canadian butter is exponted is te Newvýfounilatid and the Britis-h West Indies, which bave always drnwn nl considerable part of tbeir, require- m-ents from Canada, and ths total expert in this direction is about one percent. Orono Homecrafts Guild Program Wed. NOV. 6th In Orono Sebool, conmmencing at 8.00 p.m. sharp. Nutrition - V/ege-I tables and Salnads. Home Mage nient -- "Wce're Expecting Cem- pany". 'Hn-ndcraýfts -- Sm-ocking, IClove MkigandA Rugs-.all alter- ations te be taken iïx.Sewing - Starting hs Aive weelk project. WUll sncbimemiber of' theewn caabing mater 11il ndpatI tre o mapke a garmnent- dress, bous.,econt, etc. -- to e scompleted during, the' nemt Ave weks. Al neessary blelp, will he given. Arrangem3ents w be mi'ade telha-ve a'dipy of the 111n- On Wednesday evsivg around 71 p.m. a sad accident occurred justl north of Oron.,o, when Littîse Cecelia1 A-ruton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.i 'Clifford Bruton, was fntally injuned when strucký by a car. Cecelia, who is nround sevenyer of age, was car-rying- a pail of W'ater hom0re froni a neighbors -wbeu the accident happsned. She was strueki on the ron-,d just south of -Mr. H-oirace Best's f'arm. The chiud was killed instantly. Fali Special Hoistein Sale Held Ai Guelph James T. Brown, NLýewcastIe, sold a total cf live head at the Fali Spe. cial Holstein Sale heldf Octolber 22ý aV GueIph. These incîuded an great- grand-son of Montvic Bonheur Pietje Bfor $5ýf; a pair of thrce-year- olds at $5 0 and $2'-75; n twe-year- old for $275. A gnandsenr of .Montvic Bonheur Pietje B. broug'bt $000 for CarIes Tamnblyni, Oron, and E. J. Brown, n, secursd $400 for a t-wo-y-ear-old beifer. The general average at 'this sale was $28 on08head. The top pic of $1,10 wns paid hy Francis B. 'Me- KLIhbenr, Glanford Station teý J. WV. and R. H. Carney, Ceong-eto-wn, for a yerigson of hs uoted thrýee times Ail-CuaîdanMnti Rag Ap- pi Mrkma.Highest ptie fe- nielewas abrsd beifer osgndb W A. WnrvOnpeîie o whlich Sumlmit Vie, Far., Bridge- Port, paid $800. 23,820 Veterans Appointed Mr, L. E. -Frankllin was the nue- tieneer, with _Mr. Glennl. Tamýb"lyni and Mvr. Everett Bro'wu, asledmn the slips wers pnssed eut by Msessrs. Franicis Jose ami Eari Brown, ',vfle Mr. _jlood, of the Canadian GCounitry- nia, nctedt as clerk of the sale Quite a nunibier of the purchasers 1were people startin.- into the Hol- stein business. The entire herd broug-ht in the sum 'of$2,5.. PRICES BOARD INFRACTIONS BIRING HEAVY FINES d C. Wnlmnan, 'Major Street, Toronto, W wa-s fined $1ý,100 cor six -jmontha in cd mail wh1eni convicted lnst week of buy-66 ing andIC seilling sugar. coupons-.r Said the Magistrats, "If thiïs se rt b ýof Ving is permitted Vo continue it Wil dastroythie nntiouing sstni 10 w-vill im-pose a fine of $100 for every 1~ hundred pounds of sugar fer which rp accused bas coupons."1 Magistrats Prentice expressed Vhsip opinion in a Toronto court that finesi a-re net a remedy for black m-arkýetj car sales -when ,lie fined H. L, Cowan, ari Torento, $900 on Vw,,o charges of sell- up iug used cars over hs ceiling price. w, iVussses testified that oesof hs op cars was aold at $900 above he ceu i-n ing and the cther at $400 lu exceas tir of Vhsiepr-,ice set by thhs WPTB. W1 OA1M 15ý. tA ine ii 411J5 siging God Save the prayer, nfter wiceh a and abundance of lunchi The proceeds for ti aiiimuted te $22.65. Canada's War Sravi Total Now Over ay Var iics in 'ilanitcba Vhs urban ce-ntreý Prize Winners F( Field Cr c omýp et itors enritered hse1PO Central A 1gricul tarai Se- eld Crop Compnetition held 88 ion with hs Fair this year Secretia Agricu ed1 -'hs fi ihe ce- Duirng Vhsueyear 194ý enid of June of this yeý 23,820 e-x-service mer11- had beon apoited V Civil Ser-vice. 0f ttis 527 ,positions were fil! vieml-en, Pagaiînst, onl vicewoanler. iV was p.-iltsd -eut bc hs Civ-l service Couný ever, th,!,Vhs;malliln maen nppointed was du that exsemrscomen iwere net npplying foi Sposta. Ltter rv of te Mr. J. C.1 Vhs Dur-hami Society cn Who Were su- ýon on ths ex- Ste be judged. r hs advanlce- nd 'vas of Vhse mer sb-ould en-J 5 Sth-, Ernest Cavý with 8'2 joilits. 6, Donald Lowesý, 76 point, 7th. Frank Dorl witb 751L *ointF. Vol. Polic lMrs Mothe day ;Sidp and l ri I'solati ,a susI cne