EE OR&INO, ONT., THURýSDAY, CT. 2,'4th, 1946 Subseription $ 1.25 per Year U.Silver Medal1 Contest, Orono, United Church, Oct. 2 Public Speaking Contest -Margaret Roy Weds J. B. 1 Arnott la Orono Churchi Tise Park Street United Cisurch, firono, attractively decorated i atisý nsniilex, echiti anti bronze chrysan,- tisemuums aith ariîte tapers, aras the s3etting for this 'arriîage on Saturdny 40ff Mai1garet aran Roy, tiaugister off l'ira. Rey andth ie late Wmi. Swran Roy, te J'obn Henry Arnott, sooclff hMrs. Arnott antitise late J. AIbeaýt Arnott off Dundaik. Rev. S. Little- 'wood prffetlrmedTh iecearemony. Tise areuiing musdi'c aras playeti by (afs,'. R. S. 'Brown, anti Mar. ,Johna Black of Port HoIcpe asý sololat. Tise bride, given in marriage by er umcle, Ma. Robert L. Roy, aras ,gowned in lvory satin %antisfitteti botice, full aklrt with 1long train,) -wi rhbaud pleates .d neck anti .aleeves, andtivaore an lipirloom peari neeklace. Tise bride's veil was fuil -lengtis, falling faOm a satin bandIeauý etiged witis iellofniseed pearî,s. A s1ower bouquet off pinkl munis aithI ;aprigs off aiste heather andi foaget- The bride aras attentied bDy Mas. John lackoff Port Hope, weaing teq rose taffeta fashlioneti similarly -with mi-atcing long nmittens and ~otihplumre iseatdaress. dVha. ~,c ,carrieti a cascade off oachid and whilte Mal(s.1 Jack ýGarnett, off Port Hope, Ma. Robhert Jnirffie, Staatforti, 'Wsbest mari. Tise Ùsisers arere Ma. ýèetis Mtchell ainti Mr. Paul ý.sherry, botisoff Stay-ner. Attise receptieon ield a t tise1 --homse off the bride, ber mother wore Sa floor iengti go'a off rose orchiti crepe with mitcrhing fac tiser bat ai cýorsage off plis anti arite insums. 'Tise g 'msaunt, M11s sClara Bernes, arise aise receiveti, chose ;a hyanacintis blue goariwith matching Leaving for pints west the bride -wore a dress off 'uniter,'s green arool -antlis meilon i sade cent,. beige hat anti bOrowrn accessories. On tieir ratura WIr. an'd Mas. Arnot't i reside ,ii Thse bride is a nutritionist attend-1 Gîreat Interest IE 1 In. J~Honiecr Âaispresýent at t'isemetn of ts leaders are quite p]eý sed aithtie con- tinued gooti atten'danae and tiseinter- ont shown. uMas. 'W. PRaid,asitn leader off nutrfition, gave a veay itercestinig ,paper on sinadwiches anti luncis box nieals in generI. Several types off saadaricbes were tdsrihed and aise nany racipes o uings Igiven. Fr nsu-Llas, for lunýches that ipeat tise nui- triional raquiremeats off a areil bal- anced meal -%vere given tee. Tise 'Homne Managaninit leader, Mrs. O. W. RoIpis, gave the srisedule for budgetiaig timie aniarak for tise last five tiys off the areai. A list ras go"ven eoff 'Do% antidoat's te heip isomemnakers a cieva tise ah-i -iff gracions 'living. Mrs. Relph aisel '- euacad thut tise subject off ber Staik latare weeks't iae aroultbe ~"ironing ýand mauding, andt iat tisera 'would 'be a prize off a pair off nyiont bosiery, given for tise best tiarninig denrý. Tise tarn must hla iwooi anti at least 21/s incisas la dianineter. At tise conclusion off Mars. Rolph's ciass, Mrs. J. {C. Tambhlyn anniiounicati that an executive meeting hati been heil t terganize 'Mothieraft clas- es andt iat thase aroulti 'ha held wcekly lai different homes. Prôffes- sionai taiikis ant i deas ailha givea. Five contestants were antered iai CaieTewnshýîip Public Speaking Contcst, on1r1a evenling, Octo'bea l8th, te decide the trewo nrswbjo would represent tise tewoýnshbip at tise County spjeaking con'test w'hich 'wvill be bield in 1.oro on Fridlay, Novenii- ber 1,st. Ah1 conte-stants _were beard, the tare winning candidiates weeIst, 'Ross Brown, S. S. No. 4, 2od, H1elen Tuartiner, 'S. S. No. 9. Tise five contestants'arere : Verna Berry, Antiocis, 1Helen Turner, No. 0, (Melv'llie G'ilbert, No. 1, Peg,ýgy Ste- ver-sen, No. 5, Ress Brown, off No. 4,1 Verra (Berry net being able te be present, hier place wias tak1,enriIly 1 raneis Cearan off Antioch, w'ho was e1i'minpted by Verra 'Berry la the Antioch eontest. Mr. 'RusselI1 Os.lboane, presi- dent off bihe Durham Trustee-s' anti 'Ratepayers'IAssaciaition, actéti as chairmnan, and oýongratulated the veung contestants on tiheir siowig Ha aras pleasedti t see se miany pres- eiit at the contest anti attaibutet'ilhi teo the new blooti that has beeni 'brought into the aýssociation. He aras of the opinion that these public speaking contesýts woulti neyer peter e)ut if the trustees and ratepayers always get ýbeiini'tise mevement, anti bhat they have always ne'w pupilýs te wau ith. H-elen Turner spoke on Edith Cayeïu, Me'iviile Gilbert on the labor- er who becamre the higis'ýest paiti man in intiustry, Ma. ShraPegg1y Ste- venson on Princess Elizabetýh, ROSS Bro w-a on lutrabering, anti Francîs Ceoam, the world's sm'aliest sabou- teur. Mrs. J. C. Tanilblyn, Mfrs. Wm. Wrigist and .Mr. L. G. MeGÎnmrs were~ tihe judges, and eaûcis pupil wa.s given a prize, prasentedi by Ms J. C. Tam- 'blyn. B'etween tise atitresses a pregrani aras prepareti .arit Vseile wigtek- iag ipart: An instrumental duet by Haray and Dènny Lynch -.rhich was greatly 'appreciateti anti calied for an encore, antis Mrs. Lyncis at tise pianlo; a voical sole by Jackie Wilson, sole by Ariene Boyd, -with encore, an'd a vocal solo !by 'George Joncs. c (Ma. liber Soucis, Cl'arke Unlion,. bhas solti bis fatrm te Ma. Adnims, offC Stmlcoe County, ila the interests of1 thie Tobacco Cemipany. inlg schlools atMaDnl Hl, lGuelphb, Acadia, N. S., anid O.C.E, Toronto. Tbe groom, a g-raduiate of 0. A. C., !!lp, as just r.etuaned fromn Sasktch'wa whre e waus assist- 3eing Taken aft Gu'id Work Mrs. Sidney Ruhrfr ,ill Ibe thie te anlyonle itridif they' w\ill ,give le1ader and invitations vwill be se-nt their naine to Mrsz. Ruitherford, Mrs. Tailnor Mrs. IVoye Wa zýIncs and pa-'tterns relative to this subject wUflhe excne d to. On the care of houise plants, t-wo papers were given, one by Ms.J. Richar~dson, and the other .by _Mrs. J. ;C. Tariblyn. Al il te gnrlas- .pects of plant life were covered and directions ýfor cutting sliïps given. A general question and answer period fouoe lad several slips used for Aemofrstrati'on were dsabtd The hanidcraft classunderWr Ms.*L. -Reid,card on with the knitting, erocheting and Vatting, and (Mrs. Reid said that 'crayon w o rk would b e taugh-,Ït nex<t. IMrs. F. C. 'Boulthee, leadler of the s'ewing cla'ss, gave apecific directionis for different types of maending and àarn'ing, and alý'o helped any whio were workusg1- on theoenmitits or aprons. MaIs. Boultjb)ee ar lnrouned that ber suibj*eet in two weeks, thati i-,, !Otofier 30th, vouid be seam fln- îshes, and that MaI. Duncanwod g-ive a denionstrat lio c wing mia- chiine attchiel-itints. Magazines and atrs r tl needed ore 1hng.The daaw this -weedk xwals for a four pouad tin of honey andi it was won 1-y Mrs. L. G. 'M. J. Tamblyn Selling lis Elr_ osenHr Hoistein bremeudeas ntIil1 hainteie- in in ntig ti pte disýpersai off tise ol-estabiiis1eti Cedar Pa)ýle bardiloff MIilton J. Tmln atL bisý fn, Orono, con TuesdnyI, Octoher 2t.TIiis is tise daiy folloawiýng tise AIiCaadanHoîstein sýale at Oaký- ville andi shoulti prove a fe 'ature at- trac-tion' for "Black ,ani WhMlita" breedlers aris are intarested in oh- taiingsemaieofftise baead's hast Mýoot i ies. iiigsigthis aevant is tise off ering at 'pbicactien off Montvic Hainika Piatie Posci XX, tisa graatest proven son off tise fami- eus Pietja B andtie tisnoteti Raiymon- tale Ideai Success-.or, boti solti for areli up in tise fire figures. Plietje Poscis is oeaoff tisa greatest proren sires off tise day as evidieniceti hy tisa b*-Ii production off mjIlk ant ifat anti tise ,vell-attachsedi udtirs fount onl bis 34 testati taugisteas. Tarenty off these tianuiters anti grantidaugisters 1have been kept in tise isard and tisair records sipaak for tsaniselv;es. Thay sihoilti prove m'est attractive te breetiers arisearac oasidering atitin-g sema eoff tisahast foundation stock available te thair herdý, Aise off special interest, is tise graýnd'olti gat off Baron Posci Rag Apple XX, a son'off Montrie Rag- Ap- pyle Baron anti eut off Lady ýMcg Poscis, anti arise as 51 testati .taug- ters anti 23 provean sons 1-e'bis cradit. A totail off 40 heati inclutias 6 buils anti 34 femnales arortby off your uit- Most ,,PPreciatÎon. 'Ma. Tambtllyn bafis been baeeding H-oisteins fer -ovea 25 yea-s. Tise berti ias been on tests for more than 22 yen,ýrs anti repre- seats 5 genaratns off Record off Per- formnance. Buflît on tia hast off founi- daition stock, tise Cedar Dale bard dispersai prenants a rare ocppoatuaity te select tise finest off blooti lires. Everyone intceastedi in obanrg saine off this excellant baeetiing froar an riiul pedigree anti protine- tion stantipoint sboulti attend tiss s'ale on Tuestay, Octobar 29,tb. Sý"IXTH UNE Ma. ant irMs. Geo. RHuien ý are risitin'g faientis in Toronto. îM issRuths Gortion. off Whitby, visiteti at tiser home. 'Mxrs John Watt spent tai- holiday wreek-endti atis ar tauisteýr in St. Ca.tharines. Ma. anti Mas. George Lofftisouse anti fnilyv isitet witis Ma. Johnl 'Ma. Neil anti M i ss Catiserine Steart -attanidedtihie Teaclisers' coni- ventin hicis aas saltiin port 1Hope. We offar oua congratuilations te,1 Maý. a nti -Mas. Gus Wilson on tie birtis off n Son. Cong-ratulations te 'Ma. anti Mas Bob. Stinton on their rcetm-l nag. Ms.Staýinton aas fomrilyl M.Aver-y,off F ingal, spe'nt -a fea daysants Ma ani- Mrs. N. Ke'!nedy lier etisrMs, Kennedy Sa.., is, quie 11 n Bwmanivila Hospjital, i Tisa, teachiers off Cîake Towns-iýhip1 110di tiseir mntily eeting- in oua, Stihool. Most off tisa teacieas arara presenit. Denionstrations in1arts1an crafts ace -ivan 'by 'Misses Kath l(en Art, Ruti Gootia ani,4Helen Dacisert. CLARKIEUkiNIO"ýN (Initantiatfor last xeCk'). sereral in tfhis section sati quita aeroff tiseir tomiatees froze a ist areek. Ma. cati (Mrs. Sulas Soucl is ort te Orono on Monday 'where they w,111 lire antfis'Miss Eva Patteason. Mas. licher Souisbat tiste misffoa- tune te feu on tise hardwooti floor la iser horfte enaon day last areak, shaking hierself up oonsiderably. An X-ray aras par-foamai ed ti etermine if any boesaere brokeýn, but foruaay tisera were none. -W7eaiwish'ber a spayracoveay. OuarIHome anti Scibool Cl-ub hait anti Mas. liens.Scott tlhea askcd 'Mr. anti Mas. Suas Souc7eis te coma e tise fr-ont off tise rom, ahen llMa.Sct rendl an aiddaas.s, anti Ma. Roy Sctt- anti W\ilmnot Buillock presanteti thi antisaan elcctric table lanmp antialec- A quiet but piety edin took place on Saturd-ýayOctob)er l2thin Ire)ne, Ilauhte ofM'Lra i e~s baide off Robecrt WIlaýce Stainton-, yonun-gest sn off a.and Masý.flier- beat Stainton, HaLmpton. The bride looked lovely ini a br.own tailored suit wýith rnacso- îes and corsýage of Sweetheaat1 roses. Miss My-tle Hloy, sister of the bride, aceted as miaid of hionor, wearing a navy tailored suit with, matchhsg a- cessories and cors;age off yellew mnis and pink, car-nations. Mra.MWil- liam Hloy, brother off the bride, was bet muaI. A reception wvas held. at the home of thpe brid'e. The happy cou ple left on a hohneymocen te0 points east. On their retuan they will reside la Tor- onto. More Cases 0f Polio Reported In Health Area, Two children froin the village off Waakworth in Percy Township were admitted toý hospitai in Toronto on 16th of Oetober with potiomnye'litis. One aged 10 years was' admnittfed te Riverdale Isolation Hospitai, and one aged 3 years was -admitted to the Hos'pItal for Sk O hildren. Two a,?duits were 'admitted te Riverdale Isolation Hiospital, Tor- onto, on 19th October wi'th polio-, mryelitis. One w-as a hoy 'aged 1.8 years from t'ne village OffWark- worth. The other a womn aged 24 ye'ars froni a farn-m near Wark- werth in Percy TtoQwinip and trie use of a respira!tor has 'been neces~- sary lan hospital, altheugh sbp was ieported on the 2l1st inst te bLe feel- ng ~sigtl¶y etter.s The other four cases ia hospital are reported as showing im-provel- ment. This brings the tatal numfber of cases in the Northumbeisand- Dur- Unit area this year te 9. 0f threse five were admiitted te bas- pital from or near Warkwo'h la Perecy Township beitweea 12t, and l19th off Octobea. it is reported by the Ontario De- partmlent of Health that the peak of the outbreak, of poliomyelitis in the Province was reached in August and the nuniiber Off cases reported îs droppinig; over 50%ý of ail cases r- ported have nio paralysis. I....Instali Officer Oin Wednesday, October l61(th, OnoLodge No, 43, L1..0.F.,Imet in regular sessionin iitheir lodgel reoml. A'fter the g'eaeral businessýz had be taansacted, Bro. Melville Roche D.'DG.M ff Duaham is- trict No. 42, anid his staff inistaliled, -,he officers of 0Orono Leodge in reg-- larfori.Thie work wasverýyefi cient, and th-e cer-emny wa s con - duced Ithdgni1ty and despatchi. For thie po me Dr. A. F. MUc- Kenze ws pesen wih s po j c - -or, an1d iran off three -eels off pic.- ture whcb ere very much ia- jeyed. Rfrshens ere served by th'- ite in chanrge. Thie foýIlowing o)fFicers were inýýtaIl. ed for- the current terni: N~G.Bao.Robert Chiaters, VG.-Brýo. Sain Keanec. Rec.ecBo. W. J. Riddlel!. Fini. Sec.-Bro. HoadWabshI. Treaure-Bro G.W. Watson., Wiardeni-Bro. C. W. Martin. Con.-Bro. J. H. Davy. Cifhap.ain-Bro. N.Bastw R.S..-Bo.T. Syers. L.SS.-ro.R. Keane. R.S.NG.-~ro.Tack Cam 'L..N~.-4ro.Claude 'Shane R.SV.G-lBo.Fred Yeo. .L.S.V.l. --Bro. Fized Grahamn. 0.G.-Bro. E, Stapleton. I.G.-Bro. Ken. BaIl. ht toaster. The recipients respond- ed, thanikinig tlhem for the gifts. Short speeches weae imade by several present, speaking -highlly of Mr. aad Mrs. SOUCI,. Kenneth Hilis,cornr of the prlOg-ramm ie, thien took the chiair, with the 'following porme vocal solo by AMrs. Ceci, Joncis,_vo,- cal sýolo by Ma. Geore eJones, p"ino. instrumentai hy Ethbel DawsonCH ca solo by Mas. Cecil Jones. Thiiswa foiomed by ïlinch iof bot doga' and weinerS, aples and coffee. Clarke Council Orders Deisel Crawler Tractor A special mieeting off Clarke Towni- 'ship Counicil was eldl in Orono Town, Hall on Faiday afftenoon, Octobea' liSth, to open the tenersreceived ni ieýponse te aniiadvertisem--en't calling for tenders by thie counicil for the purchasýe off a new Deisel Craw,- ler Tracter. Four tender-s aere re- ceived, oae from ithe iSheidan ïiEqui-ý' 'omipaaiy, Carrutlhers Liniited, Do- minilon Rfoist and (hovel Ce., and the J.S. Inais Go. Tise last md eomipany was the oa-ly one that had arbat the tuwnship council wvanted, a Deisel Crawler Tracter, completel witis a 3/ -yard overh-.eati shovel wvith1 an angle dozer blatie on tise front, and drivea with 61.19 horse power. Tise purchase price for tise aboya- raentiened machine aras qu'oted as 'Mr. Kelley, repaeseating tihe ln- nis Clo., aras preseut andi explaineti thse worklng off the Éhachine andi just -,aat it wouid do. There are over one hundred la Onitarlo ant iare - ing- .ooti work; that the Ontarie De- partmienitoff Highbwayis bas tarelve and ibig(hiy endorse them. There is aise crne bel'nging te the United Counties and three la Treinton-.. 'Tle shovel arorks frei the rear anen, then swings areutid te tise -front tel the truck. It isý the oaly crawler tra cter that lias a d'eferential steer-liggar tihe saine as on a car. Ma. Mars'ton, off the Departinent off Highways, Port (Hope, w' rs eut. W'hen asked by tihe Reeve if ýha thoug'ht that the toarnship sioulti purchase a machine offftis ty_,pe for aext year, he replied that hie thouglit it would use ativisablJe Vo Ipurchase suha machine as other townships weere awitching te heuvier equip- ment, and as there ,vas a lot off heavy cnsrutin ork to bh atine in the 'Township of Clarlce, that the council aroulti be Justifled la pur-1 chaLsinýg tiis type off machineay. Affter some discussion, it aras' moved by Deputy Reeve C. M. Joncs,i secondati by Courailler fflaarke, that tise tender of the j. S. Innis Ce. hal accepteti on 'condition tisat the con-1 tractca na'lhae cancailet if tisera shoulti ha a ncwv couacil next yeaa that did net agace antis the purcisase off sucisa maine. 'Counciller Art lMcayars off the opinion tisat asý it was neac"r tiseanti off tiseyear, this imatteasheulti ha laid ove fr inaxt year's couniciL. Counci-llea J. H. Loarery aras off tise sieopiion as tMa. McKay, se an amiet(imenitaras brouglit la. It aasmoveti by Councillo- Mc-1 Large Congregations At United Church Anniversary The anniveasary services at, Park~ Street United Cqlhurch on Sanday last exemnpiied tihe happy relationsan feileowship that exists amog iý membevrs and adtherents. Làtce cn g-regations 'were present at merning and evening se-rvïie,-. Rýer. Harold Sta inton, of Xmcî delivered two zýplenidid srmns,ý the evening servicee taking for tex' "If 1 were twenty'-one ga ,' a sermon specially pce'pare4 ffor t yo-ang generatien. The chioir, uWde the le4adership off Mas, R. Hl.. rowni, went ailleut lna n endeaveur te da their part for thbe suecess of thse o- casion at thse merniýng service, 'with ani ant>hem rendered by the choir, i quartette of>f Misses EIford, Raluey-, BeLst andi Sutton, andi Ma. Alden Uae off Toronto, a solo. At the evening service tise choir ren<ered another anthem, a duet by Mrs. Fred Lycett and Mrs. L G. McGipnis, wifh )Mr. Alden Haw centributing aiiother spleni*d sole. Thie cha.lrch for the occasion was bteauitifuily, decoa-ated -with flowers whieh adided variety and celer te thse ocasion, Financialiy the treasurer, Ma. W. J. Riddeil, reporYts the best contribution ever recei-veti, $5038.56. MEAT A-'ND BUTTER COUPONS BECOME TNVALIB Meat coupons Q-1 te Q4 ia tise old ration bffok and M-51 te M-55 lu the ne Whbok wdvlI becoine invalid for the pure-àase cf mneat after 'Octo-ber- 31st. Butter coupons Rt-18 to R-21 in thse old book and B-26 te B-28 ita tise n,-w mook wiil aiso becone in- valiti on that date. Kay,- secended by Couinciller Lowery,. 'atthis mnatter bie laid ovea for next, year's counicil teoi. The am-teadmt-eait aas put te a vote and was defeated; an(! the original motion aras carried by a miajority Off ýone. The deiivery of this mnachiine !8 exetdby Ma- 5h '97 Thse towniship bsaise on onrder a, near 68 herse per Deisel -1-wbeet driver motor gaaýder, compl)ete wvith sno-wpiew forwarmnte-r ise, 'and] is ex- pected t e ha delivereti semetime thlu ?'artentc Tise Insitute decîdatiduriig tise, bsn ss sion, te defaa alIc- pensas off itise duit education classe,, calicd tise Orono HoCcaftsGilti, te sponsor anl Institutuae poster ýon1- test, idiai o f tise ;SOItis aniver- saay off tise eMen's institutes, te senti a contribution off $1,00 par mîembea rte tise Adelaide H-oedless Foundation Fund. oaa hait off this saiun te ha sent now andtihie balance inter on; te again ive $210' for the public speaking corts't:and Atean- tienvor te arrange for at heast une car off membfeas te attend tise area convention at the Royal York Hotel in Toaonto n Novembea. Tisepogameaas in cha-rge off tise Historical Researchs committea, untier tise co)nveno'rship 'off a.E. Rain'ey. Guest sekroff tise 4- terneen -,vas -Mas. Thiicksoa, off Bow- manville, -who spoke on "The Histoy off Cîak]e <antiDarlingtonTo- siis"A most comiprehiensive bis- tory it aras tee; fao'n tise first settiers arbo obtaineti free grants la 1794, up te tise prasent- day. Mas. Ttiesio oief tise ict off tisas e Parly set- tIers, off their activities, off the lack off roacds being a serions handJicap, off tise primitive survaying as cenaret te tise gvrmntpi eodetie Se- cietýy off to-day, anti inany otliea ea turcs off hi xsec.Tise spea-il er gave thse dates that have bigis- ligistti tis the t o i 'nshps) and ( It waasaniicveaptonaiint ie tak antid v er1,y 1mach en joyeti2 la coiniiiemnoratinoff isle "f bI niversary off tise fnlding of tise mais Insitutes tise Federataýard mens Insitutes of Ontarie i launcis a 'postýer coateat ithragl tise Province.' Rules of IlleCnts Open te an[yone i'n th commiun size off poster 14" -x i. or2'S',x tis e poster muast h-ava stateti on it dîate off tlis e braton-u 1947, the place, O.A.C., u. ps tiseie, "Wa Tre s sure tise Past-- Faice tise Futre",antitisewa Jutiges ailîl be cos ) y BranaisInstitutie. ,h tiseistict, thse Provincial Board te jutige respective postersý. Thle posters Coliat the prcpeaty off[tise lesti ant i nsay ha useti by theni foir licizing tlise otis Annivaasaauy. Pl o L h ýWomnen's Institute To S..ponsor* Poster Ci