Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1946, p. 5

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ORONO WVEEKLY TIMES TIIURSIiAY, OCTOBER 17, 1946 For the Alost Interesting Features of Canada Savings Bonds J. J., -MELLOR Orono phone 160 Sub Agent For W~ILLS, BICL'NE ~ & COMPANY Investments MENIBER 0F THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHIANGE 25 King STREET WEST - WAV-VE11LEY 4 561l Toronto WiIIys' Ci'vlilan Jeep Cank be uised as Passenger Vehic , Truck, Tractor, and as a StationtaryfowYer Unit Cail usfo a demonstration under uronoeaacoditon SID. LANCASTER R. R. 2, NEWCASTLE vue" i /o~ Iland Crafts, Glassware, China, Nov- elties, Chiidcren's items, etc. Ladies' Silkç Stripe Rayoni Panties ïtndl Bloomer1 '8ce Trimmedt Slips, Aprons. 1 WE INVT YOUJR INSPECTION MRS. L. REID ORONO - - O'NTARIO RED& WHITE STORES, CHOICE MEAS PORTERHOUSE, Steaks or roast ......l. I 49C. SHORT RIB Roast............. ...lb. 29c. Bonieless SIIANK MEAT .........lb 24c. Rolled SHOULDER, boneless...... lb. 25c. ROU4'zN.D STEAK or RdIMST, hor less .. lb 44c. Prime RIB ROAST......-.... .lb 34c. Silve& Ribbon Faftcy Toma ûJuice, 105 oz.. 52c. Sani-Whîte Toilet Tis ý'e, 4rolîs.......27c. Walker's Salted Sodas, erisp and fresh, lb box. 20c, Fine Canadian White Cheese, lb.......3e. Maple Leaf Creamn Cheese, 2 lb bo-x.....79c. Sweetened Grapefruit, tin............. ..39e Peanut Butter, hring your containers, thb ..... 20e Lipton's Noodie Soup Mix, 2 pkgs..,........ 25e F resh Fruits and Vegetables TYHIN SKINNED andt JUICY ORANGES 288'-, doz., 39e. WAXED TURNIPS lb, 3e. TRY TASTY PEPPER SQUASHI each, 10e. POTATOES 10 lb,, 25ec. l.nrniNe .w- vv MIiýss boreen Morgani, Toronto, -spenlt thiehldywith b!er ýparenlts. * 1Xr. . E.Artrn viingn Mon1treai Oearth wek-nd Mr. "Bob ooer Toronýto, speat over thie wee-n wth b is pareiýnts. Mr . alnd Mrs.F.0.Cooper. Miss Basnet and,- Miss Gra,ýy spent tha hloliday week-enid at thieir re- spective homres in Tornto. MIl.' and iWrs. RhatCase (Bar- bar-a Nixon) vstdwt the lat- ter's aunit, _Mrs. Noden. 'Miss Viola Noden, Toronto, spoint Th7aniksgiving week-end with ber motrMs. Noden. Mrs. L. lHaPirnm, of Peterboro, spant thie week-enid with .Mr. and Mrs. R. R,. Wadd(ell. Mr. ard Mr. Soitty" Winter and fýamily hav1e moved inte their new home on Church Street Souithi. Mrs. Ross Greenly, of Petesieoro, Mrs. Willis Pa-ter, o (fCo Hill, vwith thleir 5sister, Mrs. LweneLunai. Mr. nd -\l-fs. Wmi. Cobledický szpant Thianklsgivîng ý with MAr. andj Mr.F. J. Brimacombe. Mr. ard MUrs. Percy Mrgnspenit 11w past week witb frie'ids !in WVood- sto(ck andBrtfdO. Mr. :and lMi-.sVWC. Crossley spant1 Sunday i.vwui Mr. ai-d Ms Robert I Crha. ofNawcastla. Mr-. Chasý. Wood, od Kitchienar,wa homine for a few days visit during the wveek- end. Mr. and Mlrs. G. W. Andekrson holi- dayed hast week with Miîsses A. and E. _Morrisoni. Mr .D. Brorwn left on Tliurs- day morning to attend the Intevrna- tionlal Plowýzi-n atc!h atPo' rt AIba)rt,. Mr. and Mr's. S. Souc'h, of Clarke Uioi.li, hve miovad into town, c ï- p rou 0115in Miss Eva Pattersc4iýs é ve you 'tÉried Laixo Cereal Foi-'d4 i;( duMffia-Meal for a good breakfast cerea', ? Sold at your grocary stores 'q' Oreno and surrounding district. 31r. and Ms rheW'atson, o n ,, spent over the holiday w~l the former'spaent, Mr. and M'rs. Alex. Watson. Mliss Gwennyth Phase-y celebrated ber i2th bîrthiday onr Wednesday 16th, by enteri.ainig foutrteen of ber school ch-u.s Mrt. anid Mrs. Neil Wood, and Mr. antd Mrs. Galbraith, of Toronto, spent T'Uhanksgiving withi tha formapr's pa- ants, Mr. and Mvrs. Chas. Wood. NIr. P. J. Chiapm'an, Betty and ,Jihi spent Thanksgiving with. the pform'er's daughter, Mrs. R. Broome, 1Toronto. MsE.Brasis, Mr. ounidtree -anid dau'htr ~. ~2"~,-f Toronito, spent Than'ksgiving week-end w'thl Mr. a1alu qMrs. Arthur Sauniders. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jienderson amiJ Bath, of Newtonville, spenit ani ing *it-iT MAr. and Mrs. W. C. Crosýs- ley. Mr. an'd Mrs. ArtlurL Clemience, of S(-alorth, sp,,eit thle Thaýtnksgsvi'ng holiday at the hiome of MIr. and iVrs. C. L. Powers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lycett, accom- panied by Mrs. J. J. Gornish visited this week with relatives -in Delhi and Grimsby, Mr. Erniie Dent has commence.q2d work on bis new home, the Con- trcosnow buisy putting in the camnent foundatien. MUiss Edna !M.yles, of Hamilton, spent Tluanksgiving- wee--and with lier p)arents, Mr. and MVrs. Deb. Mylas. Rey. S. LittIewooad preachýed a very fine Thankisgivin'g sermon te a large congregation on Sunday miora- ing iast. 1Mr. and Mrs. 'Ilarry Bland and iMr. and Mrs. Bob 'Ruth, of MUount IPleas.ant, were recent guvests withi MIr. and Mrs. W. 'C. Cro(sslay. M\/esars. Bill and llarry Grýady, ac- com-pnied by 'Charlas and Bill Ai-m- strong, visiting 'ih 1Mr. and Mrs, Grady, amlo, oer Takgvn w,;eek,-end. Mars. M. Cra<ne wishaes to thaak ahil those who v.'ere se kind toLe r whiie she -was ia St. Mcalshospital tfor aine iweeks, in sending, ler fruit, fioniecrs and ciards. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Eagleson., Mr. and Mrs. J. Mephan, cýfOs'hbarwa, AMiss Maâry 'Eagleson, of lIilbrook, were Sunday guiests of !Mr. and M. Jas, Eaglasoa, 'Centre Street. Mýr. and mrsý. J. A. Reid, 'cf New- tonvile are happy to nnounrca the bir-tl of a Son in Boýwmani-vilie Mos- pital, on Saturday- October 12th- lMother and baby both doing 'waell. Hlayvisitera with Mr. ald Mrs. Forrester wvere, Mr. ýC. D. Bouck,: iMiss Etheil BouckI, Mr. and 1U1rs. ïRussail Misk,'f- Toroato, and UNIT TED CHURCH Rever.nd Littlewood Mtîinia-ter SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 AýNNIVERSARY SERVICES Services at il, a.nr. and 7 D.m). Rev. Harold Stainton, of MNim- ico, one of the outstauding ministers of the Toronto Con- feren ce, guest speaker ut both services. Coremafandenjey a good day in the Huse cf ithe Lord THfE INDUSTRY OF THE FUTURE Mink an4,,'ox MUTATIONS Buy a Trio - We Ranch Them WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO. PHONE 42 é 2 THEATRE Bowmanville - Phono 589 TOPS IN ENTERTÂINME'JT Thurs. and FrXî. OCTOBER Z17-18i TwNoGre-atPctse "THREE / STRANGERS" Sydney UIreensMJeet, Pater Lorre, Gerald Fitzgeraild and Joan Leslie, Robart Aida ,Singin', Danci', Lauighin' bovini' A lovely way to spend anl evenling "CINDERELLA JONES15 ,Saturday Onfly OCTOBER 19 "PARDON MY RHTYTRMEý" Bing Crosby and bis orchestra plus "Sage Brushi Family Trails West" featurîing Bobby Clark, 13-year-old iQ Junior cowý- boy- in a rough, tough, ter - irific western. Cartoonr Mon., Tues., Wed. OCTOBER 21, 22, 23 "SENTIMENTAL JOUJRNEY" with John ,Payne, Maureen OHara- and William Bendix Cartoon iu Color -Fox Late Ne-ws Tlie WCT.,Siver M a'ilCon- tesýt wiIllIxbe41ld in 5ParIk 'treet Suni,- daySeh o room of dayevenînfg, Oter25t'h. TwL e cnetns Otýher muisic supplîed, Lunch fo-,~1 Admsson 25c ad15c. î One piano, plain àal, a in ,good conditioni. NMrE. W. (dL ,Oono. LOST A hub ecip for Terpa a, between Orono an\Ithe 7thConces- Sion of CCikeV vnshiP, mn AWed- n'esday, October 16lýh. Fin der please, notify Raymond Chal 1511Or1onio. CA O F TIANKS Mtrs. Wn-i. Graiham and F'amiily wihto exýpress their qqpýrecïaIior for the many a~of jeThdnes and expressions of synypatbh'y and condo)l- ence extended by ftl>eir fr-insalà nieighbouirs du ig4eloss of theïi hub nd ad flather. IN MEMORIAM B'ELL -- In loving memory of m'y deair wife, Maude Weatherilt, who pased0wa 1on ctohe(r .2lst, 1945. God knows how mueh 1 mi>sslher, Neyer shah hler nmemior-yfade; Loving thoughts shall ever vand.-i To the spot where she is lNid. ---Lawrence Bell. BE LL - in lovîing >xemory of our deýar mioth irMý«deWeatheril,, wopas seà -waýyy October 2lst, I9. WVhat wo fld jw./give hier han d to) clasp Rïer patiedfacee to see, esme To hear her voîce, to sea er m l As in the days that used to be. But some sueet dlay we'ill ineet againl floyond the toi! and strife, Anid clasp each Qother's hand once m,1ore In Ieaven, that huappy life. i -,Eveýr remernbeve-d by Family. i ORONO TOWN HALL 8.0P.m. Saturday, October 19 Bullets Blast the B-adlands! thec fury of battling,ý desperadws "THE GENTLEMAIN F ROM31T EXA S With Johnny Mack ron Als9 Ch-arlie Chau lu "SIITADOWS OVER CH-INATOWN" land, Victor ails Chandler~ didreu 18e. ER 26th AR MSTRONG'S Drsssfeather DRESSES Ail Wool Dresses in oe aud two piece, niew this week........----$12,50,, $25.00 CO0A TS New Wiuter Coats arrived in this mweek. HATS Ladies' Hlats, new this wee, pice .. $198to $8.50 PURSES New Plastic Pu-rses, iin ail shapes, priced $4.50 to $38.50 LUX TOILET SOAP 4 bars 25 c -J Orono Tinshop' Plumb ing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work R.E. LOGAN MLasti orme. PJa. M16 SALT 2 lb. pkg. IOc. SPANISH ONIONS lb. AEROXON FLY COILS dozen 25c. SPIC and SPAN pkg. 25e JUMP ERS Ladies' Jumapers of Alpine- Cltsizes 14-20 . $4,95' In plains and patterus, from ....---.--$12.50 to $22.00 RAiNCOATS Plastic Raincoats for ladies, large sizes ...$3.U0 1GOLF ROSE Boys' Golf Rose, size 7 te 10'A SPEIAL.. 4e.,45c. COATS Hïeavy Weight Gabardie Coats for ladies, in belt- ed models...........$22---- CHICKEN HADDIE tin 33c. SODA BISCUITS and FANCY CAKES FOR SAT. LIFEBUOY SOAP 4 bars GOLDEN SPRAY CHEESE pkg. 2:2c. FIOS 33c. SOAP and SqAP/ FLAKP-, FOR SATURDAY ASSORTED GLACE FRUITS 1-2 lb. pkg. 23c. SOUP MIX pkg. 10e PARSNIPS lb. 6c. RIC~E DINNER pkigý lSce s N N. s, s N. N. N N t t' y s N s. 's N. 8 'N * 's t' y t' y. y 1. Ns Ns. 's t' t' t' -s b. N. PHONE CLARKE 2703 Witlh 3antan MoreL Sen Young and Trani Aut,35c. Chi COMING OCTOI > "Cheers For MiÎse Extra, "Old Pi ICORNISH & MILLER, thýe Orono Sc!hoiol,, P rog ram for Wed. i oe 2 luoai riiManagem - L aundeig,a Plea'se brpttern8 ad00ga try anid Iha on1time so you w't mis PARK SI. 9 v v ý v v w -F; -w- n- l'

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