.The Quaii Ta1 TE By George E.Wah CHATERVII: CatI etr aDUgane crazysme dysforer agn Rase pnd taniglit wtchi let the direction of tihe luigger, and lilsteinig for aniy stranige sond. Faur -tilns ie be ade bis ircuit and! met Rase, wbo reported evemty- ýjinig quiet and peacful iaPt. Thn on tUe fiffh rounld, bie was delayed a litti by a noise in tde wer bta 3onnded «spicionrs. \Vben ha reaclîed ther meetig point, she was naft in sight. Ile w.aited imipatisntly for ber, but wben lshec did naft appear b-e grew ani'. Tbiere Nwas aihnce thaf bis own delay bad caused Un tracn- Ml. She bad not waited for bi:n, Uniwillîng f0 go hack until assnred of ber saety, he lingered untîl she apýpearedinearly tcen inuites later. "1 miissedl you," lie exclalimed in a hse,"aIi 1coldnil't go backc xvtl as siire. "'Youisboidi't bave done thait,"' She ronsd 1o11tb 1V ayhave happsned iorward wile yon were- -1l'h hrry bc l"ie repflied Îin relue. "But waif for mei on tlle nexf trip. 1Inmust 1know yo're safe." Shie nodded, andi Dick burie-d ta inake uip for lost time. Jo bis haste le cas carless and tipped along %h if aespeed tdan Cauionilie was stil inking of the girl Men a 'bl-ack shiadowe rose uip ta coniront him., Startlsd, and 00f sure thaf if want an optical illusion,ý lie pauýised bnsdofraisig bis gunIofamfila alam. Thlat lmsmenltary besýitafian was b-is isfortuine, By 'lie timie he was çoûnvincedl a buiriy Carîb -was facing -im aiointe decký of the schoonert, woother dark formis lad spruing ouft of the gloomi back af i îm. Dick raind bis gun fashoot taanwd lrn-ckecd if parwbiice one of thet lonig, poefl airy ammns of lack Brey ecimcled b is neck and crusbed the wind ouf of imr. Dik heard dhe cras of lis own aun in the air and as an ecbo of if lie fougbit wifh ail the ferocity of qne imlbued by a hge instinct Aig and kickig le gave bid Mry çpntagonisf miore 'than lie bargained for. Thieme was an even chance of Ivis rigglning away from thei powe- jui ars wen another Carib When you feel sluggish exndc logy, simply Il take 2 ta 4 tablespoonfuils af iMilps'II Miik ai Magnesia wifh water at bedtime. Yo'lbe overjoyed wifh flic way fhils1 proved laxative-antacid helpa yo"u wke 1 up feeling briglt and refreshedi. PilIi'1 trippedbim andbrought Ibim ta the deck Wit a crash. 11, faling is head struick somie- tbig iaurd anid tunyield ing, A show- er of stars 'lsbed bfoe is eyes, and wtha sigb b Îe psdiota un- W\bsn Dick recovered, and bis wits retured fo bim, the Caribs werc induipssesion of the schooner. le needed no futher verifcation of ois than bis own hdyelpscondiia. Tmussd up se- cuirely, bie was ligon bis back, witb bs fcetumedup ta the mnoonless sky. A groa escaed bis lips-a g oan aimental agony. Their ene- mishdtaken the c-schooner so easily that their defense seemned like a farce. lie grond aain. Tbis tie a fooit proddedc( biin ithle rilis, and a blaci, face was tbrutio bis. Dick re-ýcognized the tcraîft y aneof Captin iTucu, lerînwth triumnph. Dick stnare aHm, "WeeS captain Bedford's lag ie? e ased "id she gef TEccu smiled cruelly, irealizing he lie I lad aothier weapon aI o ture in bis hiand(s. "Sfieai' dead nieithier," lle grinoi. Wer kepn bier. iiithe lcain-me ai'"lc ya urlýt ber, T 'cÎ"le sid 'slowly, "or inislt ber you'll pay wt your hifc e. Tis is war etween yon and me. leaeier out of if.' "Wba'll 'doif 1 promise?" he agkldisiling warily. "AnIytfing you ask. YlIstick f0 y'bargain, an' show mne wbere tlîem jewels was dropped overboard." '0tred f tfrick !me ýonce, gro lete other, "n yeli do if agaliný. 'word an'twurth nothin'. 'd cty'tbroatii ff Ithli- "NIdid'f frick you-," PJlck i er1ped " nterfered only when yau began war on a woma;n. Thaf wasnt part of aur bwagai. ' Tbe _haii-breed puewatching bis pnisonr with doubtfu ee& "I waesni't makîn' .10 war onwoe, lie sai ial."a' efr n vitedime -aboard bis scbioaneýý, an' that-" "escrazy, you kewûie waýSn't epon-sibl!e. The schioonier was -m. comimand ai bis daughr." 'Mie ain't 50cazyWthe don' reebrso-me thing,' was the retfort, Sonsw cao find that i ne ofth faet ,UL.e ItrU.s stomach eidity knownl biilips' af your druggist a1ber... Modern EtiquettIIe ty Roberta Lee 4. 15 it pr-opeýr wewrci in fo'ur-page social Iletter, f0(r-teOn the first page, then thie fourth, oi lowed by the second anid th!ird? 9. Are the, water glasses filled affer týhe guests are seated at thie table, or before the meal is a- nounced?' 8. Are wedding ,annauncenients sent to those who are invited f0 the wedding? 4. Sboulid one ffferrupt wh-at is apparently an interesting conversa- t;In between two persoos ini ordei ta introduce a third persan? 5. Is it ill-.bred -to toy with the silver or move a glass around on the table during a meal? 6. After returning home from a v isit, should one send courfesy letters ta anyone besides the hosfess? Answer3 1. No. Sucli irJulr cqlec 1h bath confusing and sIiy. Supposýing a publisher -wanld 1print a book ini this manner. Wauld wez read if? Write on the first page, second, third, and fauritb ini regular a-rder. 2.Tbe- glass-es sboul1id be filled about two-tbiirds ful afew inutes bc- flore caIIing ýthe guessntaite table. 3. No; anniouni:ýcmens are sent on)ly ta those whao are naot invited to the wedingi. 4. Na; 00e shouild wvait vintil thiere is a pauise in the conversatin.r,. This is not so muchi a mat fer of iII-breedïlng as of niervooisness and( lack of poise. Wilfl-power can aovercomifi . 6. Yýes, fa any friends of thïe hostess who have enterfainied you or sbown yo special courtesies. Hereý's tbe fashion stafaIt1ue new season . . . a smart ad oming drss yau cao sew yoursel FIPat- temo 4952 lias a keybole neck, ga.. thers af wi shouider yokes. Thspattern, easy taousimi- Pl-, ta sewv, is tse for f it. In- cindes complete illnstmated inistruc- P'attero 4952 camles in sizes 12, 14, J16, 18 aïnd 21). Size, 16 frock takçes 3 yardsý 39-mich iab)rîc. Sen-iid TWEINTY CEN',TS (20c) ini coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepfed) for this pafem faroomi 42t, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toron-. fa Print plany SIZE, NAME, ADDRES,STYLENUMBER. freasure be's picked uwe'll lav." "Whlat fressurce?" Captain Tucu wnkd nd auli e1. "Y'dn'tknkownthn 'ot I, I supiposý.e. 'Tai'fikely y'heered him-, a' bis danIglîfer ain t said Dick Ywas puizzled !and mylýstified. lie shaok iis bead inally. "! doni't knowp what you're taing about. IfI there's anly tre-asure on the scboaner, I don't knlow of i. Teu as vunconvincred. "'a there an,' tink aboüut if. Mebbe y1ll em beor we'il find ;f.' Wbecn lie Vwalked awa-y in I- e gloomi, Dick liýad al ap Ipomuity ta elet Thceecame ta bisimind a; vague reebanetat in is crazy chaffer Captin .iBedford fhad made referený(ce ta a-pri-a fress- ure-be lad found. Pemhaps aid Tecu in biswiM avarie had taken, thè h. apta;in emomsly, an-d beieved thtrc Çvas siicb a fbling aboard t01e Paul Begfino FHis pMitry Acfs 9: 19-22; il: 25--2G; Galatins 1: 17-241. GoldenTx-taghwyi h th aftHe is ,Ile Sonl ofGd.ct 9: 20. Profession of Faithi Profeý,ssion of Sau's re-on faitb immelicdialy vfollowved Ibis bap- tism. Dnrinig bis sayinlDaascosý11 lie precbed ini the sngousde- cla1rijig that Jeýsu1s ao Nazreti thie Son of Gad. The disciples we re amaze a[t the miarvelons changeo which bad taken place in, the arcbi-per-secn tor of thec churchesý. But steatdily Saul grew in power, aiming his attacks particu- larly at thie Jews wit positive prcoaf ta e is thie I)iromiised Prearaionfor firthur miniistry was niade dur1-iing the peiridodfaire- fîrreent ini Arab)ia. Persecution Follows Pers cuition1 followed Plals re- turn f0 )Damlascus. He peabe efecu llytat lhe raised He ýire of thle Jew 0wo wo lot accept bis doctinje but could niof answer Ihis argulmen-t. If1iorimation, bowever, reached Pulinitime for Im f0 es - cape martyrdlom throulgh the aid of bis iellow ,vdiscipleus. Prclmaio f thle g osp1)el throughIot LCîcîlia and in al that regionl foilowved Paul's settiementi1 for fouir or five, years in Jis nt City of Tarsuis. Power of Paul's Ministry To secuire P'atl as bis assýistanit, Don-'t Boil TaAks Down To Statisties A %oman edu1catar reports thaf six ý.tans ai dishIes are washed (Ieac year by the average boumsewife. This is seýrions. No)t so muchi the six tans aidif ebuit ite fact thatl tbsy aýre bing baileddwnt biard, unidenliabieStatis tics %vilici. cao undermI>1ýïinethe mo" llrale ai aur home live-if tle lit fie 1lady Sbonl1d get ta warryliog abrot tem Most wmn oldmthrnt knwhow ma.iqivnybums orit of each year ftbey speld !marketinig, ibow mian-y miles thley run thle vacuml claner, ow many buittonls fhey sew on or fhow m1anly fimces fbey send Jobnny -,,taewsbis bands. CoigAnd Coing It's amotas difficulfta l ive withini an income today as if was ta live withocut onile il-,the early , f)'S. anld snt(-c!cdd in h]lissin d&r their comibineud leaderIship thec ccb -(ial, AntIiýcb assmbnlMed reu- larly for worsbiipanid sseai bibe study For a wb6eËy ear Brabsand Pan1 wrugbt ithsncb mn*ifest poWer ad successthat He discie in their loyallyty faCbI-iri ( o i rCeCivedth dsinaio a Crit Paul then WeS nto the slitudes ai Arabia beedaonie wtio od, bjis wbol)e pat as adjusted fa bis new faitbi and purpose. Thhee mfe - turedfaDamlascus fn preauch unltil driven ont hy preuin Paul Proclaîms the Gospel if sas tbmee years afer. bs con- verszion that Pauil wenlt up)f0 Jetri- sýalem. As a storm i persecution wsgatherînlg Ihere aga"iioISt im ihe left fo'r bis natdivecaunitry wbecre lie praced util called fo assist Banbsin fIlie greCat revivald at Anltiocl. He dciareFd that lie was "unkn'own by fatce."BPu't that did flot stop P Faufl. Wiub bis fîery zeal they soan knew that Che former enemy uvof the Gosel as 00W ifs frir praclaimner. Big Toe To Go- i Itfs NOI euiu Ouýr spics wio ke traCk' of sncb tbIings' tel', ns that a mla-jor Change is impendClfinlg in1 thle ýorld of woe be-bnthe faîl anid wirstlsappear if -,il be difficult t ffind anl open-toed shioe 0f course women always- have an ri(l)ro)aab 1y -always will wear wl1)îatý pleases thiemi, egardless of mals protests, COml!ment"s Hc Winl- nipeg Tibneù. T h ey follow the mode bappýlily even if if does give fbem ltble apernc'f just ha,,vîing hemt certýiîd for thie looney-bin. Ifma ave tmckthe mr maeas queer thaf the womniwbý-o wuddie wif b mnortification on fiunig a hole in the beel af lie stocking is quite calm about ber big tSe sfikndbougb a bope in hier sbioe. Howevertbe same maie is lappy that itbi thle inext few montbls 'wonîen w v'ill again bLecone gr-eat tue canscýians jj(j itbdraw tbem fromr circlatin. e bs earnied thiaf feiinie beaufy fapers off sblarply in the, big te area. indeed, topped off wt a chipped ejinmel job onD thu nalil, mlost big taes conld be clsiidas plain. Tocaprs camno come ba&c o o soa. ISSUE 42- 1946 l3y Anne Ashl1ey %.HW cnItmorriy stop A , rss firtnly somn odiar soalp info tie crck framn ilthe on)lt- side. 1Thi's will rv atsatr unltil a permane11cnt rpi a i when meinting cooae A. MLici of the cooaeis a- ed eas if ticstathe sides anld boittom of the conainuer. Tl:is, cao be prevenited by gesigpans tboough,)ly ,before 1pntting iithe chlocolate. Q.iHommcao i corkglwo a o the coýrk will 00f stick and brea whnthe gînie is- ta lbe usedgain A. Rub )vaseinie orcycc[ld crcamr oni 0:c cork before insrtn it the bottie. J. How cao I dean blalk feýit A. By siog a if IIcop of eold fea mxdwt a tapof o ammooia. Qý Hawý can I iron vr utos A.,Fold. a Turklýish oellt svaltickniesses anld lay the gar- ment %wit thle buton tfce dowpn. Irntlie garmnt on tle urn g side. Tbe buttons will sink io lta Ille towel anld the wvorký will :)e Q.Hwcani rnoe ut sucainsmglass? A. Rob vgrnl ihacol dipped in sfron-, bfvngr YOU'RE TO-PS in 4ice f'am'ily's estimation we you- serve delicions M1ax- well Houise Coffee. it's boughit and enjoeyed by More people thai n iay ,other brand of coffee ia the world. '1