Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 10 Oct 1946, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TEMES, TIIURTSDAY, OCTOBERIfe, 1946. M f E.Luo 1r ewdas Mus G Lngtafespent a wee-k uOtaavisit ing fr iends. Mi- len yPage haýd dinnler ith 3ss . Hosîin on Thuïrsdaylat Mu. urd adVlma a!nd Mu. Perc Clrkof Dale, spentSna MA, idMuns. J.loveri an!d Joannýe sp Htte week-enid with Mrs. A. G. ~ic wih M. ad Ms. L'ornle Pae- Mis Dors, Thompso f Kichen- eu, spnt a couplecf days \ithMu. as1d Ms. Wmn. Nre. Mu. .ndiMs. Eddie Courum n sýmwil1 son are at p res enit vissistmg -,th the formner's parents, Mu. andi bien Couroux t 'Cache Bau Mu. and Mus. Herl. GairAith,aMus. John Ellott, of Bowmianville, visited 'ith 3Mr. and %Is.a Wexander on eouge Mvercer and Ms Dois )n visited with the latter-'s ini Deseronto over thewe- ýn -Mrs. Geo. Bal and Len ty Johnison -ipenit the wveek- end ith r. ad Mrs. Vera John- Mu. ad Mus Roy ercer and Mrs. E.Lxnvisited David il, Peterbor-1 ouh ospialon Sunday. David siIi has hs leg weighted, but seemas to be gettingalog alright. The monhly meeiofthe W. 1. svil boe he-Ild on Friday afternioon, Octber14, when Mu. Werry, theg Ditic residenit, vÎill le the guest ~pae.Theli- ea11 will be "How ~anI hliptheIntue" NE WON ILLE Mrs Hrod u.uley and Mrs. imr ndMus. Ira Tbompson, Tor- onýto, with b!is aun1t ,\IMrs. S.Arnott. mu. -anid Mrs. Walterý Couch, Orono. with Musý. JohnBrre MrIj.andm rs. Sidnei(y Lancaster isited with fies ini Gore's Land- Mu. and i Mus. Beggs and son, of ýïind1sa, ith her aunt, Mus. Sam- u'ei Smith. Mr. Pte Kesler had the misfor- tune to lose a fîinger while sawing uMr. andMis. Jas. Stone with their, daughter, 'Mrs. Dqpg. Ogden, of OiMrs, Geo. Thomisson, Mu. Albèrt O il TOASTERS Old Style ...... .......25c. NEW CLEANER and 'AT/R SOFTENER GlIass Gleam, 16 ounce.......3c Pl Wragg and ýMr. Joel Wor'km1an îcont- tinue i very poor health. iMr. Thos. iS. Lancaster, Mr. and1ý Mrs. Ford Lancaster and d]aughter Jfoan. Toronto, witli Mus. Jochni Lan-i enaster- and Mris. C. Bu) ley. rS-unday evening the pas.,tor pueach-i ed a fine sermon on "The Lord's Sup- per". Fifty-one partook- of Comn- munion. Mu. Stewart's school lost a gamej to Mr. iMcMulen's school in Newcas- tle last week. Better luck next tinie No. 4.11 Mrs. Phoebe floldaway, Wesley- ville, Mî-s. Allan Glover, Oshawa, and Mrs. Tone Langstaff with Mrs. John Beightoti, Port Hope. Next Sunday the United Church is withdrawing their evening service, that they may join the Presbyteriani Chuuch in their Anniver.sary Servi- ces. ,Mr. and Mrs. Tonie Langstaff, WîVm. H. Burley and Lanison Milîsoy nüm- tored to Toronto to visit Mr- an Mus. Wilbert Langstaff. Mrs.Mae Langstaff retuuned home with therni. Motorists stîll slpeed thuough>,l- this village as on a ýcountry road. A valu- able cdog- is the latest vietim. Pro- hibitory signs are of little value 'In aworld travelling too fas't to read. There was a good attendance at Sunday ýSehool on Sunday morninig.: We were glad to welcome Mr. anal Mrs. 'Glbert and children, who have1 recently movedi on the Willis Far- row farm from Toronto. KIRBY Silo filling is the ord'er of the day. MT. an'd Mers. Wn. Wannan visitedl wi-ýth Mr. and Mrs. Robert AlIn 'Mu. John HEarris) and failyi,i of1 Aginecouut, spent Sunrdaîy las.t with, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Brimiacoimbe. ,Mr. -and Mus. Fred Grahami and' son, vsited with friends in Goodiwood on Sunîdey. M r. 'Joe Teîble and Mr. and Mrs. Haruy Teble spent Sunday withi Mr. and lMus. Coppinig aami ly Miss Violet Hllliswrt as blieen visitirig her sister, Mus. James lRutherford. Dr- Ross Lan-g, bis oteran their Am]er.ican fiendofCh :ao have bIeen visiting old fIenC n rltvsa-round -K ir te ps week. Amiong other plc.s thely visited Mrii. and Ms rdBia combe lastMody The W.iîM5. held itsAtm Tha,ïksgiv'ing evc o udy eveninýg. Mus. Graýy, îfGadnl, gave a very nterest!îng an ispiin address. AUlpeej noe e very much. Thee was)tspecimus by the choir anid Miss telaBest rendered a oelyso. WV. A. anid WM.Meeig Thie W. A.an WM.. ek tei monthly meigso ona ven- ing, September ?(th. Mis. . Aliýn president of the W...,oendte meeting with praiyerý, floedb he singing of iHýymn i58 "eusc us o'er the tumit" 'ýinuio.Bile readings taken from phsan,4 verses 1-1ý5; Phlpie,3Verses !-1 14; iGalatians, 5 versýes 2-5 were read by Mrs. R. AinkIs W lin and ýMrs. Lowery. An Tindian hymn was the.n readuepnvey After tjhe singing of Ilymin !1, 'lHoly Spirit, Truth Divine", the business of the meeting wasý finishied. Mus. S. B. Rutheriford and Mrs. Wmi. Wannan favored ,with a vocal duet, entitled "iFather take ïmy hand and lead mae." Mrs. Wm. Wannan ini- trodueed the nwstudy -boork, on- titled '¶India at the Threshold." A duamnati'zationingn out the va-iy i ius reasons for stuldying lind~a -as teakci by Mrs.. R. Allin, Miss Jean Wannan, andl Mrs. Wn-s. - Wanna n. The puesident closed the mneeting with prayer. 'Mrs. 'Wm. AlIn opened the W.A. meeting with Illymn- 40, "Go."d nmloves in a mysteulous îway", follojýwed by the Lord's prayer repeated îi uni- soni. During the b)usiniesspeidt was dlecided to have zan enteutain- ment od 1mo1ving pictures on Nove- ber. lst. WatCh 1for detil lterý. The seiipture taken fromn- St. Matt., 7 verses 7 to 20', wasread rýesponstçive- .Y Mus. Wsnl. FRutherfoý rd tOok thie devotiongl enititled, "1Seek efis, theKigo of God. The mueeingl wasIosd wt Hymon 215 and thle Mizpah Benedliction., MAY CURIi re the empWtv bottlIns u ou Itci - niout anid t thn a ncor cV t1 eglt ikUPsricYurhl '.trt atlA i lniidUPSU ilbnd pîmeitl, itxnyheucesïYt etdelay tire ~~ of the ~everetioui edad hihcon iy a Bottle Shortage? anadlian glass factories normally produce MILLIONS of boutleseer î0onds. Thevia ingredient In boulie making is soda asi. Since July l2th) le only Ibig Canadian sodla ash lioy as been tiebud Since then le stok f sodà ash hlas been used up . , W otieflactorieS are closed d........ offles nare m>t beitg rmade today. I3everagec bottiers and ail producers of oîtledf liquids must have yu bolf is 1back to keep oIcg. Bottling plants T ake Vitamins Now for Winter Health ~eoChmic1 oodCasuls- ---------------$j.5 ? 22 and $5.00 MutpeVtmnCpue,5'------- --7"1C.. 1 f's ---$1.17 illiutLier 01 i puls,54 for--------71c. 16(j for - ----.17 Aiphamettes--------- ---- --------$1.00. $1.85, S$3.50 and $15.40 Viaie apues Il t vitamIIins, .34)for---- ý1 15 90 for---- $2.70 UDEAL WUNTER TONIOS FOIR CHILDREKN -N-o----e--------------$--15,--$2.5 and $4.45 CerifedExrac fMl n o ie u ----------- 59c., 98e. 4 pound economy size --_---------------- ------------- --------- $1.69, "Kpe"Malt apd Cod Liver Oul---- - --------------.75c. and $1.25 TREAT OOwLDS WUTH Bucle's om b Mixture ------------------------....--- ------- 40c., 75c. Tyrel's rachil 3 rp.guaranteed relief-----------------....60e. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpenttine-----_----------- 35c, 75c. Tyrrell's Horehound and Uloney Cough Mixture- ------------- 49t. Four-Square Chest Ruh ý--- 39c. Buckley's Ru1b------ 30c., 50c. Vick's Vapo-Rub ----43c. Vatronol_--43e. Inhaler ---39c. Puretest Nose atnd Throat Relief ,....------ --------- --- --------- 50c. JUST ARRIVED A limited supply of the famous Thoruitont Burgess 0-eries of Chul- drea's Story Books. 8 different tities. These child favorites make a splendid Christmas Gift, attractively bouind, eh--. 59c. Agent for Jackman Flowers Charles B.-Tyu"rreli D R Ul G S Phone 68 Orono 5c. to $1 .00 Store News Glass Bud Vases, each ..... .......1c Plastic Candie Holders for, wali or table, each 49c. Rust Proof Clothes Pins, 12 for........... 27c. Ladies' Print House Dresises, sizes 290 to 44, . $1.15 Boys' Navy Blue Serge Pants, lined, sizes 6 to 10 years, pair ...... ... .......... $.9 Boys' Ready-tied Ties, assor-ted patterns....39c Feathers for hat triming .........ï5c. to 25c.* Ladies' Plastic Aprons, large size......69c* Ladies' Prinited Plastic Aprons.......89c. Black Circular Veils .............29c. Birthdlay Candles, 36 to pk ., 2 p 4s for....15C. Birthday Candle ilolers, ý2 foy.......... .1e Combsc, side or curl ckmb , priced. . 5c, to 15c. Hot WatCer Bottles, guaraAteqd against defect, Tire Boots, priced ...........5c. to 20c. Bandent, the new- dentifrice for- cleaning false - teeth or bridges wiîthout rubbi-ng......... 25c. Absorene, the bail of mnagic, cleans wvallpapier, and window shades, r-eadty-mixed-, tin....15c. GROCERY FEATURES Coupons becoing Valid October lOth Butter B28; Meat M54 -Driedl Apricots, pk-g...........3, Baker's Premnium Baking Chocolate, 1-2 lb pkg 20c. Select Boiled Dinn--er, 15 oz. tin.......22c. instant Postumti-, 8 ouncee tin ............8e. Blue Ribbon Pure Cocoa, 1 lbD. tin............223c. Mother pa.11rker' s Orange Pekoe Tea, 1-2 lb. 39. Stokey'sFancy Qlualîty Peas, 20 oz. tins, 2 for 35c. Heinz Diliiicls,1 oz. jars..........5c. Marvel Cooking Bran, 3 lb. bag....... 1e Ham-met RoIled Wh-eat, 5 lb. bag.......23c. Quaker -l'",Quick Cooking Oats, '3 lb. box.... 21, Week-end Special - Weiners, t-asty, tender, lb 25e. iJRONO 5c. TO $100 SbTORE YOUR POPIUAR SHOPPING CENTRE Northcutt and Sniith Fuiieral Directors and Furniiture Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Eqipdto takýe care of the -modest funerai -nt the most reasonLable charge as well. as the largea-t and moat exzcing TelephOme : Office 668 - Residence:. 5'23 and 726 ~..0eman & Philp Electric hone 89 r 1 CO., LTD.1 . Orono Im edit Retuf o Enp s O rhome:dy ahtU Motor Equipment Private Ambulance Orono. Ont.

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