1 946. OSONO WERIKLYTITMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBEl Clarke Township Council The Clarke Towniship Council met on'si 'eSday), Octobei 1st, with ail Vh mn'besbing presenit. The minutes of the prevý,iaus nme et iinjg wîere read axd approvýed. A report from the Muniipal en- gineer m as read regardingl Mail Ruôte No. 2, stat-ing thnat the piîece c,' rond in question does notwarn b5einjg kept openl, because of the ex- pense entailed. A equest ýfor, a donation of ten dolars ta Durham ,Junior Farmiers ,;,as .granted. A letter stating- that a further re- port cwould be mnade re the isnprav- inag oaia bridg-e over the C.N.R. be- tween lots eights and nine, B. F., cf- ter aninseto had been made. One hospital case, mas accepted. Thre lot on which the M-filligan mionumnent Is ta be er-ected iu New- tanvilie mas turned over ta the Tawnshi, and the Clerk mas i- structed ta m-ake the necessar'y cor- r-espondencze with the 'Dept. o)f High- A re-quest forprmsso taeut trees on: certalin pi'eceýs ai Tow),nship roýads was kitr for the road sujperin- tendent and Clerk taù dealith C. F. Awdje made bis report af tax ,colletions for 1945, and it was the best he hras ever been le ta ae lie reported that $2,204.03 was stli' outs'tand-ing, but thi's bas since been rediu'ed ta ibelow$1ç00. A by2-lawý appointing C. F. Awde astax call11ector for the year 1946 w-as passed andi the saiary Set at Res. 1812 : Reierring to the Towui- ship ownvi-ers'iîp od the Lot onric thie Miligan, monrumrent is ta) be re- built vwas possed. TeGekwas also iustructed ta Cali for tenders for a crawier-tractor. These tenders ta be )Poedonthe1 l8thCai Otolber-, and dCait 'wi7th et aý q pealmeeting 1af the Cunilon tht ate. The flotigbuis were (ordered Psid - j. J. Mefl'ar, salary, postage, etc. ............ 18 R.Myles, hall rerpairas 'bat- tery...........60 .Ater care ...... .........00 Mu-ncipal World, printing ---- 4.50 O-rono Telephone Go........15.52 Taxi, B.O.sH. ............13.50 Krs. Harry Morris......5.00 Mrs.E.3. Randail, R vs, F.... 32.00 0. WrgSec-Treas. SS. '/..458.,52 R.H. Wood, care o ihall . ..15.00ý r-o-no Weekly Times, P rit- i11., eta-.... ............. 24.52 -oaHlydro, hall lights 392 "Durham Junior Farm'iers, 1946 grant...........00 bhas-. F. 'w ,s'aiary, post- age, tc,............----......0 22,501 7720 17.20 17.561 8.75 6.85 7.50 150.05 6.U00 21,00 7.75 The Thsn'k-Offering- meeting of the Woman's Missioniary Soiety of Park St. Churýh was held iin the Sunday 'School room- with the presi - dent, Mrs. _M. H. iStaples lu the chair, It was a mnost interesting and ini- spng eeting, bath in the largei attendance sud the ifferent items on) tepro grammî1le. The meigopened mith quiet mlU SI c. Mrs. Stapies read a verse on T-hýanisgiving and this was follow- ed -by a hymrn and ail repeating the LrdsPrayer. Aiter siuging a numb1er of psalmrs, sud! prayer by Mrs. Walsh-, Mrs. Liýttemaod ' old the stary af Miss Mary LilIewaod, the lady who soke at Par1k St. Church a f(ew Sundays aga. iShe is g"oinag as a m,,inay)ut ta) French Equatorial Afrïs, sud mii!ssii las soon as; possible. The presi dent toid aie a letter ai thsnarks and deep ap- preciationý being recýeived fromi the Fred Vctor Mission, for the harrel ofd appies sent from opýr Auxilliary. Mr.SLapIes also nane a Cav-1 a1cade ïi coninection mith the Cru-! sade which mviii be held lui Oshama four duays the last mweek ai Oct.lti miii take in ail departmieuts oai he ch,,urch sud the W. M.S. day ii bel the 28th. Ylrs. LittlerVwood then weIcomfed the gujeSss0a the aifternloon, mho were a -repr')tesenitative, bth i- rom Newcrastle sud Kiniby, ladies from St. Saviouri's Chuirch, the yaung mo- men of the commir-un-ity sud the Waý-r Brides,. A mxeil reuderced vocal sola mas given by Mrs. H, Lowery of Kirby, sccompanied ou the piano by Mrs.ý P_ -H, Bramuw, asud a vocal trio by 'Mrs. F. Lycett, Mvrs. MeýGinuis sud Mrs. ic. Joues, maus Duch enjoyed. Mrs. C. Ailun, ai Nemeastle, gave a very full report suid most interest- iug ai the "Sehool for Leaders" heId lu Whlitby -iu August, sud this wasl follomedl by a redu by Mrs. J. C. Tamyblyni. Tue introduction ta thel new, stuidy bookc, "India ouj theý, Tu-reshold" mwas dsmý-atizedl by Mrs. K. Gamsby, IMrs. :MoIGuis asud Ms Por-ter. A quiiz mvas heýýld in conuec- tion with i t. At the close ai t'he ineeting -aisoial cup ai tes sud lunch mas enjoyed by ail. The Noveniber meeting ili be hieid at the home af Mrs. W, Arm- strong, who vjery kiudly iuvited the AxirytOameet there. W. ýA, Reird........... Ro-bert Eley ...... .......... T.Langstaff .......... Ernie Hoad .............. G.E. Reid......... Chas. Coman......... ....... E. Casrwell....... .......... Geo. Butters....... Petty Cash........ Lanlcaster's Garage..... We. C. Lane & Son......... Watsou's Garage.ý..... .... Newvtonviile Garag-e .......... Mrs. J. Clysdaie ...,......... Oro(no Garage....... W. R'wlad.. ............ C R. Farro.w....... A. T.'.Allen........ Tm.Darlington...... Mrs. N.Littie...... O-rono H-ydro Cmiso FP. Evans................ oshamwa Engineering sud Weidiuý'g Ca.... ......... M~icArts.... ......... Res. az-oesowr this council do nmadjoauruta r agai)in l the Cou.ncil 'C ha 1ir Oronio, oun usdy Novemnber 1946, eàt the hour aif ten oco t'ise forenoion, suid that etý the ai ur o incklutheateuo Applications Have you piaced anl order for Osie of these mre ? Thyare ail physicaily fit, sing'le, young m Pec, cerefuiiy selected for farm mark by Canadien farmi labour officiais. Some already speak English or Frenchr. Oniy a iimited number aire available. Ifii iterested, send your ta your nearest National Provincial AgiX is immedlately t Office or your ,ier,' the samne da.,y, thke counc;il shaHl forma th tefinto a Court ofReion t k-n he-ar and dlecide ail complaints sent hour 1lÎn in the proper rmann-ler ag inatan n of1 assessment for the year 1947. [ARA, 4inister. OPEN SEASONS FOR N11GRATURY BIRDS Te copen sea-soni for Woodcock. bJot!i dateýs inclusive, is from- October 11toOcoe 31, The season for duceks (other than Eiders'), Geese (otherý thlran Brant), Rails, Coots Galliniules.» N!ýorthern District, fr.om Septemaber jl6'th ita Noveniber 29th. Biag Limlits In, any day:ý Ducks (ýexchusive of Mergnses),12, ofwh-iceh not more thlan 1 ma-y be a Wood Duck; Geese (thier tihan, Branit)e, ; Rails, Coots and Gàlinules, 25: Woudcock. S. 1In an-y open sýeason : Ducks ( ex- cuieof Mergansers( 150; Geese (other than Brant), 25; Woodcock. For Grouse Th"lere ii be an open season on Ruff ed G-rouse, Spruce Grousýe, Sharp-tailed Gruse and Ptarnig an througIhout Onitaria, excepting theý counties of Ess.ex, Kent, Lambton, IMiddlesex, E'1ein, Perth, ýOxford, Norfolk, Wa,ýterloýo, Brrnt, Haidi- mnWenitworth, L incoiln, Welland, Peel, lHaltoni, York, and 'the town- Park St. Church W. M. S. Thank-Offering Meeing Don't morry about1 your,"Doný't Wants." bills-Cash in1 sihips of r-Puslinteh in Weingtonj county, and Pickering, WhiVLy tand !Whýitlby East in Otario County. In these areas the' SeaSoýn will be closed. The dates s et are October 5eh ta October l4thi inclusive, and thl"e bag limit is llve (5) birdis per day, and twenýty (2'0) birds f'or the season. Thiere is ta ibe no open seasoýzn on Pin ria!ýted Grouse (Prairie Hen). The-se birds occurred formerly only as stragglers in the Province, but they are now established on Mlani- toulin Island, and protection is ta be afforded ta them ,sa thatthey imay a chance ta increase. The shaoting cf migratory garne birds èarier han one-half houýr be- fore sunrise or later than one-hadif hour after sunset ispoiied Both parties win when you use WatAds. Boys And Girls Club Exhibit At Orono Fair The Achievem-en t Day programmle for the South, Durhkam Beef snd, Dairy Calif Club m.as held at Orona Pair and in sýpite ai the -«irincmet; weather, 22 e-xhibited t-heir calves, included amongst wc ere four Hereiords, 2 Shorthiorus, 2Jesy and 14 ilsteins. Mr. C. D. Graham, Directoir ai the Agricultural Represeutat'ives Branch, sud since appo-Inted Ontariao Deputy Mînister o A0 rcutueassisted with the programî.me and acted as judge for the calves and the show- manuship. The standing ai the first five Hoi- stein caives w1ere as follows:(1 Earle Bromui, Newcastie; (2) Ewart Leask, Tauntaon; (3 ) Walter Tink, Bowmanville RH 2; (4) Grant Wil- iaias, Iampton; (5) Orville Hind- man, Hampton. Jerseys-(1lI Ju- dith Stenger, Enni-iskýi.lien; (2) Ber- niard Standish, Bowmiaucville. Here- ifords -- (1) Keith Stapleton, New-i tnie;(2) Douglas WinePort Hlope; (8) Lloyd Martin, Newcastle; (4)' Sami Turner, Nefwvcastle; and in Shorthorns - (1) Thomas Coatham, Orono; (2) Mlilford White, Camipbell- croft. The first prize caIll showvn by Earl Broiwn also won the Open Glass for Junior cUlves in the Black and White exiiibit and was declared Reserve' Junior Chapion. T'le first 4 Hol0- st1ecaives -were chosen to re pre- sent Durham County ini the Itr County Caif Cluib exhiboit to be 'held at the ýChampion.ship Ba' n White Day at Peterborough on W,,éd- n.esday, Otober 9th. The final tistýanding whichincýLded the score for the calf, Shoi(wnimnship, Judg,-ing, Writing- ansiwers ta 10 questions, Maaeaetduring the season, Feed Reports, and Attend- ance at eeinsi as follows: (1) Erwart Leask, Taunton ER 2; (2) J Earle Brown, Newcastle RR 2;() Francis Jase, New-castle RH 3; (4) Orville Hindmyani, aipton' RR 1; (5) Keith 'Stapfleton, Newton- ville; (6) David Craig, Bowmanville R :5; (7) Marion Tink, Hlampton uestions ~I1fl and ns.wers GENERAL Q What are Canada Savinga ons A Caniada Saviugs Bonds are the sc cessor ta Victor'y Bauds sud MWar Sav- ing-s Certificates. They are your coun- try'sý promnise ta return your myouiey ta you at, auy timie sud ta psy you interest wt an attractive rate.ý QWhy are Cana(da Savings Bonds bieing off eredy? A Because durlng the war, iicionsa Canianis learned the savings habit by buyiug Victory Bonds sud WrSavings Certificates. A receut survey shows that 82% ai them maut ta keep on ssviug by a similar plan. Q l the Government selling Cainada SvneBonds just ta rajs moneij? ANo. Barrowiug -needs ai the Goveru- menit can be mnet by other types ai boans. The Ynain pur-pose ai the Canada Sav- ings Baud is taý provide Canadians wifth a convenient way ta continue this kiud ai saviug sud inivestmienti in peacel ime. Q Q l there a-ny lmtta, theaont 0a' Canadéca Savingac Bondrs that ane persaný ay 30dIfs, iwhýj A Yes. There is a lim-it ai $2,000 for each individual, but each memiber af a i amrily maiy lhald bonds up ta the limit. Q What ,, the price of Canacda Satvings A 100%. That is, a $100 bond casts m10. if paymneut is rot conmpieted on or bei are Novemiber 151th, 1946, interest iiil be added to the purchase price. Q in whiat denainactionès are Canada(,( Saving8 oneavailable? A $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. CASHING 0F BONDS Q Can I cash my, bond ait any time bef ore Noven)iberï, 1.6 ,A Yes, any branch lui Caniada ai auy chartered bank miii cash your- bonid im-, mediateiy at fuil face value, plus inter- est at2¾% upon your identification as thie registered holder. Q Cant Canada Savig Bonda be assigned or tranaferred? A Th-ey can be cish-edi,buitinot assignied or transierred. TIhis is uîecessary ta pre- veut aniy individual from- acquîriug mare than, the authorized bimit. INTEREST COUPONS QWhat fintereat la paid on Can(ada Saviýnys Bonds?ý ,A 2¾ %ý',-payýable yearly on Novem-ïber lst irom 19D47 ta 1956, by coupou cash- able mvithaut charge at any brauchl in Canada ofaiiybak QAre îaterest coïqpons registered'? ANo. They are payable ta bearer. REGISTRATION PROTECTION QWhy is it necessary ta r-egister Ca- ada Savingaons A Registration gives protection lu case yaur bond is lost, stoien or destroyed.' it is also tise simpiast ma-y lta ensure that individu-tals do not hold mare than the QIn whse amý-e canCnaaSaig Bands bereited A They can be rergistered only lu thse namne oa i oe ndividuai, aduit or minior, up to, the amaunt oai tse utai2.zed lim1it. Q Can CndaSvig onds eg- tered in thse name of a child be cashed? A Yes. Banks are familiar mwith tihe necesssry reglation-s. QCan Ctaadt a Svings Bandsa"be dis- posed o1 'f iwhenî regiStered in thse name af a dleceasel ' n? A Yes, any , wmlii suprply the ncs sary information, Q Ca lc Can anadaSa,'ilge Bonýdsq, if tkeY are !08t, sçtn.o destroyjed? A Yes. ltit laWise, however, tOlceep Caniada Savings Bauds i a safe plae, as you would an-yý other valuabie docu- ments. ln case ai lass you shauid imme- diateiy notify thse Bark ai Csnada, Ottam,,ai the circumstances, HOW, WHEN AND WHERE TO BUY Q Where can I buy Canad«<a Savings BondS?, A At auy branch ai a baukl or from- an authorized iuvestmeut dealer, stock broker, trust or loan coimpauy -- or, throughi the payroil savings plan 'f tis is in operatLion et yauîr place afIi eploy- ment. Q Hiow do I1 pay for Canada Savings Banda?ý A In auly ai the foilowinig 3 ways: 1. fly paymlent inful u t time ai purcae 2. B 13y monthly lustalmnents through a bauk, trust or a compi-auy,. 8. By regular deductiauis fromi psy, hereemploers peraee tise Payroll Satving,,s Plan. 8out oflO0 lwii1 Luy aai F'ARMIERS! for Poliah reterans comning ta Canadai shortly for mark un farms are .jrnw being accepted RR, 1; (8) Sain Turner, Newvcastle RH 2; (9) Isoihýe icksha11,. Hamp- onRIR 1; (10) Ronald Brooks, BOw - suanitivilie; (il)Lly Martin. New..v- eastIe Mi 3; (12) Judith Stenger, Enniskillen; (13) lerb). Craýig, Bom- mranvillie RR 5; (14) Thiomas Coa- tbm, Orono RR, 1; (15) IMilford' jWhite, Cambllrf;(1,j6) 'Walter Tirk, Bowman'ville RR 2; (17) Doug- las -Whitn'ey, Port Hlope RR 3; ( 18) Henry Haas Taunton RR 2; (19) Ha,9rmanillHaas, Tanton RR 2; (20) Toglas Gray, Neme\-ast1e RH '3; (1 Bernard Standish, Bowmianvilie; ( 22) GiCrant Williams, Hiampton. 1it wiii be noted ,that the girls w h c took part in the 0>ýlf Club imade a very creible showing and Marlo-n Tink sýtood first luiithe class of twenty-two for showimaniship. Thie tesm-i me-mbers chiosen ta ne- present Durham CouLnty in the In- tei-4Counity Cl ub Comipetition s at Guetiphi on October 25t]-!-are E-Wart Leask ane, David Craïg. The prize money for this club is' shared equally by the Ontario De- partmnent of Agriculture, the Do- minio Department of Agricultre, and the Orono Fair Board.