I JUST IN FUN Don't Worry Officer ini charge o ( f rfle range "1)01't you kniow aniy btte-r than ta point an, empty gun aitm? -Raw RýcriIt: "But it isn't emtp- tyg siitsiaded." Lady of the HPouise: "Norah, the window in youýr rooini is sýo dirty yeti cai't'se oaf it." Norah:fi "But, mlaam, whenI want ta 1001, out 1iopeî it Robbery, Tha.&t's Ail Two burglirs baC brok n tea tirsshop amid wcre sorting out Ic.nl suits Mhen oneof them saw etn. marked $50. 'Bert look at tRie ptjcc (Df ýhat o ehesaid 'Wi tis dwri obr. Icy Words The amàïateuir actors wer te- hearsing. Mrs. Jouies was rqie eks id. Smith, and as thcy arrivd at that incident Mrs. Simith aippeared. "Oh, excaimed Mrs. jones, "I hop, daryou dontm md My kissinlg youirhuad. "NotAtMAilMArIS' asthe icy rasl. A Idou't mid Au te ieast if he doesn't" HOLD EVERYTHING The Truth A yoonig boy in the witness boxý was sa imucb at ease amd answering the quIestýins put ta bim 50 flïuenly thlat the johdgc w"as suIspiciaus. "Did anlyaie teil you what ta say ;n £ouirt befare yc ou -ceer île sïkedI. '01, Yes sir","elidthe boy, 1Caunsel for te raectin a ip- hu at-ms at once. "IJ feit this witncess hb beentam- pered wit" e snaipp-edl. The judge turued ta the boy. eWill you teli me," ein , wbo told yen hatta sIy?" "MY father, sir," aserdthe boy. "Fie said flte awyers woueid try ta get me ail tagemp ,but if 1 stock ta the truthi 1wo-uid be A Wa'y Out matics was nat John's oint, aud at the eaia vas given a probim as foi-. ec hocrse eaI uL on onemile note and a bail, and an~- rse eau doJ',tîte same dis- ýI twa m1iinutes, bafw far- he Rirsthorse be abead if i a race af twa mnile2s at ;pective speeds?"ý wor'ied o ver this fe oer me d thnthouight of La way T-et tasay," be wrOte, 'chat it deal wi-h tItis problem., arents have aiwaïys told.mr' bave antig to do wh ciug ln u .yfat-m." Ail CMeuX or calied uoexpecctdly on e, Hie fouiod ber ail dress- id ready ta go te a darce. 1s thie ~it, e toid ber. d ta be giomy."' ten Ottephone bell rang, sàilar anisw;ered it. t?" lie said. 4QI1, yes - ltrn the ume of U- 'ye- souk, I sboo11ld certaini- sa." Aud he kbuop the wva -r9 ed thle sa il or. -!ilost ak I- I to kno v Jif te TABLE TALKSLL Tlianksgiving MenU .. . Thansgixngday haiýs been celn rteevrsilice the eariy settiers, aftersuffeing my privations and liardships had their efforts rcward- ed Iby a bouniitiul harvest promisiug food for ail. Ail over the world thîis year peoli many lands wiii be offering p)rayers of thanks- for d-he food that has been harveste(d- Fri mauy it w'ill be the firsî ra liarvesl, for a niumber of y( .rs. The PC~Cof Canada shouid bc mare than1kfuli than auy other fur the hountiful harves.t they have becu Poltry, cithecr cbiicken or tork-ey is usually Ë th mat served, at the Thanksgivinig dinnier. if you have a nice fýat chieken for tbe occasion thecre wxi1L e quite a b)it of fat ta !;Ie onit v-l i itis be'rg ýcleained. This chcen fat, affr üi is ren- dered, -1s 'tsa the fat saved dur- i-g the l okngis c ecelIent for bakiu1g 'ies fat shoid be pour- ed off whie te cbid<ken ii, roast- ilng, leaviug ouily enouigh ini the pan fýor baýstin-g and for linakinig ,gravy. W\ith the scgarcity of fats iu generai,it is a wise homiemakeèr w'1o saves ail thie cieken fat she eu; itlbas the texiture and! richues of buter bt like other uinsalted fatsequit-s the adduito of a li- tie sait to the amonint akdforinl the recipe, The home ecanomiista f-thle Con-sumier Section ci thc; Doinion Dcp)artmýient of Agriculture suggest a simple menu mwith recipes for the Tomato juice Roast Chieken or Tuirkey Dressing Brown Potatoes Tomato Eggplant Broul Piclded Beets Crabapple Jelly Grape Neapolitani Coffee TOMATO EGGPLANT BROIL 1 i medium egg plant (about 5 ta 6 i nches in lcn.gthi) 2 tablespoons fat, imclted 3 to 4 large tomaeecs Salt, Celery sait and Popper te tase Grated nippy cheese Si ice eggplaut in 2ic sce and Peni.J3rsh suces on bath ides with melted fa t. Spîkelighiy withi sait and pper r bearb-il. er ta 400 deg. F. Place slices on rack and brou on anc side ouitil ligbtly browned, about 5 nutes, ,turn and bt-a! i oothet-sideuti tender. Top caci suice with antbck siUce of tamatao, spriukle With )cclcry sait and a teaspoon of gratcd cheese, Retuirn ta broiler aud bt-ail outilehees meiserve at oce1. Six servgs. GRAPE NEAPOLITAN 1 tablespoon gelatine* I cup cold water 4 .ctps blue grapes 2 cups boiling water Pl caps sugar Few drops of green vegetabîe coloring. Saak gelatinieù-, coldwaer Wash girapes d pc"ss puip fomi skns dd 1 cup boiiling water ta the pl-p, cook 5 mninu-!11t es. Rucb thirooigh a sieve t remiove seedsý an'd ta thlepuilp add '/2 cuip sulgar and, soaked gela.tine; stir otil gela- ine 1iisolved and add gnoen coi- orn.Caal luntil it Ébeginis taset. Beat out.il ligit, ftom into a wet oudand cliiouiitl fit-m. Ta thei skîus -Ai 1cuip boilîiog water; cooclk 5 minutes and add s/i cup sugar cool. Te serve, uirnmoid e ciliedý ptlp. Serve îwith the suemd fram iskýins Six Servinigs. Restraint Ia Bnying P'anic buying aI' sat clcancd onit anc store of a mlonitbi', stsppiy in a day. There is que as much uced of a patriotic scî-f-restraint uow in purchaiug items ià short suppiy as duiug the war iutsef Paience will help stýorekeeper aid csomrta mnake wbiat isaviae go round. -Globe and Mail. PLAYGROUND FOR ME-N ON17Y A unique playground for men only-sometimes for good lÎittie beys and girls-is in eperation at the Lachine r7ecreation grounds, near Moutreai. Here a man is shown taking his children out for a jaunt. Hézrd To Get Confroniited with the alternative cf kcepiugth services af bis butier or lasing bhis wife, a Las Angeles man kept the butler, blis wie esti fied in a divorce court.Wel.good butlers are bard ta geft. -Wind(sorStr Canada Could Use Themn One af the Australian goveru- ments bas boughit 150l Bren guni carriers for conversion juta to ractiors for fat-m work, A good idea bc migbit wcll be adilptçd te meetinIg the ncéeds af C2pnadian týagricultur- ists. U.S. Imperialism Now For a chiange i 15 0W 'Amerî- can*merasm and flot Britisbl thalt is unmder attack in 'Futropc. Co mi mustüpa r ties the(re agre c witb Mos_)caw th]at the cUnited States is "ekn the domuiuatiotn of4 the worid." Britain was neyer accuised aoforethan pickiuig op somie territory bere and the're. --Ottawa Ctzn Freedlom From Top Wc trust ail thase vallubie critics of British policy luiiind(ia are înat- Îtug tlie fact that self-government à tbat cuntr is beiug intposcd by Botsh autbarit. Freedom is com- ing frami the top dlowul, nat fo th', bottom up-a, curionïs reversai of thet-voitionarypaci. --Ottawa journal. Live And Learn is thlat it takes a year or tabe- fore tje mai riy aofthe pepe dis- caver they votcd the wrng way. -- Landaun Free Prcs, Send for jeta;ls of FRER TRIA O eRf Biihmdeapinofor relief frum Rupture.Reomenedb Mejijeal Pofsio.Lh'adcimf abte -you wit]. not know youl have it o,, Hlde sthie hernia firmly. l iny ae tle rupturued tfi)sucs reinite end ruilptu iconq:uered foever.Write today: MAdC HI1N ERY NEW AJND USED 0f Every Description Phone EL. 197' H. W. PETRIE CO. ULTD 14j7 Front St, W. - Toronto AWE FUTE S' Pr e 7OU 000K S tand UAsj ùronm TMliE aidTHIEVES. We ha'i',e a mix.eni type 01suroe, or Cainetp, fo>r îany purpo.se, Vlaît arn, ot write for prieea. etc., -te ')cpt W TRTOSAFE WORKS5 HARNESS &COLLARS riarmens Attention - Consuit, Yo'ur neareait Harness Shop about Staco Fla"iess Suipplies8. We suli oui goada aonly throuigh your local Staco Leather' Geods dealer. The goods are right, nnd s.,o are ont- prices. We mnfat r l aurfac- tories - Harnuess. Horse Coi- lars, Sweat Pads, Horspe Blani- kets, and LeaBther Tvaveiling. God.insis;t on Staco Brandu Trade Marked ýGoods, and yout 7Cet satisf!action. Made ori y y SAMUEL TREES CO,, LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Teronto WTEFOR CATAL-OGUEý STATSWOR ~N IST2SCOS ~AWES BREWERY' REG'LAR FELLERS-Publicity's Glare By GENE BYRNES E v E MM.-Y ý -ri