Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 19 Sep 1946, p. 3

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CLASSIFIED AD VER TISING , aylng. Aise Fa-,li ace bcs Jre ecatalogue. .Twe--ddle Chick XF ui O'E C1NIGON EpîLL hikespecîally for deiivery Oc- tobr.'oveher(many poultry- 1teepers do) we wvould suiggest yeu >',t-us ha-ve your ordeIcr soon, Rlght 130jw we've a llmiiited supply 0f ,tartec( hlckýs forimimed(iate deîiv- ery. Era'y tfchery 1,30 John N. .t-amiltoni, Ont. Cheere, Guelphl, 0Otarlo. DYIn-c AND CLEANING 1AVEMOUANVvTHING 1NEEID8 dyin r cleaini1g? Wrtuo nsfo infrmaio.VWe are gadte n swe-r yeur custins Dearten B '.Park]er's Dye WrsLmtd ton gs nins.A C o . . 5 t,,,500wa1tt. ritish gas ý,and Dee engnesfroi1 to 200 h. ýp. sa tionry o marne tpe. ir, tanklç adiator orc opercnooed Large tokof thýree phase miiotors Vrein stock A.C. or DC.Weiding mach- 1 mýe S, lectrods nd(1 a ccessor ies. Naew gsengine d Criven port ýa ble sel( if -p)r iing1, ý cenIltr1,ifugiýal pumlnips 7000 gais, par heur. Total weigh't 90 lbs. operates 5 heurs onieglo 1ng indusýtry - te most cases - tax ad duty exempt. Write for prîcesi te Alliance Electric Wor's lmited, MontreaI - Toronc - Halifa'x- Rceiyn - Winipe, ELECTRIC MOTORS 80dup,3c as, 220x & 55 H 0 1îS ý ",vlt. Imeia odlivery. Erydelivery o f2 cycle. Wilbury Produjicta Ltd.. 3 Maini, Toronto. ELECTRICIANS STORES ONLY WriLte for ouriatlgu n lurs cent fxuedesk lamlpa, b ed hberL. Gordoni!-Har1,ris SupLiply Ce'., Ftg', 35 Wsqverley St., Mnra FOR SALE ATTENTION NOVELTY 11-4-5 IFEREtulNTVARE SIN one a1jppe trea. Als-Mlos n hard rotstoks.Blak anid Red Currant Pansfor commercial and private plntjing in thie newest va- CLEVELAND)O D R, oDEL B,.8 siz 28x 4, omnplets with Dextar coninuusfeeerand equinppei wVith DC.(. llmoon ands'tatic luni- natr. ecetiyneonditioned. Johnr Loeland Son, Ltd, 33St.Nichoü- lastO liicltral1, Que. oi, low cost. Sali bloci;3, e, bnetc.. economilical- ritails; flstel'rnntCo.. c SIOTORS NEW,. UsED oii, rehuilît: beitsj, pls Aliln lectile Corpanry DufferneSt., Toronto, 'Ont. E11,NGL1H SETllTER.S, 4CHoIcE PUlE'- pies and gmiown tokbeat ca piesbiplices, ratrad. Lui Hors,114 runsick S, maer tc, IIIGH". ALetie Y HIRV V1qL-,e2 aed.'-'FertrIcua wie: Dïeihi MACH0 eýIN:E aND WELDING ilOe. in omthe2,Oardeie grWTc tew fuil eqippa wth th'Ve 3 dru1 prese, Nshapery, grier. miill, Qe., 6tad ,icee,0 PUhL 20 arn Box 109. 73 Ade2alde5W.. or3oto. T<(E TUNE OUTHOARD MOtORS- an Autoriedpars ervild(tice hp I-ny- Ubere Ne lilpne iouthard tr teedt,1Scepo Sa1 les Cý e, ie., w , ot- tawa, Ontarie PETAED IIDEN HAe1,ll RN - 6,00ilPULLETS - tede gen e. ner it , it l the(-j osI Jidealco nitin.Seifr rc - ew - IL BU NERS type- lrange buas nersîand b1stars. Promptdelivey or bek ferltr WEIN iliO.. Eeter Octne. Wo are vrsokeét 11 reen At good used trade-ini tires <guýiraIi- týesdte be Iin excellent sh )a p e 600 x 16 $5.()( Ail orders siipped C.O.D. Speclal enupmn or vuIcanizing Truck snd FanTacerTires, BSEACON TIRE-, cern-. Queen & Yorlk SIS. MLTON. caro ODNlltARIO's MOIST l IIIODfiN EQUIPPED TIRE SHOP WRIE OLITEPU"S %W111111SA- hie miarkýings onil! ead, registered. ApplyIra.LouisBartSfrd AR 20AC RES, 230 ILLABLE, sold bickboue, ood eut build- ing, godwels.Scbool van te Ce-eeraivechese actorwy n disý- tri ctf.Hdeaaial,2 5 leýs sot.fOtaaApy N. Croýwder. FAMFOR, SA LE 230-ACR1Elt GRAI% N AïN 0 DAM coid wtesLit o ot: main barn c - 69x 72, s1t v rw1b In , h % i il en wilhI watersystto and ler >1 cair, ime- plement lara 40x 42 Lad l ex Iepi "all feeof weedsý, 1 ,v-1 i(ncediad drineci spectionsn- stailledl ,,god weI, 1 m1ile frein withi or withut stock acld impie- mects. pplynteEngenei ulete R.R i Aleandra, Ot. LA,EIN 1AIRDRIESSING ý1 THE Retonmetboüd. Ifraino Avenue ,Read, Toronto. TOONO A1 I F TWO MWILL provide vaeqirarters iii .con- venint oeme ad good wages fer Coek genraldometichelp. lRe- piy ox 11 73 deilaide S*t W., 1AN WANTE mFOR CTTI1NG h me.Ase 1-j1 ton Tmuck ini good er, of R)mtc an r Neuoritis * ~ ~ E DrgSoe 13 Elgin,1 tta\a RHEUMATISM -Nuii.This 'mrcnIhua ticlePain ave evlpeospecial - ly and afr conslýiStent rsearch O, availal( teynn nw. This specli 1nrdctm rial -o-ffIer 1Sis iex- pniebutý the relief obtainled la priceiess. Takle advan1tage or itis specia- ltrial ffr4t la savln)g te you. Availabie nlow Ii Canada.0O3e ounce conitainier for eiy 10.f yeu lsuffer freinl: 1,t1eumatis-r ritis-Sciatica - Nerts- Ci o plaits ad reily an.teffctihve relief-memican lieuiatlic Pi Sve is wha:t yune.Poeit te Teulrseifa ei st tstS'ls have pved. Wrte irect te AmIlericaUPn Drg&CeiclC. 323E WB10o2r StWst, Tont1 lo, 1Otane -i , Can-i net NoC.QD.' orstameps please. IT'S ilPORTANT - 1ETVER1I YSUt'-1 fee r ef lema ttc PainsF or Nený- taw. ostpa 'd $10 sel, exchiaeges [musical n1 U iyania 1i 1iiCbrch. Toronto L2 v Ml OReU N 111ES FOR tW 0 E'N BE A HAIRDRESSER JOI _CNAD'SLEA\DIN'G CHQ0OL Great Opportu n it." Le amro walges, tbouisands sucesaful Marvei tei. Ilusratd atalogue free, Write or eauI. Brnhe144 igSt., 1lIamI1lton, & _74î ieoSret taa 9 1ATI NTS Patet Soicîlrs. Stabl1sheýd 1890; 14 KiliM West, Toýronlo Bokelc Fnformlation on request. IMPERIAL QUALITY IS QUALITY AT ITS BEST M0it1 VEAURI -'%l DFAST SERV- iceo and fine qua1lityw o rk will plese ou Fr stisactontry In- pariI. 6or 8expourefilmns, de- IM'EIA HOTO 0SERVICE Stto1. Trno DONT ISKLOIN sapwith portraits of Stalin, RolOSeveiét jand Churchill, aIse New rallan(id Mal- Stamp, Aust, lr alia- Pec.Nicalraguia Vctry carce Ne0palý , Irish PtS ter Rebheli lin Gree11lanidt, Sacil Ma'rno, Vakt i Ca n an'd PrortonGue.2il for 10 C ent fs to NewAprvipcat C)i] . Iilstrated Prîcne Lists Free. O..Stam)p Shop) , 1340 Dan forh Ave., Dpt. W.P, Teonte Li 1UHBS ,V n ÂI> acadei .forS. 1'Hj oo'Ten ikmgOntario; aay$20 dutes ommnceSept.. Phonle Liskard 018.Mrs. EiyBty O1. L,110, trees. 4ne ib opn,8 SHOLT STOIEfS, Po 1ETRYý l, HUl- mor wanted for magaieplica- o tin. lteraryllosi , Bx1 3.g 1:1elPhontarie.'ue 0ngMo apareosDesdenfigues o Mreencneaband Dreaen miitures. I wilpygnruiy if yýo cao oblie. Please wr- 1it Mrs. Lawrence0 Sande ýyîrs, 323 AVal mroa<l, 1TorntoOntartlo. rie, yu-n L othirds Budgier> paridWritfuli aticularDog Lec Svtreon Needs. Voto 1ri Bth Demafplfresinero- liatioa silio c eagF1cr and le-(Cturer of Niïe York l Cîty iliz cnutaPrachig Misin in "M.memsarestis far member 0f the iiclltstrofus Bort aille grandp-arentis ssa eng W ia aýzn Cthinse o eh, foundesso It is saif of eVitoriaBiot Demarest thlc)arehe inh i eid th Botm taitolo tfom l- quen nds pritual owierSh bas engdsicewgrlos i Therk Wt crochsof i laing' dcoîaton-stnd in conduetie Evangelirstic campa-)igs.ý»ýil-tA "My mesit fýSagei for iteople Demareisrotr, as saying. "it is my urpos to dlve addee tt nboesr uon te eed ad pob leinsfof r eisena mfFRETRALd momý'eHtos piobmd of the Chrs aýiraft construion ih , e Cierv ai-pg at nDotpt o on.îV i Th jod ishe bicopteruwich Ins drivený by arsinge otoiejrntand offtare iads vuertically, and oes id wa[y 'Df and backwarsLaseai., a Vou MilWIIIiJOY Stnylung At The Si. Rogis Hotul * N Eery 1 om WNith lifUï Sbwe i»qlTelephlosse 1Double.&5ni *b 4Good 11o.1 fllnng isud il c lng Ngsl Ilrbtrn i Carlton Tel, lA. -4135 EGGS WANTED ship direct to Dominion Stores Ltd. 832 Old Weston Road, Toronto Rag'd. Grading Station No. 029 Highiest Prevailing Market Prices Paid. Cases «Retumned Free Caref.pl Grading and Prompt Reeiittance. We pay ýireiir for poul- try farm strictly fresb Jlarge, brown or whtie sheli. HUSKY-AND EXPENSIVE-PET Six- year-oild Lois Anc Krouî, or Towson, Mdi., bas maude aseca pet of "Millionaire Blackcap,' a $25,000 Aberdeen-Anigus bull entered in the National Angus Show at Baltimore, Md. s POTS 0F S PO0RT S By FRANK MANN HARRIS ( "A Six Bit Critic'1 Afteýr taking on'e peek 1cat Johni Mkoody, 250-pound backfieder fer tMe Montreal Alouceesotp of scveral amriglooks ah jackie Ebnson, scitilating second base- mian of the Montreal Royals, we eau bardly wondem Lt s rumoed tbat mnany of ouir inte athietes think1 tba te celer uNee àPortsbeuld be even more closcty drawn than Lt kIs. u act if We happened te be niaking our living as a baseballer or footballist we would probab]ý,ly ,,be taking that saineC Deep Souitb atti- tude tee, as these twe gentlemenci, botlî of Obens -Ldecidedi brunlettes, apj- pea-r te beveytgbcnpiio Juoýt how wCll Reb)insonj will go, rben, if and ashA chiMbsup te tde Big League oext year remains te be see. pemsoncy, altougbwe are pulling very bard for hLm ho, mnake the grade. w'e bave our doubi1)s. Tbe differencs ~between being a. Miner Leager and even .lu sucap- ingt by up Lu the Big Tine is a lot greater than meost folks realze; aud be bostility of tbe crowds, ever there Luntde big cites Auere thereý are se m-any miore loud-mouthled n1egro-ba-itrs, botb amnateur and pro- fessional, is apit te be mu11ch bottr tban bere ije the einternational loep. Then tee, bis beammiates up thecre, reaizing that Robinson mlight be the éib edge of a decidedly danger- ous wedge, .Lst possibly may net)b inclined te give iin-er, wel-the fuilleat aînlount of fiendly ceopera- tioiî, thie lack of wbîch can mnake a wbole lot uf diff'erence in thatl sainie sport, of basecbaîl. bail. Greateat handicap of il, perhaps, will beý the- fact that Rbnoal- tblougb a sweet blitteýr, is by ne me(an1s a slugger, bis hefty batting average being mstydue, te0smart- ly-placed sînigles, oftecu stretcbed a base, or se b)y fleetness afoot. His chiances wudappear imuch rosi-,er if he bad the habit of parking bis drives clean outsaide the fettce, a four- sacimer witb îlîhe bases loaded being a bilnket that covers a miultitude of saas1Babe Riftb coudtsîy and oc)le thiat ight even Obscure Jakesperjniancntsci-tac freinthe citical gaze. As for Mod this dsyfoýot- baller appearod t,) be-after a coin- GEt4UNE ASPIRIN 1s WAARKED TH4IS WAY ? paratively briefin lspection - v good inideeâi. But imuch ut bis cf- fctîvivenes migit hvebeen duile, it seeml-ed frein werewesat, te thee fat htthe Montirealeýrs were tak- inig far mnore advanitage of theu new tec-yrd itferenice mule than were theirt Argonattopjponecnts. Tuickeýd jin beinid in1terfeýrers xwio bîasýt lbotes fer yeu a fuil tee yards dowefield, and againast avmaiswolack b)ackfiel1dem is hable to shIiw ow cesid- erbeclasa, p lvieepsese pow-ýer, weighit and ;early fot-a-nd, Mm.Moody seins te have plecity of aliltre fegldig te ew imle itselîf , so fanweare num11lbemed amnong the vie-wih-aammrs.Only last -weekç We wmeitea real Polyacna1-ish , piece about hlow onle Yank1eeinoao, tile foirward paý-ss, badl donc owr gaineý a lot of g(-ood by) openînig t up. N\ow, xve fear thlat this lateat piece of !ber- rowng ight hav'e .just, the reverse J'eo.iBt it's probably tee earliiy te off er a definlite opinlioni; any- v~ait's blard te look on11footbaýll in a pro'perly judicial framle of mmlid ,%ith Ilsweat, a ther ta îe But noug of uchfnipperies as base-baîl aod football wheu miatters of high import, matters of deerpeat 'gmav it Y' await conisideration. Arriv- inig tardily at Woodbinle Pr- thlough ceit tardily eniougblý t iater tundot-our ýreaders can el imaginie ew sbckcd we wudbe to ea leanthtsome personl, lost te ail senlse ofdcey or shame,' had actuially xiie the effroiitery cf atepig to get ilto file Memnbers' Enclosuire in his shirt sît vesi WVe caîr vell mal trly ïlinemorable daY, years a goC, e eweefirst peml-[initted te) tmead thsesanesacmed precinc';: thie dieep senise of uttcun wo'rth1iness fer si-CI! a igb bicor thlat filled uîsý theic (ad-shaàkinigs, lifted scoots and uiprised' lor-gnettes ofth eec whectlîc reaizel that, a mere, conîon ~wspperscribe ladbeenr An ,0W we lîe omeed i sbIi t-sleecs' atepig t rs thlose augot nvros- an eot onlywitouta sifk Ibat. buit wiih tL a cm , wîbful o rosin]g tbat ibal- locdgees. ard that bias beenl traple byRoylty oiitN, andý Hig Scieytesay noüthing ,of sonîle oOour moat lnotedbotger (wbolesale oly), bakinarketeers anid 1innga,meîbî.owî- dem wee re sbiocked mbback, her'ses -we liad! neclicenlsc te bel oni fl 1a11a1- aap or fon; for AI- ready wc ceujld hear , ilte dsa file inumblilg ngof thetmbis n th'e sounpd of tegiltn am On 'CERTAIN DAYSI 0f Montis? Ti3 nslnsmedicinr, is uery effect us teL rlicv ai siftl <istress assit traituer vous, irritable feelings. of sucli daya - when dle Ite.eale furlcti.sîna onthly ISSUE 39-1946 Mrs. Elizabeth Grey Vining oi Philadedphia, Ps., bas beeau chosen ho tutor the Crown Prince of Ja- pan. Last Marcb, George Stod- dard, chairmnan of the Amnericaii Mission te Japan, recormmennded hem as admnirably suited te the re- Meteorite iii thec sie ias Piccard Prepares For Deep-Sea Dive Professor To Explore Bottai. ýof Se* In 'Steel Balleoon' Prof. Auguste Piccard, ihe Swiss catumýal1 scienit who w2i? the firsitot ascend 10 miles inito Ale straitosphýeme, i Lapiraing mn for a fur-miilive inte the sea in s steel spbere six, feet foui' Luche(s L iamlýiieter with walls .3 ' iniches tick,. Pr-ofesser -Piccard's attemlqpt te explore decep sea bottoi, sponrsOr- ed bv tbe BelJgïinNational Scieis- tific Researcb Fod, will be made eaml e147 blyy theGuli of Guinea. W',itliMx5Cosynis, Be iania- tural cientit whoaccomipýanied 'hum Lto lie srtshrProfesý- se)r Piccard is epmmnigwith, aselmodel ofhbis enrse 'bllon nder preýssures anging up) te more than 3,700 pounids t-o Device Descnibed wlihbçalîs to eren sIîb- maine, bas a 15-wonspbenicalca- bic, topped by a buoy coctainig< a suppy of gasoîe. An dcc. tremgne undmnctb olds the ballast of bon filings. Ready to dive2, thie subinlamine w-ill weigh about 4,,mnie ýctons. The evy Loc alasProfes- ser Piccard says, will carry the mciete the bottoin. Rlae frocsi tsi mùther slîip, w snl meters id! propel it over thc cean floor. Wben ready te ris, Professer Picca.rd says, crrent hoý theeecrmge will be cut sud the bblastm leae, The taîl, wbible-baýired professe)r s caid % dlong planned lfer hia advenItuIre."Florty years ago 1 was demigabouit t wbile 1I was a student," Professe-r Piccard was wthn hiïstexpeiml1en tal imodel being puî te bemenouspressureinas- cLally nadecylodrat bis Brus,- seNls niversitylaboratery. Views on Dango4r "Let us add a 11t4 more pres- suire"lbe said, as ube indicator needie rose te a danllgerou1-s level. Thsplonige inito the dceep Is no m-ore dneosthlan wcalking i5% the streýet," bie added, "if yeei take ail ilecessary pr-ecauiens I before Near by was anil ier odel Cof thie macine, cruLshied eut of shapec by terrifie presstureine ibe labcras- tory experinsieets, Once a rupture iie thebgrsue cylindelr shcot eut a jet efoi nlthlat sheamed nLe tMo an ninc-hick co,,ppe-r plate. ',Thnýis xpenimnt n - il] bece great inteprs mostly te biolit anid geologista," Prefeascer PiýCcard said. "Max Cosyns aand will be* accomlpanlied inCeachi dive by a specialist Le .tbeuse scýienices. We've Yhad Imaey requeJss o ejoJie Its, boit our cheoices havef net benmade.- EaICb dive c î last about 12 heurs, ae-d will take lis Rabout 15 mles awa-y frcom ibe cneigvse. TO TUTOR PRINCE

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