Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jul 1946, p. 5

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I ORONU WEEK TI IURSDAY, JIJLY ISý 1946. 1Bottles aire badly needlr-d. 2 Reason - new bottieý production slowed by shortage of m Teras e 3 Rernedy -Retura ac- Curnulated empties. Pot tbemr back into circulation, Cbeck your basernenctutday. ring themn to nzearest rewers Retail store or ýphone for pidk-up. On husd'yJuly 18thl, Judge .'i connliection tHite DrhmCen- rai Agricultural Soctety wt11 pay a vSil to (Leclifarmrs wo ts en- eedi'nIlle OaIt Crýop Cmeiin Any farmers etere'd jathiScr- pe4ýtion and1îw1hoepet'to be away on hat day, is askedi to leave word at his ]busie as to the t ocatton of lits oat fielid. "Iis wýay no time will ie lost by thile jucige as he makes 'Iiie rouinds Vo thie dffereait fieldis the eýounty whÎch are eritered, "GOINGÎ m y WAY" with BING CROSBY BARRY FITZGERALD FIRANK McHUGH GENE LOCKHART and RISE STEVENS fia reeponise to papuflar reque-qt this g-reat picture cornes to OR ONO TOWN HA-',LL Sattirday, JuIy 20' 8.30 pa.n.(DS.T.l Aise, included 'n prograrn "Tune Upv And Sm ng" Apararnount sere-en song with LANNY ROSS * Aule,35,.; Children 18c_ Crystal, China, hand painting on Glass China and Satin; hand-made Pina- fores, Sun Suits, Little Boys' Suits and Shirts, Baby Sweaters;, a varied assortmnent opf Aprons and Doilies, 1 WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION RED &WHITESTOÜ R E S Friday and Week-end Specials -Stra RED BRAND AND PRIME CMECA BEEF OUTERCHIJCK ROAST RIB ROLL lb. 31 c.lb24 ____ ____ ____ ____ CHOICE R-OND TEJAKPORTERHOIJSE ROUNDSTEAKSTEAK l,42c. l.4c BRISKET CHICKENS lb1i4c. b.42ck. FIG(jS ......... ...............l.33c SNACHI SACKS (waxed Sandwich bas) .... 10c. Fresh SIIELLED WALNUTS -...-, 1-2 lb 39 c SHREDDED WIIEAT ..,.,... _2 boxes 23U. JELLY POWDERS .... each 10c. Eclipse Choice PASTRY FLOUR ...24 lbs 75c, CHAN "Speed Coat".........q.98C. Purity BREAD FLOUR......98' lbs $2.95 Camipbell's VEGETABLE SOUP...2 tins 25c. New POTATOES .. 10 lbs 50C. - RAISINS TIS WEEK-END - We have the best in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Local News MriS. Crae iS viît:g 'bth her daughLierind famî,ly m erao Mr. aa.d Mrs. Avery, of T' Tomate, vtsttiedî at Mr. aad Mrs. J. iD. îow Mr. W1ý1"i. Barrett eajoye'd a foeýý days' visit wîth MVr. and Mýrs, beg. Misýs Elsie Rowe, cf Nwate wsa week-end visiter at thehm ofMr. aa'd Mrs, W. _R' Rwe _Mr. aid àMrs. R. S. Crfotof Lta1dsny, were recent visitor's in Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Riddell were guests, cf Ar. and*Mrs. E. R. Woodi-l y ýard at Apsley on SLuaduay.1 Thie annual Rickaird ptcaic will lie hieldiiia OronoMeora Park oni Sat- eranext. Timie cf assernhly,4.00 v1.aad 'Mrs. Rowlaaiid Smiith and Mlyrtle, cf Toronto, were picaiiekers, ' t theParkla hst Satur-dayad i: ors ýw i thIf r ienI(s i t ownP_ Mi--ad Mrs. Victor MLTFarlane and SoanIly, of Sydeniliami-:, speat a fewý% da:ys reeantly 'at the home of Mr. anad i-s.Alfred ,ýJakemaný, Mi% anid Mr. R. A. Forrester and son, John1 aad Briaa O'Boyle epeat the we-n at CedarHabr Lake 1Mr, O. W. Rolpl its speadîag, se- erl days iii Toronto thiis -week at- teniding tle Grand Lodge cf the Ma- silente rder. Mess;rs. Om Gamnsly, Fred Truil, Mesýdames FIorenice Phýillip, cf Texas. an'd Cat.'herine Lennox. of St. Louis, attended thie Gerow picate at Port Perry yesterday. Mr1i. anit Mts. Milton Stataiton, Dorothy aiid Clarence, Master Raipli and Stüart Larnb, of EnatskJien;i iM-rs. W. Avery, Toronto, visited *r. anid iMs. Wim. Stainton. Mrs. Greta Caverley and son W-Vý Nai, cf Vlirgtniatown, are spending' theïr summn-er vacation wiVh the for- ni Cr' S stster, Mr. and Mas. Dare Found, anud other, acquatatances. The Oron.o Band i wll agata give a bandi concert in Orono Commuinityý Memeortal Park na Suniday aýfter- nüoo. commiienciag at 3.00 P.ml. D..).The programmne w con- sist of Overtures, marches, aad sac- yod miusic. ResulIts cf the nmustc examiaton held recently tain wan itclulde thc fDllowingil pupils of Mm'. W. C. Lynch : Grade VI, Denny Lyncli,81 mark',frs-ss hnoe.Gr'adle 111f, )Sh4rley uatil,68; Joanne Coniih, 66; Harry Lyiicýh, 64. Mr, and Mre. Basye niotored frorei Pasadena, Cafr an ad are visit- iag wýithreavs in Canada. fMvs.1 BaqSYe ite a aughter of Alfiert O1 Barrett, maoi cf' _Mr, W. 11. Barr-ett, W711 je a tailler anid teempcyeit one of tehgest irme ta ;i)Pa5ien- denia, Mr. C, ff. Froste has omne wcrk on hies store. anýd as soon 1.as tie carpenters are avaiablie w soca hiave hie stor-e renovatedl. Li time the three stcres wil leie madel ilato one, givtng hm onidran extra spae Vo dtspilay hie echn dise.i1 On Saturday eventag las-t a barn on the Cowling farm, a few miles west cf Orono, and purychased by a, Toaco Cmpaay, was destroyd by ire. A grass ire was the cause of the Cie. The grass burned a con- sideraible distanice Vo the barn w ith- out befing nottced ut-ntit the baran-a afire,. .Help scoc a arved but the ire haldi gaiedi such headway thaitao- ing CcUld be done, The Orono iMtdg-et softball, team jcurneyed to Newtcrsvtlle on1 àondayï eveaing last for a ScheduIlet game wvith the mde team cof that place los'iag a iclose dec--.ion gane 'by a smore cf 13 Vo J12.Tne retura ,game wil be played ta Oronio on -Wedines- day, July 24th, at '7.30 p.tai the local park. Corne andi cheer the younig lads, alcag. Tlhis le the firet gaine oc a aew Midget League, Ccm- prising Newtcbnvei1le, Newcaestle aýnd Orono. "On your wrist as on Ie air" forme a now, famous %lgan for faithful tiiieep-.nrg. 1V remiained however, for a forty-five dolar Bul- ova vwatelh te becomle Icet in a pile! of brick debit andi survive theor deal wîthomt tajury. Mr. Alfred Jake-mau, ,'was engaged inta dismangt-I liag aninside -wall for iMr. C. Il. Froste, anid eg warned that his' wrtst watch miglit becom-Ye cimaged1 fricmthe jar cf Ithe sin ingsedge hammier, l uc kl'dit ,azd1itpped1 it iteo a trouser peecket Th pocket litiaglaVer -proved Vo contaiii a hole tbrough wîtch the watchnmuet have fallea. There were corne aaxiou heurs cspent in movtag eut bric which tncideatalyha to be mioved ayo.it remnain-ed for M'r. Larry Hardicastle te annoace,ý that th'e iatChl was fo u nd-s h ield ed 'by a chunk cf mascnry whichi woul'd have crushed àV hadi it str-uck squarel, y. Od(dly encugh, "ae' prev7ieus cf- Jfer of a rewàvrd to the fander xas forgotte lby ail ta the joy of me- The beniie fi',t fo othil gamue pla yedý ' in the park on Tuesdaiy veitag last fer "Jk"Midd1leton, oneofthleir. ;-tar' paesW11o wasinrewhe iopading loge, between Orono and L~e kard, 1rsuflted ianawtn Sfor vthe Womer team by a snmorcf '7 to 1 The Orono tLeam owedmore coni- binatton Puay Vlroughout the ganel and had Vhebettr part of Uhegame. Hoiwevisr the Lesiiard tam man-de la numbiiter ýof breaks tatresiutè(d ta near talles for thiem. Tfie Lesk7aïrd team was made uLp of mostly players cf years ago, while Orono tspr- icafly al youangsters. The youths sdon rua the Mldr players nto the grounds an*d woa quite eastly, ,The colcinamointed te $25l.00. i THEATRE Bowmianville - Phone 589 Cool - Air Conditioned - Cool Thurs. and Fr1. JULY 18-1q "JOHNNY ANGEL" GEORCE RAFT CLAIRE TREVOR A derelict ship .., Stolent gold Leads to rrim adventure Cartoon Shorts Saturday OnIy JTJLY 20 LEON ERROL, "RIVERBOAT RIIYTH-M plus "ALONG NAVAJO TRAIL" ROY ROGERS TRIGGER "GARBY" HAÎyEs Cartoon ili Color Mon., Tues., Wed. .JILY 22-23-24 SAN ANTONIO in Technieolor trig ERROL ,FLYNN ALEXIS SM'VITH Cartoon in Color Fox Late News PARK ST. UNITED CHURCH Reverond U.Lttlewooyd Ministrer SUNDAY, J13LY 20th 11.00 am-Wrhp 7.00 p.ni, -- Ev'ening Ser-vice wtdandurtng July and "Be not hcu envioits against evtl men, neither ( i.r e 2 wtth temProverbs 24. Orono Tinshop Prlumbing, Heating 'nd Sheet Metal Work Dominion Royal Fle-etwaîry Tires are nowbui with -lew 'High Tenacity" Rayon Cords wîjhich uard againstA tread and ply separation-and greatly increase truck tire life. For tough haulage-long, dependable operaion-and Iowest cost per mnile-choose Dominion Royal Fleetway. ORONO G AR AGE General Repairs H. M.MERCER Phone 20-2 Complète Tire Service ARMSTRKONG'S I DRESSES IRDICEI> AUl Summer Dresses now on sale at BARGAIN PRICES. Corne in and See thern. HATS All our Ladies' Summer Ratsý, clearin at $1.00 DLJST MOPS $1L3 ~IPAROWAX pkg. 5ce CORIN 15c. sat. only RAISINS 'lb. 23e. Sat. Orly FIGS Il RE. L 35c» WA,ýND BAGS Suranmer Hand Rage, elear- tng at..............$ 1.00 NEW DISHIES J us t arrived, 1132-piece Sets, Cups and Sauicers, Tea Pots, Vî-ases, Cookie Jare, IPitchiers, and Cake Plates. Shortening lb. 20C. Sat. OnIy ZINC RINGS doz. 25e, RED RUBBER RINGS 4 dozen 25C AEROXON FLY COILS 2for Çce NEW POTATOES 10 lb, à486C C-HOICE PEAS 2 tins 29c. PLITM JAM and JELLY jar 1green Coupon 39c. Sat. Only LARGE LEMONS 'flk.% dg n 2 tins

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