The Orono Weekly Times, Established January, 19371. Pu-.b.lshied every hrdymrnn tteTimnes Office Advertising Rates on, request Sub scripfion, $1.25 R. A. Forrester, Publisher Oro(no, Ontq-ario The Old Bell Stili JIolds SwTay O)n Wednesday, JuIy li0th, the new siren on, the fire hall t Oron-ùiwas insItn)led and tested, then it was dtscexnected for tlhe .î-aî inspec-tion by the insi-,pector. On Thursdbliy, the eiiowixg Cday, ýï e*il for the ir~e brigade -%as' sent in ta extiiguish the fire in a t uck at D)ean's Cüinrs. S&me of the firemex haixg heard the ,sîrenr tried out the day bLfore, shoved the hUutton ýbut the simca faiied t rýespondr. The oid eliaile, tihe boell, readily responded ta tihe pul- liing of the rope ivtifying the fiiýrre that their services were nieed- ed. Ujp te the present the inspeter hase not airived so the bel! wil to inx use for a few days' more. Thi's bell was purchased from-0 Bo- Mianille and bas sfervied its pua-pose faitîhfully an the fire ball. From hlere wc do flot kniow ,Nlere it wilfl go, it coid ho xsed on a eihurch, a scehoai, on a public building to anniiounr-e the nonr hour and sîx &ook. Anyway, no -matterwhe it goos', it is bound ta give the scame good seri-ie that it did when it was use-d as a fia-e aiarm. * ý* i0* Good-l Reading' Essential 1t is alwyseGcuiiagi.g to meet the persox wio cames for, good reading. Righit now fltrugh the 5nuemtitero are tho-ýe of yu-s wbo will ho be eabled ta, devote a certain ameouit .of tie te the à,eading of beoks, magazine articles ani short stories. Tim-e spent tapoùn O h e good readJ-ixg is nover wa,sted. O thohrband; thte mnd aind ch:aruter are en-riched through the practiýe. IHerein town twe have a good- library, besides business places 'whcmj:ee books an-d papers maybe purchasedl or 1ianed. Tiere wiii hthe ouxt citizen w,ýho caýn fixd time for eading during parte 'of tÏIhe etire year. There vvill be thosewb muet confine the pas- tenechiefly ta the Witer seasaxn. HcIppy will be the 'maxi, womax or chqld whao aa coax a littie tne fro-m the Summer and devote it te mreadîxg. Thte 1kindlin.ees of the seusox wil add ta tite charm of the The Staff of Life Under thte provisîons of a maweated in te year 1688 the people of England xiii xgpeal dimctly te) the King as a meanls of ceeing ta rPeen the law which would mnae fori: ea -rtionin ix heOid Land. Bread is oxeeconmedio(ity whiàch bas) gone -unratiýon- 'od1ii -,ngl-[and dirn the wartimie. t doo-s seem-- unfrtunate that present conditions sboGuld inake aioning enforcomenti neessary Here at homit-e we hearrum-ors of , shqrt1ages cdfl.our, ardi ~whiIe we may not face bread 1rutiianing, ýwo'aiigbt eas)ly coite ta +Ite, place wbohre bread is not easily available becua shortages of ixý- ýre lents. A f ew weeks ago it was mc easiear o secure than ~nalrebread, Export denuind upen bead flour v;as giver as the ea- so.The aiýd adage about being uxable ta eut oum cake andistifI have it rnay ho suhestitutef 'with a siimliilar one as ta bread. Troat the bak-er wtbdue re3spect, because bis dough may îbe wo-ii ore titan Good LegisiatL-ion Mubbas beex aecemplishied ýof late yeas ,ix regard ta bospialiatonand cicîk benefits axnngindustrial workers. Ey set- ti-ng up a conunion fund, omloyees areenabled to a py by the mentit oý-r the qruater year and croate protecetion whichb wili see thom mlirougit the )inanciai stress oeaionied by uinfomeseo-n illiness or aidn.The plan is xiow being eteed 'aofarn xorerwe ere told. This dees sern excoucag-ing, as f arm labor so often appeul's ta i ack that "streng1-th tVrough unity" spirit wýblcch le the lot of 1mo1re fUiiyý orgaunizedi labor. Why axe clasis of poopie shouldi not saotheo hpflthi"nge, of liPfe along ,ith axather is miore titan wTe can tell. Noýititer do we kpnow of axy clase of peopleie mare doser-vig titan tbseofthte frn.Cli it by anyianme you wviAlh, but the spirit tht akos fer thie commox geodi of al' is the spi -it tu us l timaelywinOut. God iealtlr is essentixa suceceand b, appi- f055s. Constant four of' financial reverses brought about by fllness a7re c wýomrry te mxany people. It does szoom good business when a germetfor'm-ulates the meanti wh-ereby each person mayq, set acdsfe a little of is ouninge ix case of just sncb an ovetuality. Sup- posicg one did traverse liife's Journey withiot ïneeixg Vo draw upon ickbeneits. jTLat shouid bh oiosido-redi good fortune. Thbie-n ext best measmre ouf good fortune wuid lie bix havng te tumin ta silcb bonefits and fiading tbem ready and sufilcient. 0 0 O On the Crest of a Song Foilowing the splendid open air ýonicert by tite Orona Cit- zon' BanO iehtîi was beld on Sunday, Juiy 7h there cames a sug- gestion 'wieh would seem atog-ether commnenduble. The Idea hue bee bruglt torwrdthait the brandi maigbt be arugrnexted upoli soute future occasion by a nmass choir of vaices, Ta themo ismi-uilh fixe vuDcalý talent in thie village andi commuxiity is a wveiikxw fact. Sornel years ugo this commun-illity talent h nitdix the pro.- àuction of thie eperettas "Tite Bas'-nsý Bridle" aiid "Princese Bl Bul". ,Since tha',t timn o n arked effort habeen made ixtiat tinii-ngoDr 35mdution on1 any anibitiaus S(eule. Posib N e couidsupieor ,slie"ls und aur friende by ,getting together for once for an -ail-out -jentuLïre. Too mnuch iretiýence and snal! grkrnp feigexiste for- wboe-earedco-operationii. By tumning thle task oyer te a respon 3sible p)ersan or cornmnittee Nwe should 1have oittie dieffu lxorg-an- ziga big choir for c Siinday iaftomneion isixg sang ýifhyrmne axd faiirsongc.ý People have beeln inspirod uandi spjimituall]y benýefitted byexgx un"2d bighiuusýic. Wensuch nusic is of their ownl ra 10ng, sa mnuci the bette-. A lot of the fal~fniganld ptty iriticî.sm ,loveiled i utth e Chrc ad al it stands fer ouldilbe waaide if 'we ourselves soughtta oshlako out of the legurthyn' that sueu sus. Mro ve xo auld sing- aur ýmay Out. Wc coul di iigtageiter anId ixdongso we could leuar the btter te wo-t'k to- ùr bt.The Smmrtmewbichi Sso ïrfmquetly regardoed as aný Ttw~1lat je whuit we mut d a'I -i o are te comis FOItRER ORNO _ýCITIZ ENS LIVING IN THE WESTI M i l____ For!tebeet of tha-lse whlo re-' memer ameo he e opie iie that ieft Orao lon yeasÏao aae now livinig in, WýesteirnCad. On this tnp I1 visitedj Mrs. Johin L. Rewe and berd!aughter Edma in Calgary, Mr. and Mmc. Fredi Long and Mr, and Mr'. PieLn in Ed- menonMrs BethaBrown (Ber- thaWadelinixSaskattoDo., msý. Rputh _Katz (Rutbi Arm-strong) ixr ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - Setl,'uts cKe n i- nsother iix Penticton., 1 didn't seel Art M1acguire -in Calgary this time,0 but be is livinig reti'red lanid 1 under-l stanld bas aFi time job cutting h1-is1 interest couppns off 'bis'ger et bonds and te11nh-jbs fiends the b1essýinge that Canada eceives from Grit Gover1nmerit. [He le defiitely opposed to ail C C F'rs, Social Cred- itors and Taries. In Regina I phoned Mrs. Betha Darling (Bertha Jones). Uer b1us- 1band ie a igh eho teacher, they have two married daughterýs and she and ber busband are going ta Van- couiver for tihe surmmer to, visit axe af tbem. As some of yau may gu-e s ,Mrs. Rowe ile 85 yeams Nyauing. She,, andl EdIra played crihbbage ag1ainist Edma'sý htusbanid ax-d I for 25e, a gam--e. Mrfs. RKowe axd Edma claimed thfaft they lost' $1.75 each ta 'Edra's husban axid 1, but acrigta my menti lbookeepng Itoldtem haIws e.ut fifty cents. me. Rowe -wais yi fireit sehooli teachier and shie told mie1 that shie never tauight chiidrex ta tell lies anid wondered w\,here I haid hearned tor become so carelese w;ith the tru-th-. Perce( Lonýg and b is wife 'were in Edmoxtan visiting Fred and hie wife. As some may recall, Perce had a long ilixees that he nover completely got over and he was back ix Edimonton having axe of bislegs treated with X-ray. Hiwever, he is cheerful ablout it' ah and oxpects to be as gaod as nopw soani. I tried ta convince him thiat bis trouble was bis fast sins eom,îlinig out on him; that a persan didn'ýt have ta wait ta die te pay uip. Fred is living retir- ed ix Ed,îmnton anld bi, son Carman is runnng the dug- store in. Ver milan, Alta. Ed. Long wý,,orýks t Carmn, and Neli Long is ix thie îix- Su ra nc e business thee. ý FrP.n k ILong and Will Long- are ix thehad -ware business at Long Bachxi fomnia. Bertha Wadde'1Vb hfusbaxd is THE INDUSTRY 0F THEC FUTURE FU FARMIN G Mink and Fox MUTATIONS Buy a Trio - WVe Ranch Them WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO, PHONE 42 î 2 plital, on1 Satuxday,' Juiy 13, 1946, ta M iiiand Mr1s. Lcetms(e Nellie MWright), a son (D)avid FOR SALE Princess Pa't Kitchen Ran(ge, 'large ,size, gooaad baker anvd heater, wîth dmýp fire bx Appiy ta Mrs. R. H. Brown, Orono; Phonoe 73-11. mnager of thie Dominion Bank ixi Saska-toox. Bertha says that shie ex- pets ta visit Omono again in. the near futuLre. Ruth Arm)s'troiig, in Seattle, does nýot suifer anymore from athritis fro.nm wbich she was affiictedi for so nany years, but it left ber Joints os- s5ified se- that she has ta sit in a chair adil the timne and is heipless, buit she is ceerful ab)out it ail] and tak-es a keen interest in everything. ,Mrs. McoKeen lives witb bier son Curtis andl his famiiy ix Penticton, BiC.,ý andl outside of birthdays and white bair has not changed any drom the- days wý,,hen she iived i Orono. iShe ibways aïsks about everyibody thrat she k11new whien heme. ýCurt ba's beex ix the dIrug business in Penticton ever since leavinig Qmono andi like Fredl Long, stamted in trie bqsiness with aur late John Gilfil- Ian,ý and has prospered with it ever sînre. Like ùurselveýs, ail of these aid timiers are g-etting aider brut not sa aid thnat tbey are nôt intensely in- terieýsted in th~e people that they knew JOHN ARMSTRONG CThe. Dautiful CAPITO PORT HOIPE Friday and Saturday 6.40) and 9.00 (Sat. 2.15) "TWO SISTERS FR'OM BOSTON"ý Wath Kathryn fL,,ràys0n, june Allyson and Jimmy Duranite _Monday and Tuesday "A STOLEN LIFE~ With Bette Davis, Glenin Ford> and Dane Clark Wed. and Thurs. lit Technicolor "THE VIR6I1NIAN" Wath Joel MeUrea, Sortmy Tufts anId Barbara Britton COMPLETE SHOW AFTER 9 immommumnil SELECTING A CASKET The selection of a casket in our dispflay room is made as easy as possible. We carry a complete offering of merchandise-in a wide range of prices, wth the highest value obtainable at each level. Patrons are allowed fulli liberty to consuit their taste and means, wvith the assistance of Our technical advice. Fe F. MORRIS 00. DURRAM'S LARGEST FUNrýERAL DIRECTORS JAMES E. O'BOYLE Ormo ontariu Business License No. 1304970; Wartine Prices and Trade Board BUILDING C',ARPENTERING-' ALTERATIONS REPAI1RIN G PAINTING Good wvork at f air prices, by the lhour or the job ESTIMATES FREE Classified WAN,'STED A -useid drop-head sewing -machine, in good codton Vrs. Fred Gra- WANTED Live Poultry and Feathers. Top priespad.M. Flett, , No. 1, Bethany; Phiorie 7 r 13. f--p Oniniet work, upuhoistering and repairs: prices raoal.WM lpay cash for used sefwign machines, C. F. D caPhone 79-16, Oronio. tf. FOR SALIE Nine and a haif acres of' good lansd. A býarge frame house with electricity;, good barni and stable and hien house, in, Tyrone village. Appiy te lMrs. Jas. Soie are D, G. Htooper, Orono, On'ýTila ri0; Phione 42-16, Orono. c-28-p. FO0R S-AL-E Cook Stove, range, burn coal or wood, good blaker. Phone 1614 Clarke, or appiy to Mr. Andrew Bandy.a-26-c. FOR SAýLE Onie ERoan Hleifer wlith Caîf ait side; l Brood Sowe due sooi x,ý1Deering Mjo'wver; 13-horse Cutivator,; 1i Horse Rake. George Forlbes, Kh:---b4Y. RADIO REPAIRING Al mke of Radiôis rePaired and serviced. Work Gaate.Prices I Mioderate, Modemn test equip-ment. JJ .DuvaliUPane5 01 rono. TENDERS WANTED Teniders wii h received for the position of janitor ýof Park St. Unit- ed Chureh,, Orano, ut-p to and inciud- ing Jualy 2Sth. Duies ta ommAnence jAugust i-st,. .1946. Requireiïients of position-cal, oseen at the Secse- tary's office. Ail) Tenders to iho séaled and nuarkeýd (Tenderj anid addrvessed3 to NEIL F. PORTER. SALE REGISTER The undersig-ned has r-eceived în- sftuctians from iMm.fMkeShutka, ta sell by puhikc auc-tiani at Lot 11, 'Ccn. 4, Ciarkle Twnhi, /2mlileWest of Starkville cornier a-t 1.00 p.m.l, on Wedntesday, July il7th, his horses, cattie, implements, grain, ýýe. The farm, consisting-. of 101 acres (more or les s) -with 70 acres wmalthe balance ini pasllure aud woodis., ub- ject ta a reserved bild. Terms n theýl farm ita ho made k o'wn onday of sale. Tmn cash fJor live stock-l and impienents. Mir. Shiutka isý giv- mig up am Reid, Auc- lLetters to the Editr - or T ao the, Editor, fleur sir ayi tube tiis opportuxiity to tbank Rev. and Ms itoodad titeir capable staff of sIst sfor' tite timrte and w",ork epnddOn be- haîf of the yiouiigsters of thnis ctom- miunity cdurîng tite 1Chui-rcitVacationi ScitooL. 1hcildren enjoyoýd every minute of it arci l an!suire tho bene- fits wilho a-eabn in their' On b hula f of oursoilves andithte otiter par.ents ef tti'ýs comrnu-nity 1 say a sincemo Th-ank 'Yau, andi ex- press a ho-pe thlat sncb a wo-rtity pro- joct miay ho conitixued in th futurie. Yniars sincerely, MRS. W. C. LYNCH fleur Mr. Editar: I arn writi-ng this lýetter witb the idea 'nix mmdthat it is beet ta em,-ove ai" accident befome lti bas happexodl. Over and over ugaix wo geutwr- ioe f tho pessilbihlity of bad acci- doenshppig unid sao ýften we (do not heed. Tho, puipose of titis letter is ta sounid axe more wmigbydmwx attention ta thte duangau conditionr of tlie oud edngfo the F'o-res- try on ta Hligb-way 35. Lnet Satur-1 day ini the space et' baîf a minute axe accdent wns mis cýed 'byabu hit' an ioitcbotween a car andi a truick, ai-d tite seconid id caquse a littiedwe and mnuclit xiret It's quite true thait hrnfraîlty ïor cusýsednes is often ta blime, but the condtio uaùt that juniction of tite coad a and should be nmade enfer. Idoni't cure -'ubo le to do it, te Pr tc , theTowxsiip, ,,or nae otiter resiponc-iblo paaty, it sbould ho done ax-d done quilckly. It's no use "loii'the doer aftec tte borse bats Professional Directory A. F. MtKEN ZIE, M.D PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours. 2.00 t 4.00, p.m.; 6.30 to 8.06 Sundays and Wednesdays by appoumnent onfly PHONE 47r1 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, 8.1~ Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, OINT. Phone Office 688 Home 553 W. F.*WARD NOTARY Phonei:- Office 825 Residence 4Ù9 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY DR. W. *W, SIERWIIi INSURANCE Fire, Casualty, Automnobile and Liability ONT.ARIO MANUFACTURERS LIFE and youir family. DANE FOUND Phoe 85r1 - .O.Box62 Port Hope, Ontarie Molanum-enits, Graven'arkerà, Engraving, Goldleafinîg AUCTIONEERS TED JACKSON Autoeer and Valuator CoadctaAucion Sales of aili zo and ~ ~ Xi Mt eaonbleraes Perry, Ontarlo, or u;eo Id CekA, A, E. Mlorton, aï Orono, for daâte. JACK REID Licensed Auctioneer andi Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terme and dates Phone 1620 - Clarke Do You Knlow That, for a age twenty-four, The Imperia' Life Assuranice Cecm- pany will guarantee bis familyr $5,000»0 in event of bis death prie te age sixtLy, for between 2% andl 3% of that amount yearly. And if ho- lives to age sixty, the Ciompan>Y wilpay hlm the $,M00.00. Whýy not ceonsuit yourloa representative FRED LYCET tOe oc what a planl suclh as havi .do for yu YORK'S T-AXI 24-hour Service SPECIAL RATES FOR QUT-OF-TOWN SOPR P'l'one 73 r 16, Orohcioý 9- 1 BARRISTER SOLICITOR ORONO