Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jul 1946, p. 8

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lion. James G.,-Gardinier, Mliistêer ORONO W Mi ~s LIn' 1 'y Tu~ib, Oshawa, is I-c ~ ying at Howard Farrow's. Mr. Pe'cy Farrow ha~ erected a la ~e ncw bain. Miss 12 'eanor Dunn had a tonsil qporation last Thursday. Mc. and Mrs. C. Maxini. of T~r- onto, spent holidays with Mr. and 1rs. Gorge Smith. -r aj rs uselSaveryan Jt~ sit~ wit 2,r. ad Mr. A ulo w, EzahtviLe ANNUNCNGTHE OPENI-NG OF -A Wor!k aind Soldering, REPAIRSTO ALIL FR ACNR IF PARPýTS ARE AVAILABLE CROOKED CREEK REPAIR SHOP IIARVE-Y RiFL RWProp. Every Day Low, Prices Twýo Ellenient Ilot Plates....$45 Stainless Steel, Cpe Bottomed, Tea Ketties, for ý........ ..........$4195 Fyrit Jars-Pîits ......pver dozen -Quarts per dozen 95C. $1,05 LIMAX BUG KILLER 20 lbbg........ .74c. 50 lb.bagD.D.T.. ....$32 Colema &PlEecric Phone 89 r i CO. LTD Orono ~' cfthisCn, Famirýly Newspaper THE C ,RtsTIAN SC'IENC-E MONI'iTOR ~ refrom crimne and eaioanws.. Free fromx political bias ..Free from speciaIintrs"control . .Free to tell you ,hi, truth about world evenits. Its owiiN orld.wide staff tof corre- soensbring you on-the-spot ne-ws and its mreaning to youI anid your famiIy. Facli issue filled with unique wlf-leII3 features to clip anld keep. TheCrsiSine P.Uble'SigSO1tY [Pes send ,anple copes OnNor.aystreBson1 oTle Cri,' Science I See................ ......... .............. Please seld aoem nk . Zite.. rnte. .... tria subscrip-*o9?eI e- PB-3 close $1'. - -- -- -- -- ------- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - Miss Mollie Brad oot,î Norma H'lloMell Xlro Mr and Mr. ed'i I- takieshol tWAres daym night, at the show e fo-i l wing progra m : S' ect ion onr 11gui- bar by)Arîond 'ollingswocth; ren!Ld- ing byý Dorothly Stapletoni; pianlo solo by y Hallowe'l; usic se- lactionis Iy Chali Cwan,; vocal solo, Allen Sholer; piano isrmn t al by Mis. Ross Halowell.Th- chairmsan than caliedi the !br.Iàl.an gro o [the front andMs Llew'- llowell rend the addrss. Eveîy- one then joined in singing "for théy are jclly good fellows". and litle a thaulvl oqendMary ,Haowell andDonna'Sutaîk shocwered thmwith confeti, Mr. nd Mrs lcisneach madý'e a siabere-1 ply and" inivitad ai te their homie, Speehes ere ade y Af. D)obson,l Loîne Tod~d and Llew HallowelI. Thre giftsý wea ten on Idis plyay nd lunch followed. Mrs. Pdgeon-", of port HIel i visitiing M-'U, and Mrs. FredNsît Mis fMlnityre, Troto s with Miss'Janne Thopson aunt, Miý.s.oimAnot Gordon Sith cfPort 1-Hop1e, spenit Thiursdny with .Mi.n. Mý's. C. Burly. Mis. Fcnnk Burto visited hec brotheri, Mr. JoalWokma, hois ini ver-y poorhaih Stnileyý Epple, cf the Ne,ýwtoniville argis s-pendýing a holiay ith blis parenits in] Sim2oe. Thlere wns agood a -ttendtane at SudySehool on Sunday mrî Mi.an Ms.Geo. Pl arind Mr. nd rs.We' Markof Fene-p ion FValîsspen Sunay iMrs. te, Toron t vsit hePuncle wo i Ice ir Joinmreaofe nî ds chaàrspe freinet he C.X.F a s red ae iionmns oas ýirfî, a e nioh J.i-J.DukeuiH Suon. TGcod cf o Stmo'e. Auib iierta, ara visi'ýt nnd everyone is welcome. We were very glad to see Mrs. Sadie Gilleepie je the village for a short time on her way home from visiting friends in Kendal. Mrs. Gillespie is a cleaconess in the Pres- byterian Church in Toronto. 5.unday evenuigthe Partsrpoah for u moe I oewudlivea ul vo sharigKit hs eloAvan". %villgt t d1st we aking -r bAckgut.This clasu sfee to0am pIho V (is to take advantaUeS1f ilt jin.hspé M, e1,L-etan,1 ., Pyn, m eterborough, ands MsLiarPaonCePUrehIiayin aD. Mr.OtoKeisr .Rbrt 11nd Mïrs. OSto K Ml"reise. M. Reu ain oital. hH -tnaldYr Mrs. aD Mosh. cf Ko;întnd M a'- nd Mrs, Bob, BcCrackeN nndba Mleui 0'l'dil cf. Islington; Mr.and] Kathl2eenar stnyingý for a mlonith.i Rev. H., A. EBunt vwas inducted in ing. o1v ised f Gouriced- dressed thwnomn miaister, and Rlev. ittron fNîwcasle, ad- dre-ssedi the cngeato. hese were both toghfland ipesiad- the Ohnwa Preshbey, had charge of thieind1uction servie.ev.R. L. "cead fWhf orerfriend of Mr. Býunt. waaIse preset. A1 social hour in the basement o h crch wa enjyedby ami.tWi cir-cuit adwshte veysc ceps. KENDAL Mï. rnd Tis.Jams;ll.1cf ish- o a, areo isitinywth0 Mis AT . L. Thore fc a ll le. e 'ý Mr. A1ec. Littie oine r.an I omiAyad PMSUtile ad amc.Nit-w teP o'he weiskn ed. n o o Mr. Norman vTliehrtlMi-ae. an Sh ilyoined Msorn Ther- Mr. ailn Mrs Gl"e ,Krby t otheir A m'e! Lnera osi ital ad hpe he mli,11( soon e ontheron tecovry Mc. Malu nîngpasrtrndhoi foni Petrb o h otld w hop ohhnllson, be resored te fuli healh an fateEngth agindl. a Mch. and puMGrs.Mars Sof erwn M o r Gi mur isc n p eseth on the A pîcrnoncondte auspies cfthe ternooun, Juy l7thin the Harey Jackon cMeum orpiKndal, Ah ehenyeliicm'e s etendease nnyon wI ihng teitae art i ths ed un. issBettfyLedOnr xanctiMr. n Mrs, ymri-ohnson, Osher"aa, Mc end. adennyd OnSuu 1y FIng1w3weY FOOT REMEDIES Bue PJay CornsPlaters ...C.. 2e Blue ~ ~ ~ r ilyCaioe Pasers.,.e.(iy, Sani.PldCor-n lena Zguaratced rem. J ak oekn Adhesive, box of 3 Nu~F 't Mdicatýý,,ed Insole, pair. .... Sani-Ped Foout Powdv(er. 40, Qisia.,.5c Marathon LnimntpromLpt reief to tred, aeh- ingfeet, -4 oz ... ý. ,. ..49 1 2oz ..,.8. Marathlon ointmvent .................49C. Marath on Foot Powder .............. 2c ZamD-Buk Ojulttent........... ...47c. CrÉess Corn Salve ....,t.-,,... .50oc. SUMIMER SPECIAL-S WllsnieSun lsestar....35e,c- 59c. Polaroid Day Gass limited stock, pair .. $1.95) Willsonite "vrpc" fit on Ovier reguil.ar Rex-Eme Cr eamrl, quiek and saf e relief for sun- Noxema-r Cream, "Feel i't He'al" ....17ÂeC and ýSuper-lWay Insecticide e with IDDT, -e-rtîin death to ýmoths, ils mosquitoes and antS, 4-Ouince PHf-.OTO SPECIAL Let us enlargze your favorite eie to 4" x % and munt in Studfio Polder, complee .'2 fo Agent for Jackman lowr iiCe , 59e. Charles -B.. -Tyrreli Phone -68 DRUGCIs Orono, ont, V E TO s he e The new Co gate C e m D o e a t (Thi-s Coupoon thie bottie of Halsvs1olc Ten's-Summar ies nwpatrn ...1.. MeeGe oto Wrilok, ht toepai.................. Meiis Prou K it hort, easte bi d ý3 n 0,pi PaddPt)Hids ec Thermos Bottles, pint'Sie..... Iir Strines, rd hadie, meiumsîze. Larg 1 efo_............25e., Cabiet Hngsforl.8inhoffset dorMor- plete ith sce~ispir..........2, SuaeHinge2Ts, pai.............1e Fly praels, 2 sizes ..... 2.. 0. n 9c, Green ,Glass Cups and Sautcers, viii standý the hneat o old, set....... ........... 19e. Glas eaers pnt, dz.95,Qats1o. 10 BoteCaps, 410 for ...... ..........1e Red Rubber Rings, 2 Iboxes f y..........!5e. GROCERY FEATIJ-RESý-" Gr iape Nu"t Flkýes, large boxes, 2 fo2r..... AherGrape Juice, sweeteneld, 1- bottle. . Yor1k SpicedHa,2-zti York Boiledl Dinne,, 15-o)z. tini Pure Lemon Juice, 6-oz. tins. ...... Bl1ue Ribbon Tea, Black. 1-2 !Ib,.......... Daly's Superb Blend Coffee, i b.'or Whlole Nutmiegs, 6 for ..... 29c. 21e. 37c. 5c. *1 STORE 1HOURS: TheIa calis for not n-ore thanl- a 4-8-hýour week and in~~1 0arnss1oou staff w have adopted thelloe ing houurs : Mondlay, Tuesday, Tusa and Fi- dlay,83 a.mn. to5.0pm;Wdsay830am to 12 o'clock noon; Saturdayvs 820a.m. to 10 p.m. URONO 5c. TO $1l.OO STORE YOU PPUARSHPPNGCE ,NTiR E Motor Equipmeint Private Ambulance -Northcutt and Smi Funeral Directors and Furniture Deal KINDNESS COUTRTESY ithil SERVICE i Eqiuipp)ed te take care cf the modest funeral at the most reasonable charge a3 well as the largesit and Most eatn Telephlone:- office 668 - Residence:L 5 23 land72 D.G. S. Il. Barton, AT YOUR SFERVICE In 1886 - 60 yenars ago). The Dominion Experimental Faims 'were founded. Statin wih fve faims the System hlas since been exteinded to 31 farmis iand statios and 210 ilulutaion stations. This Systemthe larat and moe compre. heýnsive of its ind tin zany cOuntry, ismanae with the othier Services of the/ Domlinion Departmient (f Agriculture, for the promoation' of agriculture and the n3ational econonmy of (Canada. As a resuit A the Wouk carrid eut in the past by ail te Servics f the imparîmenthi n c-opertin with te provinçes anid nrclualcoleges, a much greaer measur of stabiiy As been girn te farming in She Dominion. Now that the war lias ended ail the Sricsof Ithe DmninDeatm f Arrrculure'- xpeimetalFaims, Science, Production amnd Mark-eting- saie n~~~~~~~~ brne n ule rga f eflnepssA tethe peeple cf Canada. The facilities cfthese Services arc varied and extensive. Everybody in Canada is nviedte ak adantage of them freey. The Department isAlw ready te assist in an-ywail, te advancemesit of the basi industryof Canda - Agricute. Dom)rrinion Depairment 0of Agriculture Ottawa, Canada le couec't Bowrr.anýilfe, Osit.

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