Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 11 Jul 1946, p. 6

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#~lu~ -m; t,- t, Jimi. "s1 0 lo ive withhm"St- hart dcae.Jirn waýS furious and telehonedtMe sheriff t corne and 9ef Sherjwin. Stenharf again nmount- ed and starýted for the 1h01 trail to show the sheriff where Sherwin washdn. CHAPTER XVII If occnrred to liiim fliat if w,,oufd be 1terrible fa ave lie sleriff findt Jane %vif fthis man. H1e drummedcc MA li ls fingers on flic edge P. bis desk, biis face white. hle L'ad jusssteeipbioned ta the stales for- bis hlise wben adoor opeyîed andr old Teresa cam oarne hin, a papes- in lier banu. -Youil1 read tAis for me, senor?' plie 1f he bow ornan tlrist tflic paper in bis hiand. If. was flic pictuire of Sherwin; beiow, if was prinfed a description pf tfljic ci.e. Jino frownred. Shec cai.sbf afblis sîceve. "Reýad If, senlor!" she begged. Haîf srsoycJ jiîcorplid. The old wmncauglit atbi sleeve, poifn.Tlirounficopen ý,loor -she cold irpeSnar' disappear iugigur, igi upflic F'or an instant .Jirn stard, lin lie sieiid grinly. 4"H1Cwas% aivit- nesaf flictrial, ,Teresa; if may haebotlieredl hiin a lo. The browni face o)ppositeý wrînklebd decply wifhlibor-ror, if seemred fa jim unllcomnoly like a witchr's! " 'sgof a deil" he ubld 'rsîg erself. Then she cangont ai is coat and clung to if, kecpinig biirnf1o te door. "Mare dY Dios, don t 'et Janje 1marry cen senorU' she begged. She cvrdleface wîti hle sliaking liards and lic beard ber prayig Spanis as lie rau down the rslope. He must: get to Ja,-ne, before Sfednrt ulsd 5li hrffsgaogs Uc eWas boncstly yvorrsed. Seconqd ithoug] Lt1a Cooled lOs rage- lerenne.d thflie owcd somletliing 'fC this fugitiye thaf lie wýs boniug. Trhen lie saw his sister. She bad swvung 1berseif from f1 lic ,saddle dowu' 1y tie stables, nd as she tur-neýd lic saw liow ,pale she was. "Ilie decvi ke tfl %elW!" Jin2 ý3isutered ËfC, irnself, wratliful agaiin. Then hlic spoke slipy 5'.Wbeehave you been?" ]ame ook no notie of bis fane, Secarne up, pntig. ,Wa'sthe mnatfer?" she gasped. Prlasyou know ,better thall I do," lie re-pliedironùicaý'ly, -j'anle canîglitalbis arm With bbkng lands. "Whiat, does if iniean? f satw Sseiart meet thé shlerifif on tflicupper road-fell me Puic,qMic&!" Jim eyed lier coîJl 1Iphonci for culerHc's going f0 fake fliat jailiird, Sbcri, bac ta isode Iadand I'mgoirg f ephirn J ncsli1Addope rom bisà ýins. She turned deafilywhie Und for a mlomient she swaycd oný ber fccet. Jra imfrcw is arm iaroun-d -My CGod, T1ie you don't (care fer a murderes ?" Slie puslcd hiu awiy from ber- ib lofl bands, "csvdyour Judas!" sJe Cried. "Jan-" ic rie toresrain uer utsebroke away, rail a taC bier 1borse ýand hee,-cd ïinf thle qadle. Jîrn male au ineffectal '5natcfifor the reins, ";WlierC are you îoing, you miad wrn f? ie shouted al;ber. S'le fUrrned and lookced back at lin., baggard and brokn, "lus going fa warss hini -sonefhissg diredfutl ws1ll appen if lie meers "Sfop)-wýait, l'ni corningi" Jiîtu cried, but sfie was gus'c af a gai- la,. lHerApbrotheurroed Sud sloued, for bis horst:. Jose lsad saddled if ancii Jim :ig himscîf ino th le sýAdle ansd was off in an instant. Jane was well in flic lead, riding recklessly, but Tex wýas ftired; JitnS bor-se was fresb and flic distance liefwecn flici-is grcw lcss and less as lie reacbed the bridge, crossed if, anc raýCed on. Plie could se niow, asq lie tu1rneCd the loop, thatj felirtlid fLuet lflron tise upper- roaýd; fbcy were fa-r ahead. TJhe posýse iad dividcd. fao, amd,- as Jjjimrod(e on. liceia-de oufthleir phln; 1f".3ymeant fa cnit Slerwini off, peu bln01on the hilîside, andý then baf lic bushes. IffJane reahelobshiding-place firsf, if shie knlewý of some>ý secret trail. she woudblie rapped tl firln! The blood r ts'Odfajim' face af flicefios glit; lie curscd luis foly for givi; senmarts is -chiance. 's mad SiAbjealousyl" lie flionglit. and ur lged bislir. B,11 ut ae vwas still alicad and shet liad faken an unexpecte~. tmm fo flic riglif. Ji rene:nber)Cedfla lic did nofuno 1w wlicrc flicmanl wshididen 1But Senfiart did, lie bad fravcled e, nd Stenlarf was, goinlg foward tfliccafaract wliei lic gîsm1psca h.im lest s11-liogb flic O) nei uptroad tliey frave1leýd fsrC"'lur ler d Steliart, m- inig a sharp ,ýcorvebewnfo woodeud spot:. T llie frees belo1w flieu hid tde brother and sistr as they galloped pasf flic creek, ansd fliere was a long picce of vis-gin foresf whwee liy could Sec nofl- ing ciher way, and fCvaice ol tlle cafaras cdee alote souHds. Here and fI-re was at gsupse of flic wild ravine, but Jim had neyer seen Mac's hiffle cai n, as ycr, lic saw na f rail; flien Il(,eob)servecd Jane reiing i er liorse. îookiiug 111)Coul se sec anytliing? H1e stsuk hbiswsprsintonis ows. horse and fli anma bounided forward, Tliy bd conrne fa a sharp curve and J, ane. syiu 0tom rnaside, iost lier chncef0esca:p. Jir's hmrse,fastes tGan bers. îcaped a falis tre-e and lieýr brother snafclîed af Tex', lirdl and brouglif him Jane struck af bis liand witli ler quiiirt. <Lt me go!", she cried fiercely; "I'vegof un go up that ts ail!" -I swevýar yu ont!" Jim flnng bck. red n flic face; "yu'cny The girl sf-ruggled, rying 0 plunged. Thun, sanny, she gave ai litu ecry, loking up fliougli cehtutr.The i orusshad Whrled around the curve and faccd flic branichies. Jjim cauglit a glimpllsc of flic frait adong Jtliedge, abav flc reipce.atil li e had neyer folloe eyreven seen bedr- reins infoJin' lans ndcasp- ing lier own agaisfe r brcasf, TiC whif eagon>of lier a sotof eC lier 1bro>her; ina tfumu'it ai feehik, agerand regretlia heid the ,horses scay ndtredfcfi- law lie-r eycs. Aýt firsf, in the broad glare of flic sulighit on ic rýhsgil ;iilîs, lie saw nfhingbufthfli flic nsihfy tree-runks f b a seredfteriC upward in serried ranks, lik.a an army. 1ec ouid TURNING POINT 14 Mary lmlaiy TaylÎor wil loe! Suclisimple seing, shle herseif can ake Patt'ero i45'3ý as a'î wig caspojeci. Punf f or flare s1ev. eart appliquié. 'attero 531 crnsin sizes 6,(8 10 >and ý12' Size 10 frock 2 i yars 3-in]ch fabrie. in) coîis (starnllps cann1jot be c:!cepl- ted), for thIis paffero, to r-oom 21 73 Ade(ý1 l deSt. WesTforon.t, Print pAySUZE, NAME AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. nlot-eenhear voices aovethe mrar of flie water, but he k i,-w thaf tCufl er 's imlenI were lbehiind then anid be-fore -thierni, pn up the mnotainiside, steailfby andi sure, upon ter uary s flic hunter stel pon his gae feit Ie b ýad doi e a thling that lieý rnlight well re-grcetNo rnaIter if thle man w-'as; a conIviet, hebad ltso reaison to hiunt hiim downi; ratflir, indeeýd, ie liad cause to spare hiii, J ' fce sobered cland grew -paIle, Then'J'ane -flung 'ýlierself frnrn tueII saddle and sarted oward th sreee 1oein , hetril bt thloulgh .shie ws juick, Jim iwas quicker; ie 'as down iin a mo- ment and after lier. He cauglif her and hield lier, strInggliing, in "Yon'e ~olateJanel le cx- c!ii b oarsely. "ostyou i e I do! Ti 'ebouind tomet- (Tob lc coninued) 1IS SiE 23-1946 We have reason to lie "er y tlikfulin ti ýiis district - hav'ing corne to flie enid of a mlost intenseý, aad tuticomifort2,alihat wave witli- ont nyld ind or tbunder sformn- followving in its xvake. As f)ne blof, linid day succeeded anfI t fliink we were ail a lttle bit afraîd of wlhat thie end would lie, espe- cially wlien every day we beard news of tornadoes, and fwiz;ters, and eartliquakes, f rom firs-t one place and tlien anotlier. By tli 'way, at, Courtn ey, wlîere tlie brunt of tlie. eartliquake %vas felt. was wliere son Bob put in a lot of time during tlie war. In tlie arrny, of course. He read tlie news and tlien said disgusfedly-'Tlings always liappý-n affer I bave le ff ta place!" à * Gen erally spe-aking I hjave ve-ry little sympatliy wiîli strikes oýr strikecrs but during a ea wv it would lie no trouble at il t o go on strike ixyself. After aIl, mais is the onily liigtbing woCar- ries on jusf as usual in the imîdst of intense, beaf. fîyou don1t"lie- ieeme just look arouind and isec for yourzself nexf l: ime flic miter- cury biists lic biglisos-hc HeCaven f orbid will flot be for s littIe lil yt If left t10 ae leîele I "durnb")' creatres show a lot more cseose- tin-,we do wie t is bot. Cowýs find tlie cooles spot n lic he pastuire aod ie1re tb1ey stay ifligl fivlic bttest part oi f th day, Con- fefdysleeplinig or cbewing ieir cud. ýAold tfýlie lis and chickzens- (Ir, do liey r(10? During most of tbe mornling tieycý are as busýy as cao lie - aigsrfln, drinking, aend, ini tlic case of lis, layiog eggs. Tlie ciikesot (oni range, are also couiiitially onic ý move. But 'watcli for tioesarïne birds after dinner anîdyo will lhardly rýee a cliieken aoudan- w'.lere. Tliey are ,itlier sleeping in tbe cool of fliccliee pen or in sone bdy sot ou lid liTen, round about fie 'clock, cows ao ,d chickens cornle telife again. I'ey are up and labottfheir business, whicli, for thlim, .is kepig lîir stomaclis anid crops filled up11. Having bserve2d tliese dhumb cratures fake a look around aund see wbas rnost cf our totge Wise guys-are oig You wiîll finid men in the liayfield slogginig inito the work witàli tlie boit sun beatýing dawn upontlen Or wonen iiu fthe kituein, some o ýf tbem if ba fire on, caninitg, ironiing, or e-veni bousecleansnýg. Yon finid mnand wornen foo, ýworkýiiog in stores, of- fices aird factories, riglit on tbrougb tble batof flie day, iand1 then, jnist as3 the air gef s a îlttle more bearable tliey qulit for flic day becauise it, is sýix o'clock. Thuîik wliafaan easy pleasaint life, it wouild lie if evcryonie rested from one f0 five dniring fie biot summern-j afternoons, 'nd t3linwrkdagain fromi five until sundiown. Qutiife an idea, isýn't if, and if could lie doneeýxceupt for flie facit liat we are sniicb icr eafures11,2 ;of lbabittfiat we itowok i lie dokn- Stead o)f lieing gid(ed bÏy our nlat- tira! npi we kept ri'glit on0v11 ngdrriong tliat awfuLiIl ea-t. Not onily tliat but flic job)s fliat I-ad f0 lie donic were botter and mlore tirinig ithan average. ITheirnen wre buyii flic layfield and flic liay parfîcu- larly lieavýy. Then liif -was more or less of a wrytyn uft dene horse int il we were suire wliat she could -- orwod - do. But we needo't hiave worriued for Quc!u apparent-ly lias fie normal strengfli of a os twfbfic dispositÎin-,of a lanixhciis really- ,sometb,*islg for aL six-yer- . Iarn certaily glad slie is îquiet for I ani ackto t Mny o1(ijob oýf diig tbetam onth fi by fork. Aoid fliere -were bernecs to caon -but ilot f0 pick, tiliankl goodneoss, And one moiring we sold sevrenty- five of Our clickenis-and helieve me fliaf is not flcdie1ïcesfjoli in bot weatlier. CHRONCLESBy jofGINERFAIMR[ ed:ne~*Cak Jesus Demnanda Loyalty to0God Exodus 20: 3-, Joshua 24: 16, 22-24; Luke 14: 25-27. Golden Texf.-No man cao serve two mrasters: for either ne will hate ftle one,' and lov, the oflier ; or else lie- wil bold to the one and despise tlie othle. Ye cannof serve God and niamioni. -Mawliw 6: 24. Only One God God's >fir-st llaw rqie t to- God and derniands wligsuli- ission f0 bis svrigt.Tliere is nu oioo for twýo tllirones in aniy fq eModGod rust liesupreme. Before im we ust uýlbow wît submiÀssive iearf1 s and obe)(,lïdi-1t lives. Thiis fir.st commandmeilnit is tlie bedrock o rliio Loyalty ln WoDrship Go'ssc und law reýquiresloy- alty iin os iIt is flot a ,r- hiiio o reel ak aoy graven image." It is prohibition to, miake and bow down t tbe and Serve thern. Gocd is a jealous CGod. tice will toîcraf e no rival in flic suipremie lace in rnn' ffcCtiolus. N,,of only tlie snrsuffers for his inliqulify but bIi, cliîildren and r emosle posterify. B3ut God is-- re-ady f0 tufi ltli is (s liât conef0u fron our fatLlier's sins looablessing if we ie!ld oHr Moevrthis lawý, of hrdt big ies icy to flic cliildren and dcendauLnta o:-f those wlo -ve God0 and ikeep His cro'dnns joshua's FarewellWord& Jobasurnnoned the people lefr Go"foCr 1is 'farecv;ell fear Jeliovl ad to serve Hilm. Tlie people asse-rten moist positivly Mhir clioce of Jelioval and that couild imakie anl app)arenOlycarnesiý reýsolutio)n like ithis, and 5so d- mnands Otlitbley consider wliat tliey are doîoig, Tlie people stli persisted "we wýiJll'serve eovl sols a'-nd stili was flot satisfied. Hetold liern tba tifhey. eewit- iessagainsfliesee.Manly of us are wfnesses againstour- selvs: we profes. ceuire conseý- carion to Goa but we do not prac- to serve Jeiovi Johuaderïnanded2 tuia t tey at oce put away the stange godsnliatwereamong ,kI Know JuSt HOW YouFe" Ikowbecausýe 1 bave been li way myelf. 1 bave been sa , r-,0 icallytired that 1- thouglit I wouiëi 7seveIr feel welil again. Iloweveýr, f found tiat Dr.liscsNerve Pood Eooný gaveu e new ipep and eniergy and put, rne ou my ieet." Tedfpeeiigs, indige-stio)n an-d $osg of Sleep -are qikytbvdbyDr Cba,ýSe's Nes-ve 1F1ood. .Ask for the new e7o7 amy sire bottie a Dr. Chose'$ Nerve Food 60pi-0e. eLsTests His, People. tude folloîwhng !11e deiccided to ap- pl, y -a test a tLest of suipreme ov for imseîf and Colisequ'entily a Discplesip me ns separat;oa tiïbih inder our pure d~ linto Cilrist-even faniliy ties< Lord. %,, WII% Jo Vîyýmg The SI. Regfis Iie shower RneRifY'e Icghnne * Singîi,,50Wur - Double. $à.50 iup. V Oùd F, Iblninr. und mi>ne. Inan rIphI-, hrburet st'nrltob With -Runnirg Water NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION NEW FASTER ACTING'ROYAL DRY YEAST 0%.Outstandinigly Good

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