Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1946, p. 5

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Concrete Blocks, A moefully Autmatc4Concrite BlOck Phlnt is now îin prod(uction at Campibelleroft, Onitarjo. STANDARD eBLOCII SIZ-ES/ARE: 8"1, " a d12" moomoi face szex16" cfboth vibrate-d anid tampedl typles. SpeialzedConlcrete Produicts upon request n FAIRFIELD PROJ ECTS LLMITED TQelponie Garden 11111 8 r 2 Shower, Weddfing, -Bir4hday and Oc- casional Gifts; h,-and-i ade Pinaf ores 1 to 10 years; Sun Suitl i to 6 years; Little Boys' Si'itsl& 4 t; years, Boys' Brodcot Shirts 5 to 12 years. We cordially invitýéyýtr inspection o Our sho)p. MRS. L. REID RED& 11< Di Di STORESI WEEK-END SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATeRDAY edland's Sandich/ Spread, 2 for ,,.,25 c. SWEET PICKLES ced Garrots, 2 for ..23c unswick BetDinner bo-ttie tinfor... .....23c. 9c r. Balarcls Dog Foo', 9c 2 tins for.......\29c. Wagstaffe's Pure Oran Marmalade, bottle.. c Bahy's Own Soap, 3 bars for........29(-, Cyrus Bread Flour, 24 lbs. for......69û. Popping Corn, pk..10 c, Paper Plates, dozen ..10eO Hone De Meons.......ach25c. Fresh Green Beans ....... b 3c. Sunki st Oraniges, 344'S....dozen lie. New G arrots ..... 2 bunchies 19C. .New Potatoes ,...... 0lb4e BLUE BRAND BEEF Tender Porterhouse Steaks ...lb. 48c. Blade Roast, bone in .......l.25e. CORNISe)H'S Local Nemws iThie 96th Troop of Bo)y Scouts fron Toronto armecapnthsek aIt the sýouth 1end of Or-ono Park.l A soft1)all gamle wi be p)layed in 0O.o1o0Parkl, on jî'rIda.v eniug neL t betwPee thie 96)th Tr-oop of BOY Scusfrom Toronto and a boys p)iekýedi te'am fron! our vlae Mr, and Mrs. Kari uchnonef Kenoraý, Mr, and M is. jatm es L. Poerjai Mm. ýViniton ilutchinson, ofToronto,' spentHe xeek-end with Mr% aud Mrs. C. L. Power.s, Mr. an1d1i v. Johunston ndhe mother, Mr1s. Kno igr Sak. woare spendingý_ a coupfle Of nronthis 'lu01ntar'o, clled conlMr an r.W. J idl1one day1: mIt wveek, aIlso other frîinds ýin the dis- Bd To 'ive Concert Ou 1uda ateuonJuly 7th.ý the citizeus o(f Oronio, thie surr1oundi- ing district, pnd th-ose Mhoin m from afair, are :n1 for amsia treat 1 f thy iat r n*omrxnty Par"k on thait day. Thie Orono Citizens' Baud will give a mu11sical programmle elicmecinï g at th1ree où'cock luintheý aeroonl. The baud wil'l consist of tweuty-pive. laer, i Ve re- ditions of, overtures, wlzeanrd mna rcbes. Thiis will be the fir-st pr- gra-mme of thle present s;eason aind we feel ur thaît everyone who can, wilî take the ù,pportunity to visit thie pîrk _an1d enjoy t'he miusic. A silver collection will be tak1en mp11 dur'-iug the afternmoon, which will go toward the buying 0 frnew uiom hchare ibdyneededi. The band baýs been lkept together duriug the wxar years, auld Orono is ore of the f ew sm -na"11 places that h las b-,en(lab1-e te, hold a baud together, avnghd One for years. The mmeswih 1)be ]ookiugý, forward to aeeiig you on 1Sunday afternloon, MJr. and Mrs. R. C. Rosbom-ough] and 31arlyn, ofNiagara Fails, were week-end visitors ut the hoinre0f Mr. and iMr. W. S. Gobbledick, The Blackburn and Alilen famulies held tbeir annuajpiui and get- together at the Agicltural Grounds on Monrdy las, Mýr, anid Ms lls Cowau auid fanily, Torouto, spent over the week-end with tihe former's parents, Mr.n and Mrs. To.Cwn Mr, und Mrs, Wm-. Cbleikad MWr. and llrs. ewonCobbledick u t- tended lthe CuigTulwd inl Os9hawa on Saturday. Mr. and Ms ei ltLrnanid fAmily, accompaniedbyCre Cor-l nish, speut the hoidyweek-end ini Northern Otro The rinister of Park St. Uuited Chupcir is rpeet the OREC ,at a Sundaly Seh-ool Convention lu Murray and B ri ghtoLnùrTown;ships, niear WooIerOnaro ,Mr. anrd Mrs, Ernest Wfemry auid faniily, of IEuuiisk-illenl, and Mr. anIidl Mrs. Mrisnaudl family, of Tom-i onlto, visited at trehome 0of M. and 3rs J. D. Brmmw last Sunday. Mm. an(-!Mrs. %Calvîin 1{,-n-Iof Port Francis, Mm. and Mirs, Burus and sou and M. and Mrs. Neil oarm f Petembroughi, visited wvith _Ur, and Ms.E. J. H-amin. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Sherwin and famnily and Mms. «L. Reid sýpeut last week-enid d LckowiMs.Sher- wnand famnly rinred for a long-i er visit wNith hem parents. iMr. and Mus- Scireeer, fmom Bu- linIgsMotaaMr. and Mis, Amos Freed and two boys, fromDiknan North 1 Dakot, visited wt m n M-rs. John Armnstrong last week, while ou thieir waIo Montrel Mus. J. J, G4lf11jInn-Miss Viola Gil-i fillani. and MiFss V ila Giîfl'lla n (teaIcher), (' ver thre lst of July holiday visàh,t l-iththe formrer's sonj, Mm. and MrIýs. Jim ,Giifilaof Mlontreal. Mus., Wm. Cowan reports the theaýft of hem purse, a sumi of money and some ration books while sire was ab- sent a short timre from ihem house on Tuesday. Four strange men hiad been seen lu tire vicinty some timue hefere, ;but nothinjg definite is kn.own regarding the att Sem er cool, Bay of Quinte Conference, july 20th to July 27th4 19-16. A camp of inspiration, Bible study, Crsin flowiiwhole- somne ecreation, at beautifuli Oak Lake near Sterling, Tisis thre You,-ng PPple'5s Sunur ý-c-'Camrp for ages 16 and over, See Rev. S. Lit- tiewood fýor futther information, Local News Mr. eand Mr.1 Ad, e Flnnspt a few dayýs lasteek i- Torouto, 31r. Ch. Woo,,0fK.tcener wa home fovtehoiaywek -end Mrs, E.Basorn, is spend- mng a few dy lhM.adMs Aithur Saunders iMr, and MAs. Wm-,.Cnpel(e Enid Bofw-ie),0fToonospent the, ho1lidlaywthMr. and MrS. il. Bwn l W rs C. D. Bo uck of T orono, spent the weekendith hem daugh- ter, mis. R. A.Fretr Mrs. JmsDcsnattended'lthe CawnigTruil Weddng in Osh ni Satur-da1yatron Mrs. il. A. Thcomipo, of Toronto. isz spenddng bei aumr aa iona hier home in Oruoo On WVednesday evening of ilast week Tyrone froinotbal ea defeated heOrono team byUa sce of 2 to 0 Mr. A A. Smervile, T rnt. Miïss Basnet and i4issGrey !have retur-ned tJ o thirespective ïhomies in Tootofr te unmmervatin Miss Jeanne Forrester leit on Tuesdahy fo-rHmltn hr he wl akasx'es umrcourse. Misse RuthGoodeand Mrga-ret Flinitoif left onTuda for Toot to take a sx eks umrcourse. M--mi ndMs.W H rown, o'f Tor- onto, were ,vitr' ith trie fo)rmer's parents ever thje holiday. Mr.nLloyd Syer, of Niagara FaILs, spent the holiday Nih is parents, Mr. and iMrs. Ernest Syer. f'Mr. Faki abyToronto, is spending a few day-s'at, his home here. Mr. Thos:. har ad son Pete, o>f irladLake, are sen eu few days in Orn and vicinity. MmH. and M-rs. Roy Comniish andcl faily, of Port Perry, spent over tlhe holiday week-end wi.,ith meljtives in town. Mrs. Jas. Eageson attended the Carscadden rm-nion picnic held at Midhurst 1Reforeatation park on11Julyý 1Wt Mr. and Mrs. Ed a ilîson have returneýdhomne followving a houýey- imoon trip te Highland Inn, Algon- quin Park.1 Reverend 5.Littlewo;od Miister SIJNDAY, JULY 7th "ffoly communion" 2.3'0 p.m1.-C-hlrceh school. "O Lord of losts-Happy the man that trustain Tir ee' psailmi. leu Orono Tinshop PFlumbing, ýff « -- Aga~~n..tei M.ani Mrs. WîtrCarie on andii fmyof Ajax, Ont.,, anid Mrs. Ray-, Cai-etoni, Eriec andi Terry-, of W"oodsýtock, M r. and Ms A. G. uiot ad Go of Brantford, were weekendholdayvisitors ' with their paretsMr.andMrs,ý M. A. Car- leton, Mr. ani-,d Mrs. J. E. O"Boyle withi IBrijanI and Johin Forrlester sp)ent the hidyweek-end at Rock Point Lodge on th.e Mnskokýa River, thte sumtmer hom-e 0f Mr. and Mrs. Nor- maniii Tupper, 1Toronito. Othier gutests "Were Miss Lana Dodge and her fiance, Mr\.1%Johnl A. Mciinnon, bothi 0ýf Toronto. ROYAL Bowmnvile -Phone 589 C'ocl Air Cwnditioaed - Cool Thuirs. and Fn., JULY 4-5 Deanaa Lgoes devastating!. DEANNA DURBIN CHARLES LAUGHTON and FRANCHOT TN in "BECAUSE OF HIM" Stars, " ike rnd P ey VAn a T en Si-Gn hrla JULY 89-0 MeTheat Brg-odwa Cuedy! orne Courtland erl"Bnc CAdarTWo/ /in Culer-uShrtis THE W ARK ST.W ÇMtiýI inITDcHlURCHI VENTILATED TREAD For cool runntng ond longer lfe.ý, \5AFETY 'BONDED CORD Extra protection frmbowus ORONO GARAGE Il.-M. MERCER Phone 20-2 Complet e Tire Service AR MSTRONG'S. Misses' and Ladies' Crepe and Jersey Dresses. Blouses, in White- and Colors, ini different styles andt. 1mater- ial. Ladies' White Shoes, lui Sanl- daIs and Oxfords, piced at..................$3-,--4----- Girls' Dresses, in Chkecked Gingham and Foeed Seersucker, sizes 8t 2 priced -------- $350 to. $4.75 Chocolate DRINK pkg. 5;ce HEINZ TOMUATO Soli)p 2 tins .10?c HIORSE aiRADISIT1 jar Isc@ ECLIPSE PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb bag 75e. C'lHOICE PEAS R.E. Girls' Slips, in whîte and Pink Rayon, size 14, priýed at..............-----........85£c Childmrefus Sun suits, S)ho-rts, Slacks, IPifores, aise Print and Silk. Boýys' Sun iSaIits, in White and ,Colors, sizeýs 2 to 6. Misses' Sun Dresses, in 2- piece, also Shorts awd Slacýks. 1- l}ahni and clSeersucke-r Dresses, piced $5.!u) te $7. 50 Ladies' Bats clearingl at 11- LF PRICE. TOMATOES at. Only PORK and BEANS in 15e Sat, Only IIEINZ TOMLATO JUICE 105 oz tins 5OC Sat, Only NEW CABBAGE lb. 5c. DICED BEETS -or CARROTS 2 tinrýs RUBBER RINGS 25e ZINC 25c. BABY CHEESE LARGE 1-2 doz SAFETY ITREAD BLOCKS For long milîeage "Star Spangled Rhythm" TEPARAMOUNT Bing Crosby), jBob Hope,4 Fre-d MacMuryay, Dorü!hy Lomlyour, Betty luftton, Ve onaica, Lake. Sthese plus othIer av-orites Saind a story too. M.Nore fun thar, ever before OROINO TOWIN HAULL Satulrday, JL7IY 6 Kippered Snacks tin 1 4c. e 1 .. . ............ . ...... ..

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