Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jul 1946, p. 4

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The ieekly Times Established January, 1937. Pubiished every Thursday morning at the TJimes Office .Advertising Riates on request Subscl'iption, $1.25 R.A. Forrester, Publishier Orono, Ontario Commiirendlationiý Wefeel cornsitainled to coni'11mend themnaer)f the Sat ,ur- &ay ig'iit. cimiena upon the choice of pictures broug itto4,0ton, }hl drýeni patronize the "hw to a large etent and anvythin~g of a n ,ýtruective and i.upl-iftir}g nature is to thleir Advantage. People hrave discuissed the advisability andý wisdorci of bd ing a regular moùvie h)u-se in to'wni, and of emb"lodyingth proper1 accusiemesueswhich -wouald tend toû g. ood sounti effects. Themo tion picture idsr does have a marked influeneuo thegeea puiie norwadays, andi families xiii go in seairc'h of such etra mient. To have good entertainmenit affordet is much il l ouria- r Aninstance of whait eau lbe termned "oo"etertainmeît îs 1th-e showin-g iast Satudayngto CalsDckns"lve ws" Money for thie ugtr'we-n movie seemns to, be ma , vi- abile some w,,ay. _Knofwing ,that it is being spent to good a;dvaInta-ge aoudhelp parents part thie more hopefull1y with s-uc:h m.oney. Chu-«_ý dren have learned tlo dmniit dur'ing good t! imes and bad. Good ani bat iimoies are at heir dlisposai tooü. The local ou aperst beq in utïhe formier las s * s Decoration 1Day Once agalu our peoptle ept toD their worthy custom of payiug respect anti trihute toînard their tiepurteti deati. Luat Suntiay the decoration ant imemorial services -were betat the cemetery.IVWe wodrfroin time tu time whether aur present imode of living woýulti cosumend itelf ta those pioneers wohosa memory we recailsu vivdly at tis time of year. it vwas they vwho opeetiJurphs wuiru couutry anti estabiset the homes anti farma ssince haunldt to 10t us. MUany eotforýts conve'niences anti developi4ents have bee-. urs which wer e nirey unknx inl those enrîler days. StiL, there wmeecomeaions forthe hartiships anti toilof ioneering. There-ý wras a saune of coutentmernt quite uukuiowvin mit te bustie o mde if . Sanie authorities take tMe somnewhait stera ntisobr va tmât thls generýatiojn is living upon thiebuckwash of aur frftes piety. We areunorb of thescrfices atie in our bebaî,lf, we are tolti.Bk that as it may, we remember aur tryst ovinticthe aowe deati as Decoration Day traws nigb. * * a A Promising Jndustry Large acres of oata are beinig growu ocllMtis seasoni ora fr hr canaing ant i-eserving are doue (on a big scule. -We feel hat a lot Yf rentiers xUN recail Psilar enteprises when the town bad its owu cauning factoy. Quite a lot af nmoney w aaI- izet bry fanmera ut that time, altbough the prices pailipar bu0be n-ereninodest lu consparison ta the cot of the finisfhed potict.Ou ùf those 'beefstnk" tomatoas wauld fli a Dan wiich iN tara woald, net- the -mu of tan cents oj rimore over thie coanýter. It appears thult th tomatos of Mis' prsent loal conýtruct sili ho used for <canni Our uge As lsecomiug more ant imore au age wh'era can.eti footis1are depentiet upan. Juaýt visît auy store rwbhere gr(ceinies are dispenseti anti nota the stock, and you xvîill be persuatietius ta1 the truth of aur statoieet. Dehytiation was resor-tetito urn the wur,,I yeara, proviug an efective measure wlmae sihipig Space was val- able anti liiteti. Whiethr we were wise lan ,llowiing aur canig fuetory tapas out ef existence, une cannot say. in any caseNwe uppear ta h abrig ino a business wihmny prove a fuir casýh crpfor farmners antil mark-et gardeners. Ta predtiit what tis sen- vol's yielti faillI ha would be folly upon ur ar t. Raers iicte grant promnise. t la ta bha hpedttat tCe pr-omise iil mtarlalizeý bite smethig vAluale anti angible. Toa mach work anti axpense go huta te raising of a crap af tomui-ïtoas ta atertaini the itien of failure ligbtly A gooti crop on the ther 'audoud encourage ant iuduistr'y that ny meun mchta this district. The heurteninïg assertion was matie ith authoity recetly thut aIl of Ceic worlut China shoaltibave pulleti out of the shadon' of famine by uext Septeuiber. There woutti ha satisfaction lu the tbougxbt that sanie of the toatoas gronýýin lare -,ent toaDahieve tu anti. t takes aur contribution aloug xith thec other fellow's contribu- tion ta brug rasaîts, A bumiper crop woulti provide juat causefo us to geV al steumneti up. Moreaver, it woulti lie a semigup wbïich ail waui ejoy. a '* *0, Fair and Warmerv Olti Sol is getting iu bis digs the pat few tinyvs. Prom tam- ires of forty degrees lu the early iays of June, w bave bjeau frreti in the monJh~s losing weellk toatmrosphereswhr the omietar registers niulety. Last, Suýtutia]y there were reports ofanhutei degree-s of -s sba'wn by a thermomaeter at Tyrrell's drmg store. The uptawn n seenis ta absarb tee haut atndt-i en tLhraw vý,T back n i u-r faces. muaiiit ha sonethiug in hecomring inuredt tire haut, tbhough, se tisera are those wlio ara oblgeti a ork -luit, t woul loa tlhisý continu(--(]haut antidry eaerwouiti hava a, tentieicy ta e hay very quickiy, beside bingiug la the barvest of green Getting out intoa nDbotsm Ua xiihaChe lotofthose aibo ti11 the nt harveattMe crops. We -wonder whethier t-here is macih uchaice, an tMe lot of owse (>f us who muat work lu. store or office andi of those who ara ou the farm. Proibably fexv of as nilt cure suge places pimaneutly xith anaeunother. Sanie set of cm- auciies ,-ouli crop nup to convince uis t-hat tha other f ellow bu hs .1 of tha b 1reaks. As thinga stand, we wul probably go on ha- .ng aur oawavnposition. Sucivb a coarse bas alwuays beau genaeral. only tbhertsh Mtat we hava iin camm-on thuit mukÈ-e the eau stanýd the dsoiotcauseti by Oit Sol's g-ee temiparata.res. Nax-ýt Wintar wheu thle re-sters nero aie w1ill have aunther mn.-utual s for the medium temperatures, antLte ai] af the ther tyýpes , f weatlser that may -these are al ia the tinyýs wark. Apparent- JOHN GAY Thi-eepseiaa after a SJIort ilinesa, t the home of bis daugbS ter (Ms.! Halti MeDouiti), ow- Jane 201d. at the age of 67 years. Thelat M. G a wasora n jear MpeGrove, w her e spent bis roung eri- l ife. 1He atýtentieti Maýple roeSeblool. Ilu 1905 -le wais unit-< ed inarriage tolar,1tba Bail, of Leskard. , They farmietSafonoeayear in Coüwauviile, thien m'ived to theirv fýani north of Leslar-!w'bere ha resided iiutil the tîme of blis wife's de'ath, th(-1e eit to live itb bis dugbter Elva in B3ow,,manville anti waster until the time of bis tieath. lie was a miember of Leaka,,rd Unîtet inChrch and lain lter years ince movi.ug to Bowmnauvile was a miamber of Trinity Unitedi Church. lie also )attendie,!i the Eagls Tabiernacle, lie was a niher of tihe Odelw Lotige for a niuniber of yaars. HPe had i musical talent and uset top Iyu social11evenjings anti lui the Suuiday Schqol u t Lesîkard. Thie floraul tibutes wer'e numerous and beautiful. Il-e leave.s.to mouru111-1bis lbas, one son, Charles on a farniear _Kential, a, nti oa aghter (ElIva) LMrs. Har- old,ý M onlBowmanville. The fureral 0vas helti fromi the MorsFunerai Chaýpelou Tuesdlay, Jane c25th, wilh Rev. J. CGriýffith tak- tîu te ser;iice, assýisteti by Pastor 11. W. O)'Brien, Intermrent was m-atie in Oron-o Cemletery. T'he palibearers were, Masara. Ed. Ball, Jim Bail George Bè amre RabnArt _Robbins anti Eruest Syer. Sugar For Canning Týhefna allotmnent of extra sagar fýor -homte canniing çwýill be matie availabla on July 4%b This sugur many be purchaseti by asiug Sugar- P1res;erves coupons S-17 ta S-21. The frst hai-f of the yeaul1y tea-poanti allotmant of canuiug sagar bacamie v-,aliti on MVay 2ni. Consumiera who do not use sugar for home canining may use the ex- tra coupons for the purchase of coaniercially packed jamîs, jellies antiod rpeevs or for ex,,ýtra s.-ugar for, boaseboIti purposea._ In aiiton te the fiva extra "S"y cý,,ýopons becoiug valitioon July 4th two regulr sugar-preserves cou- pon-s wl becomle va-liti July 18. THE INDUSTRY 0F THE FUTURE FUR FARMING Moink and Fox MUTATIONS Buzy a Trie - W. Ranch Theni WILLOW. CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO,, PHONE 42 r 2 oiuMondaiy, July lat, 1946, ta MUr., ani Mrfs. H-ubert S. Cobbledick, a McKelENZIE ;--At Osbiawa Gelierl-l iopiaon l lnaJuly lat, 1946, ta Dr. A. F. anti Mrs.M- KeLnzie, Oronoj, a 'son (LInDouIg- CARD 0F THANKS Thec family of the lateý Johin Gay expriess hearùf"elt thaniks anti appre- cdation to their many fins ea tives andigliorsfor acts of kindn)ess, msae of symiipathy ant b)eauItiful floral LtriIutes extendeti duing the loss of a dear- Father. iM.and Miss Mlsn of Toronto, -,penit Sunday \,witb Mrs. H. J. Best. MIr. Harry Grad-,(y spent over theý hiolidaywe -,,;; wth tbis' parents in Hamý,iiiltoni. Missý Edira Best, Toronto, returned to Torýonto a-fterý spending a' -ýeek's vacaition with bier mother, Mis. I. J.Best. eKI RB Y 1 Mr. ant i Ms. Biac e anti Garfield, of Toro(,nto, M's.. Peufound, MiaM.BiaomeadMi.. and Mis E. Patter-son, Bwmnile visiteti wtlthMr.. andTi l'S. F. J. Briacoibelast Suanday. On Mon day, JuIy 1st, by way of celebnatiag thleir birthdlays, ir. Wil Coble1-dick anti Mr. Fred Brimai'- com4be, with thleir 'wves, tirove over to H1ayden and iijoyeti the splen1did conicert thlere in aid of the Sna C The Beautlful CAPkTOL PORî'T HOe"PE Friday and Saturday 6.20 and 9.00 (Sat. .5 "JANIE GETS MARRIED"e wist JOAN LESLIE and ROBERT HUThTON "A,ýD VENTUTRES 0F RUSTY"ý _With TED DONALDSON aniteD4ig "Aec" Monday and Tuesday AduI it nertalumrent "Thle Blne Dahlla"y WVith ALAN LAD]) and VERONICA LAKE LEADERSHIP- O-ur r-eputL-ationi has beeni buit upon sound values in mnerchandise-and upon thie fact'. that wve im-partialIy serve the needs of ýail people., re- gardless of their financeial circumn- stances! F. F. MQRRIS 00. DURHAM'S LARGEST FUNERAL DIRECTORS Bowmanville -: -Oronlo JAMES E. 0'BOYILE Oronko, Ontario BLsiness Lîcense No. 1304970; Wartime Prices and Trade Board BU ILDING CARPENTERING ALTERATIONSç,, REPAIRING PAINTING Good work at f air prices, by the hour or the job ESTIMATES FREE a [ Classified COMING EVENTS Cro'oked Greek Home uand Schoo)l CIlub are hoIdiij'g a dance in New- vcastle rCommilnity hll on Frliday, JuaLiy 5th, -ith Frank Perry ani Ris Ra~igCowboys in attenldanlce,. FOR SALE 12ace cf Mixed Sadn Hay., Clheap. Fred Brimuamibe, Phone 58 r (), Orono. a-24-c. FOR SALE Sixty roti of Poultry Wire. A-p- ply to Vernonor Stacey, New\ýtomiville. SOR SAL-IE 'New _Massey-Harris Mlower, used onesesn Phlone Gar den 1111l 1 r2. FOR" SALE 0,-,eDiniette Suite, naituralfish n1eW. Mrs. Carmeni Tennant, Phone 87 1 16, Oronio.a--c Cabine(-t work, poltig a ndc repaira; prices reasonab'le. Will pay cash for used seïing achines. C. F. Duncan, Phione 79-1ê, Orono.ý tf., FoReSALE One Roan Heif.eri witb C'alf at side; 1 Rrè,,od Sow, due soon.; 1 Deering Muwer; 13-h1orse Cuitivator; 1 Hlorse E.ake. George Forbe,, KfXrby. C-25-p, FOR SALE A student's emeiistry set, cm- plete anti saffe inoertn. lias beeu used oiy a shorýt time, %ost tw,,elve (1i2) dollars, will selli for the hest offer. Cani ha seen uat Tyrrell'> Drug Store, Oro01no. FOR SALE Thie famîkouis Viking Cream Separ- ators,, direct fromn Sweedeu, the separator t1hat gets larger cre'am cholques. A size to fit every nieeti, either electrie o1in die o prompt service cali Etlhen E. Jou Phone Clarke 7 r 21, Newtonvile.1,s c-24-p. SALE REGISTER The uLrige as receiveti in- struLction-is fromi Mr. -Mike Shutka, to sel hy public auction at Lot il., Con. 1,. Carke Twsi,1/,' mile west ofi !Sbarkville cornecr at 1.00 pm., on We'duesday, July l7thi, bis horses, cattie, implemeaits, gr~ain, etc. TI-e farm, conisistiing o't 101 acr,ýes (more or less) with 70 acres. worlkable, thIle baance iin psueaiid woods, suh- ject to a rsrvdbld. Tearis on the farmi to be riade -klloWn) on da-y (f sale. Term-, cash Iifoi, live stock, anti hflpimets. iMir% Shutka is giv- ing- up fairiug ý .-jack Reiti, Aucf- tj7iner. Mabel Julia Pollard There paý'ssecd ëaway in owan ville General ospta0o1a1 rdy June 29th,, 1946, Mabel Julia Pal- lard(, heloved wife od Albert A. Fl lar-d, ini ber Gth year. Thie late Mrs. Pollard -wa s the (laugter of the 1ate Aeia ai Johin Christianý1anti vwas b"ora at - lay, Ou1tario% Feneloni Toavniship, on .uly 23lrd,186 She took anm active part in chiurch -Nwork, b)eïng a member of the Uniiteci Church. gbe leaves tIo morn er loss, lier hýusotud, Alibert A. Pollarti, three daurghiters (Doreen) UMr s. W.T. Lake, Nffwîastle; (Gadys) Mrs. Everett Bron, Oronlo; (Muriiie-1>-NIrs. Kennetb Neil, Bowmaniville; anti "vo sisters (LiliMrs. Tho-. Fer- guson,. Lincisîay, and (Velma) Mrs. O. A. Ashtoai, Detroit, ich. The funieral service was helti at th e MorsFunerai Chapel, Bowý- manville, on Moî-day, July lst, witb Ëev, W. W. Patterson b)avýing charg-e of the service. Thie ieautiful floral offerings shiowed 1the se 4em .i în ,vhich she was beld .by tbpsef who kniew lber,. The pallbearers we-re Mesr.W- le-., Poliard, George Pl crt ,,l, pollard, Samuel H-epbiurni, Harry Denis aniThcs Fergusçn. Friends wvere presenit from LAit-ý ----_r, o LOCAL NEWS Mr, . H. rown andiMr Colin Taylor, aftc St. clurchl [ast enterta n,- then t MEDICAL A. F. McKENZIE, M.. PHYSICIAN and SURGEO Office Hour : 2-.00 to 4.00 p.m. ; 6.30 toe Suikdays and Wednesdlayg by appoiniment only PHONE 47r1 OROaNo Lawrence C. Mason, B.A.. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phone: Office 688 Home 553 1W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY Phones:- Office82 Retsidence 409. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. VETERINARY INSUiRA'MNCE Fire, Casualty, Auitomobile and Liability ORONO - ONTARIO MANUFACTURERS LIFE REPRESENTATIVE wil gladlly assist ln plan.nipig financial security for yourseif and your family. DANE FOUND Phone 501 -- P.O. Box 6;22 Port Hope, Ontario Monuments,Gavmr rs Engraving, Goldleafing AUCTIONEERS TED JACK"ýSO(N Auctioneecr and Valuator Coýnducts3 Auctien Sales of aill mIses and at reascnahie rates.ý Communicate witiihihm nt Pr Perry, Ontarlo, or Seo b1s115 rkA. E. Marton, at Oroneî, for date. JACK REIDj Licensedl Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terras and dates Phione 1620 - Clarke Do Y ou i K.now That, for a man age twenty-four, The Imperial Life Assurance Com- pbany will guaraiitee bis famiiy $5,000.00 in event (if bis death pyrier to agýe six-ty, for between 2 and 3%/- of that amounit yca'rly. And if ho lives te, age sixty, the CompanF wilpay him the $5,000.00. Why not consulit your local representative FRED LYCET to sec what a plan such asttis will do0 eor Yen? 1 ouý Watinestay evauiingScog inet hd hi ytet Miss Mary Somerville hareru i cecrm eeat icae. edtc>te er tiaties ut the local bank, Mra. Owen Fagan, Miss aniMiss Agries Waddell la isnew cxie- aun, Ronald Patýtersan anii. joyiugl a two weks acatio-n f ni spart Suntay at J. Hý the bank.

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