Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jun 1946, p. 8

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M&ONO ma11edonSaturdlay last N ILLE M îr. mid tr.Bruce Leuity, Port, ilp,1ih ir pa vents, Mr1 . an,11 oGrotofSanluo Ms.W. C. lalineC. Mirs. amod hrewsnosevconSna evenin, The astor ta kinj h to Ram~dGlcirhsr icen lzbtvfe d' bie wbo er C0'Cogrtulations ý to -,Mr, and Mrs. ENTION FARMERS e'UCK(S FOR SL ar A,ýssets Courpofration iss4ln 187 Army of 1500 cwt 3000 cwt, and tý-pes of 3-ton (Ford and Chevrolet). Anty far-mer desr purehase a truck is urged to get in touch at ith MIr. J. J. Mellor, secretary of the Durham tion of Agriculture; or your local agricul- -epresentative, M1r. E. A. Sumnmers. Applica- -iouild be sent in at once. ]MAX BUG'KILI,, lb. bag . .... 12 R' TATO BUG KILLER 50OLn-BAG $3.25 eman &Philp lcti CO. LTD. ZýJ DumI ~yof this Clean, Family Newspaper THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, SFree from crime and sensational news.. Free from political ias ... Free from "special inteýrest" contrai . . Free te tell you the truth about world events. Its own wiorld1-wide staff of corre- spondents bring you on-the-spot news and îts meaning to you and your famýyily. Each issue filled with unique self-help featUres ta clip and keep. - 1ThechriUn iene Pubshiealg Society r] Peise teend samjIe Copies a na, Mêrwy Street, Boston 15, Mass of Th'e Cbrtýien Science IName... ... ..................................Monitor. Itet.......... .................. Plee"ted . openMnMh I I t .......... ..zone . i...doe ibsripion fen- C.P.R.: Me"Iville Jones on theîir mrraeo Satt1rdnky last. Congratulations to AMr. auJ Mrs. PrUe) 0on their marri11-age lstSat- npbdy. iM.and MmIr. J. T. Shaipe, Tor- on1to, aleldon Mr. and 'JMS. %W ort Hîianicocký an'd Mrsý.JonBri on Pheir xva-y lhomne frorn Mnrel Pearce. rsi. a im i r.Toue an staff and Carlos mih pent Suuda"y with Mr. au1d Mrs. Geo0. 0'lh o > tarkvil1e. lre andd 1rs, Ronald Burley, bab-'iy Bruce an Mrs. Dave Dmnanît mo- tor-ed ïto Toroibto to) visit the latter's dU.and Mrs. tHerïb. Gilmier and Gwen xith IMr. and 'Urs. Bort Sta- iletou nd Mi. and'd rs. (Cosrec Gilmner of Starkville. lihe Sunlday School hold their an-, niver$sary services on11 nday mrnl- ikg, The congeton was onlyfair in attoudancýe. Thoehidesorches- tra u(]choi. ui-nder the leadership of Duincanl Seymi)our, a a real treait. Rev. Lairnco Smiithi, pastor gae is esg esealytth Ucuîron, hasýed on the storiy o mui-cli!land doosa a nneed '?" Next undayevening Rev. mt wi1 prea.ch h-is farewell sermon. 'We ar sor olose M.', îit. -in soulderswîth ail classes of an1en in! Worl'd War One has taught iM Wto understand huan atureand lovel mie n. Losiaig ail he hald in Worldi War Two 'has given imii a keen in- siglt into humani suffering and ( awkndan intense sympoathy with ail main'kindc, esrpieciallfly for tho et eril. Hi, strong faith in Codlinsth mnidst of his own distresa goo-s, far to boister the faith in the lives of othersluss tried. DunlcnSeyjimour, f Srhgvle who- l"as ihen teaching in this sehool the q'at ear," xpects to enter col- luge t'his FaI terni, We are oin to m1iss him, especially ilu the field ofr nau'ic. W extend to hilm our best ishesfor nsuiccessfulifutre K E ND1)AL drs. W. Thlerteil, dr s. H~l Mr. Aytward iI,Îttleie shmewt Sbis mloth er, Mles. N.Litefoth Mr.an-drs M. White, of Bw manill, isied r.and Mrs. T. Mis. Brc Anderson and Freddie, dr.Roughley, David and Donule are visiting with iMrs, L. Thorne. Thle Orangf'emon of the commun- ity turnied euiit lu fuilI force te thei service !In Orono ou Sunda y evening,. Mr.Johnsoné speut onday lu TootleaviTiing Faye for a is dUr. Nra Therteil ami Hazol spent the wekendat their summerilï, Wehave move-ry iînteresýted visi- tors theedy's vie2wilig thI'e tobacco famada lpir ýoff beavers w'Iich are, ver-y busy inthe vicinity. Ian arred 70 00 iasengrs nd steamed 4,37,189 mlsi cf th war on ~efrorsicir she is riow ooabyds fld ciarge 8i1 u în sri-e are, tho Dches of eFrd, ~ry Lmpress o j coin od !mpu a of AumCS rliof t Pasc fe 1tunnl0r te !fli dmiray from it 1 tjg oenC1 -SAett .cata evc c h Mrs Roertiatineilvisied r. drs. Maibeil Langstaffe, of dili-ý hoMr. and drs.J. Thompronps(, of Sunday. We were ý iv1g oteheuýr avr our Sundny oning by MIr, J. J. Mel- 1er of Ooo o h uje D you~~ beiv u o" qeto hicb) d ansanswrof us. A vry njoabe bsebilgame was witnessed aft the edlPr on Monda venn et'ewe the Keadai l dNwatl e'.The game washghgtd hysldi fiellding piays on bot-h ides. Johni Thoiiipsýou perf'ormii dwel ait frt whie Edd.ýie C ourouxi: at short and Art MUerer a t thir-d acquitte( teni selves very wellj. The KadlpitL- chers, Mike Quanîtrili anidIElmier El- 1¶iott, pitcied steady blilthiroughout the entire contest The gine was lihlsghted by A"woemndus home runis b1 te),w-sl teani. Ken- dSA sparkod ther attack hi,abIdg, seon nnnga 5m plrg.The gamie eddiihKendl takiug the liange end cof tescore, 8 te 6 . he tiwO team's wimet aigain Juy st. KIRBY We w>elcoml-e thle bidfe am'd groom, Mr. -ind ,Mrs. J. Camute our vl lage. MWrs'. E4. Hlendersoïi, cf Oslhawva, is visitingý with lier parents, dUr. and drs. T. J. Camn jiMr. Bru-ce Chapman and Mis Pearl Lace, o f Torouito, visited over th'e wee -end t thie home of thle former's prets-dr. and drs. T. J.1 The Rev,ý. Albort Crcdeof Toronto, occupied,, the pulpît here ou1 Sunid'ay and -gave an afdires-s in sup- port of thie bin e Panid dUrs. Carcaden emanedover Monday visitin bi cosin, Mr. and -MrS. Ffed Biacme LESKARD ihome after ai tonsil operation. rWe extend ,a weicome te dU. ad dUrs. Sniyder uolfam-ily wehave moveýdinto the George Tiromsn plc.This fmiyof young peopleý sdouldn't take long tA get acquain- t-ed and joih!l the activities of thel Mr. anddUr. NomanBradshaw- !intoved loto tiroir new hiome on 'Mlou- day lest.' 'Mr. Bashw and Ibis workers are te hoe cougratuflated1 on the very %iort aippearance off this buildinrg. Things WVe Would like te Know? Is there gounig te ire a danoe lui Bob's niowha, Is that wh h picactices at 'Scugog Saturday nights? How ,fer cen eune soe across the- lako from tirýe west hlli t midnight? The dulil revenholýratiing noises hieard on Sunday were net biastings lu Darlinigtonl, as mlanly rsideu1ts thouglit, it wasý the Leskard football toam 'practising,- for- their challenge g;ame with Orono. We would like te pujblisir the liino-up lbut se far the maniager rports "othing for pubr- dUr. and Mrs. Reg 1111 were là the village over sunlday preparinig teý m'rove their. furuiture L'te Alliston., Tlie HuIs are sorr-y t e bave 1 skali but hoth haie eiploymneut lhlla to"n and41feel the-y soldsettie therve, se) the lieuse is uïpl for sale. The vil- lauge i.s sorry te lose 1Reg amId lMabo;l)( a -s negbor.We lhopo ,they -willi c)eehc asvstr if net, rosi-i dents. The rwiter -ip!(ogizeýs f or th ,e iýmis,'io1u of Laad sfroun the Timies columus the past ferwwes Cowiug te i no e rports were sont i:n, aks awaya plenty of tinigs hp peud tat woldmake newsýy rend- gno'w we're ack ou the job and yoLu have auy ith'mis of inltorost te thne rendors 'hynet vu teh ?information te thoc writer. CEILING PRICES 1 SET FOR CHERRIES Effectîve Jaiuî. 17 ill duu--i'esJc iirau iuVOred cherris are te seli under a single celigthe 'artîimepre adTaeBard anniiouniced last ek The ceiling aii ho te he aiastt sýet for al varieties in 1944 amd 1945.1 SI onarejte ceildg On producer' $11.30 for- a six-quart basket, and laý Britïsh Clau ba tire producera'i eingis $?ý.65 per 15 pud case,ý and $4.'25 per 25) pouud ca ýse. Fer- uîrseeiiigý ngsu saes te tire ubli re$1.ý9 fer -a six-quart fiat basýket, 11'2.41 for a sýix-quar.t lae baskcet, $. for. au il quart lfidat aket, 1$4104 for a 15 pound lag,$64fo a-25 pOUI)d lug and $83for, a4 FARME 'RS! Protect your- Livestock from flics during the logt Summûrer Months USE 'V E -T m-AI1D (D.D.T. 25 p.c. Ç.oncentrate) BAÀRN AND ANIAL SPR AY This 16 oz. concentr-ate, diluted to miake 2 1-2 g allons of sprýay is a mnost effective treatmnent that can be sprayed directly on animais and is certain death to ail flues that contact it. In strýonger solution it may be ue as a -barn spray- 16 oz bottie -.... $1.75 TUE NEW COLGATE DEODERANT Is Antiseptie, safe for nôrmnal skin; reularuse stops odor; safely and quickly ehecks perspiration., safe for f abrics, woni't rot clothes; spreads icl rubs in easily-In two sizes........ 39e and 59e SPECIAL ýCOLGATE HALO SHAMPOO OFFER 'The coupon on either the 29e. or 19c Halo Shampoê is worth 10c. on the nurchase of either size of Col-s gate new deoderant "VTeta". Agent for Jackmian Flowers Cha iesB. yrreli DRU11G S Phone 68 Orono, Ont, Zippers, a good assolrment of lengths ando col- ors, regular and separable lenlgthis, 5 inchles to 24 inc-hes, priced........ ..... 20c. to '75c. Cheesecloth, 1 ar3wd, 3 ad 5 yardc pkgs. pried..................2c and 35c White Elastic, 1-4 inch, 2 yards for .....,S Misses' Pr-int Skirts, new p--atterns, sizes 12 to,: 18, each ...................$. Fabric Shopping Bags ............. Dr. Scholles Corn and Bunion Pads, pk,--g. 15 -Black Shoe Dye, bottie....... Cherýrio Colored Bubble Liquid with dip rodf bottie, complete.......... ..... ...... 25C. Children's Black Tin ILunch boxes..........2--)5 C, Men'ýs Summier Caps, assorted colors ........ 29c Hold-tite Elastic Hat Holders, black only 'l. e G1IOCERY FEATURES Maple Leaf Calke Flour, 2 3-4 lbf box.....30-c Cami-pbell's Mushroom Soup, 2 tins ......29e Hillcrest Toilet Tissue, 2 rolîs............15e Sealers, pints....99c. .. Quarts....$1 '16 Certo, 8 oz. bottie..... . .....25e Inigersoil Rideau Cheese, 1-2 lb pkg.....21e Aylmer Grape Juice, sugar added, bottie ....21c Kellogg's Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs .........27e Cannedl Strained Baby Foods, a -wide var-,iety, 2 tins for..............15e. SATURD-AY ONLY-SPECIAL Chinese Type Bice, limitedquantity, lb . ý......115c prunes, medlliu size, limited quan-titýy, 2 lb.. 35ec URONO 5c. TO $1l00 STORE YOUIR POPUL4,zR SHOPPING CENTRE Motor Equipmen - PrivateAmuae Northcutt and Smýrith FLmeyal Direclcrs anid Furniiture -Dealers KINDNESS COURTESY SERVICE Eqipp)ïed tt ike care of the mdetfuneral at the Most reas0nable charge ais lweII as the largeýýst and Telelphonei Office 668 - Residence,ü 523 and 726 Telephione Colleet Bwavle Ont. Thie auencm npints Oeut 1that le, chianges hae een made in as yerhtrckugzone lu seuLlth--west- eru urtr'i, eten-dîng enst te King ston andnottetlire Severni River W,ih i ins zone thewblser eiling wil be he osaie whether lho 0uys from v sper ,trkeordec fror gowo. SilperLare liI te a mrk-up f 7prcetar hoe rs ate fort]esthn r tea from GîibOn"taro, rgadi 1 c her e h cherries arec ro- ATT - 1 t i '1 y» v oroilo

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