Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jun 1946, p. 4

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WTeekIy Times January, 1937. ever-y Thursdlay morning at the Times Office Rates on request Subscription, $1.25 RA.Forr-ester, Publishier- Keeping Warin Next Winter (TrnoStar) Phe idea that ,Otar-Ioy h be saved froin a i of the Ccous- « f a eaishoale by heatinljg homes and sýchoqJIs %ith elee- ie not weli funded. JuLst recently -M. J.Mnr, director notion for the Ontairio HydIro, 'gave an addrýless te the TornîtQ t 'Club iwhich effectualiy dispoEed if fthat suggesion. Heý- edthait after consideralble investig-ation the Hydr had foun.d -would take oeethir~d of ail the eletriity now being used by oto heat 5 per cent. of the bouses. Otewe tated, thiat that Toronto -would requîre more than 61/,2' timies ~as maucli as she lis g-etting today teheaut alil her homres, even w,,ithout the sîlgltest provision for .iýhtMig bouises and op)erating ,fac- Rates rwould have to be r-aised to a degree that the people not psy. The capital expediture required for transýmission eut alone rwould run into tens of miillioils of dollars. Et îe well that the de did ot delay ifom tghie pbic le poss l-îity 'f lheating thre homes of Tûronto and O)ntsýrio lyopoer was oully a m'irsge. Experts figýure that 28 mi-illion awer would be required to heat the homes ofun centres hout Qanada, ' a quaniitity thiree times, as 1great as aIl the ilorse- dvipdby a'Jil the cenitral eletiations in the country. StrwberyTime 1-f ~we saidtb iat the strawviberry is the choice of ail fr-uits xe periape aýrouce, a Certain ameunt cfdisson On the o' herý wýe coutd be nuite cure cf i'a faithful following,,,. There le oh equal the eonvenienice of a bjack garden trawiberry tc one can steip ut and gather en-ou,.gh cf tihe lucious fruit for a A venture that -eeýms to uLs rmore or les' courageous iii these 'a Assoiation cof Pr St. 'Church. An old4-iaghio(nedï strawý;- festival hais just beeau held. lit really takes the ladies to face difficulties, because rati.oned foods -had toelie doniatied froni achl of butter and sug-ar rationing whicli lias beaui diseussed lDy the nolderYls magesuiply. Those in charge cf food ýcontYols do ake alo'waneven iu the interests of church organizations. Apparently, the st-awlerry is desired by othler than tLhe ai race. Our- friends the biads have a liking for the frýuit als. people have res'orted te a strinIIg or tw ocf 1ueWSpapels liung he patcli. Çiteinu the br)ieeze, they are calcullated to [eu the birds nýway. A little co-operation like tlhe placing c'f a f craam naearby miiglit couvince the birds thiat we are not too se to their presence.Ayasrawbri a-re wthus and ei;oy themu uness they talkewng -0 O e Let Us Appreciate Our Comm-unity Park Before the ionimunity Memîorial Park was au actual realiza,- there was mucl) publie senitinent against lits innovation. Lik.e thing else thlat proves worthrwhule, thie psrks, popularity lias ()ver thle former adverse critics, antI the Public take thcewho'ie r maore or les's for g-rsnited jus', ais thtgie park had stood luý- resnt flished state for the past liifty years. lit took a lot of igcoaxïiing aud arguing before it al cam-e te pass. The late Dr. Colville di'd a yeomnan job as d several oha ns, bth ladies anid gentîsein. Concerts 'were put ounbythe )1 chiidren u lnder Mrs. Robb"s Capable direction. Field day's W,e ani Sufscriptien's taken. We now have come to the plýace wh-ere akis a goiuig conein. lts Close preximtity te thne Reforestation on makhes it stili more popular vitli visitors. T'he.se adlvantagee e towu ias sa whole have beeau. pointed out aiet ings of the SBoard. t i le-fIt thàt citizens -cn boct the tcwn, e pran.d 'omlnunit gneral by ein forth the benuties cGf the park lie Reforastation Statien.,. Perhap-,s the reader -wil l e ifeta e Plaining ef a pini r a Lour. Why nt -o-cmeteO rono? We that the natural enivir-oni-iets cf ov ouiionununity Park imake beauty cspot *Lindeeti, Thera is as good a shoping centre up towun as ,vill be found here ise. This stateanet s mot pr-ompilted by tlterior mco- it is ani actuai fc.Pepfle ne longer journay 'tethle larger es when shoingI)ii is thieir objective. Tliey cm hr thinigs bc obtained. Waecaui ail give the home owQ boost this Sumarnir ýeepiug its 'advantaýges ilu te lielîitlAninflux of desirabie rs and tourisits -wouid b' oost 'businesfs, wuld'egltnou;riimer- md convince us- sew that Oreno le rigit en t-he ma..A littie agÎ forth cf -wliat this part of the couuýitry has te off er could -its rewardnetey for thsLsasen, buýýt fer lm1any seasons to -W\Ne eau make a thorougli jeob cf it by ait beoming~ xoet aI homine towu, and 'cf the Park luiiparticular. This is whaît the ,12 wý,li iabored for thes pai-k's d'eveiopm.enit would lilke te sec. is wliat the preseit anet wordld desire toc. As an actuai ey anaiig proposition, tlie Park suid its egor the Reforecta- Staution, weuld net figurie very lrey As tewn buildels an(- 1wili eunisaries theay possass trigqati. WIll lilier Prices Mean Prosperity ? A highly estemeentleman told us the other, day cf haviug nded a Fne' Fede-ratienmetig The feeling oùf farmers, aiwas running 'hiliý because of the incessed rwag-es being-, ,dd by laoer in indocstry, and 1by the cetiuued ceeliugs being itsined upon pruces of farni undiie Farmalrs feel thlat ,are not g-ettiug- their just duies iu the face cf steaily iîsing s of equipmeut 'sud fain laber. D'iing and follow.iugl the first World War therewa net the 1 enf-orcemant &f ceiUlng prices that libas cbaraaterized thea pres- paerio0d. Aýýt thalt camne tjiane, a farriner cold purchlaise s grain sue for arouud tiwo hnudrd and tw,,enty-flve dolars. To-day, ithe twbIve aud a 'haif peýrüent inicrease recently added te th"e - [-II-1 buIder wil- ,seln attirehnde nd seent-fle dl- HUGH-ES - THOM1PSON BIRTHS ý,Ralpli sud EllsGescli' are lisppy (ByouiKanalReprte) t snounlca thealarivai of s baby1 ar.eve1iýg i th daugliter, a litte sister for Ilsth-; chape! of St. Ctlumba Uited e inLo-1vII Hsta 01 Clirch Tuenethe mnriaga eok Monday, june l7tli (June Carolj. plare of Barc hmsodul- 'T. . H.Keane,DFC."ary ter ef thelat-Mr. aUdMs. Harvay sud Ms. Kena(ea) Gure R. WVar- Thouisoncf Netonvi sd Mu. ra,ara daiightcd te sunounca the, Rsymond Hlughes, son cf AMine, arrvai of their daughmtar, Joanne Hughes MudthlatMe Mu. Chas. aeln Hughs, o Newouvile. er. W. A1. MTaggavt perfeîmad tha eunoy MILLER - Tu Oshaçwa llospital, o-n . ou nuay,16 t 3r The ibride, ireoiiin mauriaige b leuclMu. Roy MraKna Outaro, oa'a gown cf>. turjquoise blue elcu h yk fxhich was emibroijed Or ti tli oraid,. Heu shoulti- dci' lagtli rail was cauglit by s cer- conet trimmced wlthfogtm -Its She aauieds ouque-t of roses sud sw-eat peas Miss Lily Duglics, si,- tar «f the ýgroomy, as 1)rdic1 sni id, worc a pîuk gowu sud caruiad yellow roses and svet peas. The Ltwc lit- te lowrcugirls, Diane -Wigig sud Loi- aine Bcwles wora long white orgaudy dressas ecmbroidcucd , with flowaus sud esrricd noeegsys cf sweet peas. Mu. OlJhn Tlieinip'scn, brother cf the bride wýSs les-t -ima n.IThe usheris were AIVr. Ronnie Bowiles sud fMur. Frak Clils.M-r. Bih Wigg plsyed the 'wecdd1in-ug msie. A ef t Alh~ £reception ws lil it he homle lipc g>r-çc., sister,IMu. adMis. For atnp te ortauOtre the biewrapodubucit, theirra(tumnithle cul iiLrside lu Alarge number at t1d-dlthe stuwbryfestivail lu Park St. Unit- ed Curci o Wedes'ay vening9 hs.Tbhe tables -were set outsidte oni lire lawn.Que Bracs Baud supplied the snsc o oua wvet aw,ýay dssifidn vrece. L ave ail the h-nies th ey w-',aniite along w-itli aK taut's auie.T- ran lield off .nui1 iefsia a o VeT THE INDUSTRY 0FýII FUTURE FUR B-ARMIN G Mink anà Fox Buy a Trio- We Rianch Them WILLOW CREEK FUR FARM C. R. KNOX ORONO, PHIONE 42 r 2 A s sud MrS. Ch-arlele r, ssonl. -Mr. au]d Mrs. areu F. Duncan announice the eýj gag deut cftei daughiter, Jean ýýrha, te LloydL Johin Crabibe-. Weddiuîg to talce place July 20. DEATHS GAY - At Besninaniville, on Satar- dLay, June 22ýnd,6, John Gay,I hus,ýbaud tof the lste l'arthia Aunm Biaged 67 ycars. Fuueral ser- -vice -,vs, held at the MLorris Fu- nemi haplBo wmsuv ille, Iou1 Tuesday, June 25tli, at 2.30.-u- termeut Oen Cmcntery. CAPkTOL PORT HOPE Friday and Saturda 6.20 and 9.0q (Sat. )'15) Ilsw,&s ILY Starring Freddie Bartholomew aise "A GENTLEMAN MISBEIIAVES" Mojnday and Tuesday 6.40 and 9.00 (IMon. 2.15)» "Ziegfeld F ollies" ]Biggecst Showv Ever onl Secee or Stage In Technicolor 60 Years 0f "KNOW HOW" Lonig recogniized as Durham's LaigFuaneral Service, MORSCO. continue te serve theileeds of/ Il people, reg-ardless Of their fluancil ircUnmIýtances./ lu th-e stiil brighfter future te cerne, we shildeniità privilege te increase tmr rnani-y aveniues of lSus lnees te, thosa whom we serve! Fle F@ MORRiS00 DURHïAM'S LARGEST FUNERAL DIRECTORS Bowmavill - -:- Oono0 JAMES E. O'BOYLE Orono, Ontarjo / Business Liense No, 1304970; WartiimeFn s and Trade Board BUILDING 1 CA,%RPENTERITq/ ALTERAAUONS REPAIRINO PAINTING Good wwrk at f air prices, by the hour or the job ESTIMATES FREE ple 'aý,guce that hndling .au increaseai anmunt cf moeydees net ne- csail idiate, a statec f prosp erity. Whlat wve ;wouild douiess like t,ýe experienca e -uld lie s state of affais wir a reasonabie as- surance cf w -eugcudenable people te face tlie future kuoîwiug thatlwht tley 1had would elI this asetehod -waiges- would s ýiffice if price cf farme-Ls to blow; the lid offc ven have thea fastest settIing ef thiug seeme erai-ter i] --f ,' -icl canats for al eILs bea uuderstood, atid 1the Whc-1le Situa- COMING EVENTS The Board o« ManragenjAt of, Neiwcanstle C0)mmiun-ity reolinj daneceinthe CAmm i allpo tihe dveninîg of Férd!$ June 2Sth. Ruse Li igliton's Variety Danicet, Band in ttnaee disin te Dance, c Crooked Creek Ho n1eard1Sebool club are holding a =aiéin New-l Juy5th, -with Fak er u Ranmhing Ooiwboys in attendaýnce. Admission, 50c. FOR SALE Oue somali Whita Enamiel (7ook, Steve, eai or wooýd, pratially new. Mrs. Sid. Ruthi-erfooe,Riiiby. -.e FOR SALEI Qule Rean Haeifer %vil Cali/ft si da; 1Brood So-w, due scee ; > Deeriug MUowar; 13-herse Cultiv r; )i' Hors-ve iak. eorge'FQrbs, Khby. FOR SALE iThe -famrous VkigCreain ear ators, direct froin S W(ýe ea, tha separater that gets ar creain. clieques. A sisa te i v y eed, i ither alectrie 0or baud (iveý Fer' prcmnpt service cail1Eth E., Joas, Phone Clarke r21, Newto ic. Jusî t t clea-r Up -s question that, we airc fniequetly askIe'd:7 ,e sel!qauart tickets in shets o for $1,20; plut tickets in shica df15 for $,5 craitiAkete att came puice, 6 ' plait tickets forl 90c- J. C. TAMBLYN Cieda-iDaie Dairy SALE RE~TER The uudrsiaed as reeaived in- strctins ren Mr. oy BaIl, te sali Pby public auctiân at Lot 26, Con. 4, Caika "Tomnshirn oe e m iile seuth of Orono, on Frdidsy Jme 28, incldig his Hersesýz, Da'iry 'Catle, Beaf dat-, tIc, Swine, Poultry and Tpa~ns Ternis Cash, 'pesitively neo_ era Jack Reid, Autitoneer. FURNITURE SALE T'le unidersigueti lias, Preivad instructionis froni MUS. EMMA MCRH ild1 fUriur sdffctarcnty lbroughit frem the U.S.A. Salae will1 DiningreoiniSuite Ch-Iina ttCab- mat 3Bedroin Sits cudn Sprlugs and Tuner puciuîg Mattrass- os, Dive!port!sud Chair, Gas Steve, Vierahi mdR erds, Piano su Musi O4iet, lectria Laurps anti Trou 3 4Tile Rgeother Rugs, 3Gold B-ijecaéL,(lDrPapes, othar gd Drapes and /Curtalus, Ukîl Trac, Card TaiI A, >oclddT ablessuid Chairs, C't Glass, Silverwauc, Cytlae 3 comnplete set cf fiches, iuieluding eue eýf bIuna glassý, Trcunkec, Quits, Blankets -,, Bcd sud Table Lincun and Lace Tabla Clethe. This furniture is cof a veuy higli cJacsu ad ilu excellent conditilon. Sale oý-n WEB'NESDAY,. JUL-Y 3rd, 1946 uat 1.30 p.M. (D3.T,), ram' or chi-ne, 1 mider cover at BowuanvileOuieri, just Hlary Aliin's' Stoe e TERMS CASH as ast of A. F. McKENZIE, MD PHYICANand SURGEON Office Heurs 2.0 wt 4.00 p.m. ; 6.»0 te .0 i» Sundays aucd Wednresdays bY aIppoinment oaly PHOïNE, 4701OR Lawrence C. Mason, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phone W. F. WARD BARRISTER SOLICITOR Phones: office 25 esi;dene 40 VETERINARY DR. WT. W. SRERWIN~ VE,'TERIlNARY SUR G-'EON 1I Office Main St. Orone Phone 63 r 7, Oron-o. J. ýC.IGAMEY INSURANCE~ Fire, Casualty, Automobile and Liability MANUFACTIJRERS JLIFE REPRESENITATIVE L Phone 501 - .O ox 62 Port Hoýpe, Ontarlo Monum enits, Gravemyarke-rs, Engraving, Goldleafing AUCTIONEEIRS TED JACKSON Conducts Auiction Sales oif ail sie and ut reasonable rates. Communicate wihà hir nat Peu Perry, Onitarlo, or see his Clerk, À.L E. Morton, at Oro-no, for date. JA kCK -%'REID11 Licensed Autio(neer and Valuiator ýSpeciali'ze i Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for termo and dates Phojne 1620- Clarke- Do YOU Know. That, for a man age twenty-fou&r, The Imperi-al Life Ass',uranlceCe- pauy will guarantêe hic as i $5,0ù00,00ini avent of his deathpre te age sixty, fer between 2%. and 3%f that amount yearly. And -if lie lives te age sixty, the Cornpanyý will psy him the $5,000.00. Why îlot consuit yourloa representative FRED LYCETIY to see what a plan such as tits l do for yen? Hîghwa"Vy -Ne. 36,orth cf rn le oeevu a«u f tar. day it OroonrJuly lstwh& - ahlis iedauce in the Towu HJaýIll luthe aen istallhed el,, - 1 FOR SALE ,SilNar Plated 3. Fiat iipet ,eiud Case. Go(d condition. J Apply teo Ar-it White, Orono. aj -2. FOR SAýýLE Reufrýew Kitchen Caibinet yn. order. Rea,,souau11ile. Phone 7ù -6. 'Coulic Putpe, back ih wie Goodcaitti asd aatc ;$5O 1uci. APply te Mu1te iih cabinet work piose4n u repainrs; prices reasonable. W i ps cagsh for used sec-win-g mc .F Duncan, Phonie 79-16, Oroc. tf. NOTICE Llaving trouble precuring /he Ser- vices of a carpenter ? 'he Lloydi J. Crabbe, Orono 7 9 r16 KITCHEN UNITS f-23-p.A SPECIALTY 1 Home 553 office 688

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