Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 27 Jun 1946, p. 2

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-îTURNING POINT 1i4 Mary lmlay Taylor SYNOPOS CHAPTER Xivz tenharktt urges Jaine to Imarryhiat onue, ti e ridïea a-,vy before breakýfast wth- ont h 1 lm. Stili we-aIç, S hr ride, miter ber. At thecanSer win realizes Jordan will ret, ,UU with Mi gang, so haoflnds an aid cavewe ehe eau hide bis meager boniîswhile ha waits. CHAPTEI' XV A man und cisecuriely and ibid- deýn iin tat nknn caeril, be- yoýnd reach of Itbe sun beyonId Ille sund of iiiiilin voices inligbittae somerlthîi of tbe miser-' of a pris;- on1. And, if bie st ycd there long ci icgh, etol [-i, it was a aceeso simple ond so idou that it appe-aled at n-c to b is fecr. ocions passion fwr revenge. [t wouIld b)e easy toco if on)iy lbe could geft Stenlbari by bim1-1t1f; with aIl V, wiiy skill nin sblieding himrself at tbeexpns of otbers, alis br1avad, St!nbart w S, at bieart .1 coward. Sherwîn came ont of the sttue cabin with tberope din bs baud, be woulld not leave it tbeîe f -or-CbanCeý to ý,rob brn of it, liewoud ide ii iready to Ibis and, ýfor lie iassure tbalt Stenbar iiand be wouldcern, atlakst,. c.to face H-e sodi tue full glory of the nonig. Tbhe fa of f 1beCiLî,ýt S ,were s elr of teir baow and inetýted tiýke peaks of golid inito the goldent sky. By contra, tbe nearr huis weredarkiywooded, glancing9 wîtbhigbts an shaodows, and lfar upt al an cesoaredc. Somietbiiîg iieWv and mnigbty swept itohis sou l b emed to hear tbevoics ýf Ithe wilde.rness cryitng to b1im:. 44eneaceis in!"For ï,asingie instan i\ vry sou1 was sbakeni, tben be turneil and walked to Ce for c c'0 the litt0- ceaing. Tuere, tbrougb a w'indow 'in t'Ie foliage, be glimps lite lower road, mruing liEawite ibbon fr beo the ravine. As b -gianceddwnat Ïh be Sa- a 1mant 1iding Sl]owýly acro(ss bhisvitan lie gasped (!for- breath. The î.pifted mogment piunged deep down into the cbaýsm ofi hat-it-asStn Hte d6Jnt qeciî wy tabe imai. wa'S on1aerrnd1 o battrayal, Ibut bis oxn hart Ie-apad fiercey; be lad sean bim first.b Wvas akme0]. Holding tun rope upon lits arir, [be 'cîit fo--r the pitlii bis bouWr-bster kiîw' o be ltddand raady-. W'ith a 1ind o saag oy be urc danid begani to dcedthe aneruspatb on tbe lcdge of un eravine. and YtsverY danger trilld bi" Had~not walk bsonle took tire to ordu. is itbougbts; the inanshoue bve bis chance, a canc-ý e bead. eyrgiven bhirn, to figbit for tbis hf . Serwin scorned stab ý in te darau s the otber didte kli ith ies InIprison- nient for lf-ndicwas 50 Young tbn!H toub of thac cavern, tsgorits drippi ,waÎUs, and lcliaarelig auid on the wotb te ceinuoresof bis passions, s-tre ithat rvenaas near, beý tvred teornur Of tebcdgU eln san a figi corinb tward hom. slgtr oungcre figiure, a it The stoc ookngat eachi ote.Tbe slen1ce seemled i1iterm- nae.Thro0ugh the mnan's mm id flasbed tb :nvitin hat saba bad Coma w -,ith Stenbla, tb llat sbeut bin leagu'- wihbin'lTotb ie rea îeou '! S bite, a deatb. 11e fung downi the colt of roý-pe and s-too.d waiting,wit folded -rs àl wScetain thbat lbe coufld not liSteCnbart eretbe,bu biis puri1-p os ,was usaeh woui'Jd do bat ent he oppor- Jane looingat bis bardened 1"M face, bis ' imy lips, wavered. 11cr cour iage -- vbti had been higb -- weýnt down iii sbeer terror of hins; ha hiaIcd bcir -suddeniy sbe fell it. Thami, iîaving corne so far, sbc wouidA not bie utt r-ly dismayed. She cane on we-kl',, catcbing at the lraiiing liribs of naarby trees. "Igeslwbere Mac bad takeu youti 've corne to-ask you oiîe quecstioni, 'ahc faitL ýd, "I-" She coucld :iot go on and beý woid not heip ber. He stood thiere lo.,kiug? at bc.ýr and she saw oiy bis ireýxoraîbie 'yes. At last she_ coid no-t endure timem; b Iîftýd 1ber -akinig fbands and hid ber farc. "I Came to, ask you to>-" Hler voice b'îrojke an.id thii rose- imoet to, a Cryof ~i- otel me that hoasy. Yotidon't believe me. AkSuenb)art- ko, o1sc tht e's rtyo" \Vit 11lime?"Slie lifted lber flusbd faeaid looked at him, ama.zed> "What cf u n you mean? Sbvrin could not doubt bier oesty;sb did not know stl ,t sh ias foliced. "Hle's hehind youi" lbe sa!d gi aveyI; "ha dismoted 0onl th lo)wer rtoad. I saw iî just o. She gasped, casting afrghtn c iok over lier shîioot er." n, tbough,,It le couid rd so fa;.Het Shierw,,in Lautgher- discordantly. "t 'o i, be new; lie bagan that lo)n, ago-witb a lie!" Shie cauight ar tbat, tre(mblirig. "It j.s alie? Please telic metbat, te,'i e the1truthi yant to be "so) you eu onicebii Sbr inmoekeder. "lie is't b_-iee,1Itel yout; am "Yu aue ioie. l, Thencore heeasid 'il show you the horsev hie rode." Sewi urei ch spkwalking bhaCk towad tba The giJ liaif dazed by bis.a ner, unbelîevinýg that it could 'be truc tlhat St( hart 'wL, with lier7, f, Iilowe£ï hirn, Tbey turne(, the shou1ideIr of the cliff and saw' the on cea vista of the lower road, seel. ove-r the cedar that thirust it- self nt b i)ov, thern. "Tecsticho said Sher- ,win, !ad era hiei! You sec? He foliowcd you,çe's ig hack now -bie kos werI c1arn." "Oli' Ja e. gave a little ci of horror',c'he- oh_ .can't thiîik b-e'il telt the sbieriff!" "Can't.youu?" Siîcrwin'stoue was bitter. "You led hinbere." Tlie girl recoiled at thaýt, not with tuie orror sha hadare coiied bfrbut %with a flush liof prid,ý. s*I fid i ot tCad irbr, h said 1oidly<,1 ]n 1i-tîmrned awaj Sh nas n a turii11t , fbo \,,(1a rec- ha SaCse berof t reaC 1Cr-y "_Sheýý, stterpidly, ercgbrses Once sh'e amssipped on the(' narro' lede, buIshedid no't10o1, backtboub sh hea d is s'teps She wuld n r trc; biteont[y "Speaýk i eb aidbreny "ForiE m- thought I n'as st ngbt 1imweak; I'm a Jbegý,- garfri oî fkinduessa, You cae ere tell mc, Jane, you k'w t \asni' ttue ýf nme?" Shie stood stili, looking down, paeand sbtake. "You n'ouldn't a' swer m elal me thiat you're innocnt-"she iftec, ber eyes to biis - "tit me and - ll believe Ona, tw, uttorl u î--land you're lready fcethb ds-! Pattern, 4638 aoflgs ponae by means of bodice paalisand front buttoned scallops. Pekt op Patterni 4638. 34, 360, S 40, 4, 44, 46 .nd 48. Size 36 takaes i3ý4 yr rds 39 -inch miaterial .Send TWENTY CENTS (20c) in coins (starnps cannot hae accep- ted) for tlîis pattern. To rom 421, 7.3 Adelaide St. Weslt, Toronito., Print piainty SIZE, NAMEL, AD- FRS, -YT.F NIMBEFR. How CanIî? By -Ar Ashley Q. ow vacn I 1keep apples solid? A, 'To-,keep appies bolid; a nd to prevent teifrom rotting, park thern in a b)ox orarrel of iawdnst. Q. How canI 1improvetde ap- pearance of an ugly back fence? A. Blackberry ines and grapve vinles planted -aIoiïg thelaic fence are flot oniy valuable foûr ther prouctut add to the beauty of the yard. Q. Hlow can freshen Fst a le A. Wrap the loat in a ýwet coth for a inte,, then renove and baike iii a sbox covenfor onie-quatetL o 1eaif bhouir Q. ow canI '1Cleatiwio- ware A. Acu iàh a strong slto of saitwaer using a hru1sli. Q. Is it neceýssary to sew ûthe fowl after the dressing las been put in?ý A. Isedof eig after the dringlbas Ibeen puft in the chicken or turkey, stick a rowý of toothjpicks into both Oides, sian[t- ing tem in opo iirections. Then llace oerthese. Te are eaily rcrnovcd aftcr roasthig. Q.1%DO nk strainrs attract A. Ves Epty tule sOnk taer frequeiy î and wsbater cdi j ea.Strainewrs that are negtected gîvv the kitchen anun1pleaisait odradare attractive to imice 1 okda tai gieu lhe wa3s stil iron i bis vI ito 'iii "lie parjurer. .,1 aninncetof htc m hm Said Shelaned back agaýïin)St tb clîjff bebýin1d h er, pantling, bier f ace flushed and ber lips trenbld. "Do you beev w, Jane?" he asked boarsel3. "Hlad Ïi been guilty of tlhat-I vionld ;ijev.' avetoid yt u tbat 1 loved you. She iooked up anc thieir eyes heldi each Ctber. "I beiev yu, John," sesaid For oe o 1i ,ýÈ ng omni ,t they looked at eMc'otber thus and a strange ciange swept over the m1an. Hele (I l twt tknowingp it, vwithout r-ecognýizin'i' this hiddeui thýing thtlook possesion f hir but sdenythe wcrld seemed floodud with lit ý In il lie Saxtý oiy the face oýf fie girl!. Genitly, (To bie contiiiîued) I-SSUE 26--194L Ti Make MUffinslý For 7 large muffins, DmeasutrG culp Bran llles Muffin Mix inlta bnt,Ad i wet-eaeeggaand 3/j elup milk, thed mlx only until dry lngredientls are damipenad. Fil! greasad muitffin panls 2/ýý fui. Balte la hot Ovanl (425"'F.) 1,5 minutes, or untildna Definition 'Jiis i bon', according t,' The. Baerninidia-n, ai Oriet>ial student at an American collage, deseihedthe hana7na: 'He Ibananaare great rernarkahle fruit. IH 'is con]struCcd on thea sarne archlitecturaistleas whii itis iotadvisahle toif a wrpîgof h .n ananiasare tîeld alifr wben devoure-(d; sansa5ge are left nrciin psto. Even the Snakes A Cà!y boy, v (tiglits eountry cousn, ,as-alkin)g th)rougb a"ipas- tur cwhan Vhaheard a buzzig "Coneawy hum ithere i h couin shote. It's a [raftte- snake(, If yo)u go, near it, it wihl strikel "Goshl", sad tî ity boy, "do they fbave unonsf00" Brighît1orpastelfbox 1-r (ordrs pairs iy a rnrodeedtn'o n'ays. Oittline stitch for- quick beauty-hi ttonhiote slitcI4for dur- ahiliity'. , Match twes, -sfor in pis Patr07 lias rns of 6,)nmotifs aeagmg3Vq.x 15 îîca.Send T _\T CE NTS mucotî (raiis canïiotbe a ýc cepteýd) fo-r iî,is patteun to tile Neirafi Det oorn1 421, 70 BF, oîîr NNI ND ADP Di SS iOn ascellic JIday J~smd Hiis latîperacetoth aosie iv Jerustern and o0.the cMount oË Olives.Thre thingqaatold us about the L '0: ha gave His last ifl>stru-cti'x,.s to 1Hi', isciples un- folinig His pli ,for 1t2e wýinning of thalold and promnised themn tbrouigh ithe corn'i-ng of the Holy Spir-it the requpisite poer frthe crryîniig ort of Hli cmns'oto the ie îid f tueage; ithen 1He was raiîva upiîîto H erjoiniug' tha eively Hst;and fînally Hesat iupoî iith-oý 'Ir-î11 About de !Disies There;are Il t~rea things told uabotis dli, ls: tey enç forth frorn Ilie o'ia oca'st- ir- their gaze heavenwar-id and pre- pariîîg than4,selvts for thaliirt asks or earth; tbay went everyn'bere. preahig jesu of Namwart as tde 1orLdisSav ranld Lord; anld theirîiiiastry ?s athaniticated anid deede I 1reJ- Thea~otia' tameanld onra ?iS sttmediin a few words ý'ta teaýcb and - - (eeCI, Jeas Chis.S Et a to bK thaSurn esdsubsane of alit our te:.cinlg ,îd preacbing, Tu leýad mlcito put theirut iný Hïir-, to love sd sari e ini, t sula, sbouild h bc -gr-and eudA o Th tleaf fomwhicb tea i s rmade is not' read(y for the puc iuntil de the bsh is about five Years old,. l'au WIII Ejoy 4#nyfma AI The St. Regis Dotel 1 011O14 40 -1 0 ;4lmoivr nd in eî,mnd in-'.NîiamIy. S;2m-rb,ne oa, Carilen Tel. RA îCU,1 HOTEL METROPOLE Ail Beautifully Furnîshed With Running Water Rates. $1.50 up NIAGARA FALLS OPPOSITE C.N.R. STATION 4.,-I. "Now children -Iet's remember we are ail ladies und aentlemenU" Thrsplanty of malty-rich, mit- sweet IPost's CGrape-Nuts Plagkes for everYbo(,dy, atli ten somen, in this giant economiypcae Anid there's ptanty of 1xiouishmllent, inn - for Grapa-Nuts Fbakes give yotL carbo- hiydraites for ersargy; protainaý for musce; phosphobrus for, taa2thand bonas; iron for ,'ie blond;1 and aottier fond essentials. 'And aif you're gond, "l'h make soinsý delicious Grape-Nura Plakes CûouakAcs Lnter On, frolisi ceof thlesec pso"a Grape-Nus PFlakes arc the we g rali ceal-mdeor h e n maltad barley Ta' why th, re ffor yooý, 1 A Y oult enjoy Our Orange Pee Blend OM M . - -mî 'H 1 f

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