CLA SSIFIED AD VER TfSING chika lws statti trom. That's why isoa moratto str 1rig ht E ith lTop Notliscblcks. oreryToýp Nthch cifis3 a chick, embodyigal h ba redr.Orier yoDurTop, Notcis dcdforiJ- e.No aiting at TpNtiwe cen g -ive pop detiveryonm al tepplo ue bretis antihybii coss.As e;ight wee 1020Lwekotipuliets5. Fr0r catloguie. Top Noýt-cis Chick- IF O -1;WAT J UN-Jý-iUL i cikyou shoulti ont cdelay un oiseriA bgel dolivy anti breedu you wish, W'ellhave a1 faim hoice norbreeds anti cross- N.1amito l Ot.c1 1 u1 tise tnicks!Wetr it be in ite doeteorin tise reo nmarket e Tweddlefnck witl ps wtc a, Thc firmdeiins oltymoat ani te lar'ge nutr itinus eg themt resuit fmomTw«elvcîcs sdjn fr1yýne arge shareilu tise profits b ho mtie fmem tioisf-e ra- -day ForTwedte des nt rely on tuc bpodc finle chickis. Atteskýit I modem outr ciceis brougýht 10 iseai on]tlise piodci(tioli ot T w ý'(1ci 1 chickýs. 1,uýltnmolum1l iILesýt eti t4'vernm ll ,ent11,Apýý- 1111mret u ros areupeir Y-IIe tlht cýau se the Cy eau bi ee n .1, ldctli on, y eardatoep 'ear for profitable e gg Production ntitSen brin g top pice wh'ien solti forimeat. e cao ilmeke pC, lro mpit shýipme in t oft1ig husky pulLula utP$5,00per huî- drI, Witfr io-ibal todaL"y. Big RockFarm, MilleRohs 25 FREE CHICKS 01-:! 1'AB C CII1ICKS ARE TIE progenly of Futainandi Re- gisýtere i Brdas. Ail Breeders blocti- te-stet. Prices from 3ce'ta 25c, Ail Lgueranteeti ex,,cellent laera.Don'at tieayordr nw.Gotidart Chiîck iletheres. Britannia Helghts, Ont ý$.1 Ilaisextra broodf0' I>P0[1 ELIVERY -Wthaca- jý' f 60,100 Lake'vlewisek - - y, we expect we cens give pvompI detvery afler May 15, ~but te be safe, book your order e't once for May, Junieo orJuty, $EN-D BEPOSIT Fe- Vr quick ser- v'ice senti depoit wîth youlu( - quiry or ei,*,anti we wlllboak yonorder at our piLces h are very reeisonable. We will prcmptly mail you o acnow letgiemeuloft your re, nii ul shouldul1t s1lt you we gu4aranl- tee to returo your tieposit at on'e. Tliispanwitt iveycu bot'ter srie "Viti., TWCE EfER MAD -Ni Mconel GdeniLý'cis, O. Coi amblNe-" Rc; sodQue- bec -- Well stiafeti, bat 4 out cf 104, Hlope you cen supply m1-ore. As hxigis as106, egga from 3115_ Leglisema puIllets. VWenderfujl pro- duciýtion rleports Reluben efli ýShakespCee, Ontert. EOfEEDS: Large Type WVhite Leg- bona ure Susse.,, Suss3exýX Ncw Rampa.. B3, Rnek 'X Ne v. Hamp111., Rock LeghomnL, SuISSex X Legisorro, eiouX -New Hampil., New 'apaanti Barreti Eocs. LARGE WHITE LEGHIORNS Day olti startatiLip ta) 4 weeks nIdÏ. Lak 1eiew LegýýIlomn0 re th large type, 2maiteti witis Co-ýcee Irons Peti, docýk - -P"Roi Egg MUachines." SEND FOR WELEKLY LS:-o ýSpeciat Prices Don day aild chick, putiets anticckr us ntid taI eti Chieka .MAY, JUNT" A1D FALL HUTGHF BUConIs your rdefr May anti Jaîne'. or Eau i athet 1Cieka NOV...0LAKECV1L VIW PU llTR FIM WemnBrc.L Eetr, nt. LARGE TYPE LEGHORNS 1 2r. LeLsmuPlleta 24el., atter Joue ls , A il 1Breceesdouble blootitettianti issketi by highl UsnnaectStmons reportbu!t chika evrhai, alerMorten, Bn y ten - We w-rs ett pleaseti wiHlb te poltets we neceiveti tro you lest yer. Pllets laid el Heavy BreedI Pullets 20c. pur l-4 ( FONDALE CHICK HATCH'ERY, .ondon, Ontario. ISSUE 22-19,45 BABîYCHC' HEnAVY BREED PULLETS 20C. Sussx, ussx XRam., ock X Roc puiles 2e.,June 17c. oo poýsit. Ode Tr onîIbis Ad. 1Huron - dale Cick Htcher, LodonOnt. CEMET BLCE ACHI-fNE 8- AND 25St. Alb',ýs Street.,ooua tact farmner vwithin 20--miles north Toýrnto limtreg.ardLs etbi ing priv'te ahootling range for tsngpurposes. Steep bitl, river bakor raepit rqirdfor' acto.Prep'ared to py fr prvtg.Not a club ordee,' Ko'9, '73 AdelaidleW.Tot, OVtlIl%0 AND CkLEANcff4 HA VE Y)(tU AN îTEHiN i'N E EDS dyigor cleanlong? irl alis aniswer yurquesiýons. eri mrent fi PaH er'a )"e W)rk Liimited I79j1 Y aStreet. To. gooti wokcnl]oedr. , D tfAi- Ua ntL. . R.2. (and tltivator, o adPlowv availa;bleà in alinost unlimnittà met itrbu tect by W.F-.Mc- iCoi o ince 16.Laig toOtartio,Caad.ebrtg ttin aid namte. ,We sip b ndeat- ors,, departmeutal, can i,,seti boues.Se yor earstdealer, harw restreori rteus at WF.McKenzio Co,iince 8, phono1-1 Leansinlon, Ont 4" Noble. 1 '. R .Rcad so.St. Adec .B FORD TRACoRPOU nRW îPREM,.ýIUM jA. CYESARSTAL1- lion ', -,2711u F yvie R Enown ';. En- ro-ledifor 'yers Bow, hite makigs elI chieap or trado for stok Fol ed in 19:,4. Atexl crawvfo r, Bx 4Esssu ot CEDAR PSTS j-R1M 3"TO 7P tops. A1)ppl y !B x&u t, Lmber Ca. subidiary Bogdon & Gras ur- nîture Co. LU. akodu.<0 CONýSTI'IUCT VOUR 1OWN TL- sicope 'o study the stars vewcra- tors on the moo. Kt ulude 2i/'~objcileu. fol uibe, eye- ly.$25potidS.Jns&o 12Canada PBilding, SsskaZuori, TURKEY POULTS- PROMPT DELIVERY We cao ieprmtdoeyon, U roatj Breasted 1'.ron ýze-,Turkliýeày Poùu1ts , orbook ýfor- Mý.'a3 antJunoz delivery.1 Poi'Gts haltch'fetifromDI bl oodilestfeti, pul 1luminfroe4 breeti- e rs, unilder idoC eal1 cond itýionýs i s 11jostm odem r-,1946 mdel. ail elctr1 ýc ani jutomaû ý1tically c onj- trollod 1turkoy Icuatrs nti iiatched in soparato, uew tre a irconditoe athr.Senld for Price Latandi fulpriu lars. No ordlers aucepted I l.,a si 5 l. ACT Q ( IJCK 1 , %-BO Y 01Ul1 0RDER WI , II l 1LE TIlE V RANCE, Box ;7c-Eï-t 01,Ot. P'honoe 17 9. HYDRAULIC TRACTOR SEAT minte l onrid ftiu ocu tractr. Busawu r atr C. Wopdstock ctarlo bru 1Ght. , Urebu rilCbt rps. beyp, brushes. Allen Ulectric( Com- pany Ltd., 226Duferin St. Tor- auito. Ont. beýarers 25 fori$.,0;5L) for $.75 100 for $3.00; 200fflor $5 (0. Po paii iversid1eNusr, Wt FOR SALE-HOUSE ONE-TORY FRMESizE 2418, cfO i. P.D.40 iesl' nit ing-ond work- Brotsingle- head gidranti neosar safting, erngoe vatos, bttaetc.,'to, mýeeacm ple ch'Iopping îunit, pe' i will so(1asa unit or by eopaýrate ATTENTION FARMIERS For Saleý: !Tractor Trs coof rubiser, suitable frb etu n stceelwoes 100 each, When- 1 10-ACE FARMFOR),'SALE, 1il mu 1i roým (Collngwood üovr'1001 builings prie $5500 A1pply J, ON 90INDRA CRES I X collent od1itio, 'go'abldings, pý,Lenyo wtr bit 'crsi o sown.fImmedig pssifon, Forl fuît ar ii ly eo. ic Conei, ooeold, ntrio. p 9 ACRE *ýVS SN tu a rmanmlicet'igrove 1o mtateioy nid rtrlei nagec ch'am13g briSk hoeich w n a a solaco 10 Oslclarge roomewith naturt re fff r ths etatzhaing90 cre whih iclue Sacre iiof orchrO lagewod runn)idon oset rive r, baro, w ipetwi electri eu, fof$10000, ash Op (al 53 r ok-n, oerc H SEEEPEROARTSMAI Robenrîson me.,to frat o,]', ,1 7"*Aveonu RoadneToronto iO Obsteticý alignti er al Duty Nures or orkCut Ioptl Newmrlrt, Ot. tat tunoir8 lid, fnmil of tbee. MWreors orliftie (Îexrinefoday farh'm Ger alChaGeoe - toxN o, O ntanin, uýl, nI t, comoahte homerng garlud Torono. Tw adutornecoa On tarin etReumti ais r1_rii I trA ismedy. Muno'a _ "11ug, toe , pîci 1i elgIn, 91tta'-e stpai cdst1,00. nt TUAC AN'l ItAI> 0.(ot In hum, s,- aSil se. o 00 tI yoortrouleiuresig prilcu1- Riemeies111Spcli, Trouta il F EA JtYI ES; UE RCJL nGuedents ýin Dtj.ixous emedy ton sri7eumagntic Paines, Neitis. Munmo'aLs Dmrg Store t5Eins Ottawa. ostad $1,0) abolis lodor S. A. Heorgonto, atS, Woo'datock, Ot. Otw 1 cnlt.i (S70IDiorEStAP 0F 3d00 Amp. A.C. elde Tr, 220 o 50. eaID stto aon ored. Box 94 SERVICEadS.W.ATFonTON FREt) A tp i t e >i(JTtN BJ' meuEP11Chres,8 oron25C. BE A I-IAIRL)RESER111f, wag,1 tlalouanda sucvcesafucLîMelZ by58 Blg or St.lm. toro CAMRAS- [MEDATEFREE Caeacomplete withEead case$5.6. 27 ilmfor aboive 27c. Free Prie L.istiPhoitograhic 'supplier. Write-: Dept'. L Cameilras1 DON'T RISK LOS1NGý "SNA;PSy" T11E Y1CAN'T B E TALCEN AGAIN Ay ize Rl- or 8 ExpoùsureS. DEVLOEDAND 2ITE 5e 3 MOUjNTED ENLjARGE-MENTS 25c Size4x6 b eautîful Eüase! 1Mounts Enlagemelts x6"on ivory tbnited miounts; 7ýx9" ln Gold, iSilv er, Cir- cassýian W\alnut or 1 ,lae TEb on'y finishfirme,5;e eacti. Ifelarige- meCnt coloured, 7e each. Re-prr ,ts % adJe Pirm Y our STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Bx129. CoO ffiee A, TorOnto0. Prit Nme ndAddreýss PItnïlY. mnt itu a $5.00 WVar Saving Stmp XiIl pay$0.0 for eaech coy ffered fin undamallýged con- diin odstamp collections 1lso purhasd.Box2110,Station B2, Cotcor olj.Smali or lre lots. Co pay mre tlan eae for items 1 cao use. Muat be gooJ. Bet I rfNcVlEs.' od WATE -Ex-off icer, wlfte, one chilli urgently, need hanse or 3-4 room apartment, anywhere wit1iln 7(0 miles of Toronto. WVrite P.O. Býox 160, stone e eOt, WANTED T'O BUY Best prices paid for goo'd wal- nut -- e!ither standui(ing trees or loýgs. TIelephon,,e4-54Kchn er ol'rite: PANNILL VENEER COMPANY, 42 Ed-ward Stret, Kitchýner, Ontario. BREWIS11 1 RED LAKE MINES LTD. have commeinced DIAMOND DRILLING OPERATIONS \Ve recommend Bei Risk ,Cap;ialInvestmenit BREWJS & WH-fITE mL 1 L 7 iLRE 'MNES LMTD nd ao copî o , f yu ewRdLaemp EXTRA SPECIAL 4 ~ ~ h. :'daredlpintoform1c-Sed an 4 ngaivs e h cm0îz t51, Jou ,mmediaLon4 elarge Pti es cwIh t h aai, c in utcoin Box 55u1kl, Dept. 2W., 3oud5n, $1tario spots of Sports S(By Franik IMenu Harria)î> (Sixbit Critic) ter -a brief look et the sakyline ofüý N1ew Yonk- peî'ticiariy tht i di1soni Square Gardens -Mn. Bru ticc WOOd-oclk sttes tisaI feels iliatilie wo-uid hiave won if il isadn't been for a buiL àlu tht lisead rc ivedina clilcis. Wlfer be àt frm usa10 dsagree withMn. Wodcck ho was munclis doser- te tise scene of action xthan wci, and in a beter ostio L0now, Evnin hse imes ewhen speeýdy air tal haü!lus becomne such1 a co-m- mou)IpIisýce, ilseemed r lalhersrag ten read of Wocc îîgbeck in Lonidon le5s alhan18 hours a4te- istenîng - b the account of himý fightinig lu NeYork. But thiaý buinsso beinig abie 10 mnalte :e speygeýtaway aoudgive ýpre- cnt-ay vereasfighiters a greal adanag ,ver their 1bretllisemu n juat a fewe al backi.Teysheii Ie able t takehme t; I- î cat -seme sall i fmtion of the monelly won- w'hlicls is uoeth3an a lot of ise oid tnses were ever Abie t do. Stiti, w e Vwonlidn't be too sureý f that 'lise inside story of bos nusch actuel cash boxers get teD personially handie sud pocket out -f [lhe fortunles t1iov aenmo ,-aoffd ls alnst inicredib)le if they wrr i0 comnon anC el si Yen hoau cf some igser, wo lnade 1hundredaM ef thou)lsands inIllte ing, bcing breke or din1g pîitsil ot " atwas folow Ithat he ws noiug. but: a Goodtime Csaee, ho tosselil itote ewnswitis boihu h,ls. TIs'l'luicesare that hu neyer 1usd itl i hslisaîds b osa for e hile t'isegte art e 'uti tise bit" n1s scce.saful atiete la by îeme acenifiîsed te bo-xiisg cr eilis hii those cir-cles il ia.s ben brught ciosent 1o ltoiate '-etoespeciAlyinndaod Ne on ity. fihting l,ýa a1n11niy and character buildinig sport; ;a[ teasi itiacod inig tlîeet-be oa ad wbo re,ý we te go i aaint tliseus? But sonie- ho'svorontmer àil seem uthave the p L4mcfatacigareunld it sslO1c creeuping aîud crae ling thingu. un hiuman formu, than aîy olser ps tinsie we nw-inicludling Leveis hîose-acisganid plyiug Isle nier- ket, w hiicis laîakîuîg lu q uite a stretch of rîch tennitOny-. 1In ad ià latlise environs c f bo-xinb isa, arenemsein as a wnefu petetiatmarkeî tu a yomrng cisap ce kno wuwho is oîg hard t per-fect w-isat shoutd be an epoch mnakilin ewivetin flea' " to and sass il is fon Il-c leuitoflce -htIe, boîhered \wirls people, We ad awy huh of thie old sinilg "distance tends encisauutý- meclsî 10 tise ve"as eppiying i10 sulch situations as Ihe da"'e %ho losso woîsderful acrosa îh1ue, sîneet sndvwho "Ins out tIolie comnrbly les glamoros mwhe 1 3wuutgeae cloup peck.But nov il seems as if il pptics lAsports au wetl. BONDS - INDUSTRIALS - MINES - ILS I T. L. SAVAGE & COMPANY Specialists In Unlisted Securities Toronto Atom Blast A Big Trest ForCaes Every Pr-camtion BeingTae To Proteci Photogra.phets And EqUiPment WMeîusr -Aimy sud 1Navy ex- plode aîom bomba oîî these Pacifie atlpisotognap)isy xil, l-,l iterally end figuretively or dhe spot. Hun- d1redsocf cameras wîil be focuscd onl the bomb tests and tsuad cf' exposunes wii! lie anade - lta reco)rd con1film ise catoie blMasi thtwill inifltuenýce ever-y living lising on Ibis planet. Wii pioîorapsybe ,able tb stasdcheteýstWhaî now \vdus-. coveries ilu aloi pow'er wihl il recrdI ge niuilsbers cf auto- matiecacýmeras wilil certe-aând radu-coîroledrobot planes wl cairr-yrobot cameras r iight mb tiseb edge c f the eplsiîîaes. Protection For Came1>raÉs $0 inteuise will! be the 0i1s3!ss wiilaze >over t- ise Jzacifc-anid so intenseý the heat s radio--tic- tive euffect- tisaIlîroriîar e- cautions are beîng takeîî l u pro- tecthtorphrfîtus sund ca ecrac alike. Bitîeries cf camleras are 1wlie nonîed 011 top 0',00- foot teecl oxVerC svr a 1ýS\ ý_jiis- lends five tetenmilesaway fronte the target s P in Isle Bikinli ai1, To protect tise cîsrs oi wýhi tic ead wiaarecbeo cons-tructed ilu tise tdvers. 1Insidc ilic le-ad roomal, the ceosieras wili lie Additiousi¶y polteeÉiby air- tigist waýtemproof boxes. Evenuts porthoies v'îi li )e sh1ieUld ed(1 %î;tlh lead. Thley wi]i reailii openu untîl the flash goes off, the pSmbUoles xvilcloseautouaicaly bMme t out1werd sprecading wa) f radiýo- activiîy re'arhesfthe twr.Radio- active wve wii be Ilurîsed back liy the lead sheathing. No pisotogra phsers wiil be lu tule towes-tsc ameoras w'ill lie started liy radio fromediînsli-o II: may lie severai week!s afiercad lest liefore aniy imun uubeig wili be ý)ciet0ppoallie, liecautse of radi-activily, "Freckles" on Film--s !l Ithe frtpictu1res hc v r r-eieased 10 lise public aller the- New Mexico ;dom bornh btest, bîgf "frekie" -big I iack spots - U.S. cmr aaiealler askýiug tise Armly sud ils photo- graphevrs wýhat causcd them'i, pub- hise lise very itnctî xpliaa- lion a fer issuès aga.'cAihouglo tie causieras w hich toOk isiese pâctures were sisiinluconicretedgot ix iles we ,tise b ofitise ex- pfiosîon, focuised i-rougihle leus, was se greal tisat it iitcrally bila- tered the fil-ns. These bluterspt showed up buge "freckleS".TUai limie pstonphr opespca eqipct wiilprevent a erccur' Exercise "Muskox" Considered Success T ise Canladien Mu'kox xpdi tinteIsle Arche proved conclu',- iveiy t1it miiitary forces Caln Oper- ae alioe tise Arctic Circle, ac- cordiîsg 1 Ami-enicaîs iliai ob- servera. Tise iseaitisof huee50 men who mlade tise rigorouls trip svs "siiglil- iy improvetd" at lise end of tise trip over wisal ài t s Itishentau Anmy nuedciicat ohserveî' s;aid. T17isc tr cto r-proeil1 sowmai10- biles tused lu tise epdii carr'î lise party over tle Arctic wasices withouî serOnS breakdon. The snowmnisies receid ga s 0o e droppe Ici rons Armny planes giuuded! te, ise peirty by radiar and loren Tise uscî vwere inol cxposed dinectliy bt)-dgebelew zero tempra-tresbecanse îhey reissalu- AD.