W. P. T. B. 13049'70 Ontario After M"aylthiepett have a biclyeiere. Alil work wiII be done in the order received, so would ad- vis,- M'akng arrangements DOMIWUON ROYAL TIheres bNo Fi-rer Tire Bik!e .TY BONDID D Extra protecClor ÎTILATED TREAD cool runnimg longer rf,. mT TREAD CKIS Fer long mUe - A R .2 Li 1 i JII.J Order your Vegetables aoi plants whîle the selection iîs 25c. Iodized Sait..........2 boxes 17C. Ayhner Grape Juice .,.....,. ottie 23c. Dutch Set Onions lb. 1-9c. MutpirOnio-ns 2 lut. 25c. Javel Water large bottie Catsup bottie 15c* PURE ilorse Radish bsoti Tirne Jancy Pastry Flour . ýý..... 7 lb, 32c. Robin Ilood Flour, 294 lb111 ...Special 79e. Servol - ail pugrpose h<usehold solvent. .. tîn 25c. Waxed SaýLndwichi Bags........40 for lUe Quaker Puff ed Rice ...,.... 2 pkgs 23C. ~ws visited ber Detrc~t this Mrs. sister, week. Orokno TI-e openiinggaeofotllwl h'eldinOrono Cornrunt-Y Park on Wednesday, May 22nd wtbSe lina hein?; tbie vstn er Tle game is called for- 7.SO pÈm The ;0- cad teann, mnade up ofyugpaer along witb a fwepnese ly erhave practis--ed bard ac d hpe to gve the visiting tearn a bard bat tHe. Ttirn out and give our local boys y.our voeal support. A fair .reraeiddhtp- ture sho'w in thýe tonhallonSat- uirday evening Last,unrte auspi- ces of AMun and Starr.Tepitr w-vas "The Person of Pnrîta Western story whicb was e -eyDby those attending. These soswl bY caried ou f the patronage is sufficien, bu-t up to the resntonly enouLgh1- bas 'been reýeived te pythe running expenses. IR is U w the peopfle tberniselveswbther tey want the show every atrdyni'ght Mr. and Mrs. Gocke, ofToono ~.Mr. John Arnstrongrtre honie on Fridiay of lest we rr àfisbing tnip at B3ucksboht ke Birch 1inn. They returniedwthve wenty pounds of brook trout, the a--ýrgest wibig4ý/ pundwlti tbers ranging four and three pounsî eachi. Messrs. Ernie Allen an Cecil rnes bave nearly Nie t.ur4,t buts wompled i tbe fats whicb0tbeye- e(ntly purchlased. The buotsar on Je p pnep bank. wbile in tirne they * Order Friday for Delivery saturclay The Cnaia egonae lho'lding a paraide onSmuda, Ma y l n atLgion anid aIlReuniMear sedto m-cet a1t the Armo-uries in-( Bowmnvile t 2.0 pm sharp, and anly returned1men tt have not-, tranlsportaltion kndy et î11 touchl with Comrwades Murraly, WaV2tson, Mitchýell '11or Porter. Tber e is 'lso a parade on May 24h. Kinly met a licý scýoCel gouui t 1.00 fp.1 isý t(e be a big revent of ,'Ispo entertainr-emt ; !aso ,a pres( to al thle BowrVna1nvil11' Tle i ilenl. Kindly enquire to tb - people about trnsýpor.tationi. Coleman& CO. LTD. Il Friday, III A N NOU NC0E the Opening (of a Ne-,W, Store in Orono, zarrying a GOOdI Stock of Elec-.trical and Hardware Merchandise Aiteraions Carpenktering Painting Osbaw>ýa 1Hospital onModyev- cng last. Miýss Edra Best, ooto pn over Suniday with her oter-Ms H. J. Best Mr. and lMrs. H.AusinofTot- onto, visited over Sna ihMr. ,un! UlVis. Ed. Deajn. Mlr. joseph 'Hall. attendd th-e ifu- neral of the late Chals Cornii, of Osh1awa,1 an-,old Oooby Mr. and UMrs. Neil Wood and Mrn. aýndMrlis. abrt, of Toropnt, svent over AMothers? Day woth Mr. and Umr. Chas. Wod. orpeof weekýs in Toirooto ihberl ýsster, 'MrS.Sikesadbr oan grvandi1ldrtno Peteborogh, pentovrte ek 'in' witb the laterj'S aens r. 111(Mjs.W. 'J. iddell, ir. ArtMWhit'e, wo bs eencn nected ith the 48th Highlander 'id t Camnp idnbsreceiveýd unbi ddireamdisp now &atone, Mýr. ,oert Keane bias r vdbis discbare fr-om the Air foce and hasaccpte a osition 1in Arm- stogsGroeryStore. The Goodwnill Class w1 odtbeir reuar nionthy meeting onThurs- day, Ma-y ý1tb, at .00 ococ tthe home of Mlrs. Rbno.Allde are weornme. Changing tirnes .. changing Sab- bath ? Coirneand wrbi nSun- da-.y.-Lihe imio ur ii ng s ub1)jec t a t P ar k St. United Churcb, hev a Sn - day". 3/1r% and Mrs. C. D. Bukand daughter Ethel, and WiVr.a&d irs. IRusseli l'4lsk ail of Troto speit over the vweek-endwîth r. and Mrs. R. A.,. orrester. Mlr. adMrs. C. R. Knox and famn- lly hlave noved to their new bee purchased frorn îDr., W.W Srwn wbile Dr. and Mrs, She'rwin m 1fAMUIyWH]l miveinPart of Professr Stapes' house. Mrs. Ledre-w etured to ber home oi!) Saturday last after vis itngï.at 11aveloek. She wras accomrpaned bakby Mrs. Jenuinigsbr uaýt, who wil celbaute ber 10th 0ir1% day i Oeo1ier. 3%4r John ArMstrong bas left for hi, tn;p to the Weten cast, n he jniterests of the Cooke ColigC. SMrs.Arstog 1evs toay Thut,'sday, to vîsit with reaie -n -Messus. Russel 'Osborneý, M. H. Staples anid J. J, Mlo eein Peter!horoüugh on the t3tb a part of a cQnittee to arrange for eigbt provincilvide broadcasts in the interest of the redevatiorn faïgrié culpture and co-Operativeorganiza- YSA' POWN FHALL, SATURDAY, -MAY 18th, at 8.30 p.m. (D.S.T.Y "The Navy Way" Added Attraction: Tails of The Border"; "Speaking of AnimLais4 and "The Story eof Lidice" Admission: 35 Cents and 18 Cents L~OU tGENE Cran.m ARMSTRD?ê -MAINE"ý Starring PAUL iHEINREID MAfUREEtN OJIAI1Aý WALTER SLEZAK Fox Late Nw Cartloon Mý'EN'S OVEWALLS Sizes 34, 36 and 38, in, bluie and black, priced ------ -- $2.25 BOYS' PANTS 0fCoto Tweed, slighily damatged, sizes 26 to 34---- $2.501 BOYS' SWEATERS 5n Ail Wool, round neck, also zipe (y1e, blue, maroon and brown, sizes 26 to 34, priced ý---------- $2.501 and $2.75 MNS SUITS Af ewMe' Suits arrived lai stock. W-e may havýe your size. DRESSES Ladlies' and Misses' Jersey Dresses, also Lace and Crepe, keylatest. California IDL RAISINS ,Pl 22c Sat. Only CHIPSO or OXYDOL medium Ir Gu GOStE FINE BSue Only, 16,pricedl (One tA BOYS, AUil OOL, Y and grey twe, 36, forw . Sizes 26 to 3 rFleet FPoot RX Boots for ail quithy is -"0 e'sSPORT MeisSpoirt brow,V ýwiitea Ladfies' Sumi BEI Pini Dronio Col-ne in and get your share of the man.y hard to get items ROYAL THEATRE Bowmalnville - Phone 589 COLEMAN & PHILP E LECTRIC COMPANY LEIMITED Phone 89 r 1, Orono TOPS