THIS SUNDAY lie seoo on da y lht le. or. preached a fine sro lomec" coilSulday eeig Hlancock spen1t [wo dy last week, IHis1br1other lacokhin po eih ilations to M1, and Ms lui Gilmvler. , daios torKcth Ud it- gu onWedneda Ma la et- This ~ thne. to Dr in Bel? saule ~i-,i ,in sociaion was hieid i theCo nt H1Allon lVonday evending,6th. Mal ville Jones and SMrs. iiis Jones wera es Lenlt to preseat theiania repor-t of thla hl omtte rn Gýilnrer -anid WllsJones reprelsenlted tha, Ath-letic Asscaton r. A. Raid 7i!, W.H ley and M. 'eil comiteesar dongsoI ao-y ~r cQmplain or d'ie . A.I Rid The finacial reo io n:mcin!rerat ae eetil l1la pespeto%ýul are.he Liniig t s they apr o-l achd the naît owymr oie h cniec ceraeker wasadted.. alille fo el.ithoed1 that bondAs yLeing, Mrs. Wký il asadStan- iey Roe, rairing rustes, wae , mice.FakGle rsne h w-Ieek-end with Ms .Darlilngtmn. 'Mr. Ross Patter"son is sedn few d fays 'with his parants, ýMv. and Mîs.iWs. Pattersonï. Mr. Ive 'LItia'lha s boughÏ,t Bob) Langstfaffeý's hueand is IOming'T to Deeker Ho0llow. Miv Chasý. 'Kenny, tLeaýcher at Kanr- dail Se-hooLl as be othýer year. Mr.Gli GIe:igMsssDri a Mr.i an Ms.T Iilit1 XihM' . okm Ms M ohno aditl e verug ley motordIto ï,- Mnts.on Suney to spcend aofesas wýIth MPs Maryd MLea.n and Mrs. W MisSaIzIle Thrtli iev n T gvl ip er fwrk in Bowmaville t takLiei homl )andthe ilae.AIer nig hors lieWelcom er oe. Mis. WatersThetie, omn lthe oiiois sals fteKn tor. ila the person, of Mr. J. Dxn the piaiet, M s toker recognized a flo trav'elier onl the S.S. Don-c nieea ears ago, whieh callad for- e chat onl oid times anun exchange of news through tha intrveaing STARK VILLE w e-nd ater omin Toroito). Mu. end ,iMrs.Wst- Srngr M r, and JMrs, George ,peo and famnily, etovlspent Sunl- day ith Ml. ndMrs. george Sih farnlily, MssNorma alowlspeait Satrda wih friendIs la Toronto.i Mrv. and Mrs, Orme iéFalîs and famiy, M ,M Fuknrvisited withn ir. ArtMcaysod vlubl teamrý of her1ses toMr, H. Heard, thîsý pest week. Symath isextndeito Ms. Mvý onde y.s: Sonc on he brth f te son. o MOTHER'S -DAY Mother's Day Greeting Cards Sec our complete stock of Cot' ete reigCad7Pie at From -------------5-----------each G-'IFT SUGGESTIONS Beautiful Jackman Flowers and Flowevcrinýg Plantis in stoc4-k an 'satirdy morninz Calceolarias. each..............................---- -----t--$2-0 Boston Ferns, each.......60c Uieraniums, eaeh.......----6f0c, Begonlias, each..............................---- - ....... ....0. Sriapdrag-on ai-d Carnationi, er dozen.................$3-0 (Please place your orders early as the supply is lmtd Cups and Saucers, Royal -Albert, Bone China..............-$L160 fJw lle air Brushes, styled by Prophyl1acte, comp!etely n-yloni, each . . . . . . . . . . . . $3-------------- ------ "Patrician" Hair Brushes, niylon bristies, each---.--. ...........$ 25! CHALDEAN VELLUM STATIONERY An'Old Favorite ini 111gb Quality Stationery, t'ormerlyaaibe in bulk only. Now attractively pacýkaged, eacýh..........-------1. Perfumedl Toilet Soaps, boxed, each........75c., $1,60t) $1t 5 Perfumes and Colognes, each............... - -5Of-. tc 1.,A Dustingý, Pow-ders, each..........................5-----e, t $2À00 Ladies' Tolet Sets by Famous Makers, each.... .$,0tu $ 10.00 We Deliver in Orono Agent for Jaekman Flowers Charles B3. Tyrrl DR UG S Phone 68 Orono, ont. MIOTEER'S DAY, SUN DAY, MA 2th Wear a Flower, on Mothier's Day, each __... 15c. Mother's Day Cards ............,.and 10e. Framed, Pictures foi- Mother's Day, pricýed 19e.-55c. Mother's H andkerchiefs, asre oos20c, 29C, Special Counters of gifts for- mother at Atatv Prices New Jewellery,ýT Neckiaces, Brooches, Ea rin~ New s'hipment of Plainîy and Fancy Dress RuttoýýI Ljadies' Print Dresses, Polly Frockýs. ..$1 Men's Broacloth shorts, balloon seat, sals croth, szes334 and 36, each...:.. 5. Men's Combed Cotton Athietie Shorts, sizeýs 34, 36 and ;38, each ............... .55ec Mel'is Di-il] Shirts, colors of grey, maroon ori b.rown, sizes 14 1-2 to 17, each......15 Stedman's Whiite Shellac for Oilcloths, qt...$11 Stedmnan's Clear Varnish, 1-2 pint 20C. QtýF 69e Fish Lines, Poles, Sinkers, Spinners, etc. Ail Set for the fishing season, GROCERY FEATURES Master Dog Biscuits, assorted hpe,1 b pkgs, 2 for 1........ ...... .....5e Gold "-,Seal Soe amnSnwc ped i 0 Aunt JeiaPn eour, ývi -4 b kg.15 Lyons' C BlueLaer, BiakoTe, 1-2Soi l. ...4e Camýpbell's, Tomrato Soup, 2 tin-s ........1e Mc(Larven's S-tif fed Olives, 6 oz. bottýle 21.,..33t Fine Bac fiamond Nippy 01dch] ee b. 9, Catelli RayctMacarvoni, 1 lb. box ... 1(.lc Fresly Tice Weekly- H-ead Lettuqce,Toae, Cellery, Radishes, Cucumnbers, Cabbages, Aýsparag-us URONO 5c. TO $1.00 STORE YOUR POPLILAR SOPPING CENTRE-1 Motor ,EquÎpment Privata Ambulance Nrhtriand Smith' t KNDf)NE SS -cO0uRTl1-FES8Y Equippýed to take care of the modest fujneral n reasoniable chargIe as ell as the lre most exacing 'Tele41ne fice 1668 - Rsdne5_3 tE ad "l- l nalivil!e. OntA.