Ontario Community Newspapers

Orono Weekly Times, 9 May 1946, p. 1

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Vol. 10 NO. 16 OROO0, ONTr.. TH U1 1946 Subscription $L25 per Year ~r 10 AtendBanquet Givn To Personnel 0f Township .rke Township Honours. Returned Service Personnell citizenis f Clar-ke Town---ship Jin their. respective lunes whichi were le Personnel of the armied greatly appreciated. of the Townish-ip on11 Friday Mr. E. R. Woodyard, reeve of ast, May '3rd, to a bnutCak onhp over a loud speaki- Armouries, and a programmIle er gave the welcome homie address Town Halol.i-mmediately fol- to the returned personniel in a few welcoe words, expressing thle t one hundred and fft y imengattd that the people of thei inen, out of over two hundre, twnsýhip feit for- thiese imueniiand ,d in front of the hall and at wO iiefl. oek went to the Armouries ýMr, .1.J. _elor, secr-etary of the a sumiptuous banquet wa5 Clarke Towniship IReception Commit- ni their honor, beîng cafered tee, then camie forward Vo present the Ovono, Womeu-'s ijustitute . the special se-rolis that had 4ieen pre- diately after th-, banquet the 1-PMred for the niext of kmi, inetceen in dl men and \omeu returned ltnmber, in mnicory of those who had Vali for thie entertalument of laid dW their livês for theircon pt1n.g. Tbey fliled the centre try, be i ng,, Jacek Barnes, Afri>edc Fthe hall, with the next of Brtt, Cecil Bruton, Norman Bruton, ýg the two outside rowývs. The Mýaynard Clough, Gibert -)e n t, was jammiied to capacity, and George Fo rb e S, John Grady, Joe ýs!es were filied to the doors. G pnS 1etHal IdneyL\ (r- programmxe opened ,vith the ganIl, Milton Mvor-toni, Wm. 'MI. Mc- Oitizens' Bad paying a few Causlaud, Dnl Pqweii, Sidney ,Itosp.Itality, Oflro Reid, Georg-e Rolphi, Lindsýay Smiith, î',Y" "S. . 1. B A.", "linver- Alfred Waiddel1l ami Fred Yuas 1, 4On the Quarterui Deck" Then camle the big evenit of the aaaon Parade". The cur- evernnilg, the presentation to al the Lthe stage -,as then rai u retiied p iersonniel of the Township. eveaing a stage lited out -il Eaceh one proceeded te the stage in v of'hose h had paid the iafl hetical ord(er and xas p sete e a crifie. Il1Vwas dcortedwith a- Reynolds pêni, so iina sgs, -cwhlle -ât the 1backiof thie sm(lwaiVe appreciation t thVe als a vwhite Cross illuiated rI hl i1h)Vw hl Ti euý ghts, a g aiiinst a briglit red wili ever ,eiid t1hem of tis ,evl"- und.ý Mr. Neil P'orter spokýe jilng inO, n and juI ,sVwhat the Peu] vod ii in memory of those Who was presented fr reua.CrlsTamblyn thien Flt. Lieut. Johil Keane, . F. C.. the Last Post, followed by spok e on behaif of the persýonnel. iii Tfie hand then plaed is reiar-ks lhe paid grea?,ttrbe With Me", and "*Uito the o the people wb Igve, of thieir A s!ecial hDand numiber Ilon1ýey auid ime for. the Imanufacý,ture, lion rendered, 'Gadnare fthe mntosof 'war whichJi we re comiposed by M1r. C. W. Vin- s eY nece.ýssavy ilu the wining of Torontoc, a former Orono boy. victOry,ý also Vo those boys who aclcedý alwa hn eter-were willing but uuiable Vo enlist Gruonerud - Morton On May ]sr, at 700 ocoar palmais and pimik anild white dragIotls Àdu ChristChurch, Par. ,rouo ;urjel Irenle, (d ter oýf Mr, and Mrs. George R. ton, Kendai, ws united iin mar -o Jamnes Albert, Son o (f Mvr, Mrs. Albhrt T. Grunerud, Brodc Sasýkatchewau, the Rev. F. H1. The 'bride, in a Victorian era satin gown w-ith nmatchïing heai aniid embroidlered veil, entered elhurch on11 ler falher's arm tf strains of Loheuýnin' We( Mýarch. She cared a oq dream r-oses and white sweet Miss Dorotby Sîmpson, ina Mue roses, rnuc iorgeu-uJe-vots ad4inU and whitesea peas, -,as brides- ma -.Mr. Ronald J. Crichton attend- ed the gr-ooimi and Mr. Wilmner Fiee aud My. Robert Morton, brother of the bria were users. Duringz the signing of the ragister Mrs. J. Dance sang "0 Perfect Love." accompanied by r Louick at the organ. After the weddin a recWAn was held at the Heartbstoua, wbere the bride andCigroomi received tlheir gues fs. For, going aa%y he brcide wore a navy siik dress vith navy acces- sories and corsage of red roses. Mter a honeynmouàin uskoka the y-ounig couple wl live in Saskatoon. Youg ?eopIeîs Unioný The Young People's Uion of Par Street Uunited ChuLrchl met on Mdon- day, 'May th, with Aima Mitcheflllu charge. The meetinig opeu-ed Pih ymu 64, follow,,ed hy prayer hyAima. Betty ChalpmaILn then rend apoeni, followed by a reading by A im a. Hymu 53 as heu Sung, Jea Wi soum then read the scripture andAi Jas. Celebrate Family Week Throughout The Yi jamesu ý W. rd. S. MEETING I0 Th mi ayou-ng m-an I friands of mine wars. 'Tis a gntprivilege So1dier Wbo hbas well as bis owr, hýim, ho-w graVaei Nonleof oUrl tic abouit goiulg iV wvouIdbrg thay did 1notf ca-me. We are suffered nýo pri a)S compared to Thle -,ar !bas bee Th. ïp,, ý( eeting of the Woman's Mis- Society of .Park Street Unit- eh, -%as breld on Tuesdlay, Ir, the absence of th 'Mr.s. M. YH. Stapiles, the ist 'ien, rs. Littlewood, pre - After the opeing - exar-cises the usinesa was deait wit, ihen-Mrs. ittleawood exTlair.ed about the le abe sent this year Vo a Mission in Ironteanac Coýuny, tha articles' te he rought Vo the W. A. mneeting next .uesday. A letter of tbanks and rpreciation -,as read for flowers tteV sick and shut-*ns. The June eeting sridl be in. charg-e of group ve. The subJeet of the meeting Vo- ay wvas God's Healîng- Power, the inristry of healing -snd so-ciall Wel - l're. ~ Mrs. Littlewood was leader raI gave the acriiture readfiug, thien llowed wit'h thle printad prograni. he also had chiarge o f a q1uestio- [re wvhich wvas tak1,enr. part in biy ur of the memibers., telliug o-f vwhat ur inedical -missiori-es la Angola, frica. are dinto Cure and prevent sease and improve thegera ealth of the -people, also tratininIg ,frican young- people for, m1ed-Lical rvice. A wel,'.l rendered vocýal duet as given by Mrýs. C. Joues adMs ý. S. Co4bIbedick, -acconlipaulied by Isý R. rmwn at trie piano,. Mrs, Time and tim-ie ag of juivenile dedinqueil atdit is fould ftha thing thbe niatter wit Even amiong parents anxious "t dlo the right thing", if toc, often hap- pens bhat they turn over the eduea- tion of their children Vo the publie school teacher and their religiousa ed(ucation V o the Stûniday Sehlool teaclier, wbule they theniselves go~ their ways, wsigtheir bands of Thirgs Pa Family Can Do 1. Observe 'Family N g h t at home'. Let e-ach famîiily chqoose o-ne night in i e week xvhen ail thp members plan bo'Da at home. Bt is ný oV neeasary Vo invite an-y guesfs, but let each one act a5i if guests were pres eut. Mfiofher may 'have somiething extra frr supramd put on tec best china. Eacïih one pufs on his, best clotIes. Ai! put *on their beçat manners. Have Famuiilyý fun. Hlave a ds cussion of family affaira. Have- 2. Start the,,fauiy counic-l method of makýing decisýions democra.. ticatly about such simiple mat- fers as- the uise of th.1 radio, al- loac i inile of meals, dloht-g chiores, making- a garden,' paint- ing a fen(e, plaIt'ing a flower . uieinto t'he fellowaiiip or the famiily some who are away from lhome. >. 1'. bD aen, A. ,pr Mr ldrersallor or airlo-rce have done nothhing. Hîis wed bow: the servic men n cte people at home lui er to the batlefe1ds the menplt that cold ha ma 'de ranime was then rogh by Vthe ,singig of ond in der o' the evenling wais aucl(ing, iluIlle Arm1-ouries n Hall Vto Jn lc' r nittee, E. R., odarJ 1. J. L'owery, J. Hl.Dvy urnie, R. Osh-orie, rs F. HurW.RoanM on. Mrs. R. -Mercer, Mrs. ,W. Ridde'll, N. Porter, Eing toc was, aise banquet acted i ~ f Lg>i SIa ti ve R ecommenided For 1946i 2nt ', 3l femer ysimll er basthioll ow- i;z7aftin. Nue ow Sbi ool Arcea Adista returL;u1o the tien is here tcs tasu ri o10 0%. ,egisi-altive Grautsfi Per Sectioan mpared: n shipSeool Area Oga [lton :, -7.Ss., 1 year of operafion ------------- ---- -- S. ~.Ss., equal 7 eperaýtimg scelols; 1sf year ke-2 S. Sa, 1sf year o'f opeaanon....... S.9 5S., 8 p Ltn;4h yeair cf operationi I Ae Ne. i3S. S.3 o ya f oparaftioýn A - -No. 2~5S. 5s., 1sf earof opoeirai an-5 S. Ss., 6casom;deieueI ; ZndUyear aund delyenfure 965.30 935.60 10~.05 1090.26 1250.01) 1148.00 1082.70 1316.17 770.86 801.01) 9i37.SS tbe presÀdenu. irtylnîi fl a u > sing song of hylns an'dreatn th1e benediction br1out,9 t he nmeeting to a close. North Ward Lining Up layers For Season The Irsti ractisé of tne Orono Norbhward csoftbaleni wil e held Cu the Meroori Park on Frîdy eveniing, Mayilth, of tuis week. Perc. Lunuii, the manatiýger, is very anxious that ail boys -who are inter- estedt in playiug for thesze teas be Uhee on toe. The north sctio is ail that part of theç village north of Park Stret. AUl boys 16 years and under are asked Vo be atthe pu*Arkat615, whie aid boys ever 16 ait 7.15. Don't bi laVe and let's geV tNe oth ection or- gaiie ad doff VQ agodsat SxhLiune-Schoo101Coets Thie lratepayers of the 6th Lin lu the sehelbouse oniiTues-day een ah-iyof enterCinlg înto the lark Townshp ScboolArea or no. A very fe attend-ed the meeting wMacbat times a ey prtd Mr. W,. IH. Carlton, public sehofol inspector, wa's presen.1t, giin is views on Abe benefts derived by a saseh blogig Vo Ne Ara. After Mr, Ca rlton carefiuy eNplaiued thle adv:autages andanserdquýes- fions V o thesaifatinof naryail thos prsenlaVote was Vaen r- auling l avor nofenernhe s 1bool lu lake Townsip w -v ihîc as passed ý]at th nxtcoucl eein aufhorizugltms Hange Vo1e nos. V1.OOlei 127y1 pae leî mpeeeg WorlM Sugar '46 Drops Worild sugar s- he 4% haess thail bas iudicated àr allocations forV its contro.L MA suga,,r will be av againsf 12J2700( The decreasei due to a drop lu 1945 ainounting This; decrease ýwa in 1916 suigar haýl inteii stpn Deflie allo avnaileforM Ameria andiE% Puerto R con 944,01)0tions, il, the DominnP 455.000 ons, 13 550,000 tons, Fr< tons ami other - 000 tons. The cc allots sugar on alike lascs foco, ifs authority. On its bas-s weuld 'get ,3 sugar, the Uni eý 00 O0 ens bwm tons tetw ei othei' q AIe sud hi held a lite c baud No. Il very celer i dred v The ducted y For Fromn '45 6 ers-for mec any others aL fhere is the foday for work on the fcirm tc NATIONAL E~PLOYMENT l f

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