LRGHTNINQ - EN TOPPING MILLER CHAPTER XIX "ASU rightyencaIlup oie rit So te nxt ay thte SeblumbetCý- ger test wndoardtautfly they aIl watd thepointig bandte cable paying eut as the magical cyunvrunt seigdw.Thie reughnecks rcîaxed and went to slcep on the derrick floor. The sb .ft Of tekelly, joint restc"., inactive, --' ýl( rat bole. Gary Saw Men Mics fac, cieghcrand es'cri as the indiao ovcd and cable fu ans d 8tlltbcrewas neosign of oil. Thil the test ru1nner straigbltcnl- cd up biskly. "Noidctin.Lýoeks like ynl have te go on douwn. Anywaiy, yen bavent bt ityct. "Ail righit, Iickcy," Gary ad "Go on dowri." Adelaidle \wandered arounld lt 1)eer bi~g ,ury pohite and ao~ and Menra Lue, after twe or tbrec tcîegrams fron I igiia, want arun tony -facedv and wt baiker 13? lat po' ýined ,se n1e ýý tct t G L..rc-îMvo, o ilng :l aed iimakes [u ht be hopfl u r Men ola Lee said. the li îbgal wu Ms u-r ('il"e0 i t Wc n î di i hegan1te (ry. "' te d.IgueýsitIl witb nebing n did Yet fv îtng cuira s will lsd ai tîi~g mn way we ail day, ilîg bail pîied 'n af on the lm neW 12,cetes, ]In1se. beit, er coF'thStu 83 c ornesiiitee-ag sTs1, 2, E ad 16. ire> 12E aroc, taes 2u yadsm3-inc fab Scnd TWENTY CENs (Vil in oin (t1 rpsvan o be acc11 73 Ad laideC' St.HWcst, Toronto.a aa 1,1 o Pa int t Lep he hreal tri1 oni rns , ng. Ga y i.t" lnd lo dgucss 1 'o i aheriplace. Se l 1a i as 2e il ïal recoýs ilonr, , nuH i l sin. u', - , ,1C loneSo, oityae hr.S "WLcil, wat dcio yenthinik?'rMe lot nejob aud sxee olasin mly jan.fhla likes imon3ey, ,h(lc oesnt like oil menl."ý îir or. Gr-(-ic i on Ith"job. I1 get mly erdens t4, rig en o dow.' ' Carlistn uti o't d imany goed."* (rice was a rcd-fad Maunwi a Cold gay eye. "1er you'rC abandon10inlg yonrl w li, e said. "Mneymn1 ut? Mr. Msn&ordr, Gary saxi "fyenWnoetie nfrain you 'l hve te taIjk te u (Te Be eCoitinuicd> Gwendoline * * * e uIa IPocket box of 12.. oly1c Econybffle' of 24 o oly 29e Eren îhough wie have becotri stsed te shortages it stoulCornes îS soebtof a sbeckwen e one imore article ispatial u1nobtinable, anid when tbat biap- riens I am likean inquistive ChiLI -I wan teu nw"h" Lat weekx! it was filte!r iss- and 1 didnt knw tbey wceeh shorti sul*,,Iy luntîl Itried to buy oe.Se I.1 qiredtherealsos. And hiere is wlhat 1 was told: Tbere are twve Imakles of filter diîses on the makt in iade ýIn Canqada, Oie othier nintheUS. Cie latter- bein-g 10 Ccents a1 box lease (r. Apparently theCadir tirm din't thii hi was rigbit so they raiscd( their price te tbie U.S. leve. Bt teATTB got w%,ind Qf it anîd theýy si-Nwluok bhere, yu st cntdo tlis--yotwpic lias got te stay -wbcre it was." And flcth t filter dise people gotýkindý ef up))iipih ami tby sai,[ "Alrgh -o enwntlet ius bat, then we L 't play haill." S ethy stopped nmang fMleï djiscs, and there wasn't aytbinýg Ihe !'ricus Board couLN ci eabu liîe.They; can syyoen shaH11 chlargetisoryou sahcarge thait, but tb1ey CIannot safyu ye mustnmake tpis or you imust make t Y t. Perhlaps yen ltownVisfoîk tb1inkî tItis littlc mnttýIcr of filter (diýs deoùt couceru yen!'utit àdocs- vcr-ydfnie y-ifyenarctecon- týInIueto cjythat quaîitLy gnardedd ilk î-, whaý;t bappuins: BEýfore Bossic's njilk go-es into the cooleIr and pas,- tcIlizcr it is pcurcd thrlougha pc ial type of ,mnilk sýtrainer-. lTle straIineUr bas bolesiin it ike a cl lander but oerthese Choles we pla-ce a filte-r ditc, These dli;ss arc ruaýýde Of specilly stcrilized cotton), ,wit!tw bat o slike àa iîlling off very- fine coitten attinig, which aI- flic the mlk to fJilter thronigb but hoIldsbaek any ndsraîesedi- VW he laudrigbath mats, gir- CIesOs ether rtisLes 'diffiCulýt t0 is~~~~~, a'lal.plieo fIlat surfAe and late wt'a lng bristledU- brushi. R ise as.d rpaztepriceSS, v;i1ienut ins. thrould ancapan wher) -ýC.tetreubo bog h Bomi, Site so. 'I eno.. the t fent. A facrmer, ihippinig milk, 's !eurcov law'. ite use such la -will be able te ct--andit wil .jnSt ike ic oÜld galýVaniZed Var- ie-'ty-but f a-iminum, deltan, n1oni- rutiing aluoftmum, E (,woatch]ing fori it, Or if youirhad re e- chan han'tgot if,inirabu i.It 'canri be got. But tolmoreseiu prbm. enethis can bc to ithese grs Canuaate thcm is sncb aa 3L-t counitr-y. Tbeyý%ý feel firiciîs anid ajlne.Ruterguaisatts Custims Office eidrte.l Menrea th umexo ierc Z!nd( Frenlch spe-akifs prsos dd to their felig fbepeneî Tbcy antunesad b ii orHrycould ntIl,- tthm TbIey feelevryee s in a fhurry- and l;)nne ave tmtl1 o give ther)n a wr of welcoile. AIl ti;sad i Canada sheuîddo-,alwecan 1Io give these ýgirls, a w eIlerie wbIl w'e sec t Hemil, reesihcrng vw c 01nl"boyýs iwerc eevd ita ittle island -acroî,s fltsa IlO 1 ON TO E% Eery Btorn ik) %, Il aB Il SIîowýe an~dTelepho'ne, * Sgl,$.50 Qui, * Good Vood, Diruhgi nE Danc,- ing Nlghtly. sherbource ai t lriion DGLAMOROUS COLOUR IlN SJIN'5 LATEST SIIADE INT LINGERE, BLOUSES AI NIGI$TGOWNS TO PÀ COLOUR-FRESHNESS lys' W Pric Is! T( We rfi otuers ofbon tee. It s e>oeuiiimore hom-ies than auyote brand of coffee ith viorld, It's valways"Gd îo the Last Drerp "