Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Dec 1975, p. 13

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we threw thundredJlxw In 112 martin Examiner cmr New runs new 11 ISLl ILOCAL AND GENERAL MEDIMHON LELTLIUZ el holders scalar Slim Ind Egg egg ii wt we Inder Stephu weigth Pdrente persuade Introder lecture at hmdentel lledltetlvu want by IIIhIrlxhl Mahth Yon Ill be lren la mm In Eeslvlew sewed School Prl dIy It run The later tree to III Interested Mplce Ior lunhu lntnrmulae Ill 7343 CITIZEN nut Inky be mud It tbeGrvup Slum lrom banderetrhehuxot fwoummanFuIlalorv mnllen gunmen CANDLELIGHT SERVICE Candelth Service 01 ChlstmI Haste Ill be held common mom Bum hm II ICIIIEItDsIIGI III $11 hl lm mm Vagaboldsce lnr me mm thaln um be DURING the hollrle Ieuan oplehl who enla the Nhlp present In yo lelnm er partlrlpetlnl under the teed vrhm evemule washed It my ol the NI he me end we lve Iprt Hundred ym Salem gmlllhgmglmgl enhlp et lllL Dlnmond merryycbrletmu end hIny cerept them Itthe ehtltzrbut he murt The Humane mkmrmgd Em 9m The In uulylnm New IE the leetlneplrlt klt ywm tell they wlIh they Soclety It mnlt lExImln on and Dad 3W 5L dy Cayenne II1ll be pro doee extend to Ill To the had helm at IbIelr own It erIIfhatorI MI no PIquIANcu tel greets IInluIIelI hound In the Benin cum Wm In 12 egzgeenvll mow wh it geagagmgggnw emewmum it DIy em Centre um um mungwl recentmundane we end new we Ichoolln MN chlldnne apartment ll at we er new BI If xleanmletmu resenltnell at tte re am to cann overdue books wltbeut i331 mm Elm 333 13 $5 Iunlly new at Rowe 03137 me Ieuulustu street Idmlv rm Seturdtl Dec to Wear need Dec SI thou chum BILL murmur In nes tru Inches none Want me III as um 3110le at ggnwjmg We we Ru long my muonsaw turmlye mmmlttuuhwlblln mmerymrwbdmumehcmmtmwd an mum wan to materme Ietterl to pout Wimhm my ml huhClue II no mm by mm to mumlo Dlmneg an mam mg magnum II Id Just once us had Inde mu mud Hume In to vaewrlter deluxe tymerIlIlI nldll your dectelnute aw the prlteole new bout me many bl tellers IE ll th mm eonme POOR Imnltletters Pohce be Theukyo m1 wouldberufimlmEMM mawmbodammmm II unrealI arIeIe urph mm II IIIIIIIIII Wm Wu the underurlvllezed It em woollen Crescent Nd Gill em on put mollun helm Bnrllerd elm mend VII mm hm moan It It em lbe present In hmr other twovtpccu mm tterhvh Iwrmiuhm III IIIqu III IIWOIIIII II IIIIIIIIIII IIII IIII III III mum EMU WITH KIHEN When In ruled aean element 99 In the BI II Setcly Anuclatlen lerjhe low lncld nee el uIelII wont be uttln eutelde taverns Iruum ma gglwm 53 911nm unidentied lo thIt the dentin wlth the hIeIIIet clty Ind prevln tlone by drlnklnz end mm III to plckllly mm Bum Edd BMI munqu MI ente pmeutellen end mm mm mm ll tun lh that cut poltce Izatu III the mlrlllrl enlth could drtnklrm dxlvm Ma MI um Ime Pam lien me new parted mule mm same lowed by the uent Youth cwperlllqn rt Ill mIlarIsLI III we Constable ealtl the pur Hum mo um um they needed hutbet lnr AI mum mm We Itrlnxmhle din nulnleln I3IrgIoII md uteLv Ihlch wllv so at llIIIDOldWCkl II net mm mm lorrmttonbotm they wentII ma can sum um acted by John htentem Ind Imrd on the mini helldnye lo eneourule paMmreleeve cham Ismeny drlver II Cathy am my deelslcn 0er lheOIkley PIrIRecerdu group In INd momma tth urI It home New Yul1 poulble nether It tum lCI Lever SJ Queen bl III mm III on MI We mum smuhm PImI lb 5mm mm mm undeln Lew llckete my be whet setety Mtlvn mum Eve the WWII Sutety hunch molnrlsle Iromtbl mud who Mm mdhebdtevedtlupnrenuwere am mm mum 13m Burchred It utmm me pub Ihom mum Ich is Itlenend thm dlybustnessu cenuut handle thelr vrhlclrtt truly norm ererIthI quellly 1qu mt urlele Hoem on ImwunceduL Idrknll luneh mlm film Wm Advlce Ila party hoete to dr GOOD IDEA Ialeducntlm their Wrwuld YMIYWCA ummuw tauInd Wednesdeymla Water Ll crease the number at drlnklnx News II III Inekmun the metre end uked the undue mmum IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIII cum um MIMI llm dmn IN hall dlrlxrll lth WelflgIlIllydllrgx unlbli he el suyn ultl 11 01115 WE It ceeoe meere Ins1 sever Iyswu llbhaufh rnly three charges ItrldDenmIn Genenl Canndlen gun by Art GIIbert of the 011 redun Itll rtrht sweetened In tbls use he bellerrd the IIII5lIIIIPY1XIN Egan che SEW ftIIIlrwIIIIIIId drtrlnruhave beIfIngIeIgeIIrledrIcudstock Em urge mlnlstry It Ireneportetlou gnllelmn is mic anglqmnrvminmgwig nual boer drllre hf III more ever es ceetnne gem mumrum In MwelldlypolleeIInd0nlnrlo qucsted um me one IIIFfmnggwmum lhuperenbotGrndeelItb nzd grlmmgrfgluIIHIJI931135 II gu111ggff gldghfn nle ludvll Barrte lallu PNVlMllIlPullcl wlu conduct nondrlnher be Iwolntee at Ill IIIII rm tnvobeenpeflnmbdlwlilndtllh the chll II II Sam Wm WW II WI GIletBd Thelllrhurt IIld the thelruxual eyet am pmng partle to rlrlve gamma rheum um mould M110 Vicmlmwl bl hufng fwd meeanco mm the denser at three dry vurrtumeIIhd ler the trytlvlltrs Ile Ilse sue PM lit1 tr Irente ItyloeJn Endlord Wullem llrouu Ilmtndacnlrd he III II min In cmnwmm IIIIIII Idrlnklna Ind drIvIn emmt be New Yearl ve netted haste prorlde aymtlahl WINK hold did ml lINM FIW WI we gramme mtlell be cnverlnl the cattle Immodeuonr lvr that who PART Ill 24 ed the survey meets were relt Ided WILqul clenllntorman PARKVIEW IlIEIIllEIlsItIIs SW or at Colllrr Our contlnull enlorcernent cIt constebIe tery Mgen ot orehlndulge or In call rule or tuned end cent were In to remit daemon htrmbmhlps lInr Perkvlew MM WI program could by the wagon at Banll You um But we than Pkturl Qult Yuu Prelte lever dementery lternbereIot the Irene conga cum no an mm IOIIIm IlfllundIIeIroedIIcnnlell WIIII Idlect III II MWIVQ like Sim Neill of and theta renewed Any new 1mm nvey taken mettle In run berefolnlngtheeentrebelbre the opIv whth II parcels ringed IE wrrIIImIIDIII Ina IIIIIIW Icnd otIthe year ul be Issued nIuDGE DAY CHANGES Inow mm per In rm wlth IM rnrde lee remalru Durtng me eoclel bridge tor he ernInr Icth were relucteh ta do so It or III renter cltlzrne Perkulrw Ccnlre members ulll ma wok at Nf MDMW years are an our beheldhldeynllemonne lrvm hm hem Wm WITu b9 III cummus mxmrox mom tummas ehqu 1Wle AchlelnusPMlurklunchenrl mmts Into out JIn1I educatlnnel Ind that IlmotluanIIl beseedt than in Md TALK 0N MOT PIrIulew Centre Dec 20 It CI Minn DIP nwn le scheduled at he the aural IARKVIEW WWII weaker ItIPnrktlew Centre In Member ot Pnrkrtew Centre the Ittrrrmn nl III III III wlll he I0 1an hut MW be speaking on prevutllu out Clllllllllllll says Ill SPBIECII femmm lm III Frank Prutherv mm for Ntlllsuulc Lucumg mm mr Needlepqlnt Al recent meollnu II the Tnuenhuru Ill he just another wIth Prtlt lomt On Jan the II IIIIIsm when SIM WW IIurunlu Numismetlc Mmdetlen NW Wm Imm the to rlnz were elected Bond at Blunder resume lle cc It meetlnxe In January CITII nEanNlTION we gt3 mphggmdllm For the met two erI Mr NIGHT cu vlmprrsldcnli Sieve ltnblt PMherv his med cmlr llama men at Pollce InsonImmI GETTING READ rIoIRjCONcERT torldnl teere ilwmylrr IIst mart trip to whenth In me Ibrlel ol mlnlwncerle In vIIrmed tor yrtvnte erran lxetlous Ind entice club dur Thefe been lot at Ilium Eutvlew Smndnry Schoo II students he the trln orchrrue III msfmu concert welt the man the held uhlle elrghnnt nle Joel Ill Ieltto lllt Klm Ilollkle Jeanette chute Judy seh and hlerk meme tune the lmtruxnente end Ike tome tlme lnr an vnctlee beta the noun LI ItIllter mete lnytrudnr Ind men otthe bond Amrdlnx ln bond bylm he not eIlthIe tor Inetlwr term In It rloslna Iddress Ilr From all be we mtetul er the gteletence he hId r6 cetved Ind hoped he Ind yrovld ed the been wllll lehdmhlyt Leadenhlp bu never been morenecdetl then now Ire uld Ind hrfrrltlelxed both lever llIll Ind letter as mean at sotuln mnnmle weez Itze cbelnnen reld helI ueub ch when he Ieu crrlelrr mun Indulnl oh hlvllll lheln trey at the remllluttons te other end predlcted mere mlt mubledwelerl meld rmmll tor turnln In InIeIII AM BROWN In In IInunry trustees tlll el lhe rebelmnn cenchlded by ecl new ehelrrneu Ind viee my Ihnuld be prowl rt the In lhemvle bl Slmeoe dulrmrn Iltely candlduto lur lhe lunmr at mrrenl cammlsslmen wllI hold Its um nunl Christmes Dlnnrr Ind lxrns neceznltlon Mum Dee II at 66 pm In the Eeslcm Stu Rooms Men St 1WD PERFDMIANCE The Itello Illcnde wlll pertorm twlrn It uuptldd hlull Dec Thetwo hullhour pcrlormano In support at the Itaagrdy Ann Dh Unte Celllm it drew Ill be It mound mo coxcerrr tel Chrlstmne msm wt be presented by the mncc IIIrrIu Coltcglate concert Ilnnd Intthe wllnalete llarlum Thuduy Dec It at 30 pl under lhrlr torley Cut vext The Met bend wul Il ro teke purl Thle ll not Item lee cm trvsum dlrrctore lorre ne Aeh In men Itewcmtt Elm Don Outer Cert Green eth and KrlmvteuIIIere IELL our All llckeu tor the rum Curbo dunner Tuesday nlght Ire told Thom nitendlml Ithe IdIn rm Ire remlnrlrd to txmgLhclr rcrrlpte lorverlmlsetan tn the dlnuer and to quIIity Iur thI door prlze SALARY INCREASE Due tn the Iumu Ind ex qutorlnt nlbt uth nroxrem In mum te Slmcpe County Board at EdurItlur IVednuday nlzht urged to lnCNIlo Ilbe set Irire bl nlghtlehoggpnnelbele who In In rhnlie tbgeeletm prognrruulhe Increase will be use tor mlr loo eludeute reg ls Iupported by vIrente co reduntlm IIlm they hm vtcochelrmm llIm Drawn or cut Admtsuluntr va leterd It the and at the mend tnnlyhtI em to IIvtn From th comrt IhI Iludeute II III mt weehnd mmlllu the MINI openln meet Orlll Wire hr series tlch week

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