anuw much Wnsdl Ink Citya was Iiotel lbw lb cor fPliCszlfhicl factionsin mom mm lungrt IrCIrIIIA Curran Iomdhing Io 1me Mmrll use llztmpollnn Toronto polico me 480m rnonlhn Ina III Intro vadanul IL1 llcwnst plmoI Irmlduoriroirand survelllnnon wan Ind Med II rhuInl lbI Ebrlnm nonrcnUon In tho rumor III while panel Inltk Ind urrIa no pollen Hmtinratiou 1110 only windowr II In tho ldrlvul nompartmml Ind In IxtIrlnr nlrwndlllonlng unit on tho root given the or on upmle retrenlloml ve lc Bu Inside II II lled wIlb Infiniqu churonlc equip merit The main carnor Much rim Ircm Inc lap oi the lnxck Is on mind by remote control Irom muscle tlnt mnlnlns tight Irlevlnlnn monitor scrum Othu mm my be oper ItLl nume from rpeolrl ninlinrrnvon tho roof Video rwlay men IIIIIWI Inxlnnl RPIIYLM In wlice vimrem 111m in ulna unall munrlv mooIInd llnbtprool olllca rn hlnnrhy MIN whoa IIlvnnlzgm Ir mg mm Impem thlhmrlleymhl tho Idmtitlallon bureau nools In dude at tho vnhlde uyl tho truckl Waxed plullc body nulplaocd on IrezulIr Iruck mile The wlnrnmt are InIuIIed by are mp roman an Intel sent out on Inquest Irorn Virt oun pollen divkhnl mum from will in be nrnzrlency oomrnlrlee whlcb Witch Ilrlka EIMIIIILIHIIWHI the In spector Inn in in ltlvn InluI In trailInn pole In mm nordrol 11w pollcoma Itudv vlnw tapes AMI WI noorl Ind had and mm Ila am the new nice 01 In nnuomont Ix not spy on lha msurpmrng yuhllc ndd hat the polrcn brllcvn thdr rnmm Inrck Inle not In drInrcnt lo ylolcncn or crime The truck nIIo my not romnmd Ior Inn unlor ol Ilror in nI crowd cow ml provldinz wiIb III III ulion Ind radio hookups rom pfglimnlun view of tin nllu rernloile TRAINSis hANrnu =Sbw6to+ Jorunmmnunn dual 1hbkwmmtuIdJorilbtylrrlnmhurti mummmmm It nu loandlih Lean thym Mendthdl working wdummnnvmunmpdmum rBtrdu Mthfthr nidxmdnmgrrladbyunlmlrunthnmerrmuywvhl IIKr idnliindfionf right songfr than Canadidn momma oi 1m Ilth Nu YIIrI runlnllon op and Juggernaut oi InIIInonJIIb In mm nl IIIIJIM prlco mn BlIIn mum III reputr lion tor unlnnl Ind II bor Itriie now enjoy Etna lbIl bu ll chided the IdlIn gummm In In our Wimp litre nnlilo CanIII lhr hi unlon Mmu Ituxnly on Iowa on incrmnn look main hnokroom bugInn Ior Prune Mrnlstzr Jul llnrold much to union nuk ling lor Ibo mi TrRlnlyrruurri II brnkIMiMnmm rImmnIIIte rqxzrlaol dim Iltlnunboltldalsmdsmot Ibemlduunemwtncmrm IMMJAIPMO less work Ior pickersf WA or Modern harming has come with In Imwor Io ting luoberrrl pittau bankndrel me nhInicnl Inwvbush blucbrrry brrnerlor AernliIIun IIInIlur Jnrk inrva oi Non Scott said proliminnry list the my dine Indlchu III tour mble Io hllldkm In IEIIM oI rumplde oI bnnut run not own damage With some rmditlrnllonl the mrhlnc could be developed point uhrn iluould pick It rain oI on non In bout sz dudopmml the ma thlnu on port nl the munch limo ol Illa Nov Smtln lip rlrulurnl callers In mum and be Elunborry GrouorI AWL aim to Now Ecolla The notion consul til drum with ngm lhnt mlnII through the Hucberry plnntn in much In mhnnncru Ir lrInd mire nin barrios are cnI Irclld In the will oI Ill drum Ind Ihm Imported by wry llnuolr boll In boxes that can wrenrnlnl atrium launchnd Int July Ibll Iuwort conrmed In no Ion Ind labor puny run venllono dvnn Brihln II but ohIncI Minn All In II III bl loud bulk wIIb million In this couan now numb It tulce II nInndytvIIIng BrliIln bonu IUmrn than million people out or work mu hellth Intynon to beat lb mnzqum mvrzrunkr And It lera nnrendrnd Bril IInI nmt uziour IonumI Iconumk problnn In IIIII at duck Ind Hilda by you at Inndnqmu lnvutmurl Sim Wllonl IlaIerIIy run Inn lIunnnlon that Im MInIII raw cm IbI nnbnn hm agreed my men umrllylollmil Socrates Incoming unmwunrruw album mu enmln Ibo hwylent unto rI 81150 or morn you no mttonrtnhyiocrouounlllnl 5E5 ml Ind Penallles for violnllonol Ibo nudes unuuwtllbelmednulnnm Brlhln ha been Irm ployrrr not mum nour1rla wont Minded Undo prlcmntrulr plo IlanId loan In minemuobyrhehmormtnmrmmm gamut from Con ml the honour umuu brakes prices tho on North nillprerrnittedtoriuMlynrth olllnn FEE Lnml agar Er IE E533 i555 MI dm gr g5 52 23 in ii greening gags in fg 62 Eg 33 g9 32 V5 It or lt 35425 55 is gonna regl III iigg in Tltl mnmnn mm AD may 1mm ha net Islde Irt lon pickup ijlNorra Sclotia behind times recreation profssor HALIFAX ICIL Iiccrcnllon nromnu Ind Incllillu In Now Sootin still plhylng catchlip nIlIr Ihou in othrr am CInIdn run hroiossur II tho Acndu Unlvmly kIItXlI oi lutlon uho wan rmully ricand nrcnidenl ot the mem Ilnn Armlntlon Nova Swill BIII While IJId In on lntrr vIIn lrrro NovI Stutin nbhul 21 yum behind Onlnrlo In do Ydopmcnt nl munlclpallyhrlc en1dprozrnmn Inmgs Ire howlnln In IrN laday In the rrrrnatlnn licld III noon un lcnl Me Ire ronlchlnz up now program Ir Inltlaled and no rind ourrlvu InJIle barkmund once ncnln liofnld ncorrallon arm at the row not government lnrndlnz pro Ernmsrnnrl llierrIorn hon hm 11th bottom ol Ihe priority list tlor funding lIIovrnvrr tiln nliilude hl ovarnrylnntvll EIIMIHIIII lhI dediCats rlIIe 15 public demarvl or nddlllnnnl nrid bdler recreation program in Increased Flexible working hours are hocornlnz Intrus Innly populrr Imonlrnnny blr cornpnniu Is mar Ind more cmnloyecs uk tor the chant People II no mora limo ram their jobs Molt 50b nrrn not rrlIrnliaiyinx In mp1 nrrn looklnzotowrrdr recreation to rll tlrzlrpnrronnl needs PREFERENCES IIIIIIl Gnry Boone rrgionIl recur tinn rrprrscniIIlve tor In llirllr InxDIrIrnornlr Iron uldlhere Ill drnlte =le In peoniol recrentlorr prdrronccl bloat people were looking Ior recreation In rrnnllvn pon lrmcnIlrc nrtr munltthutrn and drnmIInd only Ibmll 20 nor tnllt vrrrc Involvrd ln trudlJ tronnl physical rportr jlllunlolnni rmcnllon coml miIIth or not lntorulnrl In the tilt IporIn IclIlelu such roleuionll Ioolbnll hockny acbnll or whatrvrr lllr Boonn uld Ihm sports III all up lo vroimlonnl ornnnlullon Ind their Input noodles Our main omenn In the no arm nltlun Iootrin or Ich type ot nellnatlstylnn nclivlly amid IlrI rrzuIIr work mu lie kl Industrial today lplay ma wwrtlvn role In rccrr allon MIny big comnInIeI Iravo IIISUIIIIGdr rcrrehtlon Ind Illness progrln1r Ior Ihnir orn ployozs Ilecrutlon MIIIIIIIISIIIInln nrn romlnnJrom VIrIrIy otlbulr roundnubnlurllnn the Irmed toms Ind IhI lncrmlnlly pong uIIr retrentlon demo pro xrnms II Dnilrounle UnlvertIIy ber nod Audln ht WoIIvIllr AI IIxyonrold lrecrea Ilon program will nrndunlo Itudnu this year ate Mennonite paintings umsnwn om ICII ll younl Wnlcrlon mm lich Mnlte rlnrrcnt vho believes that the our order Mclmanlln wnyol Ilia may vnnlrh Irum Ihn CInndlnn occur by thonext trn tum In unicellularnu in to preserving rural allirnnoniln Denes onganvnn ArrunncrntnIn have help man or Inn palnllnnro Fun moon in thbo rllrplaycd In Ilnrrods in London I1n painl Inns Irn agcrly would by dorl 61 over North Amrrlcn nah he Iran nomplclurlnbuutl now norks some Illdl turn mud nriceoi mound IV erugv Imnt I600 AILlIounquIo rurrurol lllp Irvmg mm It phenomena moudrry to him llr rmlnilngr ulrlrh nlrn Illnrprrn oi plnnrrr lilnrromlnlr ml oI orntury Inn and Irpl IlluI Illll Ivy tlin old Onlcr llnnoruln lormcrrrlmw Imm drrun Alrdi rtmulln IIIllllll Inowulliird rnunlry mil mu burn raising nrul him we uhorn oldtnshlhncd hom drawn pIom ltlll Ire med Wnlrrloo CounIyJI Limb mustum sold to Ilrt who pilots Iii ilrrt oil It 11 an out reel in nhal lliey hnvn in Immen Although III Snydere Inces Inrn wm Old Order Illnn nonrlnl ha IImscll in not Ind rnalrrr hlrwny In Mennonite arm country In slack our vwcarlnnmodcrn cIOIIIVL III is noocplul hy lemurs burn nI his name ulrlrh ran he Irmd back to plonotrr who Irrlrrd In rovored wnlonr Not since Ilomcr Waton hm rurol mum In Bourorn 0n lnrlo born willku in mil with uni Irabrim Ind drum line of nnvlr Ilulurlnn ln Iront nl ddrtnnu house has marital quallly Ihout II in Snlurr rnnmr So Iran Ilrnpln mnc row drinking rn mud llrlrn In Iurmrrl vunr lry iron rodv sled rlrnwntby Inn bunk honor up Inn led by will has tho look nl In ulrl muster Irrer ulnrioul lnlrll hues or akelmnuke driinzd by ridge cl rnnw Iorm the back ground of all hln wotkn oldInshioncd IlllrnonIId lllrn nonite larrn homer are truly IIIIIy rrnronutod or In their dwrrhra nnd barns Ownm of Snydor paluilnn mlthl huonrlrr it homo painted in thrcn or our IIlilcr mt colors but that agnlnII Inn oi Ilonnonlle country End now nddillan ll naintnl ll ll II bulll bul tho Ilrm pooplo dont worry about color rchcmev llre nrilrl raid nunlbcr oi modilicnllnnl have been made In tho nmchlnl nnrl nllhourflr II II rarnblu nl rmrLbnnlcaly lrlnn licrrlrr undzr must licl rnrullllonl llr Ilnnlrlnn uld it would be Ilka Iruy lo rnIlu nddllnnul ruull Ilrirllunt in human umlurllv In the 1975 Ivory null IFJJJlIr The Posl Qice lsworking to clear lhebacklo oImail that hasaccumulut during lhe recenlslrlke Thlsbacklogandlhe expected heavyghrlslmas volume of mail Will be handled by our equipment more olclenllywilhyour Iron and help Please address all your mailI cle In lmddress and the return rV Use the Postal address lnlormalion on the Postal Code can be obtained mm the from section of yourarea yellow pages or your local Post Office Christmas Mail Ji Deadlines OutoftawnDecernber 13m lnrown 17m Thls year seal yourChrlslmas card envelopesonly postage is required for Canada Christmas Gill Suggestions Benulllul unique gifts at reagonalrle prices are available at your local Post Office Olymprc Metal Stamp Sculptures OlyrnpicSlampAlbum Olympic SouvenrrSlamp Poster Olymplc Stamp Souvenir Case Code Canada Postes Post CanadaWereworkingloinakollworkbelter