tBONFIRE 13ka to bonkwllark mm van land 10 hlondu unit rmihitiroetprr radii th ma Irhru die or Doom Dimer Broncos It theOah lr lioelmier Ihar Tiny lilny 15 back up play AP Punt Scrloks moke ejob alley oixwm IAPl Ookllnl ItetderI delenea me tothe oc cuionby known down Den ver Murdoch John iiiitnenet and Steve money all night Ten mn nid rookie Oakland balcty Chrrleslhlllipe rim could three noses in the itIlderI i1iorvrtn overlibe Broocoe mta vbIt mole my toe eIIyItien the line II will oreuure on the dinner Olb Elrtninli Irum hla ddrn ielro ladle position led the turned the Denver posern ilI iookpartln liye oi the rack lite which took come but olLIbe Oetllnd oileocevaod helped the plIonlboiind Raider win their month mceeilre NItlonal Football Loavue Rome h0iir defence an rlegsjdto out em potent ma MAM mm Ihot It Is lust matter 01 NFL time until no mired Notional Doolrrelu The time mde tntcr intern DlLdil minnhle to Oatiznd rmwho did rome booing during the he rrilnute wait the normally exnleslve ole tenee ran by waterbeck Ken Hi Stable reemrrl to be workinx with allenccr ilenvcr um thrtidnih colitimmlunicl to to Detroit lli amino tumble in the um am my quIrler gt mm Thcy look almost everything away trom us admitted Stabe xlna no BARRIE RACEWAY ENTRIES irrnmuoj Dec to 1m etionmody Pride IoaL llnio ml om Slainpace vulie mo ssrvowruiri Patio FIrrIIrul mile rm irniiie BitNDll ttititioa Wilm eNDBEL szt Him Close il=mbo Debbie 5Keeliia liinld 2Jiriuny Van iNothioz wheeltru SLedy Dunlap Hlll Lassie tBvlev Mir Senorain inllr It 11 eiiiiirows mucus amidpact mile run 5ltEiliS01RL LCllliinlt 3H SUPllEIlE 7JENNIlllt 10 21vana lucky Girl HARREIIETIE 14mm Serum tretllu MCKlto oArmnndo llanovcr Elzhlll Pare Mlle WW SIIOBBY SWEEN 111LL 7SPINNlNGv SHADOW tile in the eecond quarter Ilter taking vbort pint 0332130 I72 01 01 I1an Ilooulzir Beiicl 6KI1curiy mil Thirdprice mile wit zDulrea Cello 57mm Collan dhcystd Vision oiiunt onto LAIUU112ID3 Don Ninihpnce mil I150 5IIUYA1 LACE rPLT PUTNEY IPEGI DDIIIECI lluli and Snuli 3Mi night ierirer 61 Vlrit iLyn ilor Eloy aquarium iiiii ruinpore mile 50 PEASTWOOD BULLET bCAROLWOOD DOLL ICAMILLA ADIOS utliddrn owed iuoder Thimble bBiddyl 30 hiiitoy Geore oV Royal BZIILLTOI AUBIJRN zIIIMMY lAvon Anvil Hupcre Drcem bW II 1Vee lice Clay nFrooltle lar AE Aubrey Vltitrloot hCIN LEE GYPSY CAIER ICE oliin llanover mo til211E115 Ltlt TSUilivl SUGAR JIlhntlerinm alnii Spent tdalr County RENT new CHEVROLET mwm Pill innnu Oteainrtn Itenrnl Motor can and hurt Olualol from err month Comnxerclal Rain Ihu Plcluo Ind Delivery 0A1 It at Inirh Charm ilutcrvhlru tern III BAYFIELD 51 13741560 ton higher wormc see JoHN cokaunn LIMITED on MOrInow noon BAIIRIE 725 2321 Printers we 1960 ler who conuletetl lust trio Phiitlpa third his first nine pastel and rut auinrt littlegel the Raidere iered in interception Dak drove yard tor another Wildan landa attentive dim had lb enrolled tor only yuda by But Home lom thcn aacked llulnagol maulI till llret NFL ItIrl It the Denver 21yard line and the Raiders drove it yIrdr vireo niietolreu on loan to catch passes ivth third in and yard and Harold lint ran twoyarda tor the touch down uhlch Icnt Dahland rooriifiiLLjsTiiuDINGSi VL IF Ptl ozeewnso hlinml 111 my Mind om Denver romwoon CtlAlllllS says chkldndj IOokie inirrceotlou toudedouii aoored by Pete lio nasxalc on eieyard run not Ill about it oticneively Ramsey threw nyaid our to llIven Mom to net up Fran LynchI riveyard touchdown run in the oat period and Dee Yer cut the Dillard load In it 10 No costly tuba tntcrierence call Inlllsl curnrrbock tail eryht illrn Mt Denvers do Irnre setting up Grorre Blondea ieyIrd iield all with 211 lelt in the onre Sumo 5702329 013023850 New Drl 210 Mm liqu Contrmvce Euler Divbln yliitrburzn Ii 22 Cincinnati 150 333350 Cleveland Ill Nbll 035196567 10 0166 on 107 Western Division 10 mimei 021531417 Karma 57 ottoman hii Diego ll ortrmnrr xciindied div siontitio Revolt Monday Oakland 11 Denver to Ulran Bllliidly Cincinnati It Pittsburgh Wmlnzton It Dulles Gainer Snodey San Francisco nt Alluln Knnras Cityot Clcvelond Bullnlo It New minitd New Orleans at NY Giants Minin1 at Bolllrnore St 1min It Chicago Philadelphia It Dcnvcr Minnesota at Detroit 11an any It Loo Angelo ilouaton at Oakland GIirio IlluridIy NY Jets It San Diego llousturi smurfsnows DRAllhIlNOIS HOLLYWOOD Flni iAPI Righthanded pitcher llnice ioylnr 22 we chosen iiondoy hymctroit Time tiicrtirst pirliin the outer leezuce rlruit iii minor league playorr Only IWIJIIIYPIB were choice tor the 715000 price tag Two other pitchers item the Salt Lake Peciilc Coast term club olsn were chosen Gilbert Rondot rtzhthenilvr we soleded by Houston end1eithonder Lula Quinton by Aiionta culllornla Angels HINTdrum bosom oiilllcldt Ed Kiliillei oi Evan ville 1nd uomrvo churn or Arum AP Veteran crotreilyhh Letter at Atlanta Florre 01 National llockey DODSLEY Morons Gmcroi Repair spedllixiiil in Tuneum Brakes and 111cc trlcnt System Open Doc tat rm in Mining at cm llerhlnlo ciu Peter Dodilry 7267771 nun mu were handed Indenite iuwen Trotiier holiest rookie pantheon 3mm lCPl Bryan Jutland llouhn ol VIIIblt mm II mod rookie rarer with one MMJI teamwpm homo Weinme eineeatleas It xi gaging LEE 25 he let er Eli rte er Eu =E EE age it 22 Eli in Gordie Howe this no onirnosity to best referee in Ieugues NEON iCPl Gordil not condone leaving lloue dont hold grudge ihe ice but you have to one On Friday night the precl older then In lot or om dent oi Ilouston Aema as be Lair guess they unset with rderto lion Asely threw everythin except iba tine be MM and elboy cut at him To hlI credit he Um mmmmd mine back no mime the war career faylmjfjeml be me without prmlcm cIlllnx Iimlstlne the but em in eiiim league and ray inz he held no animoilty to Earlier in the toy eblet exec vulva oilicer Den llatekln Ind Bud Polle Icenmidenl In rime ol hockey operation set llowee mention at two name and Idded on two line to the automatic tiso that went with the nine misconduct handed Done by Aselstlne Goalie lion Grahame this also dmr name misconduct In irtdnyl game had hi nu pemion tilted led on line left at the mitomlll $150 Both hive nod Grahame Ilene by the tune Saturday and raised that ram with Phoenix Roadrunners llItIlilna ruling nieIin llowe will mlu toolnhta tome with Cincinnati allure beion returning to aelt 0H earl rim our Anemia was given time oil to cldc on his tutirrt On Fri ght he laid alter the he in quittliu because ninth Iihi Harte iii think he can handle bald liowe or Iiuclstlne in telephone Interview from Hourtun her he lied one at thosenlxbtmare In Phoenix the nlliil belon Ind think lb ihinr In weighing on him There poor toys are world too hard Inyway think they ehould be reeled too lust like some orermrlied hockey viny era when the enrnzcd Houston crowd booed iiowea election the reich left the gem Ind only returned 15minqu Inter Iitrr being coaxed by iiouiivn coach Bill Dineen and motor mach Bobby Kromm Alter the cm metering raid lm lirilebed When the nun nhoe poured to be the ciIIiIeat wholui ever plIyrd the game drives me in the rule We obviovn Im not the nun tor the lob Poile Iold he considers Ari aebtlue good olllcloI but that he Icted unwlsciy by leaving the lee alter the item incident We who placed on the In edtva llsthlondey end rt hi viioeer Com Bettie we ed up train the Flemee Crntroi Hockey league term team in Tulsa in at Klirwe at Tulsa Boillnl ilreanold native oi Kingston Ont he had ii dents and nine mists lie 1m scored three goals in game twice this reason to lead the CHI In that eatcgoryxvli spokesman for the National Hockey League Flame Inld there would be In announcement Inter thh week on the future of Letter oi st Boniiace Mon 100 MPH 45 MPG mmwm mm steel belted redteta Ill Chrte Ha Proan Pgh Moe Lt Sendx talcum Pin talker is Sinhvllch ll ll 17 ll 11 miller Ll Puma NYI Permuit hi1 Uuer 51L ertl iii L5 tiers rmr in Dwain NY Eddie NYE11 We PSI ll is Writhi NYl 11 MacDomld For 11 Wild BNYR Barber PM 11 Machete Sluts ll Gore Hurts NH lilIcltlii Bra ii 10 lace 16 17 to lt 85553553553115535533833335 ugBBKBUBBSSBaEKLEBHKBg=t nua=nunnnuu=2=usmam Hes Alouettes Player of Year MONTREAL CPI Johnny Rodgers Ibo lost out to Willie Burden ol cum SUN to voting for the top liner in the Canadian Football bottle In been releckd as hlontrml Aluuettcs Player ol the Year it no Minced Monday Rodger win presented with charlie tor 5000 tor the award It the nal meetan oi the Alan imi Quarterback No matter what kind at car you drive Green tides rut the one tire thaie been made lust tori you At price ihotI medeio tit your budget too Drive into winter on new set of General Irom our newest Green Rosatve store At price you cant attend to pass up But remember when the your endr our sole ends too So dont be slow TheAmazing VW Rehblt mum 512556 permonth nun meltanvil qu rmnnuno no bowrt PAVMINY IILI winumn rout IMourtr mun mm at Morivtu Iv In Ill cIttr Coll 72M Now we no viur cunt Inlllltiln om rrie tubu KERV JOHNSTON MOTORS LTD 17 Bowen 5L Barrie 7266488 tor openers Visit our new Green loss lire etoro coon Just to celebrate were giving you 20 oil Hows that row rina stones 438 ANNE STREET BARBIE Also with locations In Toronto Hamilton and Oshawa The tire expand with the low prices re mu murmur oernan insre pairwa Income Sui09 arr cnsoau all Jr Dryden LINCW hllnuvll Il Sermon 99w am 13955 ngsiidbie En eaenoeeoewagee pm 51 oeooaaoooaaoanoOb rauga Euuaizu=5sziauaaszuo underarm 9999 5838311553 TDIMI ll alum Complete Exluusr Svrtems Mufers and Shocks ior domestic and Imported vehicles 130 INNISHL 51 11 STREET DALE MIDLAND 7262282 5263731 iilineirni nirsH Down To BARRIES NEW GREEN 8rROSS TIRE STORE ANDSAiVE20 Between now and the end of 1975 well give you 20 oil our everyday low prices on Generele winter tested passenger cartlros Rinht atterour new General the sign went up at 38 Anna Street in Barrie our prices came tumbling down Now tight throughuntil the end at December 1975 weitl give you 20 oil Genorela winter tasted conventional tires belted tire and Winter cu SLP rldI18ultli1 ldl Grinder EEEE =st Ear vii EEE