sorrows loci tencunts lehhayelditraat lthPuherMamgar it wins com ctrrum MI Ontari munsamwnwtd mannoes itylcounCiliisyxright roosting committee Astithere have not been enough byrtnrnannunponarucsrme rgianam Task Force new one on on the horizon The political committee oi the tom stock Its long nose Into Battles ae this week city council bids At meeting political committee tor what Aid Jim Perri called Inierventlon led an attcrn by the political commit to rmd cut governmcn Barrie TIMI to annex from surroun townships particularly Inninl to add as the bank oi Industrial land so the city can grow Ins balanced manner disproportionate amount ol residen lialasscssmcnt would Impose an Intoler ble burden is taxpayers to Barrie human urtriaigmwtb Barrie has no recourse but annenIlon provide for Industrial wtir it appears the politic committee oi task iorce whose report was due by round sell up as the regional the end or the year isuaing Barrielui nlatit annexation talks as reason for holding otters its nal recommendations on county growth The nerve oi the committee askio that annexation matting continue an reoortsoegiventoitwithailstolunde cided points Is almost unbelievable Unless the committee gets to work and roakes ltsdtnai report to the provincial treasurer the study on grth to the Sinseoetteorgtan aredcouid Join other memorable exercises In futility the kind at exercises that cost taxpayers thousands it they are lucky and million it rhey aragnot The political committee rttoura snake Its report and lo veltarrie and the our rut towns own problem Surely this committee has not set It government inr ps to work out their this area 0an MEMORY tArtE VIARS A90 IN TOWN ferric Saturday Morning Dec ms nlalsl glime County givtfg usr orpa cc pu scs and Sunnldale head let to daIlerIlf rs Douglas MStewart at Red Cross ked or donations ot dresses to be sent French children whose iamliies had leave war zones Corporal lPgins wrote to his lstherst Craighurst iing about anon made caches They rnana to keep Ialriy but footwear problem Higgins preparations ior winter In Canadian soldiers tn Arruoury in Queens Park Capt Arbuth not regimental sdiutant played pipe or gan which was draped In flags Only nino rtntnks In Barrie court In two months Early closing ls making things easier or Chlci Bob King and his liar rla police Presbytery oi Barrio Presbvterian Church In Canada complet cd votrun to Church Union with malar Ity oi 30 In lavor Ortilia Itiidlandycols lingwood and EIrnvale delegates favored but Mr Ailirton and Fcuctnngulshcne op oscd Large military retention be it at Ilr Hsmnton lorvs residence on Id at sendln great clouds oi nonpols toward German trench to lotion or their use at poisonous rino There was the daily thriliot It ssno Itching aerlal combats unit headquarters The pilot dead the observer badly Injured he wrote sadly Church celean Sousa so years elk 1uninterrupted reesn pHeaturestnrrtn Charltutlho Choir directed Lieu Reynolds can get there thalrlngaitney us alilvo as composed oi sold on from Tom batv Points with regular re on In winter quarters at new Bsrrts Wellington and Simone hotels em machine sashotdownri thew ch were there liter Math gmn3umj 11 One day Toronto st for MrsBaIlsnttrto and ot iicers wires at 70th battalion now station ed In Barrie With many line players on enlisted roster 78th battalion has cu an tered both junior and intermediate teams In Ontario Hockey Association Barrie Colts will also have junior entry Dalton Meshing will be team captainuCoIore will he orange and green oi Simon Dyments Brookdm Stables This wcclr it new The Altoncialo movie theatre Hollywood You um scrvlco to Inesx pollith on development Xperince Kenya for $69 For the artists international Develop cat Agency ICIDAI will let ur child expericncr Kenya aisysla and Algeria liowi Through multimedia designed lur public schools rd Spotlight on Develop Bsslcally were trying to get Median kids to rcsllso that age oi the similarities rather the dlilsrences said lira ls more than our cultural ound and try to make them rhe yours eocrsrtlc head at ngAs sudlevlru services ho spent three ycarr putting ether tit rut hopcs that it llnsaks children more aware their responsibilities as menu oi the richer part ol the it we plug cur kids into er cultures at young age momentumg he Earsts Examiner rs lid Ila lleid arm has Ontario Telephone mom eglslrotton Number 0m lecond Class Mail min with gumntcvd Dali Sundays and Sra uton Holidays roseepted cdphsnluien rates daily by than as ccota weekly mus at uplel rs cents Jlsil barrio ltd yoari mm County mot year nce olCanads snort year All other countries sum tin liolerthrow oil moo yeaslyu lawnt Advertising Oitlcu can Wut Toronto Ilium Csthcsrt Et bloat girllienrbrr oi the Canadian Press Audit nurcors oi Circula Its ThaCansdian Press to esclu Ive entitled to tho usclor re bl cation or all news drspstcn In this paper credited to it ThsrAssoctsted Press or fth and also the inert am pub ltod therein swthsBarrle Examiner clslrru Corwlnht In all original advce Ia ngbsnd editorial material cre led Ita employees and score radio this herpnpcr Tcmrighi ilctlttssllanNumi behind register at by the time they grow up they will have an rtclatlon oi Illa elsewhere an perhaps with luck they Will Ictivrly Partici pate in the development proo ess maybe by servinl over seasar by giving time and money to voluntary Igcnclel engaged to dsvelop cut assist anca programs ab ad llEAlt LANGUAUE HOKEN The kit which Includes among other thing tour lllm strips with carrots tapa narra ticn shows children the lives at other rhlldm or dtlterent race religion and values They hear tbelaoguogr spoken and the sounds of this country cott ccrned ll hope the children will be gin to miles that slthnugh something it diilcrent It is not necessarily wrong Youd be surprised horv much kids can learn about their own country their own environment when they slart oslrrn questions about Ills In suntbcr country The kit includes teachers guide popup glotrc sceokbcoit with simple recipes tronr developing countrles songbook with everything train Nigerian lullaby to an Italian Inllrwnrt nd several childrens stories tram around the world Shake presents the adventures ol Iiiliy liuycr In Airics and hit White hhporitrlr new addition to the kit will help dlspei some role conceptions children hsvc VIII T0 ICIIUOLI Although tnly live an lcr oi the comic book come It lh the kit more are available tree to BIBLE THOUGHT And Moses turned and went down Irons the mount and the two tatIris oi the testimony were In his hands tho tables were written on Itth their sides on the one side and on the other were thry written And the tnlsv lea wvrs the work at nod end the writing was tho writing at and graves upon the tsblcs Exodus am In God It still smiling Ills mesh ages down litter or the pan nc trimore hrrrcu Irrm the tent at the lord endurth lor Em Up oomtuy Uil schools tram CIDA upon re quest Tho National Film Board and UNICEF Canada also articl paled in the project so UNI CEFIIs arranging lor classes oi children who use the kit to be come penpals with their counb crparts in developing countries The children will be encour aged in exchange letters cultural mediathings II stamps coins 45 rpm records netvrpepcrs pdlt cardsIn an attempt to msks the study at international development an experience Mr White sold The kit will probably be in use tor the heat in years he Predicted Ilc hopes to adl dim strip my Latin American countryvand no on how lorelrn on see Canadian crdturc iirWhlie satd bctwccn iron too and steam vies spent over the last three yurs developing the kit and Its price lust covers the cost at suacrlois French version Coup decll sur lo dcvrlonmcnt Inter national wlll soon he svsllsblc little hopb tor WORLD root Unemptnyed mutation warn 31 regain are 53 gure depreSSIonorienied aylonrt nnnan ImlsaAltslrs Aaslrst Thomson News lorries European uncharte study at labor developments In tho In dustrlrlnhdenationsi hamurn as 11 million pad 510 rd pi now unan oiled and is al apt rather then secessionsine Ilg urc And the1survey holds out helter uncrnl ployrncnt picture In Wettcrn Europa since large part oi Ila llsure rnprucnis the millions ol migrant workers who tell Spain Portugal lists new and Greece duringtho boom years oi the European Cormson lion As lor Canada our uncrnploy mcnl again nudging the eight per cent mark reflecls our poor economic perinrrnaoc this year which ln terms at growth ham moved at all with winter opsln holding this country In Its annual grip we are reminded as us are ev ery ycar oi the higtrfnumbcr oi unernpioycd unmgployshle and disadvantaged Cs nrltans In country we consider to be mil tarian and lair ina tact te Canada to not ala llterian In spite ol the rosy statements at politicians in leg islaturu tcnurrd high school principals at graduation cx erclses bland rcmsrlra by big businessmch comparing selves with othur even more hardprosscd notions N0 Ill IOCIETY Small wonder tho prints ruin tlsn political tar on hetore it later withdrew te expulsion lust Society hunt the Cano hod become like the lots CD liorlos ierrtour expression whats millionl cntrenched In our history incidentally while llir Trudeau did use the expression Just Soclrty over and avor again CD llowe INTERPRETING THE NEWS SineAmerican relations crppeor cooler under Ford Iir DIIIICE LEVETI WAhIIINOTON tCIt ltela tions bntwcen thellnltvd Slater nnd China which reached high point undor Iormcr prth dent Richard Nixon may be slighin cooler under Preridcnt FordChlnowatchcrr suggest Political considerations In the particularly Itcnuhllcsn rightwing prorsurcr may bu lartlcly rcsnonrihe IcrrII olrc Ital htrrllv torched down In lclrlog on his rurrrnr visit whcn IVnshlrtnln newspapers blossomed wih such hendllurs as atirtcc doubt Uii ability to Iullili cont rnltmcntn chill In tho Warhluclortlclring iconncetlon and tho price at hindAmari ran rapport ltinny IiIItltIflt hers otrrca ging by Washington in Motion clean villi Nationalist Grinsa more which would lead to tuil Il5 diploman recognition at the manland ovcrnmcnt Tho pcllllea dancer bchlnrl this situation exports horn ho liarc could he tuniotci For the Uh In more on hither or both cuertions could lead to criticism that Uh lorclgn policy was bclng dicinirri In Peking iirst loiiuru to mnke my mum oi oi might cause the Chlncto to view the Its an on In competent bumbling war Inn divided Internally to able to lormulnlo any rational iarelitn policy Tho Chinese who viewed Nixon or strong prcrlrlcnt are known In havn ttccn purrlrdfrlnll II th tum nnrt trruhit the rncso nro ulrct lhct ace in tilt triltrra to mod up In the Soviet Union and looking or at Uit diplomacy under tug caretaker pretident Western Europe the the Wenonah never did rclcc to his depart rnc call by saying nut out Ilardett bllel sII Alain la Nwiourailand tlrr the grip at an area deeper rccculon than the rest at thetnatlnnl Its rates is has been IIIch to record to per cent lergeai In country Its rats at pioyrnenk II readyte seep over the rccrxdhlnh tower cent bc WWuVHfN Much ol the dmsllwoed drcnrvd Newfoundland lilting Itsel up our other peoples bootatrnpoor wsr it thclr cash and promlml baa lsded In the ongoing slump The traditional money mar kets In Nan dried And was entrepreneurs who built pulp rnlllt oil reneries power de veloprncnla at great personal gain are disenchanted ultlr odlandtttrese days snelsl inequalities Island province where smell cllnua at extremely wealthy Newtoundlsodcrs stand out Irorn the nut soggrrtths colo nial aoclcty rather than late 10th century pcovlnclal one So Tory Frcrnlar irsnk Metres will do what other Ca nsdianl mainly at the socialist persuasion have dons lair hirn ailing xtardsclnrilpatinaul to look no uralantern aspaciaAy the wegian on This is Inch so Impressive ha tried or this colrdna th strum Nswloundlatd could not borrow lrorn it virtualiytlock stock and barrel NORWAY BFJT Norway to the most scllaul ttcicnt and sstislylng nctlonsl society In Europe The land Ls so ruggedsud ls sparselypope Inlrd as Newinundiond And titre It the Norwegians rel mightily on the sea Ior live notches Dear sis 335 init gr rattled cg at it it SE Egg lt3 is all ii iii ts 53 5E 23 Eggva CBC and shows such Recovery in US hits price 7of gold ly VINCENT EGAN Baslacaa and wnrumchttaIse Analyst Thomson Nan Berries pricedurlag the past socks continua the old rule that every action plnducee reaction Gold has eomsundcr selling prcsstn IITIIIng Neponse to at are generally ableer modest the mu ot rumch and the consequent strengthening at he dollar Isl ct Pitts n5 the world mortctprlcs ol an ounce oi gold tell to low oi 1815 on Sept It recov ered to about lltd In early No somber bciora sildigfn back to create st tho begin ol this month ttrWI mpa motore rncrtt in us llnsuclrt condi tions the gold rnarkct has been shaken by the International hood and survival But mlllravmmw rum Mm his Newlounland them have been no outside crtr eneurs who workod their up rs and have milkrd the land oi millions CANADAS STbRY young Virginian set world onwfire Ollh gt By not BOWMAN When the United States ls coir cbratlng its bircentaoulsi next year It may be dilllcull to rclt member that In Canadian eyes men like loom Wsshlnglon and Ilcnlomln Franklin were traitors llenedlct Arnold the doubicrtriltor The lid rciem to the Wsr oi Independence Canadians call It the American llavolulrensry WM George Washington played Central strange role In helped hritatn capture Cansdn Irorn Franco Then he got France to help the Hamlet indcpudcnce into In i151 Wawnsionswsr nuog llrItlsh oiltcer In Vir Kinla lie was soul talent to hr realignta rcmrtl that Guardians were estoht Ina trading ports along tho Ohio ltlvor on Dead he wad about so miles north oi prooentday Pittsburgh when he noticed lrcnoh ag thing over port that belonged to tirltlrh trsv In addition tho Chine viewed with alarm Fords cent ahakcrup which rerun detenca secretory Jsmos iichlrtrlrrccr hardllncr nlllr regard In thesilusrlsnr The rc ccnl ctsclr oi state iiccso tary icnry Klsrlngcr hclno ihrcntsnrd tlllt cactier nl Congrcsa octlon did little to res ussuro lclung III the Lot was in stable lltlcol condition That For has domenic prolr icms which bear boatin on ILS lorelgn policy Is IllltIll pucd Not only to me the Milt un nlvrrrary ol the birth at the it it is an election your In addition to the Ilcptrbltrsn pres Idrnt lighting oil uldrrsnnlng crntlc bit to capture tho mp he must put IUIIDII to the fthIer all nrlrrrr Ic llcnnnn Ind llia own plrlya rightwing plans totake der lic investigated and totmrl tha nceupsntlb be Chabort do loncalre French or Canadian rtiscn Joncslro Invited Waste tngton to stay tor the night nnd they did some hcavy drinking During the evening Inucatre trtldWashlngton about French uetalon oi the Ohio Valley an build chain ei torts to Louisiana wllashlnntott returned to Vir iuIa wtrn the alarming news rtd become socondlncamtnand lorca that arts sent to the ohioillrcr area the lollcwlng ycar Thorn was nlrirrulah at rcst Meadows cud Washln too vnr dcicatol The Cdltlld ans thenollnrrsd to return to Virginia with ha troops gt Tril won the beginning ol the lichllnn that lot to the Soven lrnrr War In rue lirltinlt historian iioracs lai pole wrote Iolcrt vplIry ilrcd by young Virginian In the baciwoodt at America sci thr world en tire 0IlIEll DEC EVENTS rm David rrrommn crow Ed Iiocky hiorrnlstlnr imIipccr Lanzda lohrls unnerved on time Slrsot Irn rono LIrtrnrrrt Illrrae InV vndcr lnnuria Irnrrr Dotrolt but was costly repulsed meat endowreached at its annual meeting three months ago but still to he Im Irrncnied at some undotrarn date In the tutors EXPANDING TIEdEIWILd The key points at the IMF Agreement on Gold sro three banks will be allowed to vsluo their gold re servea at recmarket prlcos ralliesthem the old riled pr We estimated that this could pond tnternalloool reserve on by about dd per cent which uid purult corresponding expansion pi the money sup plyand probably lead to are newal oi superInation on wold scale before two Goid will not he used by central banks in their transae Iloril with the Illll IMF utti be permitted to rot oneslrth oi its own gold romsr or umlilion ounces at treemarth prices and will return another Litmill ounces to its maniacscountries in pm portion to their original sob setindoor The possibility that the llil may ood the gold market II no satm serving theorems oi the was par ounce doubtbelplng to deems prlce oi the yellow metal seem notch more Ilkdy our um the land to drop or goldbullion spread out It nilarlngs to Itsan prolita 1he iron at Ten the est dev countries nclthcr to set oor pricel gold nor to Increase tth stock ol gold tor two years lowing Isnpiranenta oi ngroentont Taken together these are msrdrd as victory the its to maintaining III pantie leadership and amalck rearrvlutzl trardlng currency rancr ea usua one In dlllcrcat II itslirtsnor ru aiocoonteodl that cold must he the pr reserve otsci llo has said the Agreement on Goldwllt gtva central bdnka more dorn to buy old 1hr Fred and the cans are at odds on the issue return to an International tor ol tired exchange totes Prince wants to go back tired ratesno doubt because thatwould permit the oxalate nanca at relatively underlv expected Frsacc and aorne other rnpean countries will act unoillclal oor price at they would buy any goldolicred to thorn Such positions have more do with shortJenn politieslite rolltice ot the dollar and an with the longvtetrn role at gold In world commerce II that role appears to been diminished b1 rcerncat on do thereare at or letters working In er goldnotany tbs growing tendency oi the meudocrcorur tries olrthe oil cartel the solution ot Petroleum Export ng Countries to bu gold the ey customeurt Tho antigold torcoa may on top the moment wouldho rash to dismiss ears barbaric seilo ol the lust yet LITHEPICK or PUNCH 17 the young people larcerl to leave land avoid wark taprom tt Ii However over drama has tailed the