Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 2 Dec 1975, p. 5

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IIi new mmm WAY DWE lmI Demeter new trial lt refuses Gotten Assembly was cirrird chairman oi the rust min and Prnl chines Jnrnrtu oi ubrsry touru nilcr in vehicles harness rubber be lens that in tho now can be lnr wiibout to Elliot t5 so and one was trip was who laterw lard ol tbeiub It was he had Sir resign is the chart PInl lull Macb government ibt Con on ip ol his cousin bought the and Facilit The duly slid the added to was this them log the TORONTO CPI Canada Auden oi Arts be awarded Its in model in tour Caaduns In rompiilon oi tbnr attribution to the visual arts in Canada It us bounced Monday in om re les the sulunynld tbe It vvesr to hlrrcriel llullsrxrsoo direcch oi the whistlerstints Centre tor the Arts in Clurkvtlclovn Ind Gerry Moses iormrrart direra tor cl imperial Oil Lid Tr Founder dies TOROMOWCPl srrnuzl Wrinsicin who founded the Power snpmnlrkct chain in ran died hrre simdss lie invaded SIadard Waders Ltd In 17 Hill 11 SW Stoves retail load sixth in loss In 63 Pets aspen mrsrrs rr ourcbrai by George Weston group oi cone panics MrWeinstdns rm icon now president or CITY television here restrained as glrcsident at Power In sou Mr cirstcin was made Knight oi the Gold Pencil the NM awsrvl ior misleading curtribvr the Lnulsn 104 In dustry Must hive carol ronomo rm Muirs lionfcnrds ior meterurinal or cities tent on sale Monday It rrrn VPIIcII sliicps through out Ontario the government an pounced Provincial legislation now calls tor owners or the ore vitality ted vehicles to obtain $5 rerlsralion card by in mo in order to drive on Ontario roots Editor dies PARIS lilwicrClatzle Des lnrrllni editorvtncbicl ol the dslly newspaper Le Parisian Liberc died Thursday his lane ily ennovsrccd Monday hero oi the Fruwh resl=tance move ment In the Second World War Desiardins had been vrlib the newspaper siucells birth in 1941 II had been cdltorinchiel since 1m 3E5 Proposal planned ROME AF French President Valcry Discard raising Iili mpore that Can ada be Mbalrmnnolcri coo rsornic continence in Paris two reels irons pol authorilsllve French sources said Monday The sources said Glscard OEflllllill make his pry pasli It the European normal the lniormol ml of the mean Ecooomic munIn vsbsls opened blenllnl The sec cod rochnirrm will be renown country Over the top CHATiiAll Oat pr United le oiliclsig oi the listbam and district 1W5 corn peixa said rtsndav lhzi unsure has been relieclrd to date The sum arrparses the campaign oblcttlvc oi cuties Where practical NIIONTO CPI Premier Willsrn Dans retrrsrd to com rnl rumors Monday rwhag asked Ii the government plans to print drivers licencoaod motor vehicle licence plate rc newal iornu in French as well Is Wish bid hart 1ND Vvaliandl asked the premier the gavrrrancntvrouid produce toms bccsuse ol rc cent protests against the my lisbooly documentS Mr Davis sold the lovemmcntupmduceci dwxmnts In French where they made practical sense lie said the government was con aldzring charging some oiher downentv hu refused to say what they were dim view TORONTO iCP Energy Minister Dermis lirrtbreli said Monday his ml rstry is taking dim view or Christmis this ycar in order to have energy Iie said outdoornorm mas ligth should belcttoniorthrccorionr hours day instead ol III the Blacks may run AKRON Oblo AP TM llntional Black Political mem bly will try to iieid black item tor the mo US president lini snd vi Assembly esldeotial rat dent Ron Dsnleis of Youngstown says lle aid possible nominees include co median and mum activi tisl Dick Gregory Georgza leg isItor Juilsn Bond and Mayor Richard lhtebcr Cary Ind Plane history WNDON tileuterl Too Second World war ligistcr aces iIIDl and lriton not Mondsy to help launch In exhi bition on the history oi German ovllon missile Ica Lieut GenAdolf Galland and Wing Commander Bob Stanlordmrck chatted and lobed about their yo iur experiences It news mnlcrcmerinlha Royal Air Force mom lhe two rst ran in loss when Galland was csplurcd by the britisb and Stanfordluck was one at his in terrogators Recall ordered vissrrrrrororr mean The us Food and Ad ministration said Monday that directod Bvllllams com pany to halt distribution and promotion or its Scminex Sleepaid and to recall all evil standing stocks The FDA raid Somines con lrl tbs prescription dru dlpb the laser by carry the ulted that the dnli laid uci wilb alcobo during or by pronto with rhcrtainolhci roses an cunt bzslth bourlta Amber William slot Somlscr Is unlitth by the action because It does contain the time Outdoor li on govern meat and ontnr rum aura inn will be turnd at run and lined oil at midnight Mr Ttmbreli said be Is asking that all educational iacliitles and smartrlpalitles ln Onsrio loliovr this example Refused to fight srarrrnsorl Out to Rithard Belangcr is of Ron more and William biiimlne 19 oi Brsatiord were lined $10 each in provincial court on Monday lor rel czto iighta iorest tire men were charged under the Forest Fire Prevention Act after they re Iused Io lith lorrst fire last June in Holloway Township 30 miles east oi here Msibeson is so miles east or Tlmrnins Defends RCMP orrnwn tori Solicitor General Waan Ailmand as tended the RCMP on Monday against allegations by his coir league lcan Marcosnd that they bavc used questionable tactics to lilattbund minister with mm ch pcnsc Ibeir illnfail claim In oil ItllIlia Ub border contrary loihs true Inludl oi Canada bonres ol WBEN lit thpltal Cities Cummde Inc tWKlIWI and Till Broad casting Company rvrcrv Is id as KVDS Tdcvlslnn Bel llnrrrm wub are fishing in corria iIx amendments db nyrr Canndi sn advertisers the ri deduct lm per cent at Aadvutrriag nuts on Us tele in stations as business ex Wants approval OTTAWA lCIl The one Christirm present Urban All lsrra Minister Barney Dnnsom must provsl oi housing legislation be brimming Howey daspemlel vrnnt lbele lotion appnzv More masblr Danson said while the bmmons tbmk mind tilting ihrco nation day In committee and Ieelrends as well The parliamentary Gorisirnu lrc The bouslng bill would broader the assisted bonus own erpr prongm tAlloP Ind lo creme pnymcna tor the cderul subsidised rental progr Actor dies arrmrcrr lert Retrial llans Sdtweikart one or Wat Gcrrnaoys molest Monday two weeks Incr be was s9 ml CAOLm reede ed Favors law OTTAWA ICP Social Credit kader Real Csousiic on lbs receiving end oi special parliamentary iavcr last year mu that ism puiinio 1w Wben his romaine party had Ila reprcsastaiinn In the ttest Commons trimmed to II In the IV eectias i1 rot talncd Its orrioi party status oriy VIIll the unanimous con uni oi the other partiu Mm lly party must have It chat II members in le House to be eligible ior uirs stair Mom In and spice blr Clorisiie Inirudurgd private members bill blondsv that would allow any party with more that ll rents to retain Mri bills regardless of how Iovv the reprcsentziinn dropped In iuturc riecionslheo rcticnuy to one sul bit Csouelle announcel th rnmr is would ire and that newiicnder would be chosen It leadership con entvoo next September Lecdcr nl is party since I363 be hos been absent rpm the Commons on many nch Ilorrs in the last yrsr or be cause at illness lie is dis bout No license SIMCOE Ont CF Fred erick John lilarilin 51 oi New Orleans La was ned smo in provincial court Monday ullcr practising medicine without licence Charges nirtld and Icvcrnl nerc wilirdrgvvn Morilins lawyer said his client believed that and God could cure people The court was told that blah emu urn min or pailcni be May set trend burbzlisi Kladuhtu of ihe nsdran Agricultural College in Sasksioen var nnrned were my Oil exploration mAlv rlPr Evidence inns Inuilinatioaal oil torn omen on uabnvnn in the North viii be brer belan the Berger Camellion early next year connrrlsslon nLiIeiIl said Monday In Scull rounsei In the led enily appointed Inoidry do Iatbedrnspropoxcdsppeah ance by the companies Is lite Iiri mmtial review ol yo drrscr activity In the truck coat rum our by public inpury Oildala ol lmpraial lhl ILL hand1 Md and Gull Canada laid are upedcd lo within their enrrrnt all and gss uplhl lbe Arman an as plans the rotors Angela role omws ltCPi Cured ltd amt play my bdgiul role avers indirectly In Ml an new chalky radopurdas beeHrs tumou rim Bill LNlpinlng said hi the Comoros hm aims lie was strolling on behali oi Adair linialer Allan dimmed In Howard Jobsxton chObarstsgnrrxnotmay Mr Johnston mid the germ nrecta ailment NW 13 Iblt ii could not recognize an Angolan gnvcrmnent became oi the con tuscd duration then was poor on ir scon rrst seriously threatened the peace or the world WhittleII TORONTO lCll Bruce Wilbon lotmt president oi Un loll Gm Co and hi Canadian Bechtel Ldn said Saturday oil companies and the iedzrsl and provincial govcrnmavis barn been handed million wind tail by rising prices oi the lost three years The money sbould go to build sound rim or Canada In oil and gas rather than enrlcblnr the governorsits sad the com panics lllr Willson said It the rounding convention oi the Putr Ilc Petroleum Association oi Canada dust aluminum Mpg simmgfm mes lrlllliid was already had bcen paid at lower market costs OTTAWA CP Labor blin stagc directors and scion died Gucl hiropracior and In mm John Mum mm mm Bdmilled to hospital vlIhJ Ell mininry Int Sdtwcikart director oi the Munich Ksrrvrnrrpleie Theatre from 1945 to 19 He celebrated his Bulb birtbdulw months ago by starting new production oi Belmld Brecht litar Punllla und Sein revch as lilurrlcbs Braided Theatre Group disbande HAMBURG AFNmat German suitoriliu have dis banded one oi the Slates most popular pop mic groups ior having installed the working classes and dciade the state security swim says report in me Bombing weekly Klaus RenaCoho The ZNHV was acclaimed only twoymr ego in the Comanist newspaper Nevres Deu Ind aIrsie is or yneadsy and our today bound into our very we oi hie Sever days alter the tram around by the auibglrillts Mos mm shops dime and their music was no longer hrvd on radio says Der Spre New series NElVNOBKlAP The CBS television network said blondly It pill slut new Friday nitbi series called Sarah on Feb lhebounlocg seriesbascd on novel by Marian Orwell stars Brenda Vaccaro an eastern us schoolteacher who start new lilo in western mining town in tbe lets tailor CBss announcement Illil the last vacant time period in it rnrdeoason program sched nourislllslttvvruturi wstromrrrs censure mtrolrurrr mssm llru mStver Island Ioeilv reuvssvrvrxsans ululisl mums liilIIWIIII unusuttrunsvsrslanchtLK tlrnlmtimmm Dr Syn shown some and t7 TressnraJlslsad IboI at me osly lide Thursday II witnesses testified that they were helped by this trealmanv they received lrom Manila Othea icsllllcd tbst they were Inluml by the troop meals or lre mad III by the medicationShe prescribed Talks begin TORONTO Cli Talks aimed at achieving reconcilin uon between Presbytericrr snr Untied churches have begun It was Innouned Monday in Joint new release the churches said the Pnshyierian Genzrsl Aneurva and the crec utlve oi the llth Church Gen eral Council have agreed to dis cuss mstters oi doctrine and practice with view in closer cooperation betwcen the two churches The release said 11 represerr tltivu trons etch church held their iirst meeting Nov 23 and and described discumions as largely exploratory The release said the breeders followed an open letter stored by some coo ministers and lead In lay persons at both churcbrs last Junc The letter proposed that 1975 should be marked by an act or reconciliation between the two denominations the release said Another meeting has been nodules ior Fcb 13 Dr Donald MacDonald prin cipal clerk oi the Presbyteritn it WANT QUICK SERVICE on our but last delivery hes on orders over stW lsI Barrie its msqu or PchIJD nrvlrrs over soon Phone zooeon prions their ros BAYFIELD sr lbcro Is hope lira paper In uuslry settlement In New BInsmtk may sci irentl that will call lengthy sirlkrs by about limo paperworkurs across Eastern Canada The settlement at Irving hip and Paper in Saint John NBprovldcs ior pay raise oi 51 an bout on the present base rain of B7 plus cost ollivirrg allowance at 37 cents IliL Ieitltmzni Iv above the federal wage and price canf golds of lopcrccnr pay crease In one year and must be approved by the icdtrui antivira ation board Ptiiiilj cirrus tlurrrulriat TEA BAKE SALE RAISE rurlos Dorothy Mcisnlic Icii see Yes rm to Mrs Ivan incey deputy ominclai Winner oi the Girl Guidss oi Chants Saturday It tea bale Isle Indbnrur held stlrinity Pan isb Hall Collier Street The event to mire lurid III snowed by Central Distrlei Golder lineal and Flank Bitter attack launched on antiinflation plan OTTAWA CPI Tbs gov ernmutts antilnilaiion our gram came under brtlcr stuck on luv lmnts blnndly no its mabimg lchvlnJon approached aporovai by the Commons The bill introduced In the Commons six weeks age may receive nal provai today he love going in Susie John Didcnbakcr dormer lrogrtsive Cerisenaive prime minister opened an main debate saying tile bill will tie stroy Parliament because oi the wide pout given the cabinet to pct ill terms oi Ibn Llccivz wage and price come The mnomy would be srin glcd by bureaumtic control un til lb next election he said posed Oct Bi In The who suppered um lrngztrnn pri have announced they will vote against it on third roadan because the gum men relusod to shorten the pro mm to in months However Emu Ilces 1pc Prince Eduard 51an said he will vote ior lhc bill because it Is the only method novv avail able to curb Ination Almmt soo striking Torono high school teachers menu while demonstrated on Pariirv pent llill against the rst spe dllc rllLnl oi Lbs lullination board The hunt ruled Inst wit that even the damn wage Increase over twa years piloted by the rrmwum To more school boardand re jcdrd by the learnerscr cccdrd the program guides The 35m leadch have been on srilre lor three weeks cutie salaries ranging lrom 511m 55 Tile board liior would have given lhern rsngo Lean shalking Solution sought OTTAWA CPI itrlilal anti provincial consumer aliairs minisera mot Monday in Iry to agree on planncd icdcral Icgis Iaiion disglrcd to crack down on loan smirking Coltrane Alinil Minisch Andre Duelist said he hsd pre srnicd working pmrs lo the provinces Fedoral and provin clul oiiicinis are to met In the next iew wccirs and another mlnlElcrs conicrepce has been cdrcdulcd for ion 2213 in To of Oucllti said the billed oi the planned borrowers and do iorce luller disclosure of load ing costs and to ensure that all Icrding transaction can be re opencd in court in let bun rower obtain idiot il he can show lending charges are ex crssivc It would also require most lenders lo be LicenCcd by the icdcrui internment or In some cases by provincial govern ment Aceulng on interest rates would be set and lensing lll higher rates putrid be ocnce posItors prolcclion Ict is in lel Showing Tonight his 915 possession lives and and grovvsalldgr iULIEI MILLS sunRICHARDIOHNSO no LIZAIETH lURNiR DAVID COLIN Ir Dmtsobr mutt NILLMAN TOMORROWI Arlnll Enlrrtainrnrnt llohrrt Shaw ltlcbard Ronnrllrcs Sbrlley Winters sxsv mm IMPERIAL CINEMA Diamonds HURRY LAST nave7 Ind STARILING PROOF THAT WE ARE NOT ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE FRO HIB BEST SELLING EANTMI BOOK NOW Milloll MOTION YICTUU narrated by Tiled Selling produced by A1 bundling SUN CLASSIC productions Released by Sun Cluslc Pictures ms SCIewballAIice she goofed and at 3nd in mm Salaries now range irons 37311 to 3300 Jim Forstrr president ol the Ontnrio Secondary Sdrool Icnchcrs Federation raid the loci that Lld antiination boards ruling muted ihe slaving oi an agreement means the devil oI this collcctiva hm gaining mecca Ilnlrult It was announced later In Toronto that in bark or agreed to resume berg ing The program generally limits wage insroasts to 10$ centirr the rst ycnr Ell Folster said is laceration yrs led to believe in the lcdrral nance dwartnsunt that the lurchers would bu uxrndatunder twoprog visions oi the Irgislniinu board Is We grant exemptions to maintain the historical relationship be lwccn groups oi vvvrirrxs bio adults its rollerthat NH tionshlps may baveiobo nudi iicldIn the abort run his For star said this will minnow high school teochcnaooid tarn Icsr than the elementary tencbs crs wilh thersomo Tonsil iimbom Exemption also wean be mntcd to workers whose pm vines contract was slated prior to norm iba case will the high school leathersm one board ruled that the Toronto contract bad been opened ior udiuslmcnt since liters and the cxcmpirao did not apply Finance Minister Dmaid hhdonaid old Lloomrmns the mm Iccdvm mac told Ihey would have to Ibidn by the program However dermi men telegram has been sent me to their attention iha luv areas or pomhla emplmn wisecracked allrheway r0 theAcudenuAvvoni ELLEN BURSWNIJET KRIS KRISIOFFERSONMLICE Adult Entertainment DOESNT LIVE HERE ANYMORE memm mrsenvrmssvsm ortumusomvv is WI uiblIvEMI III 34 tcrea snow TIMES Old Dracula909 pm only Children Shouldnt Pity Will Drod Things 115 nnIJ cumbersome llvuureflurvu

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