egrn tnent be Environmental Band In ten Intern vu uptown by Scheduled toroonatnrctionetart in rm the pilot eouid kn it gtEE probe to In oonllid Ition be delelenoul to lb rrcmtlnnai HE Movement lo None lrallte Ilon Ibo iakettroro would lllPJewurceo the lake ltuii tpd nod to Iltd lun resort Industry arcade and that moi ur can one vat Ind Miro lilIdylud Ind will wipe moored plan rcquiru nlnr outow problem ttwrvosr sun 51mm Macao no dwelling and ii ot yearn no in soon In warden ltninbiag bed memberI eornvnred to the his term in ital Mgmmnnm it inetion ljihe late Mr Drinkuter in mo Mu oi Nottlvlll when were zdmrd Dttllm oi Vitiorll iiIrbotn Venom oi Nottluuu Robina oi wdwltertmla mortar oi numb murmur tun Edwin oi armor Hill ol Midlud ll Crewtord lbe eountyootmeii then wu ln cbnrne oi lheadminittrltlon to the county lull and rrllrlry oitlce TWO ron STROUD Tod Bl who ternnlod Is wperintendent ol In nlniii Park Indrmnoa er ot the South lnnltlli comm int year bIrbeon named lu nistiit recreIIIon iacllitu mm nor ouirllary ol $11100 your ookn or unit niOroIndIobn dDrlnkwIter nit Park It the near innieill Mch Ilion Growler It Stroud lo tor uptlelrtemr midi Iborcd ll pericetll yell gnocchirm gm pAMlEMINKll trurodv necntrnnn rm ti centre its mu treat rlu IIan on mail rrnmten to right boldlux bt mung Swedish hockey enmicomtng rules deoliyClIri IIul obedqu hockey In Incltutors onus to be bell to Timed to am Irma IIII be Intelliqu InnIA lurlli cohoatom uhleu II ellied to outmoded Kill In SIMKI 1K veme lb Sundial teem lI eluted to meet Barrie Oldtlrnrra II the local Inna on her day rvrulnr were We lulu Ia invetbennbeok line here laid Dell Conlron veteran tnnvantuillr the nnrrletearu Ind club president expllinlnl tho tour III II enebIIre IrrIIred lnot Illtee when Aurora Blue In dentin 51m proceed will help tinned the nod tortut oi Barrio Itchy 1mm ivreiralu vilibo trio it II met the will IIy llunuville all Irena II Saturday uint oth by lenlecorunrnntly man Untor turn will be one el III enlvlendrorn CInIdI lItbe iloiilud tut nmlo tonnemut lvr plum It yarn or mores 11m ltetd Iv phyla ml in tho amte lien woollen Itohertaou lob lrolry Don Ilrlllk Gram oelruca rial vrIrtr Gerry McBride lob GIruer JooWeeu Cline Vanda and the Conlaou lViIlLDlnl and Don ioruni plum II the local lineup or Abonl bail oi the lwedlah lune perunnel hive lhIt countrys out national tunu receptionllilli be held Lgunn Iilrr the rimo Bctrrie veirdns Pqutlast Orillict ORILUA Etaltl iIrt hit tor Jon Weelt yretn Ind paialn amok in which men pluyrr dared In the rearInn enabled Barrie Oldtirnrra to down in Orllllu hockey veto belore noun inns Itthe 0r Iliin Community Cenire The victory war the mood in It the Barrie Irena team ubllo rwenterod team which ear lier bad downed orillla to Then vlritinl Il rla veteran ralliedIo reriv ler three goals in quick ruo ceaaion lo Ill their martin El iteyhew lorry McBride and Chuck Eduardo brat roller Bri In chnomnnlor the countern Gary Kennel lnr Orlilla with Tom Curran and inrmrr BIrrio plIyer Elli Burtoh nettlnz tho olherI Don Cnuiron Dave Hotben JrnWeeh and Bob Garner nmnnlrd Ior the other Burrlornatn Jack lleid In but way aiandn out or the winners turning back numeroue turd driver Ortllla goaltender lan Shroybln who recovorlre lrom err tinno tion We mitan In the line up whlio IlnrI drence rial wnrtlien nnberironraiso woo absent Former pro Gootrolord ind another on tnr orililnuorv in Ice Whit liloutaeru drew Ioniauva tor ttnrllnr oaulnr oily but Ilarrie vetrranr abow rd more ttnminnln tltI Ilnnl Alarm llrn Shropshire with In out tor the that time tor Orillla mode raverri rnod rulhen until tlrlnn We tried ha but Barrie in little more dvanood in rcudl lion raid Blakelren Orlllia roam alter the home our he looked tor tblnrr to bo dil irrpnt neat time Well be olny Int mom namrsnllh Emir Don rend JFK GrIvea Ed mo hiryhnn Amiv Furlnctr iiob Broley played rtronyde Ianan Home In lront oinonlv rr Ileld Arnold Neal Doutt Cool Ann were also lllirmlvu rhrctr CII Arrhie mnlrln and itch limo any warmth olilrlolr hannint out lhrov minor Ilea touch The Barrie lenmt are many rnma to irorn Canada relttnn rehdy to nlIv In In International hockey tourn nmrnl llnllnnl Iv Invnr year old or move The lttirr tinted iov earlv iiarch Iianuer Wdlter Variv ml eo Councillor Ire mentorturf xrheduled len den In tho ionisill municipal ttno telnet an Individual were levied tnillnd twice llrun Molten Ind on but too at tllbtlhe theinnau Ilium irtlrltlrlbk1r Alembere ol Tu IMthIp mnciihare monarqu Incremd ailnunc oileetiv irnm Jan The new rate oi remuneration end In nixeunl In nvuaii Inv mam oi nbotft IO per owl Irv niuiu moo ortbo have and $2970 lor the deputy reeves In new Mo guru Lauries Rawaon vrlli hooom 4th new new oi Try memo to Tom noblnsonnt the heel nine oi nrx yen Mr Robinson trodrod lain ruinEon earlier lor holitb rolnonn Demiy Item Ed Hill In Toy Iecond county council new untIllve vrcmo uAnAor nation at hilto Collins In mu one oi the new Thornton Irena arnrtlnlJIrn Iowabar been nnpcliied It utlnr manner and may bewrne manner II the in nIIIIl townnio notmellropr ea nine Ituil Iowan chnthr IILLISTON Isum An In pllrotlon tor dining iounxn li iuunnt zit Vlelotil Street call It to be boned It Ipmll meeting oi the liquor Urmcn Board oi Ontario at tho court houae In Burla ou hlerdny Doe II etnrlina llllltlm ROLLER AKAIING SIRDUD meeilni Intol vinr innisill reeroollon mn dinnior Larry Morrow and that Innlaiil Lions Club lo litmus roller tkntir iIeIIIllu hat been latirdy tor Ihurr buiidlnx The Llone clnbpwh CANADIAN marshals CLUB iaIItEATHONWINNERS tin sandy Cove ban lust porcbared WWIIth eraova nu olwhiohvllibettvbiNortb Indsoutb new on eenirem Actncortlhiebliiddl oi the Irena In the inllRoe reryone reamlobe mail on Ioddlllorent Milli Guntolu Strondutliy Ible tor roller aka tvInlI Io organize the race on utivd In Srottd Inniniii council itan oi mtdhl rollerthat at Siroud Lelmmndlboru STAYNEvaSIalIt Annuli mwolnnd ninetlnl ol the Stay ntr community lair bond hu wronged tor 1buradlih en IheDunlroon tonoi malty Itnrtinr at Mo p311 IIECREATION mama MAYNER tSlIll Ibe Slay nor Recreation committee will hold lta nnni meeting ol Illrent It the town roundicbarnben on Monday oteninr rttorrirrON With it mit CWIACK econutny mean the Mtoiai liuiih Centre hnunnnotutcod on per mt rutback tnhourr unrirerlJor rntclnssiltai part no marm omcnno nttonrrroN slam Annlt ual oleetlonlnl oiilrerl wlll men oi Trinity church at meet ing to be heirlut littbomo of hire Dotid Selby on Woduea day evenin Dec AnnuIi re port will presented runrrnv anon THORMUN lurkeynbool will belhtid Se urtlry at noon ball ntiiI nouth ol Thornton on anti rtuna PENETIINGUISIIENE Find oi 11000 noninrt Ipr oener end IVNVIMIAI leourt marten ml All township rneooyen are vlted end come no CROWNHILL TM United Cltoreb woolen illll hold lien ioniionaliy downtod tout The gift in in 55 erl nraidecorationr Idhy othera eroIlIn fend moms himll lathe hollhb ilyunlnldlthvrlilun beevnrnoniestiuliynnd 525 23 pIrty lunarmi huh rule or ThandIyIlio mInibIOmn Ililicbureh muexm PMNSWICK Bill LIIbblna II neutrino PENEIANGUIEIENE in In itbwntblpn Innexrtloo pronoun It moetinr oi the Painstrlek Community and Recreation Axe lociItIon ooWlorluaday It maleo beiu mmeGoolllln Area may renownmutational In consultation Association on meet Thundnv It pun In the Newrnarhet community centre to nominal delrrntcs tor the nIttonnliood enrhio mnvmllon to be held next February In 0le IANIA Elitill CREEMOIIE IbHoeI on Club InnunlSIntI ClIua perada will linrt prn at Iildlyl iioau mortlgi trio tn prizes countcurlinrsers momown Islam den and Boberlan vrlllltd in action It the local rink lhu ton in Sunday Dec when south section curlers rtrurno ploy In the county championme atrlor Prerldent oi the local volubt Welter litCIht will welcome the pvirllinl rink lrom Alliaton Ind Barrie Another nix rlolrt will be pinyin It the Bradlnrd rink Including two irom Barrio Ind two irorn stmud Iionx with the homo crown Our wind or future ramoa tenlxtiv rub act to other mm petltiw on Brown convener who lino play or hiel Saundeu John OwenInd Jerk Clark round out the Iour tome who rtarted play at the openlnl ln OrIlIII itrt week hitting with GetIon Ire Bob Saundem Joe Kent and Peter liurpby Peter Dnvyr IlrIdiord erew which had Bill Bromine Ilrlo hernia Smile and Douz Fenneli rrtlrredln lrnoienaito it in win over Oeelan In tho onener WINNING All Alllatona Bill Gray rkloprd ion lirliullrn Ilill Barber and min Elinor to on lo Itl umoh over the Ar storey eovv Oookt lore piayolin iba two low rink noro town rinlrrtltloped by hlel StunIn Ibo schedule In eliminated town LOCAL PLAYOFFS Pinyoiia lnr top riniu In the eerletero tilted to anti on Mondny evening Dec 3Cinro TORONTO GP An Ilrelie expert tuxzrrtl tut Icebreaker irelrhlerl proposal by the led erai government tor Northern Villlil IrI tar ton rmIiL Murray Waits an rnxlnecrlnl consullInt hero who baa ruined the North lrorn eIItIIo out also doe not can Inqu tor the lederat thinllnl nbout rrtlln up CIIIItllInll deep rea iiort Inr Ihla rounlry Soeatlnl In In interview on mouthful brinre the Com mans by late Iean Iiurchond tor the building at or addition lcrbreno lertrolghtrr tho lrltol poulbio Ileei ui toior no In the roiilt llr Walla nld armor transport min In and Orlllln in their opener lldrnid Wilson The puma llmllntlcm mm 0W Iron ther uror rl teraeit oi Ibla wllhvstorryi rtu in my William thoreei Winner oi thoIouth rrcilon neorlr oi the Arctic are not min uhlch has it rinks canto within that elutitiullon It IIL pelinr will ultimately mrrttht You wont wnethln Irodnd north reotlon riotorl tor the mood tont drmneght Ind county chnmgionahlo Barrie vuwild an tbrt It ran to ior rinir skinned hob Dinner with word and Itiern to eh tbrourh the ldlllellllil spring Ice Aller tho gamer at Bradiord Freighter Ior uto In the Al and Conlretnwn tho rout eeo rile he rIld must on xlrony tlon curler will play at Alili enouxb to rot thrunxh IBYHM ton Ind Strand rinknth rlnlts at Ice The Amertrln relearcb entertained ior ova no man Iboth om col lutId over the year Norm Built and who troourb to keep the gym understand that lriiotrl ere thinking up inrenlounnntt trey oi latherIna even better mu inr next year So tell care Sand coversi Till 5ntmdl7nlit2uw vure Ioty oi talented people Irom both Northnd south perlnimlne It the rmamorunnuem aw Ilbla realgrnow wadmdwd by Bert Reeve Inst by Bert Ibllo Ind Hurry Stralton jtinalc poetry nklta Indol course teleotlone by in Sandy cove sinner yer tutored Deservinr special mention he eIuvooi their or niity titre all by Politll Int lyrics unto sprun comnorod bylletlyvxdll anionits dub Thornton club rinb which ni eo Iro pinyin their rumor here will be continulnr acneduled oily on snort Dcce eimadr icej heightens Parliament that the tint moo lonnrr mold be built in Canada It evcoit at about $15 mIClion andwould In operated ioiniiy with priveto litdntiry Other vessels on to to mlrbi in In the null decadei llrliirobaad Ixid thl Arctic mum lint oi lta in wouid blurod to carry on ran and rninorIla trom lballortb But Mr Walla laid rbio oi this tlra Ir Iimpiy too until think ol rhinthat will be rotuirucled who non It north while uyv bi Iddod Ihlt lbw or tho Arctic wtlinol even be gt mitigating r3 allot Ben drwertteld him no white houndoiooth Iierouion with nlorlu mtlnnt$o slum ood box mid and mattrtsi new til ooiieo table ooiuon teak til Trio phone mucus Ind Isoooolonnerabut romeihinl in the nature oivmm tour thI uould haul both oil and Iron ore iennt Ieo Cauldl buildinl them he anid Aii you end up dolnn is handin out noura polit Ieni pdimnnln to low uircled group oi omie hlr Watt raid he thought the bi tellowa could let built in lee lion in various Conndian yard Ind mumbled outvldo the coun try to ablnyarda lnrro enough to eccommodnto than Mr Waite he rbmetblnx oil Ilalu In min binthine eon rtructodlie Ir hendolrhaiiin Inland iron IiIlnea which bu mountaln oi blrbrradolron on It hiline inlet on tbrjlriand Ibe dooorlt be proven out II ltd million tona uitaplrdenl lron moor the upgrade In the world Ixceot ior born on Emil Vi Healing Substance vSltrtuksPiles Exehuirlbnitnrurbmm mnotohrtornrwoottuu reme limmtmmotnonhtlr found onion bonito woman Ilrb the rouo to Ibrlnk bernolv room plinlmly tr ulimn neon tori up benhliha $32 Inde time we after an villa pretty Mina ptln mun Am ubrinnu took on Mott lnipomi or artmorn mm thornth thItblIItuorow aunt ua nimim ortr IMllod my mouth All thin nu mounted int htthnl xuhturu llloDm utter wiry trio Mel llltilrd or rat ulntulurl Irma aran aim JloumIoryn 34 up hermilon imam IWII 51mm or llnliilt manear Torry Gndon irvl been Iuiallnx llnInooraiv In proieuta It Oriiiia nudo ol lrl to ieltl Iron with the mule oi the Gallbplll heft Indlicien bluihoiinnd Family at tho var Clluv nordo Dro it the Hub on the plant anmlnrr rho my rhow hold by the Ster holinnd tamlly who and to rot my ExhlINEIllANT ADS Youtltlleo In Sunnybm have loeui ranlo allow Lr tut Ponaquuu uIii plav at tho Em Iload rink th miniml ohlrh coy too in Barrio in lInuIty mt ion plus had provided lntor Sundry Jen II It the tent nation on rpeerilcetlona on how tlvo onto or the Barrie runes tr hulld prom Ihlp with play ntartlnr at Inn and mu ater liltLioN mud ii lid lltd Wu lAl lilrllrth shooter Action rev on rxnutunn waur no phm mlm VARIETY snow ArlsuNanRAr school utiieVIIorII carterrim reboot Money ralredln the now will In towardl Bantu it In wel at Allirton Ind Ilrudlord train bro end in arrepori he made to