may wish sNow rr know balls voltMM llnd lm lhn Illa to all all zl lmr mImImlin roman ms rpmrrmmor mom lemme on the North Pole wu recounted nubeuthtonu3LM tour mu oun atlon 113 he member at the Ben Re lxtou were nude ol eutemt homemade ranged la the ten are Thurny alum enlorl II that val the only below um um 11 mag 0mm mg to ldcaxlly reea other mm vImmtIuIadamvledlndtl WLM Ian led nomeow modltlon tnthl North Pole tn 1860 Ind lt he been outcth to 1500an extolItal momma tootans yurleeeuld mm lemme muulnxwur mew ml om ml to dmalu lluelnllhi other mutmdedonlm l1 mmKwMMHW pm Lon Walk I1 Nd mo mum It Word Hunt Hull and to ll stream rowan the mule ml Irmovetlonlndmtorellenotth ordeal $0M am and It vev ol the rte nwnn DlSCOUNl Imam co oomsusrl at trlv that they wold be drill dutlnltlou Inled Hekrlzduugpotnll llllssrs router cowus Flaunt rtyln Varleur mlorI lellrd quanlll wen 5000 colorloom day and our man who the lab don the tmcuworvw wa re dared to tour In other weal thus our to keep rqulparrar operp that hr tarllst Valle the our re turn rlept to on Idllhl Irma 0n Null lIr pm Inn Anetta the tall two rahlull lrIllluV II 1mm Stilehhlrtfmm rap aver root from mm lae or Iran mum LrirMlllly dull slues Saturday Nn Mrs Plelslnt sold the ervcdl mafcgmwm with some perlolls of sun cl malmuwunlmwom reach the met North Pole but ltwll also the all one to make awed Bah 5mm the wthIMrnli Iltaeulloslpx 11 Lou mu CI hm WWI my Toulth eat Toronto llortlj cloudy today gm low periods eLdrluJe thlx SI mornlrlx Cloudy Mlh runny pert mob ode Saturday lllelltoday near mam law tonlxht mph satur romp days mum Peterborouza EastrmI Lake Own Sam gauge ulheraI llIllbIIrIlIlII= Mush vol ocean $qu udm todu Cloudy our uneraoun elcr Chlldxeulrrlrontonurn Wm WM WNW mi Neale lodry around law tonight In we lllgh Saturday 322 tumult lh under en Both Mal Sets ylm Moll colon ldul arr to Mm $533 Goad Inertment um VIlm up to ma ulnllro omtlugs Ma Litre lluron Southern GmH pa Ir SIII in MIME am cloudywml NI mm when he um Ionsx llsquIl Igor ItIoIdgyIldlosz mu Bay lulmocllourtllur cw Iv any udbmy to law wattht to Hill Earp Saturday to ll North Bay surlburv Northern mung llollburloallorlhera GWKUH as mart palm my Cloudy wlth wme tlIgllt mum allow today PHUIL olrrrlaz Whit Elm tnnltbl Cloudy wlth ll llralde pole ten Saturday WWJMWI mother so today no ea BARBAZON RUGS APFFoXJxW NOWIII$49 Rubber huklnq VIllm up to 1900 agasaahabaaaoaskhk baaaaaouuuuuuaomuunup aruehearthunwaryauuuuuuuuiua 4755 aaea MENS FLANNEL Pyiumus MASlHtPIECE the EQUlPl PURCHASED The slmcoe 16th Board It alumna bu approved the Pit lrltereslrd women lr nlll he held Imus worth at teeter la the Blue Fllmo Room It IlCIl equlpmcat to 1116 new lll ConsumeN Go Bulldlnl on and Wth Eh Fenls we Dec It pan WW1 tun In Itdrrllssloa ls tree 1m latormatlon telephone M31 CMFEE PM RA entice Perthbalre late and trlle elephant role will be held Mun THIN lWedrlesdey rem tote mm mm mm night mum la the 145th Returned ul slmocomw WM Edu Church oust Vlncent smash reward at lm It dldat know ll ownrd 1m lll hunt we wldmd mm Mu lll Department at lllll Goalgum College rtuderlls wlll voy movrd to vim lll hold lllelrlourtlt annual role ot nee the old llolly publlc repeal and emu mm The mlolslryl new mm to 1p am to ro at the col Lomplete the Noted and relllr loge Therelet be wide Ir lat Jt llod lll pald llte lorrm ldy alvllerru lorsole heludlrllx wheel or the properly pmgwmpahtmgs pottery IPONIOM mutt Im owl Ioml ot the cu pnmm rum dlIuICnncrr society In rooper The theatre workshop rtudcnu Ho 1th lhe ell rrerenlon do 01 Georglun College ulll pram damn qy utloo was Imam rue uow plan Dee and tattle college rm to be pre sented lnclude Edward Albee Amino Dream and top For more 500T DISPLAY Georrhn Collexo doolga IrtA indent llardIlanlrlz entry lot the NItlorlll Ilrllerlo Dulzo Show Monte lell be on dlr play la the lament the celled renlcea tulldlal ltlmuihout Do cember The booth reeelvrd an honorable mentloah the 0an class MOVING DAY December ls movlngrlu lot the Horde Publlc ullrley when It rams ltr calldrerll and mm department to so Mulcuter St AI result the two department olll be rhut down rem Dee1 to to ear ldult Ilbr Illl be blamed from Dec to enamel at Deer ll tor Manon meat at lts IItIckr publlo my tpokcv men said Woody DuthI Dec lm lhe coorrcrlou We regret due to productan dltlicullles thotlvo rre presently unable to tor odvertlsell on pa 31 Where IChrlstrllas ea tho lllcrollth Sclerrtlllc lolly as Illustrated lad suppllcd under the Mlcrolltllflrbel la chrome and blockgeoslng but vltlr the some textures squly 26041 communlca our color supplement Begin Also ltm 41303 on Page so vlll hesu pueo nameplotyot onvlse ex 41077 on Page 30 wt bl Due to deliverpprohlems we arotmalllo to supply Item on page Begin Where Ctlrlstmoe Ideas We regret Any lncollvonlenwlbls may have cruised you our customer em Barrie Georplon Mall lm SllLXL loo eettnp Umllrd thlllrs Aulamolle thermorhl II Nonrtlrk Ieoltlng DelIeth uuovr lmle ox sou brlltlltDAY ovum our tuarrltm he Art AarlloaGIm By Puker urethra Halted Qualllleo