lNTERPRETiNGlliEhiEWS smut am to LA WPublhllrWIlelr Weill Editor mm DMHomhMInaoi nimr wovmnmms uou nyonoienmm half rm pad ml on it 33 ii is 53 Clooperation of motorists e1 an 51333 needed to reduce acmdents th the new inuunin gasoline prle lpeedlllnlt for hway ll lroin am like to any too through township mm grandam The difficulties oi holding down ween epecdllmltolontlies cndtraiclothopresenistlmileopcr pcrhonr honriimitareapparenttothoeewhoreg liieretvillbeamlnorltywhowlllrnn ulartymveltherontedoaltniiicgen doubtedlv take their chances in dim unity compich through the week with the reduced ilmlla but cooper oeeulorul exoeptiou tlon he extendiheguoline mp iy Om resident driving to Home wt and moio will beneiit irom gee hlgdvetolmke MM twsvyeknogg to go mllhexro arerome who hm doubts boon other making riggt turns into mpulnhesamehmrdtiteoppositewypron 33 it 335 till rm in until oboutthe popular acceptance ol oo nor mtbolt regulnthns lhll depend oeedlng home lIrgely onthe wordingoi theregulrtiona While time continues to ho criticism it one thing to make buckling the belt the widening and reconstruction done mzndztoryr on highways andianother to during the pint glimmer hns made dei requiro it for till horntones lnite improvements Ind it the aim Soniohave already oh rpced limit is obeyed it should Idd to lngltiilcgnitodrivelnelowepeedzoo rai without buckling up in odnxidering the overall accident pica iltpmvhm argued that tore there is certainly need tor reaL unpadded ateel root are an automo We view Excessive rpecd continue or btie apiety memo which innit more llr thennin muse oi accidents gt itention Queenl Park has responsibility to emit may it will he terert take Ieallltic approach and driven owe ralaoceptanceoi tho it to their own niety and other to co iper hour operate 35 YEARS AGO In November 65 Bervle Examiner November il 40 Jib Wonmhilyor Letterll Cooke re Barrie population now at alltime high oi turned to no by aeolxmotion wiihdedr mm gee plld clvilim worker lo olnominee Boheaheno towlth Comp unto undercritlcinn drawlir Bentley laid he slmcoc booty Council more were next heiogamred oi solid rupport mane getting help Ono council by aubotantlal numhor oi citizens lot tocall carpenters were National BIllet we ttering getting tilper day while volunteer with oeIlBarrieCentral glue ere dliorinm to most negative audience ing MilllelW music ticwrotc lira hours and wereno heper mentioned upeday Conductor home couldnt do simple ierm chores mum loll Smith Earl Hues Barrie corvette minerweeger Kn Anglia Leigh Bebeoor an andpatrnl ahlp launched Georgian no Condn Walter Babilk and rt Golllngwood war cenronhtp iin Cell hence who was honored et ended Attending ceremony from Bor tion at Continental lnn Dupllu rtewereltayor and dirt Herbert Robert Bridge Club otBnrie made prewntatlon sou Duncan Meeting KC tiPL end than in President Ernie lrvine to Barrie Mn McCualg Bowl Short and CA at rulntmtlal dreque aooept llll Shortt oi 5t Andrewe Church Ed hyalire MtmtmltMIlu yutoxiaowlhlk m0 ii Hill MW spend $7000 ior enlarged laundry end ma 33 chm 5W new quarteu tor domestic rtnil Bur Winn mdntdougl nm can deem be 9m 17 ed umiory nmwmba er nine iunda for Spitre tighter air contulo in oil words ior aldernren in corn cralt tor ltoynl Air Force in Bettie oi Mimi 30 lmime mil Britain Allen lions Cowan along Co ti in at arr Egg lift egg no as gt iii Egg are 32 Elton air economic summit by Vmcnil norm Iltontion Innnine roelto be magma 010mg mg fzvflw In an Allah econ In 11 Wlmm In liqu odi prime ministernu pro iereoco can he questioned on in noennioymeot bmuta ockey with brilliant puy by goalie run Wm WM mm Fm lhonmn nun tested dhwhimmt no on the umexrvuds out my mm mm Couch 10mm Coyby Adm am against Herb ltobertspn in next civic 21 mm Mm mp row at Francea reinanl to in om the last decode govern in the hon me about vi Lhaheolltxmeot inCanIdehaahevebcenotrtoiwrltatIn 41 with mail1m $311333 new given one thil mr1lu eon Wit It mm mu Jam in nnel of the Moose on parable liline below United Statue and Welt Ger been due to ination which he hem midmo to my 1967 lurt how much Maid rnInyvat the itunbvulliet eco Iveraged needy one per cent Any coiln that can Jdlll ado have contributed to the re nomie eminence neIr Putt month over the out wo yeare record inlla on end my hiah cent atxnetlon economic in But the real queolon in But Mendel part oi the nnemlommt at the lame mlt content in Francoi whether Canada villi ill wrry inmate com hum the Hoe to time docnt have velid claim Doe1 Canada have the right record oi economic maan government expenditures Ten to international economic lend to be coolnlmnn dllhKldllh ment titanium 15$me gm gomvm attic oo 27monmmconnnythin no en ceo unt in Pariai national trade Ind watery spent in Canada By last year ixch diplomatic rebull I1 litre lo prohlunl not had to $9 eeotl mtcw arouse vmllo indignation and Add Canndu weiiilcatlons One big reason huheeb thI dmd 3qu was erlnl gr in gar it it uhool boardo Barrie beat gwood $3 in Centnl Ontariounior uh mm FEE in E9 r533 in Err to at 35 gt ii it in nym menu lnandlott mm oablnetJ uduihelrinluencoandexert ThICaudlIana holdmontbobolrdooithelrmlawtlinedinonn In wwwmuumunowmmo nm ll haw iihmianrrumaawnwoyruu modulus rolls witWhy My mug In MIw 0110 runn Juan none teheover Denna PARK ra no $11Wehinmluvm that ill llfmnlliil fi lt men gm Mumcm well into the on omen Munitbeeompanythetiuat tigblmorlyet nonrehnw gdodo by My mung Mm 3L mm id Second Eddgalldnt to tnthcn ye ten compellingiy mending chained no il not there are notehio ex $2363 anrptxtmol Quiz zepuoni Cartoon min on on Want beam which in no was laid to an nu it Eon Gandhit nations or indimtl ouch intermedlmea es mutual ii homer the it good Idem Watdtlnd winner at the present game the rn tor ema Id Slam W1 tr investor condence glint guards in is Youre never too big Jaye 0m 3m in in is mung no in pm Thormen him Some mod tom new or homo mm ammo gm tww embllahmmtlowthopcople youre in ummww la sum up um mm gt We Wm present allth anagram hem dent cum In thr Mae lilting the neuron iII bub who to lleealdlookatitnndnnle ltieecnnetn myme About it or it it were play or are Willi overtime threr nuirtntlon timber out umts game Ovatlmein some that the mu the 0M potential tor groth tum Second City Mail Antiination Mm in our tented hythonov Wu WWW mun unmatchwtwn Bolrd planning Io mad lmil Deligfnnday end THE PICK OF PUNCH lly non mum pi CANADAS STORY lion month Eta ry llolioryl nud mooted PUBLIC WNCIBN Subrcrlpthh um dolly by Franklin organized mi iiidh itd our rst post office $5 numerator in my chum tor the gov ernment to appeal to national pride aodyrhip up while con cern about In lnienntlonol mo to Cannon pruiixe It linlnnce oi Camdentdw year drooy Wane buy land tor niln 11 All other countriu WM yearly WM throw oil 600 at yNational Martino Otiiour Qoeenviit Wilt inronto ut trialiuonucmet non MudboltluCllildlal men non Barium mm nation will wk one oi the tier oi die or iionnry War column mg loo delegation to llontreni to eenternlll in Nova Sootl American lievoiw Mm Franklin try topcnuado continue to nullvasomotthuludm mm mm who lined Ibo Dadration oi iolnlhe us lie ht good Madden Ind John deal ol Mitten monoi protable in polillui or ii theiwtrne minister were to direct public coooern Word our economic entr they will still be wt or alter the Rambmilllet no eon icreote iorxotten Canada in in trouble nhen on rat33 toms nmitwouldoeinrmorouae ills ml and ohm mayth mew Wham 99 Adanu commented we with him tor expense and evenincrcuing share oi ill eco ilooa anPreuiIudu Hun motherrrankllnu it intlzt out 51er Pacinode it will In tinny inter on me ha horde end orunized Anodllld run or genaooo tho the tocli wt we the ma pedal Invite Poai olV um lice IerI inhibited It Qt The Barr mmimr clIim bee lhrcoltlveuodhlootunl mm 41 mum gover on Nov 1i we when Franklin Mm mm am noon postmaster oi the why Britirh North Modded colo mm nun ticn one one at on mtnnmomlotnvunnhu mem nmmm cotto in whet in now Cm lie bod anageot and An brihuy hut Cenedlnrn refused to no ii We in cold to have led to ex nsion not north tooth heard even todey Fronklna melon to lion tree iaiiure altth number oi leading unlneumen in Montreal and Quebec were in Ivor oi the Us ltoman Catholic or laden in Carr all were oppued beceuae they hit tilt would lou their idem tity and inuence in pm W1 Uil damn that nomlc activity LI bring taken away irom rialtakm and put into the bands oi huruttcrltn and nodal engineeuwboel only gratication romeo root dn encoding public money whose earem are mm and who need never admit inliure nor out toned the lota take tin into the muchVoltaire moduli mitzeethtitwlllandcultlvnleournrdeoeWe dont have mud to tench our oelohbon member Ind rm greater to lie tint manhuntram We overcome the mag wont oi our mi the blood oi the