435W Ontario Sunday November 23 at pm IMinislry of gt Government Services or lnlslry mg OnlariblIousl prporationr IRecaII IMODIEIEDITENDERS ranted or the CONSFRUGHON 0F 49 SENIOR CITIZEN UNITS In th rowrrsum or modem ICFSWICR memo wwuueuumaaraumm them mmhnvmmaemsullvmm Prcllrdnery towing eta lerme wmwlom and lntomaltan newbedlmdlrwntholmmdllmotatlorvermwt mow Street West ran oor ukxdaelonl llrr lllll prolert Ihould beptryetcallyrecelveeutbempemu aetlleemura lath oor Ontarte llaulna Corvelleh lot ll street West mm later than me pm 231 Wodmdre December nun arbmlaelohl utll be Ith arAy at near on em wru Bermuda term on rm am smnw Anovra nelowatprkedwbetdmlnermartlympted menu or unwruomm and mm mt tllrectod lo the Ileer Oltlcar Metro Rem um Doman wlll be amtable IA lot llloet street Want It AnAmeolthelrovlaceotortuln IV ram 13 AUCTIDNSAIE5 DCs ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE DCs ANTIQUESI VILLAGE OF COOKSTOWN on Hwy lltl Wm of Hwy 27 40 Mlle North at Iomnto PARTIAL LIST ONLY huh Serpenllae Fruit pm Room 5qu lurhi We Wolml DInlhx Sutte Solld 03k Roll Tm Vllmtly on Walnut at Potter tled tleavtly Carved Dal Drop Front Doltlu elm me llt II 55 Walnut Maul Duh pc Dew Fm Mummy 5qu Batlnwoed Ward robe carved Oak Ward ltdol Eter Molt mm on Great carved Ilhlrlr Beolrcnae Rosewood nleh helm lable aloe lnceuen and Royce ltomle Table Many lthai 00k do Maple 0on Tablet Wulrut Roonlv um lable Quebec sure oak Dreiser other Spool PM tlvr Table carved Walnut 0mm llenvlly curved Walnut um lr Wkker Rahkzt thlr Othrra lauded latn tllu Marlowe Roddn Ohelrl Incl lrllda Rocker Etc Etc Our lluol Lam Eel Inn el Plne 5th Inc Open No Flubotlt bomb 0M loo Owner 0mm Drey Srtka Walt stands BlanketBoxes Plne Wee teblu Cnule Bake tthe Bench Jam Lynd Stale lled Shayla Ooblnct Ilne Wall Mlmm llouaaanl Glpbnnfd Sq Oelr Eur Drw Leetleblu Bell BI Dull Dlnm Set ht Early Jonathon Quill WM lull Rodllde Czblneta Varlolla aqu Etc Bx Rio terse Set at whee Copper Ar llrm lncl burner Rahal tum Kettles llacquee mun Red Wannar Deed mm Germ CumI Ielll luu emu sonar Alto Dela Vern Well Platte tho lltllt Alla German llecr ha leoltonte Iltu Vlct Style Vem mockery tllaud Were Tllt Style tinder Bel at Prtntn Plrturee Mantle Gotta ml Inlerculnl Item ot the Above Culture Mom 300 Int lllany of the ahovaltcnu excellent mt chrtrtmas glut PARKING REFRFSIIRLIZNIS HOWE DllLlVlJlY AVAILABLE REVIEW DAY PRIOR TO HALE 10 All ALSO HOURS PRIOR 1O llALli LE Al OFFlCE IF UNARM TO ATTEND SALE DEIAIEKC and lllCllAltl ROIINE NEED1 PRONR RIMSHIIB Mt immanent TREEENDOUS ANTIQUE AUCIION SALE Saturday Nov 22nd at It em alter tnr rm Arm urns ozone Immune Sale wlll and In the more DEN mumawoon ONT sue all antique hmn tum tehluu the pin walnut Eurl Balqu wlclrr nuhoaaay naval and chrrry lurnlture lot bunth tn wma chuu umtutate parlor tabla plae earner cupboards at to the all open hmua wkuhgltnakor alert wr ee ct Wu Mn Inc Vlttrllu contra the clock reel ell laml callettlen lne creamy Banquet member Album and Cell ell Iampa potteryporw Ran tau tron newer and trnn tar hluolt harrala wuhaland act Royal hlvpon heluel Fort than Onabav modem MI lad carvenler vlam Ilraelrrtllr wood atone been umlnhtn nr la la tablelV chut nt lo llrtolaee equlmnmte eterfhnm tub or amend thoeue day at nle GEORGE PIYIIER Auctioneer Phen 7M NMlJl BILLI BARR AUClIONEER Centlucllng Sale All lypcr Slmeee Countya newer auctloa aerlueoeesor to Jerry Oeudv lln JERRY wtll eentlnul to it wtth rne onllf or 7200744 DAILRIE FTF ALLEN HORNER Auction Service 13AM ANDSIMWE mumr Form Alllldlm Household Amman RR BRADFORD ONT Phone INT53 954554 11111 PIFHER AUCTION SERVICE For term mtluuu and Nature clorurea Call GEORGE ll llFlllJll Auctlontm 7264841 FTl AUCTIONSALE Wednesday November 20 At me gm thorp For MRS MAI LEOOAH at RAGLAN STREEYI OOLLINOWOOU ONT halo of mostly all antlth Iwuw turnlrhlnp tln extremely Vgoed carrdltlmt turrrlrhtnru Inc we onlr olnlnz mom lulte vtth round table ark Nll loo dwelt parlor tnblcv we mohatr ulwuerrlehl with win dmlr tempt bade cream leaner new apacuImerI IonI thua bnklnr ruolmnl nrlylnul llnlItle rocktna haln eek hall mu artdntlrror wlLku that and tumllure what mt nxruln ucr rune mtlmro rltlnnI ulnar Illver eryunl brw ole electrical mutteruel Irdm looln etcu new pool thlre end Ameodes rtr Termt earl er WRIqu the we by at vale Home sold GEORGE llFIllCll AUCTION IIme It lllIt NOW llltl MI rrunonrnnro 5r bl CRON SNE Wed Evening Nov to amend MALE MINA atove and Hum Mlty from ur er met and manMm Mann1410a WW Ni tale tendum drw lenl ale Wllton NI mul rig gt AUCTION SALE Saturday November 20 At Ap 130 pm 01 at Le MCLUSION oltho rms EDWAltgntlth SALE MS unwrmmn mt JANE Sl STAYNER ONT Sale at all ntl Madman tou and elect Inc loath dill rup ee elaborately onemt entl Dohcrty arm we cook MONA um parlor tabla wnetutaruh Merl bathrrtew anthue rushes dune glue wan hm utlver ck ma Amber tooll beating llrltna to mum more Terms IIheme nold GEORGE PllllFJt Aucmm Ilhenemeolt l4 PLIBLIC NOTICE HRl RAIlltIr ILANNINO BOARD wtll be holuln PUB uc ltEEnNG to cum drett aulxltvlrlon and mortln tor the tuna located At the mrthwrat other at Dunlw Street lllrway DO Ind Fem stale Drlve The provorrd plan contalna at late and the mural let wrung ll tor lleevy 1M Ml Coulkll lumber of My Hell on TUNAY NOVEMBER 25 Ml at 100 um and Interested par aone are Invlled to attend or wrlte to mum lhctr worm RATE Aulrtrmt Semtoryv treoxurrr llarrle llnnnlnr hoard NZMLNIB CHECK YOUR ADS FOR ERRORS ON FIRST DAY The Durrlo Lxamlner will not he retoemlhle tor lrrera Alter the IIIu anyol onhttntlu at any AdvertllcmentI NOTICE OI ERRORS ON THE FIRST DAY SHOULD trnirredlalely be called to the attanlten ol the damned department WHORE ll AIlll NEXT MORNING 7282314 were it Vkla ii $5315ng In In 3m It lets me per may balwnthaaed Delh HARRIS FLOWERS ntnhleosereethas FENDLEYSFwWERSII 1tBlrhStreet I1urm Irrumrrus raowrrts clock In waryme ow um Cartel We and ymrlmlr boarder blanket boxes and tablr or treadle newlnu mum NIX mutlnrt will be mu In the BINGOI mums nr air hummus Ar earl WWW Enlarging TURKEY SHOOT Saturday December 11 Noon II THORNTON ARENA run Mlle South of Mon 11 GAUGE ermUNBIIorM mmxmmur Inches slimmer toAatIn lly Anaa Marne Onetldnl drama the chol ce ot luhlonawere wemenl slIav nod to Ihlttt walxtthen the 1an at the lnchca Sllmmer style Iwae Imealhly to hem lrnted Pattern MI llall Etr rl lull IN lllh llll ml 205 ll Elle ltlt bull l7 tak es all yet 004an elm tor cad pultrrHalh that money enema for each pattern tor thatclan null and hundllnz Ont reel Llltllll adxd Scalalea tag Prtnt peny no rye num er our name nddreu Stud toIArIn AIlnrnII Pattern Dr cm pt unrrle Examlaer ll aylleld ht harrle Ont Ir we rd ruw vnu am no much rnoneyl Send new or New Hertna Bummer Pattern Cateloul our 100 onrtnerr panlmanlr lent Ihert Ilyles Im pattern mum to rerun coupon ll centa law plus Knlt nook lmtend Money Crane lanteut more Beol lorlant Henleyllnolr It llIlltl mo Delleateuenmlleld urn ALL mu erevererulteI llarv eutottown rtadm Irlll COMING EVEN Dont OmI The tlany readerurlll call but Ill Id unleu the peter urgtven wrlten lnlnrmatlva Id wlll nll meusmhs ll MAIIH mm strlralnIIn and be room 3mm THE BARRIE earnIAN CANADIAN 0UB men t6 the NOVEMBER DANCE SANRBAYINOVDRIDI Al lE EMBASSY RALL Illunlebyr run orwmmss catuuo at Made Au or Bl GOOD NOD and BEVERAGES AVAILABLE N50llllllt$11 MI CLASSIFIED users actorsyou at an uVuor tofnlrcr yaura Comlaer Thls You mum to taunt lnnney or an ad and we want to MI 32 dellheel your otter lierure you dontInulra any the tellwlnt men that Dont emu The Adorn vrrlte you butlwlll not need army or In dutrnce call Phone Number do not llnd tt cenvenlrnt ewe lo your home mtmdb surveyl Ihavr that ma pereen tau ol reader nlll not Inner Dont Let Rome on thadnysyeu advertise MnnyIzoc prerpecu will net 11 the second tlrnl ltyeur ehene ll murmured Dont 0mm lmperlrnt Words To Save Money Readm cant um ealtmpert ant detallau ernnmbor well run latter and coat much lest dlyryou advertlaa Dont 0verloolt0ur Lew Weekly Rate IELL MORE SELL MORE mandrel vleca 1yheurffltrtlclu Im aad lh Baryla En untner keeo there entrust mlnd Ital What tum llrandname can Idhu Rate It ruler tor the preteen to buy Remember the Article or III clautnratlon try the People tram Place gt WHICH DAY IS BEST lMONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY IITHURSDAY FRIDAYI ISATURDAY Adverllrera trelueatly nu thlr onoxumn Ira DELAYED nu autumn Anaw team was to la llclt Ewart nhtn Joyce mum IAny Unl Church olen II the mall In hell Eu metjlprn0ctl Pantar Jamel and prayer tar her anrla pram tn hltl mmlsJor rhurrhuetrh one mot Ilium people were tn the event many dropped lrom balmy nod locallaruu There were llve tntlhlul Vlelleu that htnind the lenrdrtnry nl with her Sybtl Staneld Fumk lvllell Emllle and lqu lllrUrner Iaodv we thenhad 10 mm mt Sher Interchanged the try book olirach church to the the conmnllanI ham to tlnx alenl Inlhelmallhmrrtntllzemeh us her rteam rm rm tdmir lure IMMMMVVIS pen the loan dreary nl leaale lrom both churcltraumgllled III threuzhout the dry on nndey At pm the chumh eluted tn Illl uunodby am treat humour ware omen hrulr at Ilto rn Inked It the was Inn to cult but the Iald no another hour to make It unuldnt make It harder erythe next Eraem ta bart In ten rate thank to low Ilrnl all who had owned en hr hall lor the church We rhrud nunu teln Amulnl Grace Evelyn ltrlrl eutl Let there Pom On Earth and Turn Kenna era The Old ltuxfnl Cruel The more llthtlI toned In the tlnnl hymn when thelloll la Called lip Yonder Mn Sheppard completed at wlth everyone ung mfg node It walkout la ca wan tenure by Rzr lrlaltd EUCIIRE DENIES euchre rertrrwu hclrl the Hell Ewmt llnll are It wllh ll lablet nl plat The lucky man were Rey DolllI Blll Rullatl and lowIlom Keane ktdtrs huh Llllle lllll mead Mvlohnlone low Illary ltllu Most lone hde were the wIth tour we hevlnl live Joyce shespant Graham Run Smllh an Allure llettrlen IN HOSPITAL Phll Itomntls lltlllllh lrom holultal We hope our other euutlrn Verturnlely there ta no but on to revenue Each my new weata arltetrrlnhlnl new metal eht one meat It when you xrt mulln After many yearn erocrlenu wlth trulqu el want Ida we knew tomorrow to the out day to rtIrl your ad and aver day II the best day to ulnrtlu In no llurle RrIrnInrr llhurled Settle lttouu 1mm REPRINIS ll you would ltte to am to 0an at any new plrturn tetra by our mtl phetrmphm clean all at our Ilutlncu Ice la Ira will we cannot aceeyt phone ernlrl thelrwanu We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and themrelsdldttytlaodWItlteMenItutlm turtlhey lllliM Leonel IWI IOUI natal for the Ball Ewart emu munlly Broth Chum and the Art Enlnzht was when hlrn Shepherdherl her trlcnus lurt Henley Ellccn SIDE cums =rl alrigh uns daua ltnnln have returned home or 11mm wuhnueunntn ber Imuy They were vlritlnu rub tlvu InUII ealtrl earl lhi Iemllzr Illedrby thrnt ILL mo Jnm nun run our Staneld the alerted on her marathon not when trauma on lllrr mug club In centmunllymelm tail Irat 910 II ITRD lee tor the urn utll tut arrowSen turlher lnlortmttue call mun urprltebort Vrta laid ht hall on and In no ultrth Rowe meld at honor when AI tttldllm cls borlluttr rm at the part There were about lo ml lrlendnJreedtt Item lllON BIIOW 11 llrlrloom tea en Illath mwaiuguumalnm war run tomes um modelled by the tandem and parents Unaol lltu turhllnhtnnu the whence at Laurel and llnr dy nltlthy the prlrtctrul arnl tlcaprlnrlpel mm mm merry clothes lrvm the rm amt early ttooe Itwy nere baautlhrlty ell played at Norma Fenlee old an mllent loll plenltl playlra mute ol the at the tuluea than Alae tlunlq to Cannon and En unn ter table and floral artme MW BOX REPLIES hlle every endeavor wlll he mnde to or rd realm la hot numbe damage alleged to Irlra threullr Ither lallure or delaylu lnh wirelax lush replles however nlherwtte bythl re Imulumnuli lIX II