Mulemm Sonmmyg MVllh ninur mrinan liurwh null Indlhe tttlatm Plot Dmlaa Inluill Irnnrunirlconnnnmomwm Hmoamnmtummumwlmmhmrm rnlnlnntmaoorauvcomroan Goldilde ema Hemlinnddodmvmlh and Grim PIWMW DROPIINANDSEEUSrANYTiMEl gt Enquirlhabouiourguaranleedexehantge olani 799 Miltmtlllsr93hii rollinimo 1111117254405 ruorpnlimmu LISTL osmlcr Arrnnrsnrsr groomers um neilnlssrnraiilun new ras72esla7 gt Isaouxwrsl porrosm IITIENA gxnnopnnrv son SALE iREALESTATE norm FORAALE amnion tannin war am nun13 Ir wnrenrnlosr onn Inn hodmom horn with VII lane Illdng norMn lung41 M1 dwlhdtlm BUILDIN LDI 0R0 Ten arm only 510100 ESMLtlmto 11 badmom ow lolly hrordlwmad inrnellvrnrrmm TV 51 kltrhmravlilldwhll atalnlou libel linkl walkout I0 Irnrkynrd lrorn bunnan cum BIIILI lions 1mm old will large kitin walkout In pitta room three bathroom dooll Imm living ntAI 51an IiLu$10N Hr three room apart Tot11 W00 six hedroanl lInInI withattaolrui aclleoulalncd nished Iamily Ieul aingla attached gin molt In CALL IEIIAIIAM MIDWAY 7105113 ll living ma nnlmrn arr co innnzmctn arm lll laumny area on iourth Nll REALETATELIMITED nonunion or Izelmmnomnwma OPEN UNTIL VI ment located on large latnIlLlI nurture aimlern Ilvo loom lrunwlow loom raven runoon llnoallnlnl 5kl WW mow irratbenrwn brick APPRAISING AND FINANCING il mu are moving Ontario InlpNcu till vl ootinrlw woman largo lirenlrto wall to wall broad nmll Island on last Honing Emmi note with pond necteslble by pared road near by birch and buhiln 20 OAKLEY PARK BARN gt bungalow IIxaul lnrqulct nnbdvlalon to IIImILImI end dwaulnu plaza mannedan to 103000 to 0rangclllle0lthn or $15Calllarlnor nonmoes Serrlng llnrrln Slam Anon 7232411 re lure hcmnl lnr 190 MONTREAL TRUST iCOMPANY 51111 BOWEN ALLISTON $41030 on 1010110 tarInn nzIIIIIa DUPLEX Tut ii back hunarnnnlatlng oi an unper two bedroom nellwntnined apartment Indalowcr one hedroern apartment and in Iirunted In an area where Inncrnn houses are in grent domnnd lor lnopedllm call linry Murrummima or 1100901 5113211 gt ARE YOU HANDYIIIAN Then look Illlls ItIInreylhrea bedroom home lost llttlI nork will mail this mminnnhEo M112Cill It Bmham MINI Drllvfml or ianllouse 7203101 M18 mt WANTED gt4 Country loverrwA 11051 opportunity in buy renal country ntnre ailecIIlIzlng in cheese xtellm hunlriesamvglitn lllejl quarters calilnlllacltlnerlor deter mine DAVE WAS AUDREYGALUNT INGIIIU MILLER LESS THAN 1000 DOWN will bu 11th remodelled mil oau ANT bungalow IN bedmm Erl 113$ 192le can Blur MILLER BEHNICE VIIEMN lnbl Campth mlm or NW Bllhkllll IBSAFEELL 15pr 67DUNL01I3ZST annmn 121118111 llONTO 3544011 9500 in three acres Iliuntcd DEE FOR SALE on city bcInldlIy excellent re cranium on my or More com mercial Cal 5mm northern COREY Ill393 al7wlwl ILLS ZIW llllALE AlIl In DIlel Snl Imsr aniuisAIs SIMDOD Slitlgal mil munitions 1066 bearoom Anni an homo nun range lnrga lot Inkout from kitchen In cedar deck mud in roll 5700 call loday la mora lralormnllnn 0611 rrnnm rm on museum IIIaIunsi ml lmntlng on tiny lully mmved tar Milling and ultraIre oil highwnry Fnra mmme will hold Ina mortgage III VILLan until Starlrr or retirernud home recently decorated filth two bedroomle has the older Iypc charm vIIIlI nrre lot Ind 1000 to manage Aaidng 330900 lw SUMNER WiNlEll COTTAGE Three bedrmma large living with two vim bathmorn two mlwmn calm near lake routi ni IBarne lurninhcd low down payment only PROPERTf FOR cnonrnorm Alli1A Three bedroom lane turn ballirnonll all contained apartment many extras Asking $59600 prch lu Illla vendor muslll om IIIch szz smr In lildhursl lhm hedlorun Iomlly room tire place reparale dining rnam ulra largo IrInIlilegI at 1112 Interest pm minnows an ACRE Finn all land unite Iprlnz rm Lrcelr him In ma candiltoh tom bedroom nrlck Mm large room In inurlly IiIlnn vendormurt mil inst Call today for mare lnlnrmnlinn Asking 109000 all mortgage onto VNEAUTIFUII VERNON STREET Angux Inur year all three hellwom brick bungalow treed lot owner lune lcrred must aeil asking 1500 call Sum Ilenlnm 11154911 or 710 lnal Inn Mltll 11 low ELD ST BARRIE 7263111 89 BAYFI Photo Multiple Listing Service mar ountal Ian ianI EnIIn IIAMMI r1190 Tvm apmmtnll ln thII oldrr inn rtnryy mm in AIIrII Marv IIIw mm amum Jim mm Ml lVIIDW Ilnlr good Marla low dovn paInIEnt Look iiwsll HIM purring Minimal tuning nulnunnnrl nuanm lILy mm lnuatlon mom 20 ovumI Flinlmmlm look me $111 0mm 13 Im rrr Fllulmmlri AnewMaIInr Imam amwrno uIr tumplllt will all nxelaary Isklng mom 0015 nIIIn ham Hi In Mllll Munv sI Am Soon Armstrong Inoaznf Annamaria LIIIIrEIn mun RemdarltlallFarms twinge1 ICummercill investment lnduntrlnt Properties Business Mortgages BRINGING IElllLEl IAIN HUM TDGLIIIEII in narrow or station ml No5 lhtu bedroom bungalow Call and WILL 7209511 rim run an rmncwn lell built tine bedroomvbrluk lnmll browned ll Irlrooll church Irnlnltl St to or lien 0150 forum Lulu 11000301 must quality Alla lllll Appraisals 7209261 rm call Brad lnttn 72nmi VN ill norm midi Heights MM 5500 Newthm bedroom hrlIk llllllIllllIlG pug nalm lull basement gum Ilytplul 1000 Gmhtuwn remodelled loIIr bedInonI lamily home llth gnge close in nchool an int 100 200 sumo Newly lkcnrdInd Ir niorly 91an mini 11min our bedroom lireniane quiet alrzct mam Cute lnohnrlroom bungalow In Fm immhiir In relient atartor or retlremmt home mottoCommmhl zoning nn CollIer Street the lmlrmnn home Vendor will take back mortgage Nil IIMIII mam mam maul Man Wood on Inilt IuIInr Klnmv Lurv Wood laill lair Imam Jun mew cannon luvllll Mm mm no tnlll mm il mm 110m III IlUNLUl In Mirror uitACIous completely lllllld in hemam homo alluatnd an 100 now In On Towmhlp 11100 nq ii at living are to new nl good working lrnd balnncarlzush will wring in both New call alarlinAllead lor Iurllm drtatla 7200111 or worn THE 151 ti ncrrs our olirregi in Simcor Wily la now will able llrht time altered ha lull running alrcrrm pltt pond Asking 70m nitll terml Plumb cidl Doug Oompboll 72M or 1264420 srmen innit Sunni Eicoilent zoo ncm I70 nrru toiling halutcn In Inuit goo nuthtildingr and ample wnler Innply 5100 IIan rumr Llnmu twin on 90111011511 11n9100 711 lm Amino IIth who 120ml DUNIJO 51 720nm 7REALTOR llnurn Weekdnyn um 51th Itn lovely Ill bedroom renntalrdthmns llenlo crli krnldoNelll much or Innings will N11 lm Lumen In WW null Ir lIIiIIl Crawlolrl lclcr Slltlmbll limin nrlanrli HI llalpir lllanii llIvld ti 1mm WE STAKE oun nrrurnnon on Youngrnww M71113 Near hitting panoramic Ilew Illenlan spring bcoulllttl bIIIiIl trig lmlinn on paved rand Simon Ill3 MONEY MAKER lLi zoning rwrntng horned cnnIpcley lurnirhol and rentI 2d mm bricl llrtch polnnl llal Lou oi narlInn $30000 DUPLEX lttlltlilto aelllnz large and bltiranI wiles brick ani alum lllllm attached garage douhin palod drive Nlca lnmmn pron erly Possible third apartment lrivcsl to sell $31900 11511151111 lilo IilllrldllllE 1hr large home Could he mm lly llinnnnii pool hall pondgt 117 ACANI LAND DUNLOI 31 out lranlnne llllIl whale Colt oilirz irr morn lllltllllll lInn 110010 BAllllllll VANTIII ldcnl location or harhrrihno In neighborhood plaza lrnlrclicnt puienllal N17 ll Zl IIillr lllFIlLL LOIS STWIIEH WILENA IllUIS IF HENRY tlilh 10 acrcn llnni extras in IuIInnr some illliLDthl tnanllh weekend lilo at $13900 uusr sou ion through thl muons nnIII hrlrk DIVISUDW years old One ol homes In 0N cnmplellly corned rimloo linishrd lnrnily 115m Trvyour LISiiNGS REQUIRED CALL 0110 ELlliCK AND IIICIIIu III Darrin Tillie 43 chiller Street llUllllAI RES IxIlMWFTF 1mm rltnsoNALilnn nIDucIu In elm minnow wl nwnlnum emuII running lny wow tilt