mum no lmhllion ti iiig sea Yrs5i r3 momma rnentherairr CHl2iSTiAN lsiANb PR more year Inn to eludu wher which Iiiiboliownbymnoupl It re anal meetings Geor hn leze strulerrr lth eomnuroicalou warren are 065 vs soClETYj Trdrhgn Add Dlltrirt Mer el Nellorrsl es Atynletion Equal an unity or omen la lrnnri one Il it Mneioeio your Initially she held IdltMalCimm Ma nie the min otnleelev Caitlinhm odor in the moderneoridutla uatlon Iuednct oi workinzgulrlde tor In much ll yeen have not yet Iucoreded Inlna their on identity in the United sister many rm lamina in 511 image uliirnoge lr togi rs rouneevoutalde ler company diredulod leader atuana ol then ooolereozu commented that no we amazed It Htl quai iiy ollermlun Illerlddrler rnnil ullmem recreturirr Oea wornIn exp riled the lib lohrned lrommrkln wilhour bones We have trod exposure to level roblerrr mirlnx and deoia me andiu mony euu we do umt oi their work Ind recommend anlutio hid lad hell the rrob llilI Broohy inhouaa aware townie Ian line in altitude we JMII themseivl lult ol rrwll dreer biodivu Conlerencu are in developed with rpcela By POLEY AMER DEAR ULLYl hlye not found weevil to any lood in any unheard or year Nhre Vance read iiIalil piwe oi bru Iun Will out in turn weerwith mesh our grits Ito it would keep the weevil itll This has reuiirworked lor impolite rhniu DEM ltEAnEnsTo Iveld mummy chine lnyour vireo the eryln uy loo not or ohxuei Mvrl have printed morn than once they ital ia also great tor thin butiamauremnnyoimwlil he im Lllhia NotaryPOL DEAR FULLY and DJ0 think erewel work Imuid be MWevered to appreciate aha texture ol tho stitches ly on Herd Irelye keep them an with weekly vrru urnln Irlrty store irarner ateimngd xlilre way olnn ufuche rmcrycanaro In ed to lit of nine Cover the Iliad by Ilulnl velvet or your ribbon elenz ARTiClES FORSALE hm to clill it lint grim Inld Ill Irtlcier rue unstained hinrklnd white lioryrdtooth Hereuion with llllll Ieetlon uo um Md box Iprlrly and mglenw ealruldclrei Fir oureynncrlonl rrrv nu EXAMINIM worrying pours POINTERS nut minm give mrneym rhane tohrlno out end ex ernine their attitudes end eumptltnl tome wiIi nutom toutiy ray lor example the edges Surh pies mil be hatked with musirr and have min or dowel etidt le runf thruuah And then be hurry by OJ ECT he Novmber meeiluxoi the Hey Court club at Berrle Ilil be held It the home at lire Joyce renter shanty Bayeo NW ll DICE LEGION Eleetlooe oi atom in Iodeoendent Order at Forum lur llrm oi dill ill hunbud WWII nth the hinting end the program Abate Belt De rLieit colander ill wi onnf lety on or emhsrenralmef murmur itia unzte mum to makIurI oi oomsnl ereItlla lnirni edutellon and skills in help meet the rhoileoges oi the mrrirrl place The rpellrer troduced iln Barbire Cronrnrtv Ind unlrod by Mini Pat Neil Pruldtlll iirr Belly Alterl ltLte eon who to youth that 10 runny unsung Wm non iuve aornueh Ibiittyewl here term tun inrtelilinn me man lneteitiny Mir Kathy iluh ilnr Banner ilrsr Coral itoyoi Virlonn liosoitei not hire leNewrll ct Kolrrr lied om horn oreserlod to rrr em Armreirnrnli have he mm pieted ler the international Wo menr Veer Panrl in he held It the Conmmrrr Gun Company In the Blue Flame room Csnnr dian Dlrlrion Resident oi ilIorl PW lire Fern sltrer oi Bunt lord will he on he panel All eduentlonIl qulr entitled How well do you rend your newsprpen must to he yery lnterertinI Ind enjoyed by all there pruenL piece ol braided yum KENDM DEAR Julie and Redd Thanh lor your quzeslloru diliererreex ol opinion moire thta world the letemtint it la Sorry but Illll thin been lllul piece at embroidery dev rerun the protection at gim thp nonglaret tnkes hothlnl from tin been oi the work have two pieces at old orno ltroidcry well over 100 your all that In mined with Ian lied that not been done eel eure thevaoulrl hove dolerlo riled yum Ieu FULLY TRYEXAhiiNEll WAiliI ADS PHONE 7mm Heeling Substance Shrinkelilcs laddrlluiiuuintnm emnmlm me rmhuuyrdthms ramer rruurh iruuvm her mind moor Milne Iuhrum with liIVaiilriy la ahrlnk human Jholb yunlm llrrhryrlrlrhu Ill mettle in minutes spam uraniumii MarloweJ in you um rut lllll muy yelllrrnl rain Irlull durum uniram out you llosr treyerull OLIllvuitllll urmnuauulharuu lament all it MIMI eiir rillol elluy neuter All rhh nu momma with IIIital mmllivbyellohirh Inlrkii Irllll hell it all In milliliter erati my hum NI lipDy ll ml lil Olnl Juan and hrnyan inn euer glyl1nammk tar aniline you honey MAM nALewooo moustuarao INCL 1755 SHELL sneorron 0N voun rotinoArIoN by skilled crown NHA throughout such as dpuhioqlazod and insuiglapz wmdowe steel trout door mr aterm doors kilndried study sellsoelmg shingles nlurn poltrt and laicru Hanover Kitchen cabinets bathroom vanity and more Government Grantsendeeon01dernowlo quality Immediate dolrvorv and mbrtoene assistance evarlable on any at our 119 orchrtoctderlonod models Haiildey Hem Sllll Oillce Hwyl Ne Earl at Shell rte Ontario Phone weduunnv Nrurrr will oh the tool at the meet elt nor will ilk illI Dom Camiah the uomto hut toned aim hanger on court in oompielio all ia Ireuurlr om daiultaaeeyoundlvthouta lbeldlwlwheuawwekehthe Mini and look in the mar oi the Suddenly diode me Edih lmre weiivlnorm on Wednudhy evening Dr vii maker Georte Boiler or Barrie prul an no talkin about the em Inimligtlidiiultlxiolmn g2 mu 33 rm or hair and is woven debt into her uewronxrlrr ltzsourter tor retitth he in dynamo wmt Io dramBelt weertot Ioiuee thyblinhiou the Mon The human right Ix It into the sir and main lhaWarucIJo lie untll it um our School Dammit rnll Ipeli en tnreetl and dtlwmdentln tour to out and Wesl any nnznn eunnunrroy lir and Mrs waiter Ooute rrm FEATHEM mum vlhe eelorlu tan or the per mainly mIde hair 00 leather ENGLISH RlDlNG lNSTKUCTlN SPECIAL lly Auolnlmeet only Enerialgler Adult Bel new 091 mulnleo rri heme hIIie ure eel rliny SMALL lm may nApou Winn rumu nnv Mill arer aluminiumen minor Medusa ii my Heir moving best offcongeuling bald spot ovulheapollndodaliiton bridxe Then it taroveutnto the true Mr seenlike the linest Melanie explains hire irnrelliustxotiny by now in wash vlzieh mlte mm or be time men DONT it Although Mn hm tooled loer mvihod oi heir weav lar 25 Itr you on giiiig 553 thatrndooe hueloeea we movinl Io elilly kin to been Hodoenlld the pitteeth uloe ll bold Mu gure badly moweriedthewizdomw perihimlInd wuvlhy on on televa ou Millth pm hIirplocen can be routed wen youdno rdiquh hairy bl that he stayed 031 Turn It IIIurIn Iiai euilarnire an slur Glued lert 1255579 The eleoirical rush hour5 to 7pm Pllmyod mllelials Try to avord It In the winter months early evening is the rush hour torelectricity Families returning home lrom work and school place extra demands on tho electrical distribution system between and pun Lights are turned on the hell tsturnod up meals are cooked radios and TV sets como on These all add to the rush hour trnillo Your Hydro hallo eupplylhe power to meet this more demand The higher the ill 24 59 at power 4809 Anything you can demand thamoro teelltties are needed more transmission tlnoe trenelormere generating untleatl contributing to the cost do to avoid lho rush hour um lighten the load or course you cant turn everything ell this tlme but there are Iomo thing you can do Try not to use the clothes washer dryer dlehweshor and other big app Ilnncoe during rush hour Dont turn on TV untll you are ready to all down and watch It Swttoh oil light that are not needed Tako bulbs or showers later In the evening or liret thing in the morning it enough at us use loss electricity during rush hour itwlll help to conserve veluab roeourcee end to keep costs down HUAUTYNAWI lllvll IINSITIII Mmryu munir ironies lrupurul