Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1975, p. 3

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ls cost ItosInl slrlllo IhelwoIreelpoeulstrlhehu feature In lelrettoe by the Junk YIYntlormnlnlbr lIvaelInoeropennltpropeei edematea Denlleonaeulslnnt me rtnryglremmolthe eornrnll leenledlulmen uIdthIIp plIeItlonIImnenlnthncltye WI dewumt beeoure therelsootIroorIeteervlreto thelmlnlstryothouslulnlm onot IlrReldurIlhndepIrtment unnot mntlone promote the mutton IMWI elrlnn worth the prnnJIon nl the Ys Grove Street Wed bulldth nnloee the YMvYWCA elllrtIlenre more to dellser the deelrlon the cent It hundlnl pernllt untll the ewlleItloo Is Ilnnllred he Illd IWe not meat It Io Toronto ontll Illrr the pestelntrlke II lent to 53 gr E5 or trig rig to on we EEE nys plons pension uljY huilrllng ruldente who hire expanded concern Ihout the em Lgtf 33 or hue requested nollllutldl of the oornrnllteoodocklon hlr Resd told people harml dsn Ilter the nollre II prestel ed to request In OntIrIo hlunlb Ipnl nomnonm henrlnx lor en sweet TINYXAYWCA Wu II leztl noneonlortnlnl vie Inn mldenllel metn the elty Ihe nelnor vmnl muutv ed IreI redurllon In Ielbeeha Ilene the north doe horn the re quired lmto 91KLIn In more In helzht by meet our the pennlttod meet reelrlctlnn Ind reduetlnn In puklne meet trorn In omelnls Ind munhm Ire Involved tn ll nsllllon tund nlslox met In the now ed expenelon awhloh udtl rslelngmpolu lor the proper tree pool lltnue room Ind locker and than tummy Selnts wnlltolhon lhetheory that the more honing lull needlohIe In the 11 the tom the met uld Mr BalV But that bthle ey Ives rep mo hotxreon restdentlal end IntrIII emnslon llonre troupe performs here MJnnnlonon why am tor rig to Ea 5E no ll Eggg L2 an 55 on lot 53 ll 11 Eggg usuolthe Committee recommends NIIEASURINGUP arm rrvxmrlnx we do Allnnlxenl dance company Whhmempulellyu we at rm noynle MM Gm no me meet on me orrn eorrlnn Goth one olthe llve dulm MM iteldlsoEIunds tor hulldingi In lhe second etmol the hull loroeh the unnamed VIhe mo qu lerlollhechnrehollee rtu Chrlel ol Letter Du 8nlntel beIdInz motto weltrtbon turtle Itnrttnx nt 130 In The welx to ralse many tor eoureb nbulldlor prevent the tenet lgnmunlghmim no DYCI DIX III oonrtrutthn melee lhe llnl ttnxe ll the three port hulldlne proirnm we rom pleled to not end Included eon Itrucllon at Sunday School drum on utme The mood Ilene permenenl chapel 1m Ind more elusroornt mt Inletr melted hnLl dowel eon Ferr Ian IRemnlns in critical tondlllon on total Highway II jcroshv norm hurt In tower on IWW 11 death strlp Saturday Is you In uhlnl any fdttnn lloyel Vlctorlnlmlt II In Bards lower our to one lnndbavldlam tt lotto dty that debut the live leyoerd 27 ot Bur lh Ethelhley Gnrrntl 70 ct lomnh ondher ulster Gather Fells torn AND orurrn POOLOIKN ewtrnmln lecllltles It the lllrrrlo YttYW Ire open to lhe puhlle It vnrlou tlmts lhrouxhout the week ohnrves lor nonmembers ol the are 15 cent Irena or as con hetunon eye Kht end 12 Youn elm underutqu tnn swlrn wII lhelr perontt It no chem lolormntlon Ind poo times ennbe oblolnrd Irom the lt It menu nnnnns urem representetlve ol the nth xgtry ol nnturnl resoureeele Iohsdulrdxuest ooher It lhe llnrrlollortkullur Soclotyl annunl dwenh rlluhtr Nov John Iledlnuton rosourm reducntlon olIIcor from the In lorrnIlIon hronch ol the rnlnlr ttry elu spool About Dutqu ond lls llerhumo Socloty members are asked to Jun glItI tor the Chrlrtmn Threo convloled olUlC fraud No mu churned wlth do Ireudlng the Unemployment In lurnncs conunltslon wlll eppoer In provlnolnl court In Berrle dun In November lreth from ehtnvnln two eon vlettonI thuweok Fred Jones of Mount control sold the rourt me my to be heard Nov and 23 Ind Doth Gnrrott In nteo In mint on were Ilstod Insethrnmry modulon by on RVll spokesmen Wei Marlo prwlnclli polite Barrio seed the Gmott our in oorttrvl tort vdicle Cheer hnmpere portlcolnrly can ned goods nuts and candles no word nlght It can rlnxton Puhllo School uudltorlum betllnnlnl II MEDIAEVM PERFORMANCE Uelngoror to wlnd end plurtr rd mlulonl Instruments 0ttn wun renowned Illlett Funny wlll present llrdlnovel tours end donors and modurn loltr range In the Control Collrrlote Audltorlum on ltlonley Nov 10 It Ml pm the mound prosentntlon In thle you Cellezlnte Concert Ser tr over the paot elx your Lem llo Ind hlnrltoret lluxxett Ind thelr our ehlldron Andruw to Jcnotler to Ian end Floor It have porlormrd lo sellout nudlenees more North Itrnlrlen nod In Europe Allmlxslon hy Sollee Seoron Ilokctnr 35 dd ult SJ student at the door for rerrvntlons coll norm RONNIE SCOTLAND snow The Beth Slgmn Phl Sor orlty elly council wlll present the Ilonnle Scotland Show Nov at the Gtorglnn Coll one Theatre The thowwlll Include porter monce hy bountl Cleocy Arth ur Splnh young Stuart larder Inn on ten Itmmy Fletcher and the duo 0t Alex and Kethloon Gr mt Ttohete nt $330 each Ire llnhlby lelo nun no title 912an llmo II ommm ht mty noenon wt two concede woolly troupe bl nlnI dentin lrIIned ln eleeelonl Ind lest hlIroh eneoureged to present nether dance um one Dom Grunt member ol the lntulty uootntlen tnlnk people ol ell up nhl Ilnd Lo Gmupo do It llneo Itny Ite Nst Is unlque entertain hlx Ind proleeslonnl itlcknte It l3 nod 81 am well nhle ot the llunt ourlre end Sens the Record llnn or by cell InK Lhe ovum It 723le1 ex tenelon 230 Church holds loud drive Durlnz November members ol thoSevrnthDay Advenllst gt cnurgn ol uurto will be knock In on llarrlo doore to rolno money or humnnllnrlnn work The church hold the moat arlve to support Its humnnltorlun wort locally nod Ibrondl In ed dlllon to lorrlxn mlslonl the church conduct compound crw IdolI ln Cannon and In my vldod rellel durlnx the hlooee lew flood Whlle the cnmpnlrn Isworld wldo In scope cImpnlrnorm Izore my portlon ol the money rolled In ltIrrlo wlll mnnln In the elty to support loeol com munity errvtcer None ol the money wlll be up edyror local church oporntlnn rx porters the occonllon mmtd oeulnmeuo Port Severn lock Iwomore Weeks inlOeI 16 ueet ohms motored epmo to damn bolero the new bl may or tor en Idditluul Im wed Wu nnultle Imam tho mm llnrry lunke ehnlmtml ol the gldonunont in an vim mtllouidtheexlendedmwn WOW vould Lovth peokol them ammo Inthe Gunman Bu Ind Glamour ems an Banach he to Mt Hootend on on expertmen nex Mn mld eon ohm the nltmny VIM mouldM Hellshlnz on nroxultolncoltls lentan held In Septem mm was surlme her Followln nn oppcol from Inh Illecllve purentlng course ollered by Georgian College Belnz parrot teddy roqulrrn ekltl well no tour so GNtxlnu College xtrmlrn rorvlcer ah Iorlnz on Ellotlhr Inreollnx Ney mums brglnnlnz Nov Destrncd to teach pdronte Illltls to deal more ellectlvcly wllh all members ol the tomll the overall elm ol the course Intreosod lamlly harmony end lbt rlcvelovmeul OI tho chlld Ter rouxso Incorporntes the prlnclplos ot Ienrknx nuthorllles on rommtlnlcrlllan nnd rhlld rearlnr and Is lntondrd to make pnronts more aware ol tbelr he sltlys openv elmmdtmrlxoporm lhenboolprlndpnllnthenltul Ile sold the pool Is tor the us of Benle eltlzrns who here prlr oxlty nver echeel board lure Gm Stoerr Mo nt path In recewtlon sold the clty he admire mo ol the pool and the board In In path the In It Mt Stem bald ho Limb It nmy rosldenl wlll me shtlng the day MONEY 5M1 Ald Gmo Item net the lolnt onburtr ll 33 me mpcrotlon between the clty ml the scth bonnl Is nmltrl Alll Ilawt en the lndlnn and northern attain end pm Mada mtllnmtbn ol the ex for thls one look elrnllnr exportmml In the opmttvl by the department ed transport lellthted lelt the lock ly to warrant the costs cl In oplrotbml ho hertor Ind urolr Inmllye The course mll be taught by Toronto psychoteglrt Dovld We run who wlll ruetapo record Irar drmunslrnllnns rolo plny In and dlsrussone durlnz the prorrom Six nusslolu Nov ll 20 and Doe Iml Il wlll be held rent to lo pun lo Nov nnd Doe ertllous will be hrhl lrom to pm The room too In and those Inlrrostrd ran rcxllttr ut lhe col lrur Auvnnco rtulstrutlon Le re No of the tlr slmooe Coun ty board on Morotlon trustees attentian rpmlrl rncetlng wltb my otllcluls Thuredny they ed tho unIIlrd development of on Indoor Iwirnmlnu pool wl thu hlzh Irhbol IIIII Brown sold the unlllld structure may not reuse many problems or nmrnt olllclals ol the board and thy rouncll hut lhlv mr not be the some lur tuturo INHN Tllr luv xrouls uere dlsouu In the proposal tor the fourth more were won wlll emu uptown mklnl bolus we at the loud He sold the protect nil oLn rho would notllty MN L1 the ow hm InILh It can he done and deem troll be said ltrtok tho the orknrlltnlhos the uhmdethnlbonrtltal hlrh school with thyowed In door pool on Where rlte on the routhmt mrnor ol LIttIe Avenue and Boyvlew Drlrel Io proposals were present to tho ollIcIoLr one Ior unl Ilrld structure In the Itlh rhonl Ind one Ior separate uutllngs to house the school Ind pool Thu malornlvnntnzre ol the unllrd structures nru large cos uvlngr In the mnstruetlon end hotter uttllutlon ol the loud For the worm hulldlnrs the udrnnluuo Ir renalrte control ol the pool by tho tlty WEATHER TWO schooltrusteen leery of cooperation Mr Brown sold he an totem many problems dovrloplnx ht tween the two moot Ind en exnmplo ol hole In lh rd rool end the mold tlx It Is pesolhle problem mount no etIll bed dIstrIct wheel boards Ind Berrle bed Its thtn dont lhtnt thered ho problmrs he sold Another hoard matter portal lllr time min greed svth the Itnlementn would rulher tee IepIrIte Inn lor the development Warmer temperatures Iorecosr Ior Barrio urdo Wormer tempermum Iro toro cnst tor Suturdny In the Dante eren wlth cloudy em The Ntzhs tomorrow Md be IZIDISCmdelxtho7tp 10 Ngh at day vrIlh toolshls low betwch end Cr er Sntunlayt should be mostly cloudy wtth mwpmlltttd In the extremenorthern sectlons ol tho provlnoe lorulon llnmllton Intro Ede Laku lluron Nlnunra western Lotto Onterte eoulhorn loch Bey Smarty teddy wrth lroquont nltnrnoon cloudy porl ods Ind not so rolrl Mostly Wm low Ihnuore In lurh to to Low overnlehtj Iliuh Sotontly It to 15 Peterooroorb enstern OnLIrIo Ilunm Mos mostly sunny entl not en oold Mostly cloudy Saundra mlm euey southerly nlnds to dey hour low oromlxh to Isle saturoey 1100 ll lllxh to II Overnlnhl Fluxst II 1mm 10 On udll Myles Poul Moore ol henlo om tlyrnn Juneau ol ShInIy lay were llnod On Nov the llorrlo Concert lotormuhlnrlrlwstetrmenls Anoelntlvnnlll open Its 1915 nbout onrnlnis whlle couenlnl louder hy prosontlnu the Shev Imulvyment lnsurnnee heno thrnkn ltnslrel Enwmhle MIL roup ol no toll rlnrerr and lnprovlnclet court In lluntr dancer end In orchoslre More glue onIIVodnerdey Iomcs herblue Irll for Im turner 23 ul Dorset wu Ilned no to or eludentt end only 3300 lor slnuter otlence ho obtelned rem llrl Mr Jonu told the eommlo Ilyde WWI 01h conrm 03 Dresue charm Ilnlml prod wlll Include luoplrnlets hall the whoeltherlnlllnlewrtthey Dlolitrllkl no growth 9n lo worktnu or all In nlntosn om nulln uormrnrlnu LII that bowler ovum or mun no runronu RunIn with steer $400 damage Truck drlrer Welter Lemot too of churdrlll had won dun our done to ht whlcle vlhen It colllded wlth eon Ihursrls nlghr lnnlsltlTownshlp Pollen told Ilte elxmonth 0nd deer wee Rules on the rum Common nt lhlte mm olsrrl noorlllghwn ll when Inneon It nus Itruehll lrl pm hlooeomo HORSEMANSHIP 0N CURRICULUM Memento and luIlTIalre on in about whlle no nlolmr Instructor lllnrro Mew ed students tnlto heed at her humn right explains nhot rt ndvko tExnmlnor lltolol to rtudonlr were at 10ny llldInK Anndemy tn oro Tonn uhlp tor the oltorneon to turn the Iumhunontuln ol ruling Norm wore on tho eurrlcu lum lor some Irndo It funk cuts at Ilarrto Ens low Ivor HWY MOI Thuru The

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