Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Oct 1975, p. 2

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in nail let on on he an an midtown allttsonleMnNsude moronic on at nmn do on vmonmnwlnn Seenndory Iehool tong1 dulle John ohoeen ucllltedktorlnn eerty church ehou IvrIeootuu11h NEE III gig $53 E3 nu een zeros meetstd argon to E73 E5 13 ragga Waltontobeoeeno ang ll mummnlwtn MAXI1n mood Ilrn lllllIlnlern umnumu tom thellnlled 32 later Ind lo lye nny endorserrlmls In rnnInLelood by Iloere mm Solitude ll moth that In but we dmt wee ltILll ell by It means In meeunl Verdun IIIqu tloularty to mtruetunnr nepeetr Itetlnc thet these nouldhnve to toe welully re dulslen nude undljull lluum on more Ind upkeep were made Ivelleble IAVE YAMIMND lle MM he mood wlll neonunonrlatlene rude thoe 12 he var plinth In our the elltee ornnlr end mun to lereuon and how this Ortetnottr Pl Seem Int become at the promIII elee tloo the 61mm annular task tom II to meet It the Slmcoe County oomolex nnrlhmdey Nw1snlo In lleentlme Simooe Counly eoundl has been oblahrloz vIouI mm It various moha mu nlelpelltlor Ihout lluxr reoctton to the tank lam mm torridugm namesfooter Llonl Lwru rmnnm channel eenrrptl one wtllJnoon In my mun trellon durum to Mary In lore Ictldn tr eunldaod llA WARDEN eeve Irldhenl eupporledth truront colony wlrdm Iteove lldrnr home el NMtewIIngn In uruln cIutlon In chlrlu wuh ample lImeJlIowod tor lull Ind complete Itully oIIlI Impll eItIom below oltlrnllo decklonsr Dem pmoootlomernlmt In low hleher me out otherI tlrtni muted Iue nutom Jaunnldnle on plated ln with None eIxI truer Home lloe dLzlrntele Ilonr nun lhl f4 or led emanber IIIuMohl Mllclt developed rodlonII ovomntot More roulette lav wet Implemented ttb woe lreolyutod lhbtlt wold reduce letter by ellmtnotlne rhlp llcuhuhut Mlltl hm In trout lurtllled vIbIe oonlentlon IIm tn BImooe County were leer then In rerlollal area even wtthwt Ipoelel lovemrnent me Mfume her mom mmmnnlmnnmnus plInntna nonmttlee lleeve llore Ind Lyllll bl Mldlhnd he min at the Stunner Georgina that tome lmm urn potruoruvml ARTICLES FOR SALE Aheut to the nm on Iold Ill Irllrlee an swarms hlnrlr one llorm ntrtnlly hletllhyeoroeeman made ooumll couurv GLIMPSES ll AFFLICATIONI dIEIDIIIIISIhlEllelll on to Slmcoe Count rlennlnr department nopllootlone Ior romnt IIn rompertlon to In lest you dur In September Elmo Ooun ty enuncll wu Inlormool BRILLIA hrzurruo onILLlv totem Boom 00 wlll be up me he Irlbutl Illvlnv prutlee eplrlrol leve plllen hertood etc In the miner dununeelllqeg nnhets Ir Lend reeelvnd IIlred to Reeve Ken Knoll ReeveLloyd lrldhem oI Sueol dolo Deputy Reeve Art blewsrt nt Penelenuulehene mo th wooden lloore Elm Couple oI Nollswmse corny cornmtttee we rm to mended thIt th newly Item mum polbn It neonu IllllIlUllSl lSlIlIl Ir eetutlon lronl the lownehlp nl Adlnle Ishtnz the condo rnlo lsuy oIIrInwlelIonInd corn munleetlone tn Inume Ounly lloed In extonelon ol Illzhwoy No so he been en dorurl by county eounolllors The salon wet taken on no ommendrelon ol the counts reeds romrnlttse heeded by Dr puly nerve Allen GlIrelord ol Tecumsoth hornshlp Other Ime John ElvaIe mlnlstry he of Chunly llned be ween lllsnww ookrr It meellnl ol the Or to Ind No It In In etlrtv tIllI Womene Prolmtlve Icon slon ol llllhwey 39w eerVIl me Iluoelntlon II St II NIW CONTRACT ntlernoon wlll omLuA tsuln move vntoh would melt them olfL to prurirunucu yur eonIrIrt retloetlvs Sewmhor rIlIInnlor In hre matches ero rent per hour Increase In wnt held eIch Seturdny et Itll pm we Inll In the llollycommunlty rrnlre lleroh Ind IKllII next St nunrs tr Am me we to conulsuoufi her on been Ipproved bych councll Ior rnernhere el lace one at thI lnternItIenIl llro Ihedtood ot Eleolrleel Wolllerr Ihs mlreet com menu unrlnl lrorn lIhorIrI to eleelnelene vIth thn Ioul pow er eyrlem ln Iddltlon to the robot cost or llenr Illwllh ee Is to he pnldnrxt yeer Iuttllled lrornrthe nttlenIl Dd no Index ernznu or Your STIIOUD The lIIrotlnrl ol the lnnIItIl TownshlpChIrnber olCorrlrnuce wlll choose IIIIIII rIIIs eltlrsn el III you on Mon rlw It spedIIIneetJn here tore ere le mold or the honor menmn powerlch numme workshop tor ht Inner wlll he held It Ihe Inn wood mullet Centre on Needey It urn the Slutcoo Conn Castle Armdnlloo llelletretlon com oh no PICK DELEGATES The dlnoeoe Centre lIberII As soclotlon wlll meet to slut do sponsortd by ldlIlttMtoleO cont next Ierrten to the prevlnttII lend plem mhln tonvtntlen onllednol or In tutor ulnnu noucrtorusronrns your lottcrhox by emp oyeel ol Ice wlltnot ho Inserted In onvotopor Pleasecheck your letltrhox portedlcally around the ltme you would norm Durtnn tho current stoppan Inpostel Iorvlcel ulIIIty bllln wllthe dellvered the Commlsllon Ind untll Iurthor not Ln hllllnx run pmolln Iv Iotlsnheendl Ilnnle III II SIM Kon John mom rotten skeetell on in out lnn no cost tutme mount sum Ortllll elty oounetl hos Ipprovtd the purehnse 6130010 tbmtv tor otemwhlrh ls expected to hde ltmd newer sorvlce Ind or my on bllllnp IIKl un PAINSWICK Wmlle than toheln my the met at developlnx Felnewlrh remun Itu perkrwlll he one onSItur dey enlnntm and end In It lehool vounmu cooxsrowu It reereellon II Vulllyblll eluh meetsevery Ihurrdly evenlnt It Coohstwn Cenrel Sohbol The lee II tor renlrtrelon Ind 15 eonle per nme AMI GUILD ORIILIA lStIIlI mew Int el the MINI Uulld ol Arl lete wlll he held It thelr nnrlr ehop on llIrkel etreel Inllhe lorrnsr odllle Creamery bulld lnr on hlondey vain Nov man the unwell nor munllyvlnd to Ind mum he Ire manque lhsorld Ind hevI toV rn not Iht to be WI gt En dedleItod leIn recalll God beedl powerIn the werldto on Ind hmumelt dynenlle Church Brookdlll llle eholr under the dtmtlon ol llr lntuter rendered three theeom reIIxIllon We htm IhlldJl two wee hlr tr on Mondey Mr ltIyrnond ed from twoweek holklu Novn Beetle In llonIId Stall of htrellord celled It the homeo hln ents hlr Ind hlrl Home Stol SotolIlII retumr Ml annual unt enuolnnruj nutter rouunnrloutorrrnv ennui Witt humorouuANuenv 197e irusroln orrtovl 1915 Fund Relrlno pelgn durlrtu Benetduh Week unrnyrsrnrmz wlll be out heduled rum unrtyoun CONTRIBUTIONS our new Aoonrsenr too anymore Mom donate on onanIIonllts nve veneran MdtehouMlooth lloeeulon wltll elorlxe soctlon too sIanI Dell box Iprlru Ind motlrene now ll lehlo octegon teal T019 PM mm broUICKnCTION Int llde TRY All EXAMINER tutu mil ggtm wour AD MW her helv none Illy recolvo your out and Ilwlthln reoeonehle tlm on hello not el It please telephone MlssvJonerot1264242extenlldny220 my Customore are urged NOT to moll payments but to thell hllII It the Bullnnse Olllee lb Eeylteld street or II Inyol the Igehclos Iteted on the hack ol the hlll Oltlro hours are mm to pm Monday throu lrldIy Alter hours payments may he made It the depoallory box locrled It the moth entrance to the huslness oltlce nrrln omen ronoxmuhurltonermr IIIIIIRIE ournnlouoolmm IMHCIIIII onenollu mu KING on onnnm tnnunn none llenrherCenwmlm ll Inttnnln Ilehwry In DI heme Tu fllb to More tel roe were no GRAVENHIIISI on Hm hoooll We whl Walton

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