to it or or r3 re ii $55 53 at iggg or IArnruiio HOCKEY STANDINGS we IymCAXADIANPnl some Wren2n hutIII wallatum gunrumor mnbmn mmd rmmhm in run 2gt r= sr liliesrmrro orcuruuo EXELAIAIIEDJ tonne the st by Bunxh erg lot My out ES the Nl York olen or the hurtlst We IoiilIBiua TWIN plain the tint llu memento NJ ovum mm sun erv whootlmdod turn in Monday Ii INIII three no tnvrllbnnmxtorsin their onoJInI etilt ringing In their esh lhehnogers were told by generll monuer Emile French they tied Ill thren plImdon mime the ptIyer Hooded murmur it out out thi mil lumen will but we use III in ivognms tryoutwith no exceptions4nd ml be hurt better stsrt urn termini or enrrrrrparteu VILLHIUREGONE inncls tollowed do his tlrIdd lithium pruruzc rlriltlt tongues Nlt on mutiny by sendinr uretern routender Gilles Viliemitre to New sch rim tor deieoce Dolls Jarrett lieriiur Bormorgtltl5ienoer contract nod ihv velmeri rolein who needed goalie from Football oornmlh wins Ir oreoIt we ntherhunreturntowtnniper uldfiucsclny Iurt ll it down 00 1le ot co eiton While the lorma CFL nloiar mouldnt saynho neglecting Brenda unnLi him toutill ths hoieiirtt by the lnlury to rover nodWooderd Aioo titcsmn is leaner Rldtr trcrlo Chxile lirnnchn hack Illa urnmosclul Iltempe In the Notional not no Ind the novo dew World Football Music 1hr rilltoot tourInd Bren don vitns the scales It pounds Ind insists not it ohm but Drnmeio mil edit out livedny trial belore rank in snyjdocblou lI hmwiwhai typo oi loot til IIid Its lust coso whether he has lied mush tnet wk reason FOLEY nounriun ltoenwhlie Corinth htenplnccd on tile idey injured lot Iosilaw charley horse and pulled thigh mulclns to heal linilbo Jigs Foley lentil tattle treatment tor sprained trikloraod his status ice the Montreal gme remains llls bonus Iloirever In NHL executle whoresw the no lieu said Borer dire racist Jy oonoyom nr Brnonscnrltnr rlnhln Jructloulodiedtimeoqthl iandclmnsIeInnos nnr IttIododlthove gas piit dn3WdiVeIS CANADIAN Plum nnsindeinb and with the no rimthin six or seven oi Young John Dovlckon so 1on oi Jeers Ind booing irons thallllll emote meiiy hound up on on wine this ln Meyniguneo to An geles Xingrhtmted Wuhtorton Capital to IndAtlsntI Homes edted Vnooouysr Csnirchsw liie Momnhohed been having dstuidvsprohiomsl Ill munglent Into tsltsoin when they lost to the Sabres It Ruthie they tetiennd up SaturdIy by loin 71 to the IsiInden It their too kind Home end then loch llte PbliIdelahlI Ftyero botore mthiul home nmNr HAY Ironic11y the tint oi the Ranger into Villemiire is the one dryer who not be thnssd tor their tstlsptn lie hasnt pisyed urn or them Cnnrrtrhimldmnts rug lheroir no doubt the ml dlmentslsoudi ll Dluihl shoe importnnl outer may Luise int Tats Ika Home the Ne tlensl ilockey Lesguo end you will tlnd tomorrth nod rout Ilcntrrs out they on III role to get the job doi And they Are urong on their Ites nhlcii is oiliiolmportsn Ior youngsters highly eiix rest skating on with poielhl becoueothe irer you do itthe more you will develop strength in your lens It you can get ice time on em loin days it might be helptul tel begin exercises to develop your thighs because there where your power comes tro Should youngeier went to be hockey player holt the bet ter clisncolt he run note With the presence at some tine couch es in minor hockeytheu days the stress Is being Iced on skating From trim young player li Emmoo linobnektt Kart whirlpool 0iiomtie inckle luti lurcotle IDW to bo ully recoierod tro neck iiiury and Md he rrIdy or may detciislvo luck it limer who is touring hilly Wlllloii sprained mke Brenner who holds tile ctti Inlzrctptlon record at it in one some cold oi hs srriwl in or Ian no preheat quick or lemme mild rumors he trtlimiri til the Elue Bomb Ilryodit rumor nitti line him uh ycur and tire dilicr enre ultli Ottawa Wu likt mule itI all now me Then be mp Oitawn lll0 the game it ooepolre lead over lion treulrurrlutreoiimt If tor the two teamlr NOTICE Seriesnt Comon Ilshrlin Idilso Ill thururrrmm tin rm littlest nnriIi Ille AuII Rudy Mixed Can We no Fuel on in Int mny he led willi lite It Ill hrsnch Rum lian oi the lbs loosen hm Wis to to state recited MillieWhen yoiiorlctiu ninto certIin to iorget shout in the puclt mood in inror orstinzbscle welds toward Ind eldowlye itsriu od nork ting Ind ohecklnigW on your otrld Practise your crossovers ilhst is emrstng loinlied title over your right end Vch verse when shunt INN the net The crossover provides tot otsc ceierntlen 0n the tirst isy hi my one lion Id ruzgrsi titrme sh In Work on slotting by getting inlonyour toes then tsktig boutlour or vo ninnlng iiimpo your leer sod youre on your the ohoie thin is quite simple whether you play goal or centre the more protlcten your slutlny 11 playerrcsnlteern the other tuntile better your nine There Irenooeciele to tinting 4538 wuury lnh In one at nnisun oi seniler luu nine6 385 Callinroln GKBQE uuu== loo Anrdeoe WW numernnlght SLWIINYMHS WIIW Wmuw momentum Mlbnlhm lurid WI CInIdiIn Division Qitnc quiredtrommhluulnsnoir some tmb rinsed in the Thursday Ind sum umu Ind return Ed Ghmmln pllyed Sinidoyo rune The weiran dont reIliy Inesn Ihythinz becniso Fund con null then Inld soother plsyer Mm lie lust noted to inshe it elezr hed trldo Inybody on the dub IV sen Francis modder but In nm coon him or tight or nervous And trench ItoA stequ us hirlous Toruilo in other olsyer moves Cilry Iy Klaus City Scouts Io nut nulrrd lorwnrd German Gognon einehmu lrnrn uilcsgo on utvnrs unit New England lini Pronto Icoulrod horn mi tin cege in In nttocusoo tnde Cleveland extend to eod his hriei retire gt West merit and report to Colitornistgtboenbr Stein Sen M0 NuguL munuLouu oecoEejae seem mesa 32 sixoz 85 SEE SPORT SHORTS UNDERGOELS elitism World Itnchey Arsonlatiarmiue FDXBORO hull iAPl was traded Monday to Geigery Munich Jim Plunlrottl ot OouboyI In retuni tor the so NewbglInd PItiiotI will no yeobold centre the worms dergo new surgery Wednos wtlirecelve high oboth in on bisinjured shoulder co next yrsre amateur draft Ind Quick Flimsan oi the NI other unspecied consider wrdwnidBihi ir noun to mu tIlrbsnts he would be out tor lives dose to Inner lil Nacil trulhosos oi the mini Hid Itodiey Assadtier hirior llin PAIIIN PLAY tor series viii meet the tour 04llAND iAP Former in Moscow Selects in In exhi Chtcsgo Birch link player hltlon gsino hero Dec II the Jim Pronto who mused to re litnrthoros Ire ripected tobe port to Criltornu Sells sitter strengthened with other players behir traded in throlirenson tom the league will loin theNetlonsl Hockey mmmlmrm5 latrue tum Sundo liiii CALGARY CPI Mather iicCrwy selleri manner of career hest curling teams the soils announced New in rootinnrd their entries in that 2min memo right the new Cooituy curling use winger hid Irreedln ioln the tie to behold in Calgary during club which is ol io Hid risrt the Grey 01 weeli The event without him The scale lulled will he held ov in end will My niobium WNW i0i hiroliie teams lieadlnx Flight on Jun ir you 1m or 1mm me in curling is Canndisii chrmploii curran mono ilAMNRD iAP Torry Elli Tetley oi founder Bay Cattery who scored 100 points Ont Brier monotone Den bu rookie otthe yearin more tired oi Edmonton THE Grenoiiu FOUNDATth whittliE reorormmo Am STUDIO inn ansrurs IHEATRE IN Vcuiiiviis retiring our sitow only mo PM GEORGIANCO iiroelilirArRe wroNesnAY coroner 29 TICKETSStLon VNOVADVAVNCE SALE memecox orrice ortus At nu Foil FURTHER inroltMArloN out new tor New England Indwas ot Whitehorse Yl Ind tein silo hm en the lmleroguon the tint entered Kirov JOHNSTON Morons Ltd woowsu sr Arrestruin sinus COME ANITIMEIIIIVM Wolllmenis tamponsntioii Cheques and Accident Reports During the current molt dilllcuttlss Ill Workmene Compensation cheques should be collected iron the address below between moo nm Ind mo pm Monday to Friday Claimants Invested to telephone tint that their cheque has Arrived and must present identication showing their claim number Mail to the Workmens Compenration Board Doctors completing Forms Ind employers completing Forms Ire Liked to hive them token to the address below it possible tor the dunttoii oi the mall stoppage tor onward transmission to Toronto Holidev Inn Hwy No 400 Essie Rd Exit Barrie Ontario Tel 7374 800 ililorkmonis oinpensoliou Board Ontario If illitovember1sti tf975 ONTARIOA 1266488