Itiblruiiar 15min ur en mum clam calla or with anothve hrpvtpmilfilii sum WLWIIIMI bu been um ed to notions la not Iiiowlnp countywide planning to become vey could be stopping rtoeo toward uitI queetedr the mic regional govtrnrncnt WI have alum the prod liven iullIttcnilou betore any ter notice It our eo mmIIteI mellow and et other timer uid My Bill Gowmlotknl Orllliatowntbrp merrtber el the cement pinnnln committee oi the county on eotmcllbu been orn oerned about mentnod li IaidrteilnI hat the mills or IV dmd nIl poverty IIch he prime It Icnlon WI Ire concurred bout holdinr dwnpropertr tar or mudi upraclical evenin bout lwldlnr done prvoenyltw MAJOII DZCUIONK AI iulldetalls II poullalr would be given the county coun all Ibout colts involved in who coiler GIIMPSES 111an monument MINESING lEIIIil litporll will be reunited Ind plans div nuaed ortheocwtmnsttbn Innuel meeting Ind banquet oi slmcoe Courty cream producer hall oa iuronlI IIITUA LACROSSE IllLLlA Stain Orillla fuvmiio intlure Icem IDIIll lite minor league title Inr bi Peterl Ilnllicnn church here on lhurrdrr amine th enumeration ith amino liil wont necwra provlndaitlilu In 1011 and It In prme Drilliu iunlar teams also orlllla the 1710 made good thawian In recent years Iilhoutlr they didnt winolni tiller POPPY IAG DA WASISA DEACII twillTI da lor tho ht WY lurid will he by Ilia VIIIgI branch at the oral Canadian union on SaturdIy Nov Nov VII In dull oi th loool mmbcr oilhc rnlllee along P0 datumy yttri or II lurid com illlpiln Itilu il Synndtlnm WII Lvnne Tho Iitmembrancc Day parade Ind service will be held on Tiler day Novll commran 03mph Width no rec vs Initiative Procram mm WA titI min titlrm no uilmrica ing protect iote ItroII the mod Medunte lordship range In prtu train111M lo 114L700 Nur IioonItonI Ski Resort on lbe 7th Concession oi hiedmte med by lho road are raider commotion tor the attende coalition nanny tywiao pinnnlnr More the mom berI Ire Inked to make their ultlmule declrinns cart nur ol vaiuelt war It II Irnportnni that MI be malor dccirlona on trade be IIld rioting Ihir wII Irilrullr iy menningiul at this line when lenml mprraiion hat been Itkcd to help conlIln Ination iliui property eerie hnvn been one oi key lecture in booatlnn the tort oi Mutinr in an earlier period when buildinglola told ior Irnetlon oi odryI prices ur Ilm such wItrr Ind ranltnry requiremenia werc Ianolied with wnnecilnr lint chIrcc end up IIIIIY prld lor lnrnum special local Improvement lIx tor the nu eonccrned The latter waI usually spread over to years Duo In chanen In recent your property prim mually cover weir Iervlce allergen ood plaanlna and wine pro video benefits which help to pro Iect moncrtv Valuer II well Is inmrnved rervlcel it wan Iiruied lIEiJIlAIIED PLAN illmiIIinr lhe Iltuatlan In or iIlII Iownrhlp lirtwa Gowanlocx Inld rodrIilnd oiilclnl law to aim raver neittiborinp iIiche dash lininI Ind blan Iomithlnc II expected to recele lovem ment approval ml on ready by next rprlnp Thin will coniomi to the Couchlchim Ares plan Ind hopelully later wilh any countywide rain which may be III at Imrlbla pinning inr lite and noticed Iuture hi this am raid the Orlllla lnuvnnhip reeve II he Iuln relcrrod thalll We HOUSEbRENTED CLASSIFIED AD liorIIbun rt IIII IeInltad Item title riaultieo so In the Harrie annilIrr Ind lhI MINIll nulrhly rented AIlIiidplI bedroom house ior rrntbmndlooni newly demoted tow per month plus twat Ind hydra lole phone Nalhlnn mull like Examiner CIIIIIIIId ed To plI your own Id all 2414 lot hirhrr than in WWII ulnar71 Irinwrwwafnsi 53 Ireoottobmrna Slaotnu mmrdhjciussrroud ha it an STROIJD mltrood row iortbioworkuebdly wmmymi Miila nun lromell memo immmlm tilting lowilwlihw Irortll theorixlcr tht 1mm lite flwfurl IlioltbteitnieIIlitIln rm tileplmprr tonlaiettlltlrg $wufirngd Iy no Ive been Inor Itirtclle to an cm mJHWu mum Optlmli Club more it corn mu munlly mu Iowanotbu are Ibstosn bILdone by NW ghdploohin widrmilnla mom Ir do imam atrium New 3995 Ilia di1ilculiyIn enloro lng Ibo Ioninl bylsw but he sell for $94900 doubts hiI dmlopnicr will con vat to pcmuneal nonstop with soulhensl of city urvicinr utt the We can remove buihling In lime to We way or park Iud lIedmpieI IroendIbI lnnlrlil recreation compIIx The new mllitondolllr WA Newwldhludw1tllolw my ll Wth nit VP Iliad $1000 ACE IIIDIIWA orrnIn no crime till BEN clitLv ltuuh TollendIl Woodlhirnet II II mgglllugbwguinlhoma legel under lnnirills main by 9151mm mtypdmlpbluthn low but the bi cart miter boltth and the county in nm hevl blc Iccotd hankept warkmnburrdorinr ing in Al hicNIIr oi Abnsco tbepasti2w dIyI1liierehuI hianIremenI representing rior been conddeubiolnstructlon Ilclt lioldlncr the dcvriopcr nonunion thin ngny dtulne contend Wood 14 on learnt Nmm tooth aide oi lake Slmcoc nesr mum mm mm nousron sum ln tinniIiilI min Ia ll or 01000 iinaieryvlilnllon WWW VIM match ml but irndrlll dmiy recite mm mod by the Onttic riowmrnr miiinltfit um entttlon heneuei It notion com ra rorb Irptnnn munlly arena Herbert Jarle families lut opting Iran been Haws Lifhfgdhmglll cl Axlncourt Ind llum Ladle topic at considerable no my mm mlde at aoorlelown run the min rncnt llnpiclly chlnplnl Inter mu my mg tvlnnerI Dr it bIcKeIith eII Ind concern on the role at 10 lioclon wu chairman lor lho fmaunnmiwlw II It Deputy rccye Corrdalile hII MW ma pom uid lrulillllI ncw olilolni plan camp up bIOONSIDNE Stain Clerk cl biedotiiotnonNp lor will try to rnd the use oi rel Wire nrd lo Wildinan plhln min ioryeervround huuo on Ir rec It III IIWIIII hill The Mlmdnin Woods homeI 23 WE mdllu level is situation chI each um WM Ignwrroaidrniollir silica Iii municipalin within the county Inues Ind either our or lire late Robinson hctd the Same pIrIt oi the count thn gdmm 71 Mle ortablletiod am pltnnlnllmm plavedllroedr end iIlIVlgllyl rn cr Iyrem In un inn no Mimll Wm WM build um OliILLiA tsieilii 1an ma llnIllzation oi lllCIlI lint Wm hm Rammed 1th price rubdiitalnnr It Churchill ii Old 00 an mm me mm Ina or mm crrondia IuIt Ibout completed clpaliiles Ind II dolollrlulni Liti 19mm Adm $0me cor on from In othcvr same min III MirrluIII meet interne pI er come under In lieu coapwnrzii wt in 1111700 wllh Iota exceeding mm mm we men AI Churdill llotxilir IlnIliie elr omnil AIlilt tEiIiil Thd l3 are Kellie into Ind how in it It color to edit entrainm an beIore we mike our nal decision lbIeorIIcouid run lean to 111ch between 889000 and THE PUBLIC urlllrlrs comwssrou or THE ill or onion During the torrent stoppayo In postal services uillliy hillI will be delivered to your letter borh em cos oi the Comml ale nd Ii ice will not be implied lg ohvoiopcs WW no gt Plants check your lotler box porlodlcnlly around the time you would nonn ally receive your bill and Ii wlIhln raaonablo time you little not received it please telephone Mill done It 7204242extcnalon020 Cutlomcra are or ed Noti to mail payments but to it their bllla at lilo Business Wire 15 Bnyllcld Slrcrt or at any at the thehclos listed on the baczrof 31in bill oillcylihourebnro ll antithn pm alonng Ihlrou bdlrlday ritplymenlma omtca ade so xocaeatlt main entrance to tho butlneysr oIIice Po ILSoN SltrlliryTldllurlr4 the new hIthui Ippruvrd Ior Wanted lnItit lIrI in Wh county olincil Erreiollillons opposed region government uionunsr Billll porous tonne SWIWA number oi Countcom bbs plucd II that oppoalal Idlonmoldbtmtim durlnlthe pIItdosIdIuoppos ed toroclonnl we DRILLIA ISIIlIi MIMI UPEIA HOWE GRANT wu Initiative Fdlllm grant 91er the Inward lbovcolt oi gall mmw built in own to the lbldr lite toutsinnery trueE line was rebuilt initowln re in 1914 Until wile ti =me wnlar award III in streets PROCEDURE NULEH NOIIIII RWEN isleiIlllules oi proccdggdfllowl Plain men en otilla by blnlchedeshcouncll ior iuture meetings Reeve Gordon Priestnun head oi lite hiatehcdaah council COUCIIICIIIND COUNTY OiliulA tStIIti propon II to III lormsllon oi new county In the Late Couohlchlnp Ire Wu dimmed by Orillla oonmcil beck to row II was shown by old reports it oh nucl ed Mayor OImp II violin or lllla could rave taxes by with drawing irom Simcoe County More Johnston tell tbo lde should be explored lurther and committee waI appointed to look lino needs Ind coda In connecan linilI lnclud FEDERAL propoudreduclu merribcrrbipimbliouwith ltceveEugeoI site were numbers George ticbcrr oltho eoumll oi Danie AiHslon nu lbeiydd Mmmm lt doggoneax in not mu by item Earl Bandit tom all nnli Alien oi election The county council IIbled the re tr part Multitunwlldy may member oi ter In now located In lbco Iorm er OpilliI gnu uilliilu build mm It idwdr and who one present munlci immoral loitu entire Smith Ella Numbrennet lilia then hIdI rep imooousanbl op Iymol hereby en the Hound lllillsrltlllr Letrrli Alto small pincer nativity eannlrio rortortro ion nativity Ahvwrtnnr BARRII GRAHAM ALIEN CAIITAGE 7265055 FodcmlBusnoss Developmentaenk howltpromoios and assists the growth Indoreallon otbuslnass enterplises across Canada FBDdeerioosincluda FinanciIiIIIlIIIncI MInIpImInIcounullIn MInIpomentlrIInlann Intonnatlon onpo merit propramalerboainu you own or manage bush nose perhaps FBDB call ho assistancaloyou BUSINESS iDEtEioRMENfBANVVlI roanshowroom Tel 728607 0ponlnynewdoorslos introduces fat