gt 31 5332 Item Vlc thcoar vb nuanlrngKovm Mot John SprIuIy alll Coorno Ind ll Allumlcedlmtor Bruno Percy Ehle IEumlne PM Brmndlmw OIhIrInJ to In Much rcrnzd It In mourn II good In lorce Tho olun took llltd II lnld nlphr on the nlghl omhn nmlllll lforwunremwt III ow III In mnIrrIIInlwm mung ulIlelongluerdltllong Tho 1151 mid lnrrm1 oltrlt Mom The pmbv produces mould Imamml gm lmvltrlmllm umolrw do llllxmdl or ream mom rllnv Ilka llochelun union board In ovaIII no In gt them In moornlc omhlem tom the vmfuInJm how Co orvItlro nlll hIo tillle no poul that the rcquirrmml lor WW mm MIMI till HPI In Cannon Ibo hllll proved Camila coolant no on per Mm lrlwlllcwmer WM rlud In lhlIIllquon mum mimic on polo an be of PullIrnont tor Ilonlrul WWI WI WNW In Wool not ntrmlad lnllnnmn llxhdun Tm rnoII tmpor loll And Um no commit Quem lInl tlIInLII 111 work robber don mollnn Inclcty ulnessman nnoumnoon Ibo rules would Ipoly In IitItlonI lncludlnxxnwy giedwo on mung oornmmnv Had Small con la OTTAWAjICPl Emnlnto IIIII be nu bi lI IdIooI II no lo help cup nu Cam lulndiul out WW ltIler AuodIlIon IIld It wel glvhgell Ex VI mm llrl2ullrnI Innorncc never count tho hm morI nch mu Some poooleIre on vallan mde mm lllulllllllulh lnauuumm MAIL STRIKE humor ymeu Lirlan INosMILL PARCEL DELIVIRYI Iwmmmwwu Ind Inlay votullorhlmJ Iuytolmnndnntommo amino tontrndlIUon In lholr BARNETOI TORON1 rnrinleItlonI hIlnlItIr Film IIyI woolen nl Juneau IIIII rock ln lIdIrIl rIllItI lIrIl Qtbmlx hydocllon In In dolnr III our IIIr LlhrrIl hold on lhI worklnnlm non In wt when vnlxmlrm hrn dunno hlI dmlon uman gemtolmrlhw ll ou wori If Ionomo reor homo buIlnrsnrun Thruway urml emu tprIyIrI lo wllhhold III In or waiting mpl uvflfuo Ilmll hl wor II at Su mm Alumlmmw lndudrl rnczlvod ItIndlnLo WWme Pl 9m umd than to con It ol pourlul clvll ll told dolrlntu lo lllo mm VII Indrllouwun lllnrtrct tnr Coqu thIt objectlvu ol the Ilv dlnhodlenco would III tludd Irma on IllI vern mznt Ipendlng Ind no wllll no hlrlllor lhm yrIrI Ind nldrrh Mo government Mll rnInInmcnt Ind IquIndrrlnl tupnym money No Iald llll nltllholdlnl II III II Ilwuld rotlllnuo or leu long II tho out olllcl l1 strut Iho wrrcntolrlkc Mr mm Poztrnnstrr InerIl llryco llncknoey IIIrI lut week Ind conIlnuncy olIn In out lnIo rllcct Iollrnt tho mt ollloo would be ktpl ln oporlllon Our Izllon Ihould lam Ihem to out IlIlI plan lnln ol fortll Itrm lI onto WOULD CAUSE BIIOIIIAOZ Mr Luxn Into Illa tIx nlln lwlolnaIctIon nould mull In III ltocrnl novnrnnwnt llclnl ulHlow Iborlnoo Izproxlr manly 00notlllon we Monwhllo Andra Ouellct nlIlcrol conrnrner IM cor rntn IllIlrI Illfltd huslnm than not towend Ilrnn devldn purl to It Iround leo edsr ovlzmmtntI coonomlc con lll um mm to bub he mo woequ would be I110 Icnn Ind would not ho In tho mtlooIl Inlcm Mih Oucllrl lIIlolmdllngilInlmIl In Iltempt ton WI Iloooholn In tho prom Iho dlhmbelnyu uu mum Jurwor ncloly hI allltlzod lhI ro mm IIWIIr IIdInIomuglulnrd Pollellt l7 llowmr lh mlnluer IIld tlu mIln throat to eqully not IIII prolrIrn but In poulhlllly ol noncomollnnco Thnl II tho moon tho mornmrnl wIIl an Iom IhI uldcllnamllh Illll ponIltleI lcIrIonv ruldent ol the CInIdlIn an olCom mere told Iho drlthtu thIl Ihr uldrllnzs dlcrlmlnI nfnlnrt the buolneu yonun oty 11 MIL howivcntnutlrm chImhIr had no thoch but to Inwort lho mtrolnu been the lllullllllEHIIIHCHII mung dnlory nonlrolI or unchocktd ln Illo war both unlhlnknblc It YUKON BENATOII OTlAWA CPl Pllll LII clon 51 onlvllrno dockhnnd on Yukon unrnwbcolor woo nlmod Thunday n1 tho IIrII Ionotor lrorn lehgm CInIdI llr Molar now mayor ut Whllohoruy om Ippolnled lo mm by Pran IllnlItcr Trudeau Under lcalslILlon owed IIIII war In lIrllIrnont tnotsenoto not were madl llIblI lor Northern OonIdIn lor Yu kon one lor Northwzst Terrl WI Tho NlllY mt II IIlll open teenlnerd Ind MOHIEMIM locum Du gm only opooslllon lll ln CInIdII lIrzoulclly Tho lovycartold lll II Illnhtlnlllooltlnn nun7ul hb lnlrnu In Ind oulctt II pooch lnolalo III III lurnod fly from MI onI IIIu two IdtluUhy Iormer communchqu mlnlrlcr vonrd whch he he proplo In IlrI commonlty Io vI lhnlr orohltnu Min nomnmont hurcnucrnry Thlnzo hm ncvzr now In lly Ior llr LIvolI lch ltlI Ichool In My Iunport hlI lIm lly Iltcr hlI lIther VIII klllcd durlng the Second World WIr Allcr worklnn II cm for onIcornoIny III III old all In Imnol In unquIl own In lIochrloxI whm IrI unem Illloynrcnt run In nnor lllycr Icontln Inn wlnler MYB N0 lllJcllllth OTTAWA lCll onv urvnllrn lrodIrInln cnn IlIII Jntk llornrr lrowloott re lorml to Ilny oI commu tIIInnI Thurrdry II he uktd nhrthcr then wlll hi no me In the moon on cooltnl ounlIhmonIr Wo Vollrlnt Itny commu Illblll SollcltorIlcnml erv AllrnInd rnplled In In Common We ayed thI dIII ol emullonx tlr AlIrnInd Inld declIlon Imnt been lunch on lrcI vote wnlch enxhln membcrI to volt by conLlano rathtr lhIn llnl pIrty llnco KNOW You Torry Phi Igmn IIINI lohn hllllo o3 uilrtln out ul IlII lullrat tumult oll II Iltltcrut III to II III chord ol Iltln 1140 1101ch Irma Chmfln 3nd gt durln tour ol III III Isohoofs III VIIIII erI yIo MC UEILA qonthlxdlry ln pollllu hI dld not In no lllI on on Uno oymcnl Ind the lemon lowonto workm NI motor comm In proposed Inlllnnll noulllln hlld on low coma employccs postllon Allrr nll no rm tho lodernl mum um nylon more Iuoporlor hnvo prohlunI wlth overnmcnt llto he noun anyone elm Ilr hwlo Tho novtrnmcnt tellI pmoll lo tlhlrn thelr boltr Wall bells In IIon unturned thn he Illkl Ibout Imutl thl guy lroyn llnchclnznu ADANDONI ILANI OTTAWA cm The SonIII lempornrlly Im nhnndonrd forrAwAI ArAGIANCE Inna lo conlxnuo dchntn on II letoy III to Ibollsh cupllnl nunlIh mrnI llllr wu rumnod Inlrsday by Senator lllnnel Coqnellv nllo Inlrl II II purely on rlcmlc cxorclso Io dlrcuss Ihm mutton buauw ol Sollcllor Clcnrrnl lVIrrrn AllmondlI plInI Sonnlor bouts lloblchludv Inroolnn nald he undcrItood llut Mr AIImInnI hlll would be lnlrodutcd In the Common ln mIdNnvernhol Dcholo on tho SonIlo blll II IonurnId nnlll It leIIo Tuesday Nov 23 In no on dlwuo nllh tho Iormmmn onnELIvsnvnnvwnansminimf NORTHERNIUSINISS GRAHAMALIENCAIIIAOE 7265st llIrrlI OrIlIlI lrlu on Qunbcc mun NYIPn shhnr l7 Illtm llcrylio tllen loath who $435 AorleIPlushl colour neqslo vrwr Ivmnoitmlon olyvon mo urn YWIlIlPLUlMHtHAOl moutan REE EmMATES rmqu In MANV ontomon rotors OFREE SHOPAT IW Ml InoIoLocM rcn ownva HOME SERVICE lltllblt IIIVIII AND Low Low nnzounv mun OEASYBUDOET TERMS mu ll or Imuvv InuADLttan mu on mum nu ma WAIINGUII ALL COLLECT WITHIN Lounon mu um um mom AlsoMILE RADIUS mm ms nu mu Polynropvlono colon 220 shown roman L726=ltli 5le an nnnn hotter um mtnndlni ol the pollen hory MI Drum nrr Photo It Locnnonsl Wcslon Scarborough Brampton Klngalon Barrio OltnIVI Noth any Eudbury SI Cotltorlnon bIult sto lInrlo llllIIlrInugn Wlndm Wlnnlpcn um Ismms