Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Oct 1975, p. 13

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themeaurora work tweewas the loom or awn taking part in semih an at Georgian Gollere Wod tnesdey were showered with hosreaonhtulstlalhst shatter ed more the norm myth and miaoonceptions nhottt tro lmen the worhtoree luly lawh an Otiario hlln womens htlrenu lrh treatment the worth in today almost Li million women work outsrde the ire liyfirrrrrti duringspostoi strike The hernia thahlie ptltilltles cramming Mia poll Nd In puls will berth lax out to residents this will with the city west or haytleldSreet he inx ientered diatom the next lilillmuwmmnry trees me at the msion said res sidrntshlila shill arrive at so proairnetsly thesame time as usual and advisodoeatdeota to green to eye on thdr letter res unison said hlliiwlii not hodndoeodio matllnl enn WIHO said We with questions about bills can rottth the PUG blitzes hy tdrphmlhz the all hell number Tietits and rorvlllss Jones at phantom nt lions the oltrhosald indudlnl any hraaohot the ornrrtmr the eraser perms ciliath twig populallu noer times aumha We in not She Iran on to ttii ml rolled in the mod urnlilar that working women mttnam any ilkindexed because they re chaiere in the lowerh we darlcat tales and serv oeetpauona Furthermore he soldmost stem do not work to that they eanhuy lumrlhi It itllls but hecsuse they artist to Import thenmltes to uid ass mt oi the ionic tore la Ilareh Toronto Dominion mutt there are collection Heavies Altandala Dru Kore llarperl Pharmacy nu alert tnthe Barrie pl Pharmacy at the Hrneoele and at thePUC alike on Day ileld street sottth at Dunlap the PUCsrelroeolnmthhpm Monday om News quiz answers Part Ammo hb Pelt llit Fran Bloom nature Lewis Speakers shattiljsomemfrth qbdut wdmnyin Ework force 1975 were slain dinM or widowed aha slid Sell like these work out oi not iar pin loader 1L1 AIh slid NOT PAID ENOUGH Also many married women work became their haband are not paid mid to Noon tum ll oi two or more children and the vrltaa salary is needed According to the itll census cart at Marlin itth lamiiiea with only one me 00 with petunia lo wlm husband andst Zwue earners van in this category Errlio iohe day Louisa lielmu oLtha international Vo menl Ye Isaeixtst in 0t to lot wnrtrand equal hone its lor women were li from being received As tor the Ontario lorem rneota resent lexishtinn ytddr Fohlhlts theNW oi woman lessjthan men tor the same lob she add it had asrnaayloo eaasltltu suw The luod nistoz drive duh in Bangladesh Week Oct my will mm as sch limo Dorian lurherihaswlthdrewn her oi ikiitl sanctiona Darin motto at City Hall Monday Dr hi It ilashid d1 rodor oi the Mluiesh Villlie Development Reilet Formation was presented with Ian word Kroclnmalloum coolerrkdinl elty new on The oliowlan Dr Rashid was intormodhy hityor Parker she no loer wished to he as sociated til the emulation inelln ail conscience that lAuLuIIHM the mummm Another his Leela Nv tered in mamed women take Soho away than men in Mini W73 the said then were new married woman in the Ontario lahor torso At the saute time there nenpiihm unmptoyed men it all the married women tell the ishor tom and their loha were taken by the moloyrrl mm mm lobe mould rennin emptyhls hols said in addition hum unemtiorrd man do not tom the edueetlen or ttttiia to tilt many or the iohs held mavred mom llia ms also turn to serolo ar stoning should mm irald to yetmxuomea one cause the belie theyll trot pier cotdaldlean widtin two years no ehiei ohildhurlue and to at Dawn that the rear pl on Vtttgseo laud labor terns she II seminar continued today with panel discussions Add strut ler workshop aesslom smooch topica as eareea dneloprnent set mam acd rel Nolan ilongluriesh IWealr goasfoireud despite Withdrawal of support eovlroamnheould easily make ldd aeiieupportiad Dr But mlinuai module and political upheavals have Ivbbed the see or their on and re enatlon ran only Slider that iinattbgai ski PW HMO ll Dr Reshld paraphreaod prime rmiir 33 NW as res to share the nations wealth With less iorttmate countrleo The doctor who is employed in the psychology ht oi Royal Victoria lies tel recent ly violled hlaheiite wintry to loannothoootlyendoreeyvurdisuuahisplaasloraldwlrh tritium Mayor Parker wrote letter to Dr mayor was War as guest oi honor at Bane lalduh Week Dinner Nov at dogged the ihvlliaiiog clam ea was pre elpltated hy the were dis menu that holuotecr lundlt rslserswere to receive Mar cent at their collection as an incentive Dr Nonnmrhrrow Rashtd Bernin er Wednenday the wltmteere the lilaaxtaduh government What Bangladesh needs tor its development is not the trim modenr Aids to lmrove culti vation 1110 only rtlectlve means lo utilise its mass lemma re sources ia the present protect l3 315g gin rrll rt EFE gig zEELE Egl is in El E5 rt Eg it it ight lakes aheadforde amountedyou mlollonlnlWed nieetiaxotth srmmneuoum mr thatmedtox thehosni inll 1175 Not trust and ma smdi surplus pearl it will he the alt WIT Alt end of ex iioaonztalls year boards ta up plied to the atat nua taxa tine whlrn etisctiveiy reduces the mill rate lurnlm ts eolimat unless than one or Dir oi education mu mind the bullet show ed very slight surplus yrhleh men the board will have con aiderebly in to mum to the imam lie added however it us better than expected Superintendent st business Turn shalt indicated the board has toured dellelt budget The tint on must at itana to need its hodrctwotment was Minx slat salaries Salaries noses and urine heooiilamaleu to rcentot the health on hurl get and the report indictted the NJ iii mere lemt Ills ary Ietlicmoat is considonhly in am at the btaiootrd uras as tout earn years are mm so want Earnenlary leachere salaries will exceed the hrtdaeted annual by H100 and the MIX More by 0371300 costot molar noon hour teen ran moo more tiran osrrd tor Ind an ad dlttdhll him was ulrod to pay monet sthool stat Hummuscost oi Ptmld Artists to visit boorda lanthanupxteddndduelo areiaimlymlidwinterant operations were tram lane thn thinned Piers maintenance we Ibo below proleoos mainly be atlml the bonrdncfansudiod sort or pro to the tlaaodai position nmmortatlon is well up run nits $73002 over the rted amount the hour this In due mainly to nddition of three eimnl ll secon dary and vulour hinderyartta ht room own an alanioreed to purchase tune regular classroom Wrtahles and one mode por table It Ml oi 3000 Ihiell were not lined in the Midget Trustee Stewart Fisher at in hisiliaskediiihshoardmnid not drop the noon hour aspen visors sud have the teachers do this lie noted the teachers were hel paid will Add Md unschedulu help thzhoard out Armour Thornton Sid the board study the eupervlslon vroiett herm its neat budget am not convinced this is working Iii tint well he said liir ilermay said matter would be looked late in the Id mlnlstratlva ooundi and would ho brvuthl to the attention at tmhermutee relatlotam ee Tmteo Alvin Gravelle oi Pen Wvoblxledmtn when was done toschus would he loretsi to rush lb duller lunch and allowing them 15 mimics to eat Mr Fisher said hahclieved 15 minutes is tuliicienl Dr llill iron at Stayocr paid it or mattrrall kids schools here boordldeclrles during meeting Canodisn artists mouthed by the Darinlo Arts MdL may sono he wrung tn Sumo Coun ty robots Wednesdaytnlsbl tnth at at Simeon1 may Board or Dd on accept mum whidi would arable individual schools to hire member or the cwnell on dart basis The artist would be Kleclcd by the teachers and printi pal at echool timetable would he worked out add leo dodch on The minimum loo suggested warts per day oi which the Wadi would pay to per ll nustoo Stewart Fisher oi hr nisiii ohiected to the momt the changes are inltiuod at the viilsge level by providinx the villages with some very hesio help to inpaquthem to new iood to edumta them aelvea Ind omanlso their lives vDrriladIid said Dunl his visit Dr lisshid bonus area an idea to attrsct seleeted two viii an as pilot helpers ilaaald he now has discovered it is illein tor lock one hi he Dre film with wait pump from aarltahlo solution to mtheiouodatimio aidin axrltul met Module in this manner aodvohmteer helpers will he tursi ination goal ot $10000 has been set no tunnel fr ior Banadtsh Week llama thrown to will he seihnr lottery tickets will reeelve two tree tickets tor ev ery hook oi it sold Prisca at 000 $500 and true oi 00 will be awmlorl to hold era oi the winning tickets iotlowluy the dinner Nov Dr Rulild has indicated in advep Wis However the city clerks ol i$14ooo donated to United Appeal contributions to the Barrie and District United Appml reached 31433075 earlier this near as the annual lund drive Mood in on it 5000 turret The tells manuals less then lice hasmelrcd aotitteatton that 10 per cent at the ma soil Dr tisshld may wish to extend the duration at the lottery Dr itashid sold may so oxtooslon may be applied to ll ticket talcum not meet linen cmry ocepinhlu torus heiora Im mioesirmrwfmt ant eiiei metered ahsrtty Immedbe id unllwodrlllme ronstltutian states ltio he non rollt non Jusrpnsrrrogf Three ytiliOlri Jciierahy irntlr chewing on brounir it at iallrlttctory method at puestar limo uhile mother illuminat Photo browins urousri tho Autumn Altado held el Si hlsrys Catholic ll rotorsW political and no pious or nation aimed min lyllum csleutyrork in villales ii numerator roruman The country is sandwiched belt tweets lodin and Burma end has population oi about 73 mil lion making it was oi the most densely populated realms irrlito rorld ha primary industry in egr ttna and the iertrle at at whithwiilbeunedl uphyslcaia dwellim lmdvl Themmpznsii iniohlsh xear this week as and tmvohmt lute tolha streets oi the city to benln the intensive doobtw door reauests tor donations maniac ol the drive sroeountinl on the renerous suppottoithapuuiainthetioom Vtwceneoo eor onnvoasore todoor part at the elmpalln to putthe nvertha MW huied the turret to money raised to rhato with mime bvsoecitlrrterdsorrhuvnwl ma on the list Anyone who raouid likato mile donation orniunteer tohelp in the door atede ranvaar ts sailed to contest the UA headquarters nt manor ho tutti drive lialslres stilt end or October btulnesses have whirls Robert Manhslia Georfua College iaotdty member deb trihed his experiences t4 hie lnysin tor merohen oi the human county Chapter at the Association or Prolosdonal tln slum slimy om itr orScrrraasaxranlances savior KW already too to numerous people iron the tem nrunlty tor and these Jack Ramsay nxpiuned this Iwid he an enrichment prom tor the children and at the same limo ltzgpuiri help the artist can liv othu proer no available he said which would king in dire typed oi artists its noted some Toronto schools have rhuwnuntho expertise or varll otts members ol the pertvrmius hm The hauls to pay the artists he explained would be drawn irom the individual school hud iseis and this world limit the number at artists used led by tom Fischer Ill rte Central Coiledate st an Thor ol the i1 euro and Parent Neath uni hitcrantioaa Arnold Min ttaia eonsnlteot to Brown dslt residential and itv tremat cum tor rhdl their and their families is mint speaker ur Ruhlutetn is stir in payphotoxist who Is ment ly cometins his doctorate de moustwoyearstudyottint mania l10 HOURS ThenarrlaPuhlleuhrarychli drenshranrhhasplaoneda childmn story hour Saturday at pan The aimlee will locus on Halloween thenres The no titty is heiny provided tree at rrpupotmioiksinruaao dannm and an orvhartrs hiera an or my be obtained from hire ilyde nurse other mocerts will ineluds duopiahlsts has soloist and the Canadian era Company periorrntox La Doomin Bastion AMBASSADOR BALL Canadas Morphing Amhasea dors and the 2nd Signals we let committee are holding an Amhaasador our Oct at to Holiday inn lilthway The noon The two organisations are iorrner members at the Ambas or run 13d Sinai rerlmrot For in iormatlon rsli Freak Adm til min MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP the miniser at lodrutry and able tourism Ls holdan was ment workshop Oct so at continental inn Registration tee is it and the lesion starts It porn the am is desira ed to show oi cash tore castinz hudsrtlax and Marcia planning as it applies to smell businesses Theaeaslom will he led by John Sayers oi Dunwootly end Oorrrpany chartered aeooua tanta and Ontario Development Corp oiliiclais FALL HIKE The Blue Mountains section at the lime Trail Club is holdllix tail hltre allowing elpants another charm to the colored leaves The expedition leavr the Dtastrooo community Cent loeated at the interaction oi llixhwsys it end it live miles west oi Stayner at so am CllUlll FALL SUPPER Dalston United Church will he the location ior Fall Dinner Ott 25 The lloaltllnzs will he served at part and 30 pm Tickets and lntorsnatlon can he obtained by no cost is per adult and $1 per child VNIFOiLH SOUGHT The First Guthrie Brownie Pack is loohtnl tor uniform or Marshall recently recurred BT31 siren spendiel one and at yearsas to engineer with rm conullan interhatiw ai Development MW in hia lama harm Photol nub memheu MW Who ha tron that lahot how mg used trashed to sell tn MTIIDIEPMY Ilene Crane and loan 14 Inmr ideal artists out he narration rllsplay oi built wort in the mutant wtu or Simona loudly illusersrn The exhlhlt will hse ntothnubledmlnxthe last All or October and mi oi November rmorrolnena moron rim masher rth Presldmt Shhie mitturic the chapter urea to its ried merry Mmhtxbutndim proladooaia and parent aracrar aromas the SW county Board whim PIS ll IF min CNel Rodoay hlnnsxols ahsence iron the maths Um dcr the new mailed Act on ousted may he ahsenl tor three constrain meetings toilets the hoard the absentee are warrenled We en route to the hut mediated maehmioel limi ties lie was the only trustee not in attendance tor the thrwhour meeting amazon lhaermlndVems ni Elvaie till he Palsy this Saturday unvasslnltheirarea rorautvocsotbndesm Mmdlvowmhe xlnatoun stStJohna Unit ed limit Add in expected to LA LECIIE LEAGUE La Ache heme oi Barrie North will hold its second meet laxlnsseries iornurllnzrxtoth ers Oct id at 130 pm at Strahaoo Ave Topic tor the lies For turther lniormstloa eail mam 7281570 arm ART IN BANth Art displays roattaue at Geor sian Callers end the Barrie mis lic Library Rohia Hoppers ex hlhitlnn oi contemporsry term to will remain on view in the Art Builtltnn Georslan Coilene until Oct included in the dis play are writs by Enyllah Jav anssa American Canadian and New Zealsodlpotlers eahls hit may he viewed at to chars Monday throuth Irtday mm litl tlryavotllaa Di mu tin LI and drawlo mtmaeq olOnlerl wiliheproaentedatnarrialuhn tic Library until Oct wlhe dia Iytaopent thapuhlindur iaxmularlibrdry hours MAM5 LADIES NIGHT Del 21 will be Utilu Nllltt tor the Kiwanis club at Barrie The eveniay wilistnrt with social halthour at not para iois lowed by dinner hlemhen oi the clan will he ultenolu the cert by the llsmiitoafhlthm male oreheotro that same era IM ddly naardllhoheldattheliollnr day too hearts on Del Heathen otthe itmntsduh ot Harrie tor whom is club nllht sre riled lhe Dorrie lirellrhteraverrle holds to loll the olttcere utd Wot inxthelranwalatl the stormy run on It mrna Gttitl oi the lorlhamninn

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