imam nidtcrolwmal into tuft in ammo IA and Bcil Ewart might get lit wool to buy twaioid Idroota in in 75 your the conununlt Kaila Calhoun oi tiilladala out also School applet us zoo porn Ind bayoenroilodiailcoamat mucus uithI lind It mnan url crrmrslas ggalsch aldpat and Ichool board Kimon uveracalculaledtora mm with other narrllclpel laud Icitodi board rcvaouu arm auditor to mm rum INCREASED MIDLA DblslllElitric in pa timid polo utilities comrrriutan with lur Ibar ioacou arid ilkclr neat Harlan arrrrulaaioualu colnoldalng new water Iyirwmaca rIl mu mom icr both afternoon and evening ita iipcrcrnt own ved tor hourly rIt rd cmv yew DAMAGE coaurmort ono STATION litll at ralt oi lit our year ior rc aidcnltal and turn rItcpaycrI and tie pchclr commercial chargr lI mIdI tor once lI ruccit nrbaga collection in Ora townririp For twin wrck cal lcctlaa tho charge lI tilt pcr car moan Seillol citiunsiir smug fmfwmu traa awrovcd coautnictlon ot iotrrbay additionlto the lawn Ihlp public work garan It lcost at $80061 MW cltlpriar existing garage coating ALPHED CIIMME leada dclc lau wn community crnlrc it Xnalrtll Township council la amid th mirmcd lolcrcst itnuylna the manlyvacant ti lilncludcd in tho prailt my and llrli Ewart Ichooiartt mam Bulldlngr at Bar ipnmtiro Slmcoo County liaord rlc will do the work or tha orationnul tha prluai township building hII not can ii is ArPolrtrru Alircd Chatrncrl prcrldcrlt bl WW mil Barrio has been lumber kimy club ind mm mm ipital board to ill lhI vacancy canard by the mlgaIiloa oi Clarita Ed Icgation to lnnlalli council advlard by council to Itatlsticr about how unh lNNliL Hurrah mmuuily centre Ind what ur moun The Clly oi Mld bell1331 ma animation plant provida ticiroy club and Brit Eta mung oi humor iar Iaalaiil Irtcluh lwhla mm mm Townsirlp council lhue ldIyI gwpmlla luv While annexation min are Ital lcdcauncll marrrbcra Ire Imit wardr vto mt lo rile plans Drnhart repreacallnldng iaitu about the citya ex pr 1119 pansian plum Earlier thia wank ol tha led Japand iy rreva Blah Constable moat nitInd ml mch loo ed out window and Irid iilnttlno Dllllc who it the dry In so tlcar he could Ial iodrritl money isavnllabia Alli Standing in thc ml dillarwc whoa council approv rd constructional new public onlecaaltol com and am wariu garIgI on the millinc Iiiuy posts are Ivallahla lrotrt council 0r Ardrm uld Dru amvlncirl Sllietltrrrent llbI nica placI iar the MIKE Jimil unlar rillrcna cu Mayor oi llama to have cup alillant with tho inlnlsiry or iii in CONFERENCE mull and racial Icrvi torn council lllDllUltsT sum Am giira lilrem room licil Eert Ii unlurcltlrclra conicra ill Irtnol unit llErottlll ulmy on Baiurdny Dcer 23 will am rcplnccd tiria year it Hilly Military and circu ncw achonl north oi Lei llva tammittta again taking an KliIrncy ilaach achool acllva part oraua rorronrrow Pillar ran and Gilabllshad Irlmnmsu snm rum 0RD STATION tStIlil iirtt muicum Dcnronatrations at iaai mpnliorha lDmPllipdd tarvaahlp rourrcllilor no my rllrilt nn mm lwcn rut oi at tho Slimre County l1le currrntlyacrvlng hrr ihili Arramt Crnlia Society will bo membrr oi the muo apenrd tomorrow at tho county itl Wntiiv axraNn our crawler onlLLIA Siaiit alum ion oi bur routh in all thrro nnccr araita udii be lectured on Saturday Sunday and ihaniw IBk mm mu mm ward to lmprorr rervtcct hora mark tluilllnp Indnurcr arm WV STAT Iidtrwtnd an mm obitaairroncl splarltad weaving and rug irroir irr bc Ihawn or well or bcan approved by tho city rou ncll Olive Creacrnt am will be Irrvea lira south wrrd llill crut lodglin lha north and litoac Ivcnut Irca tho wcrt Jilin IAX team will iSlalIl 0ro FoilMER rVArrnlr tomadmlnlliralioucutar Auasrort taunt lai to coplanar or the Lqu lnrr mcmbcr a1 Simcai County spot which 01mm 11 cuuncli Mauritania in aiiry govc mcnt tub Icrviughia ihlrdycIr red built taxca impo mil do 0091 MCCI will m2 rsduhlrcpnucrrtoinr duo SCHOOL iy anti oi Alltonmuncilnlla them that plum oy moul coI Count Board ft tduah ion Jim Mrotllcy ir aim Kiwi Weird iEIInrlacr Ml acquire Iyscitcois plural Sirocco th lItcr war appointed to provincial uvcrluuaala Nialr ixarvrncrrtl Itudy comb alon la the tall at rm liccaglia IrII county wardca in root amouncununo moan rstpur pm tlorrs tor tho coming curling ua Ion Ira receiving current Ittur tlaa oi Stroud curling ciulr rats arrbua libero willbckncdulu or men ladlrs and iunlor curl ihc iIdch curllua HENRY CLO srnouu avorour boairc irom the Stroud library may bI returned without ctrrte to the lnnlsiil Towulhlp rrutnlciaal ol ilce aitcr Nov The old lib rar bulldlrr will clnrcatihr at Otto In preparation tor demolition lleiora the end oi the yrar new llbrIry tI to open in tha lnnlItil iiccrca Vmili iii 35 Iruc on arm rldi SlIANTY DAY LEVY EIMNTY BAY iSlIlil apccisl rIlc oi 5011 midcnllal and cammcrclIl was lIvled hy Orv lownrhlp in the Shanty my area bcnrilttrrg tram hr street light lt war shown by tax billa Thil levy was calm lured to raiao corona tlai rota charge waa IatimItod to rain til HARVEST IEIWICE THORNTON Slam icr rrrcr rcctor Archdeacon Arnold Vllllltudrl will harm gutIt ng eIitIr Ii thr annuIl harvcai homo acrvlca It It ludcrArlI llcaa church on Sunday Octa bcrii tiluru MIDHURST ily Mil Nltlll We wolmrrle th luv Iliti MM ilarold Kent at Barrio alrcur paetar in iildhtrrIt Ualtcd Charch 0n Sundry Oct it than will br alapcrial Thanksgiving Icrv ica with Sunday School hcld durv lag the aarvica and cannery Everyone la cordially tariicd to attend lira Murgnrct Peacock it client in Privatol Pallenlr Ivlllorl Grncrnl Hospital liar mIny irlcnria wish her awcdy MCDWIT In ucw met at the no at htrr llurrtur liuarcli wilir good ailcndarrcc lint ilillu an an iotzrrailag talk on cl zen litip lllmnar Wright conductcd tho worrhrp pcrmd with tho tnpme Thanlragivlug The next mccilng will ha at tho home at him Dar uhrn wonill cn loll damanttrniion on wrap ping Chriatmaa cilia ilr and Mrs Vrnncr Lamhart and Alice viaitcti lion It thI Royal Aliilityallcge KIan ton on tho wccitwd illra little Montcllh Paola Mrs Extra Smilirarld jhlrI ilorgnrausutton an em or us at to Bill ton and Capovcad llr and lira iiarold Nchovt al WIMP kerI were gucitt at Mr lrd Mra liarac orm rrrtlnlly 5t Paula Ladle had my In rurlai hour on Wrdotr buma oi lira boron callousortvnrr My heard at Arman mar ocroaarr II rm ran ouriulv raisin their problems jiho hard way Iuiaraaniu nour mung bo turth hie onion patch 3th Iarly Initial Illia or pm 11 on Jim batman In qruu LI odourEpic oi dry urly mankn 0t mu cur humor Grainpr view trulbuttag rru naturqu told mimic thc muml incl maulEat in ulwrrid that blowa pp dad liir Dmry rcittrued tc otdSAmdmatlratitlhc mluuudtogctneroitlrotn rItu iar disgurud hydro WW ptritad clttIcns be any higher lilo dlrom rItI or pm mu In do If built thchch mauuwnt reluciInt aultora who am doth mm mm mm 15 btlul it cut make ol rt Eaglvoitarsllu tailed Hm all ourvroadm vgiti continua ihia mt work and 4m tum in later ycIrI will ho to on ny iilw accd Irry rcnrcnr Now to tour my Irdctlr mt i003 IMM My bcarrliiul will aim vbrandan car And am billiard parlor tram icrrrlrpiuc point at rna II it nch Ind tall haadaomc too And rum quoralcra Not Ivonnn can Io lucky in the marriIgI tottrry but II Earl nld whcn ho put his hit two bitch on nag to tho iiru II trial at th BIrrtI Frcr Xian aat win it you doni know any oi thon pcopi aid lltilI TIrnrny ual grt on With 0on about tha truer oluyi NEW racomv Acesutrl llir Jahnatou la Mlnulag aiprtcd iactory and tnoit many oi lhI Elrn trcea which its proccmcd iota builtts htlrrcrlng also it an aid loditrn cwrearian meaninI running watcr ar marlin deer Even gt tirla pleatm day thugme wnr dens panic at the sound at rol licking irughtor crtrolna through the wood in tho loie tall Ivcn lnaa natives atlrlbrda this to the ghost oi lllsrrrlhaha tbc pat ran point at the hunter Illli owling the lilaeaing awanua limnuirilo lnllot iownahlp tho ItppiI al the trout Itraam dmlulrlredlto trickle The wo men in tire rrplurrda making Inning nrcw hr ganlullmr clllad Womena Lib bccartscrutrca lhI trua wcrc all out thI land begin to dry up Tho paraaga at Canada lcmpcrancI Act AW thia time waa thtylaai IlrIw lira IrrrbItilsd latmm lsd hy lir Emctt Druiy oi Dro Township lat tolltlttr and much to warm Iurprisctorrncd government called brlleva it or not lhI United Farmer at OntIrio orUi0 ior ahart la cldcntly Ora TawnIlrlp was pro lt dry loo Elli ii Iccordlnl to II raporta SON OF BARON ladccping EIrani oi Fly at EBJI tor Iirort Willie up lpowcvcr Ind roan got rid ai lhir upItItt tram dimcal Courv ty lhs Scar at lira EIrnnr or thtIvcr you lita to call them or Illartv continua io nria ia tho prrrcnt da At this lu wait to and rzmarkc hum It in than tor able Ind ra uI tlrIir hlasttr Corporal pour llus Ion oi London Ontario is be ing cnnualnlated by Maicr it it llittdtll the mmmrndlntt aliiccr It Coalition Forces Stallonllrauteiuur on his ro crnlIppolnlmcni to tho rank oi matter corporal Matter Oraer Followinl pchIInt wallt through tha woods you won In vited into llrr Oracrahorn in alloy homamado doughnuts and notice Dried nowrrr cl thI caunlrylt aida wen on ulo tar winter borrquzia leut Ivcrdu and disk arr were enjoyed lira llama at llr Gear Coulta lIat Eat urda th iarrrily gathered to gel Air CoullIJJ ih IV Eggs grammarMomm NEWMASTERCOitPtDitAi it 23 Il acrvtm rm bald atllnd Is K0 torvnraura grade IiIahlu MI It lard Unitad church ycalicrdty Ii Coiling niltaorrrmportmaa and Mint Nltinvbochry day ma It the III oi nativaloi Mord lir bl ShOWmcmdsa imam tor Norman iDongri 01A norm tcrr Irpoior rerdpla it 0th public Iommu Vcdmddly Starr ll pa Wdmkl Mailer cow and ram study llngs III pro bocley playcri lrr Ibarrtioymndahowu lilacO or at abilli it peride idry Philadelphia Ar tIariollrerrninorloImm amt Ind alto did Iiinla thr Nlii Ilth llicartrulrnadlw and thI armor Pin York Arrv kn WM Lymwx i1 pl ind laurqu tor Orlllla 5w coils and one at NI youagrr lrammlid um liill attract who latri puiormcdvith Orllll three limo mgr winning loam oi thcrrnlm past prcridenloitbc lind iord Hons atubr titeiimnklpai wt 01 an an admin or loldjilIIlaowII rhatnrrurr oi the Bradtordland Dlutriti rarnmunlty but and it dicply mourned urrp armor drr oi iticndt Corporal lluatan is aupplv tcrhnlrlIn in the Ittpply no tion lia ioluerl the llayal Can radian Air Forcc iilCAltin Jun 1935 arid irar Icrved It Winnipeg Manitoba llc retld ca in tits town at Bwuaciuur with his wlio Beverly cattle acid at tho cu waiver or hundredwelght Light all lower ram wire mcnl prim touts light hotter wcro $143 par ling price cloud to conic per hraidndyr doubt yum ll5iloaderlurkateitlc rvcd on clean it 19 with IalrI to and rrlta $13 mcdlum 5H9 common itrpdr am boacn ran iormcr rm with Iaics to ram 19 AM trail Matt rnrrumn mo ho goodthiybo r1 wllir and an 20 holco ml good II madlran butcher to Alauahlrr Mil an ccntrr nu itll DlDl coII 292 own as ll bulltt rccdcr cattle III th roux Goad Item oranm on prim ataxia ltEEMdd 1H rrllb aatn good atock pier calves toms tort good berch ovcrr MKNI EM Mid din IN ling 12 Ban like was weighted Iverch lav hogs III In Mr and lush transmittal laran 44 light lamb with ulna to 83 III III Idvcrllarl II this lanhfllxamlrm qualich Ad In mid to utmost Iidd iOM uremia inll bot tint Brit otter TIA arm our LiIht mm with rain in ht IiBr am no column now aim roar with lot allelic NOYICE Loaves placed on the boulaverti will he Plctcdrup by the Publicltorlts Doprrlmtnt lo protect road auriace and promote aaieiy resl donta arc Idvlsednqtio burn ltgver on asphIlt auriacos or pleco leavoaon roadways to obstruct drainageL Bylaw 2247 prohibits the deposit at rclusa on City property The cofoprratloav of all lia apprcclaitd NEILL roxcrr Viubiic Worlu Srlparlntendont