Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1975, p. 11

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Zfrtmulm Illatldn Ivmmtostdmmtn murmur DIVI Ruler II 1m Ind bavmt hldlMMWlwlll 21 IIiyigfmvhwmg In Mr ux Div lukxI ol tho NI uonu routout tum Mod blmjlo oooIrIIod brouxltt gum to Mr unto unto Edmonton Illa oboIo Nl tutmIIbII5 IJhlutt IIIIII In an mm IIII domIIIIooI ot Wlcfl root blIwmtm boouru gmulfortxwm IIIIII yur Cutler roll on III my to amino blur Ind bu rom load IrI tho IWIIII tour IIInII to loIIIII otottIIIro related or bII one zoom Ilrld Dill Ind LI Atoll Ior potato ADDED 10 Llll mun oddd utothor Ilom to tlII ol Ironm puhmem Imus PIIIEIIUIIGII AP CIIII Elnnotl IIrdI cIrI rltnth tthr thud tltle nI the dentin tn bow IIIIII NIIIonol IoIruo IoIIIItIt Inu tIIo InoIltcr ItIotowml tho ttarld Into IrIumnh MI III Iludrd IlIIm lur no you Tirrle to OAKLAND API For Oak lnntl II Ivttoto Ibrooyeu rhItItplv relIrI couldJml Inruobt III leo to umblo mlxbt be renlly nun or tnloltt not be IN to throw tho boll no ltel Idmlltod XIII IIoltIth IeIthIndrr who IoIt the Itan In bIIIbIIlo AmonI tIn Lrouuo law In lmtan onII IIIII bu fllchlnf abut tho IIIIII Sor on not th two MI Ittn Inan thought Ibout II no mom lqlt we lost had too Io In our but Iold AI rnonuxcr IIIvIn Dork Imam unrht IItInIoloIII oro down In In Ill outoutta mm II Ito loIo nowi thoroI no InnIorrnuMno Added nuttlnr out boroballr moot uornout portv IrIIon ying III chm IoIaInoI wltuter IIulIImoIt knockedout In tho trvrnth Inning oI Suturdoyo III Ion It llotton ovor rlItItItIonder chkllotntrn who Vl tM or Intn ItIInIIIII GDIND FOR KNOCJWU SENDAI Ilopon All ttIIIIII Bulnl Count boo tomotltbl chamnlon IIodolltt Ilultnrt rIl Iloxtm IIIII Mon dIII llI would no out Int round knockout whrn do tend bu Ittlo IIIIntI JIIWICII rhIIIInxer IIIIImt Numtto WodnwllyInIlbII IIIIUIIII PINan II Irtn Irlt IIInxor nary ltrratt II LIIIIIno mutton brokoILhoI III hom mt hII rlllu ltIrII Euuttyt IthIIIIon IIIton am who ItIrtI tho World on club rom 1ty lorrottI mroltt more at Toronto pruttrld It llld to 1X otrttd In MotorI TOPSIN wrcsoont Iurnod out NIII wII Mould II polnur Iton day thew CIttIrr has boom trutotlto thtrdvsnma olnttrr II Hm mm CLEVELANIII MP Velv oNE SWIMMIII HAS sttoufaooa thIlrol Nmmed YWCAM Ibomootnovrmbytfomdv Ito RACE Ho boolod to Hold pollI ltt LIII Munchkin loo to Boo hlcomot ltrldm to IutIlt pm LInIy Inson Ibo tlrod IM you from IIIlIry stmodmloautmdul ro ummmumtlntt bII IIIII Iltrwmlruor ol Kkkm noun nulIlwn loan to tho ImrIIII drrby dluot mood to CI McFIll ot try Ibo bu plckao tut 1th to BrnIII Mott mun Bornbmxtth Euloro Football Goaler IIcI IcorlnI II III dornlaotod by Molten Gerry Oran oI Ot Rolllh Rldor hot poIrIlI and too It lend Ivor Zooort Andnuyt II II It It mnIo Ar nIIIto III III ronIIr moo Ito lrotl IItoloallorott DrooIbrrr ll IonoIIovolnt cnnvIrIlIt REdS Ithat chance tonight to clinch nine World 5Hle IlI tltluk About lllllll Ito rt thorn Itodt mlnll Enorky Andor Ion IIId II III pulled the tblrd Ind prrhopo IIIIII umo wIIIt Ilttrbuuch Ilutru IIlIrItrdt wholl ruttb IIry oombk= Iorroaktand As BosmurI Iut um um to dun IEO Ind III Inado Inlet rIIIoI Inpquan In tho pIIyolt opener Iloltumou lore ItIrk Illo MI IIootoo ImagoII DtrroII John III watched Ibln In In to through II rIlIIod Ind I0 Ilrlcttd workout hloodoy It Oakland Colltourn otttlo Dark wall with tho Al vllohtnl dIItmmo Wo didnt know uIIlI our mlnuto boloro some IInII Sun on who tboyd bo pltuhtngI Johnson sold to Mt mayo olayotl InII IndrIII out tortttofI IIII tho ouIIlIId fol why ohould marry Mn Irlvonut tttI Ineld ronIIItIed comm to protect II from III rtudy Illll Neltbot ltIruI ltll botnr proclco out only handtul 01 RI Imuotd Ito Na mm In Ither IIIIIII lIAI Iver huh otmtl otter lostnn ryro lvrllel now the no doubt obouI that to III on Iln IIII Illnrlo yulrrl wn rnntttn 11m 4m 7m IIIIIIIIIINII utr JOHNV COUKIIUIIN LIMITED tItt MOIIIIUW ttrI itntttti III Jones It Wm Ittlt Ind ololo to Itasca In to NWW 1N0 Itnuu bo hIIAIITDI Grout In mu II gmmu III Imu It not Hutton II 39371 Pm IIIEoIvIu No II AIIID MIA Mr mu 11 Glbrl0 IRWIN Smllh It LII 1115 mm II M11110 IIIIIII vaTDI Flu Clomroh Ill moot III Kodlnt II INT Be Wadi 1017 atom It Into MottII Androhyr ClIrk ll Vodt bl mu Punt IItIuruI No An IDI IOI INNUAI Yo Honcho IN II Clutch It III II Porter ll 30 111 Illnll MI III 11 Kim Return No II Aurn Allrn out an III CI NIIIIII lullllsl IIroto rooIIII Jobn CIIItIolIrII domtngtod tut urnoo In ClnoInnIll and potuIdod the In It Ibeg on In IlIowcd hut II IIrIto Itto Col lrlra JoI IIIorgoaI our Itrtlo Indth Itrdt turn loIII III III randy mordI lot IuIIII ti IbI PIrItoo Iotluo IudorI In honII nuu buvo yet to blt rm to Ibo pIIyollI Ibwro bolltng III III II on or In no than thou Illur InnIoII WI Ixpr that to IboIII rnutmr Donny Itlur IIIII IIondIy Irom ltII Ioc rbIIr Cindonttl Iron Ito IIII World Sorko In mo undtr BIII lIIcKochnlo III III man your hero IIIIdI Eltcbtr Johnny Bench om born Ibo Iorlralo Ilto polo Iv try tum buI tbmo no III an look out my PIIaIu IIId Itrncb otto III III In nod wtlhouto hot hot III In on IIIt II III In Ibo pluotlt Ino ItIdI Iort to Now IIIIIII Yankow Int llto nu World tIrrIrl Ind tth worI dII Imolntod byBIIleoro Orlolu lolIVl lotl Oakland AI In Im IWovo now Ionohuo WIIIooII Iono DC mm ll In man cum hi Gator II Idem 90313511 Reed IIIBC ILE hchowutt II No IdIAIII DIIIIon or out CImoInIJ 4001 MIMI ll IJIII no Lemmrrmonrn Ill II In MJu It PI run Koo MI 10 WI II IIIIlnl on with un amt um who mmjmuno cm ltnlxbtal nurtn Imm Baden Bahcoda aloud Ion Photo Qntgtanding Word can 11 Winningsr mdttrd IItn mos dILC In htttllnl MM lllllNIlIIl roll McKee P7 Guthrlo DC mom long IIC IIIItbouah It ItIotoon III DoIlrd IV Klrhll mtum NodI boIIIIII or IIIy BC loyotta who tum II nod III ht oIIIJ oIlII Polo Moo III III Rod IturtIuIlI renulnodlroum Ion whotlttr ho olnonod In Ilnouo chum Includllr IIoh from IIIuny Sonoulllen to Du DyuI boltglodcltho plat 1M ltd ll Ill night now ItIIvorII madI Iny tlrolrlott oo tut III do rlou CHEVROLET $15 to Moo Mllruo tutorial Douro Iloton Corr Int IrIIIIII Lntlu mat to month II Emmotlol ItotII OFroI PIcIuoIIIII DIItrIry IAII tlm II mm coIrIot oIIIIIIchIIII MINIAIM III MYTH mom No III III 11 M1 In ma at am III II Itoo III 15 2121 ID uncutrr 5538 104 It I1 IIIarcIII III II 1111 II It IVJ IN I66 SUM III MINI DIlt Inckfh mom Hockey luxuo nouo mmmmmwm olunllmnloolxbr no who tactI Play Munbile WWIIII coIdt burIb Mahmoud Ibo Im IIIlo 5Com owed oolhlnl 73 toutme Ind Humor but munbur Im on tutoI loo cannula Ito lodouot team tth mm In you In loIruI blntory All 11 um II Ibo mutt mow Ind Sat711d pm updater III III mu mad 0on an M14 lullM Idttdulomo under II In nut 1114qu with up Blod Ilom II hn York mum III Iork Linden It ImI Coy Scoou CIIIlor Ill 89 II Allutto Harm lot And K1111 It IIoaLe modluu hub Btu III Mk Rod and VIII $355b mm drot them on ol Ibo MIL IolludINI II mes ExitII mm 19 lul your II PbllldelPNl mm 11 mom an Cup chmle nub fwlf mm anon um tar BIII cremeII It World Ilcchy Amrolion xuuum rm Pbourlx ItoId WWnl druoom Ind SIo Duo IIIrIurro BLUE 105 BUNKR Iltloburrtr ouch Mark Boll OI Honour Ibo Nun In Illl uld It now IhDy hid loot Iorurd rooklo Iodloador Gordon Lox Jony Butler lot mouth with ton Tbo Ionxulnl Im dnlI mm bonI In his loot wlltmd abolto Ibo 3de IAIIIII III prlotlu Ivormd In ml or In pongInlay ml by rookio MIIIII oqun In SIIunIIyo Bury smtth IIII tho Bruln III with Ibo ItIooderI Luton Ihelr Ito otth tho men III III thrlr Iourth rum to as many nlxhu Don Mom bod ItIIdro mooIt Ind Motorin rnIn wotM Inr MRISewn Bonn onus ItocItIII no doubt in my mind lbo NIIIonII lIocIIv Louuo II or IIIIIudI SdunIdtuld MI turn VIII ban to town to overall ddeom VIde IIIoIrd Ito root In mm II II toy to II mrmorl also Irqu record IbI CIpItIII on km on run etkrlem and oorno mum unsung Iholo my pooluv BoikIuI dnLIIIII to ItIII IIIIoII menu Itha Minbot PIIIII or GIry Inna lost umblrrn VIII no wont ph I51 ourIrIIIoI mentally to hm Iood body club It It doIInt mottornhtt II mdo ellpaw III Mtvrno woollen ul how tum Iou llII to curb IomtTbI moot Imoon taut port at auto to menu yrmrotlon Wo dldltt do tII Int you In lor III IotIIIIeIt oean boom to tho tumoro nIorI otonty bu Ionoed than our bolorr hot youo Ilnut tlod IhIII deloblI Fl In In qurotd gun angst amnion Sabrade totem mm ur nun word In Iornblo mm Ml and mm Ibo mIIo mum uo Ind only our ontrul ICIood lotto ruched uImIIIIIIuIa 9321213 Wm ThmI breo IoI oI loll ooul cooob MI Show Impbnol mm Iyotom VIII tho Fly oII lbeto mlly Isnt Iny umI IIIIII IuccruI IloI Ionvlnotd the plum they no who our lboyro good tum Youll ItIId Mettr they hm on tho II Ivln III rontI IIIIII IIltII II Pumd bod tho lo Angela KIM doth Ind Lhall hot IIl Arbour had Ibo IIIIIIdm dolor IItty mm to moon Iblp IIII mm but Im ItII not IIILsIItd wttb the your My Iro Imu hlltl Earn IIIIIII Mud by the number ol polnlI botauto some oI my bIItor xIIrIII havent nroduml on Ill So llII III II rnurII IoughIIr wGrnrrnlIy Iound thI our Hour In oLhII yIIrI wbru you my dLIIpooIntIrIn botIrma he could wall Into Iomo rloIo Ix Ilm no mould have one tur focllttl not the two noIntI thrr than no dld nut looltln III no longer that woyuhrn you attend tum Ito luruul bl tonsltlvr toInIo Iuclt III II town lItIdrro IIILIbursh Atlanta Ind hope no olarI rIIhI In Iron olttrrI Every urno II do In ramp boquu ovary tom II manolnl on on to II that much bottor Tho keyhto wIanIII ulll bo lo ny Iblntlnl pIopIILv beIIm LotIt9 boron and to oan eIchour ortrfl Intro Lt kl Ionr II IPWI Inn rt mom on mlod Lut sown our bl DEVELOPMENT BANK won tho uvrlo Ioni MMIMSMlollm GIL l1 Holt IowImIIIkoynostuoutom IIIIm but quottorqu Rom sun hubl IhoIXIII ollooro Ird IltorIbot Irm IourII Iorno bole to Dotnit Hoof delooco Dllht OoIboJI opped ll Jun mo III Itmdu Ilghlo NIuooII Footholl lawn two nmopoclty mod at 19 TI III Ibo MMo mound on Iobtn III were IIlt Irodmdbeloro Ibo amI but Ibo lmx Inherit tall the VINItal umnbro root of the plush m1 million IIldtum It too end ot Ibo Imo Drlrolt mum hololcu II Saubach tutnu IN thiI quarter donut Info runawa lor Doll II IInaIrhtlo MI IleIoru motes od byILItIoound III Jttbm hub noted QUIIIH l1th are Io manv tuna be down not ullrIriIl IIII Italn on In pooh 11w oltlbattm OoIbuyI no thelr mud to Ma them Iolo Ian II that Islco In tho Iotan Divuon at tho NIllonII Morrow Drtrott now II m1 mood In thoICInIrII DIVLIIOII behlnd Ibo Mobulon MI Vl III Immmuud rItllbo Mom IIIId DIIII mobdorn aevizasng Omsk inITNIIL Icpgng IIII bo out Dan Imam In III gut hIEobtugm Tbolt ployohdttdul on Dotrdt Ian on you lonmtlm lbII III on I30 touchlonto Ibo It quarter fl but not nun Io IoUoch YWW utch tor mm touchdown Peanut lor Inotbor DIIII lounbouutor touchdown lIyud room out two oublab In Puma IIIIr Ibo OouboyI mound uddry Nmbll Ilmumllmdlw yInII IIII wottlu hndry IIIltd II IIan Ior nut to lotushut ono IcIIIJIN tom out be Ilrrcd lbrotuh tho Ilr wlIb Iona tour pletlm In It Irth III In re led MINI Murmur In tho rlmlu IntnuloI hut that long reputed uubodt hour mun ht um amour Hold mu mm IIIILchI thalndnymbout CAREER orrorruNIIIrsI ll IN MENS ItIIIItINo Io STORES no LAIIMQUHI TN llBMW MR ILLIA SGUARI STORI Om MANAGER onsnmur Iron Iltnnozn ocwrrmn MIIIrrmu MEN AND WOMEN mm MAIURII PERSON IMmll IOU AND GAB IOII JEAN EIIQI In mun ou ml tth IrIIo IIIIIpIrooII Wit otperlmco not ll llw $meth llJ unt Ill mono not II me no Ind reward IouuIUt top Iolory Ind omtIlI nutty hm not In IrltIIx IIIItIl ourrtrm tot IIIcK IIILIIYL supmtm ELIII GMUI IIIIB medulla llou mu OponodOcloborEnd roan waEesIabIshod by Paramontto anduoaton olb promoloondasootmoglowm uslnoss amorphousmoss Cartoon oartoulally lhOSGIOISIIlEIOISIXQ somede ovalable Irom 108 and also provdos man 4399010 WWIIHg management halopg govommontprogmmsiorbtomoo Ilyou own ormanagoabuslnoss ororoplonrung oanbo olaosistanootoyou yetmoods Mthtootoskfor Information on do so perhaps F808 Ilnvlla youtodisettss ourtolden theIIdUSlIIalDovoopmantanlc FBDB oxtond lh nanciolassolonooploviously Io We

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