Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Sep 1971, p. 7

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United the male he Empire op alaevan Dairies with center minded hint eggs is now rant their antsworatinytang idltbeir hair edheaketaothnitl ynuimswhliaean nation and Talisman votes so The lin thwart rmtet San rls will hold its second annual odds Soda aalo do Sip tsth irom to pm1et Suuuldale Commanllyuceotaw Ilnrmer Golt out lire Ralph Soelnove eon trains the event In the second assisted by lira Don and lire Rudd his or some inheleddolla mission ery new and old and movies iterating hooks and nines GARDEN ROME Im Flower and Grades aupl plies both will present In eut atehdinl dinner with plants donated by Darrlea well known horticulhntata Earl 0oz lira llowlt and Mr and idea tinny Como New this year Is an Arts and hits booth headed by Illa Court President hire aendllan and assisted by line David Vrhlte who is cur eapoodi secretary tor the lib lira thrill Other members worhlng It the it rum Nil note is hire Suleani flIaenlt hits it Nlren um itavemmit and lire Georre Davies Jewellery lire Mt er litre Smithend Iieylor FLOWERS AND GARDEN Sappltest llrs Douglai Tait lln Garry Campbell lire ll id Bolton and lite Kirk rllooks aae Genes ldrs Rog er Welsman hIra LG hiet res and llrs Hodglns lAttlo Tkeuueea Airs Rising llrs Gavin James Ides Andrew Welsman ltltcheaware hlrs Robert end hire lest but one of the beat the Nomelt Ballot booth will be stalled by lira Derek Ander son hire Ton Rigeiow lire Thd Blselow and Mrs It Idiereon rnomm Proceeds irom the 0th Sees Ssiewillheusedtohuth er the eomnmnlty service work oI the liey Court huh Thelr Youll use The We De ushers were John Geidard bro Procedi From SilurdaysSale Will Further Community Work omjorreauu Cndmie show Spteutloor Brides View Decision ATDiioult One Peeragetry or seven NR AND HRS GORDON ALLAN Dinah David Bell brother at the serum In It mange dellght hridenoon was out man th votes tadsthg the hrldenoonsa mother were streetan dress at eatted brocade in shade ot men and gold with within nurseries tier cer erre III oi yellow rose WEDDING TRIP wedding hi to Eastern Oui Irlo Inllowed wedding The hide were wool tapestry time and coat ensemble In Ihadu oi hunt more trimmed with Irown hlnge and rust messa lea rursage oi yellow terna ilms completed her traveling ensemble Mr and Mrs Dell will make their horn on Sonoldaie Rd In the eity OuIeteltyguestsattln nd weddlu were irom Orillla the Grove Per ilonse drtv Ottaws Carleton Piece Totem luster and worth at thensn to Summit Peterhorouue nI retarded Kitchener Listowel Elora ehlldren Woedhrldeo leilnpton St Ceth lanee to needy arises Rawkutone Alymer chldren entertainment Quebec and Kanata cNIR members Ioddrlv The brides perents Ire lie out atlanIa leierred to mi it we Gddud at Ottaway Ave turtle The 63 oi the Inldeneonr are and tire Allan Bell oi WW0 5L Benin thuotthehtidqaodhelth Moder Reset nitrate atlhe IInil tla Inn erethareoeptionwea he lhamotherotthe bride voreedressandroatnssemhle oi beige crepe and lace iIer proleetr now Include vlellln entertelnln residents What menu doesnt include pie every so oiledand It youre pie maker bet you rervI it otter We hene one thats ereni and dellciorn herem Its an ii It Is nice easy promm psi 35 SE saloons pruinctlon vrltsee but also Is little bland thlateeduied understandins an prism Nam Itelhy wu busy on ABC at evmhsgs old mending the torn irhric of an llyeareld otphsns llle and patrhing up the deterio rating earnings of the rwple who Idoptrtl her Robert Young condone to putray eeotlnelnti the em rerned mm oi medicinehe was meklny ant house all In the episodeend the story was less drama than lesson In human reletions ri E9 e5 aplnaalos and read Ind lIrLIielen Nil Glliord United ninth Women the home et lIrs Kirby OPEN II III pin Trinidad The meeting concluded with social hour Some ot the IIIC member spent the weetend at Simpreeca mo hildlan returning on It MULCASTER normsnorm anon on Parlay torarlouhle crust Scope sliced iresh peaches pla he coo mutilated aurar Nip sttt butter or margare la eon brown ruaar es tbsp quick cooking tapioca top tented almonds or it tap praise nntnleg pecans it up cinnamon II on him nus line pie plate with ll sonarI oi loll Spread loll with butter and press nuts and cup brown sugar Into butler llt bottom mut over this pressing down lightly Ilia remaining Ingredients and turn Into lined pie plate Danuxn rlm oi lower crust and place upper mist on top at peach mixture Seal and trim end prick top to allow steam to eerape Rnuh lightly with milk and bake In Ito oven tor lo mlnvrtea bower heat to we domes and bake tor about minutes or until juice huhhlea through top pt crust Coolandturnnpaidedownremovlnaloll rnn CAKE Willa ISNT EARN and the telephone which never rlnaa are two oi the many STERLING SILVER auntie that REEVES JEWELLERS have lot collectors For those lust starting one needs SILVER BRACELET and REEVES JEWEIJERS here nice assortment at Ill dittereni prices You see by the WNWRRACELETIndCIIARlISIhGOIDmOIherheIn tlInlly trailed Sterling Jewellery such as IIKIICIIIS PINS un RINGS ate are alto to be lound REEVES muses Denise St East llerete TEE PLEASURE oi the little BLACK noise that Where anytime la back and COLLIER HOUSE has some really smart ones Theres little BLACK DRESS by Gordl which sports an antique linlsh allver buckle that has little something extra going Ior lt Also good lookiu and In BLACK are their DOAT DRESSES They carry wide range oi rises and their prices In not out oi line it you want lovely Daytime Evening or Wedding dra styled Io pIrIortlon vitit the CollAER HOUSE ill Collier Bimi met RAVE YOU IEEN Ihelacellitng BEAVER LUMBER have done to their store Its terrific vrl lots more space to display their merchandllo artistically and with consideration tor the buyer Theyve little personal neoka all around the store like the wait ltd3105 with nnieilinl tasu and my nummnn anv VIsitThalntt Barrie Flotation TRESTARS SAY aynrraaursa nnnouncr ENGAGEMENT uodlat mat 5L room tho Ioribeenntiog Gill Aadlm unh Ear marriage ol her daughter til Photatuaphy by larmi Result Joen to DArey 31m Deipltiarouoiltrandltrv DRCdnitlaatteeilarrle TRY WINE IANTADS the mantra will take place PHONE metre Breathe easier thiswrnterwrlh onewTexneo humrldrlier ltrLSbaarIIhIlesi Rattle Nev In Dee It Salim IntAmbition plane are or voted hunt It while Dec 11 Jen ti Call Dnn1 releet rhangea Remem luher that variety II the spice in II ll Ihls could be meals or ralle day unlua you steer were Fob to Mara TI Plates In tlnanclat matters depend on your own ltaigment not that ol others mmnm Planetary Inuences ior this morning Indl ate some dililculty In the art oi communication There will he tendencies toward misinterpre tation even to deliberate distor tion It Iaeta en the pert oI some It will be period In ehleh to be wary earelully evaluau words helher written or oral since the alnenre st exactltnde could lead to serious errors needless srgtnnruLs Fri ltsbeiterlot shoal Indheiter furnitureantlwalllbilJ mule ilieti htagouylhi moretureintheaipA exacts humid iervtiildoltlsitltat Andyoucan otellhestlteporiebteoithehirmce maulcd Eli it OWE we more Items Petroleum Ltd ll Anne at Velelhnm Home it re Nearing RAIN ltrset Your 19711972 Consumers Distributing Catalong is nowinour showrooms 211 full color pages showing savings on over3800 brand name items Pick up your copy now Our catalogue not only shows you what you can save on and how much you can save our catalogue is the basic reason you can save Its simple You shop and choose what you went from our mta Iogue sales cleris salaries and expensive display space savings you llll out on order form more eating get it for you from our warehouse still in the manufacturers carton still more sovingsand you tnlrc it home delivery service savings Th is all there is to it What we dont have to pry for in fancy trimmings you dont have to pity for Here isjust small sample at the brand name merchandise you can save money on appliances by Sunbeam and GE sporting goods by Spniding and Dunlap photo equipment by Kodak and Polsmid housewares by WearEver and West Bend watcha by Titties and Onion luggage by Samsonite and Globetrotter by Dominion Luggage home entertainment by Fleetwood and Gmndig giilwere by Oneida and Wm Rogers toysgames by Mattel Ideal and Kenna Pick up your I97l2 Consumers Distributing Catalogue now THE ONLY PLACE TO GET IT IS IN ONE OF OUR SHOlVROOMSXoulI nd the one nearest you listed below Come on in and stnrt saving money today Get your Sittings Book covering one where SUNWORINY warnenrnn nouns on Get yourcntulogue here resting at eye level tor easy browsing Another root is displaying the smartest Iutlonle gold or silver ilnlshed HARDWARE ior BATHROOliSJ mailINS DENS alt called Carriage House Ieemle out by Althltoctt Speaking ot names look It the high tashlon HUI an Itht SEATS tor bathroom also at uneven turner lll landlord street mus run nnrrrnnn can with has great lhl going ior us every Wednesday because its MDIH DAV means with every CAR WASH on thla day you set lite Interior oi our esr eiean ior tree Nice ahi won their new and updtt computerised equipment their CAR WASH Is Iaeetlent its open from till at night and their courteous smith alone la worth visit to sermon ovum can warn treat tI sad tr 3g$ iithaytleldethrth IarrIe mam limiter nurse When anemoneuninsurth Items such as baby tlllllm or lawn turnlture coat the chrome lightly with petroleum Jelly This will prevent rust and tar eye ior now til Dante Maths lhtultt mt se have he Inooat dun amhmvh

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